1. 国家自然科学基金,**,“大型平流层飞行器流固耦合动力学建模与定点保持”,结题,参与。
2. 青年科学基金项目,**,“不确定模糊奇异摄动系统的滑模控制研究”,在研,参与。
1.W. Zhou, Y. Wang*, C. K. Ahn* and J. Cheng. Adaptive fuzzy backstepping based formation control of unmanned surface vehicles with input constraints .IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.Early Access, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2020.**. (SCI)
2.W. Zhou*, P. Zhou, Y. Wang, N. Wang, and D. Duan. Station-keeping Control of an Underactuated Stratospheric Airship.International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 21(3): 715-732, 2019. (SCI)
3.W. Zhou*, C. Xiao, P. Zhou, and D. Duan. Spatial Path Following Control of an Autonomous Underactuated Airship.International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 17(7): 1726-1737, 2019. (SCI)
4.W. Zhou*, P. Zhou, Y. Wei, and D. Duan. Finite-time spatial path following control for a robotic underactuated airship.IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(5): 449-454, 2020. (SCI)
5.W. Zhou*, P. Zhou, Y. Wang, and D. Duan. Planar path following nonlinear controller design for an autonomous airship.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(5): 1879-1899, 2019. (SCI)
6.W. Zhou, P. Zhou*, Z. Chen, and D. Duan. State Observer Based Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Point stabilization Control of Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles with Input Constraints.International Journal of Vehicle Design(SCI, Accepted).
6. Y. Wang*,W. Zhou, J. Luo, H. Yan, H. Pu, and Y. Peng. Reliable Intelligent Path Following Control for a Robotic Airship Against Sensor Faults.IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 24(6): 2572-2582, 2019. (SCI)
7. C. Xiao*,W.Zhou, P. Zhou, and D. Duan. A Fast Convergence Super-Twisting Observer Design for an Autonomous Airship.Asian Journal of Control, 21(1): 429-438, 2019. (SCI)
8. Y. Wei*, P. Zhou, Y. Wang, andW. Zhou. Adaptive neural dynamic surface control of MIMO uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying full state constraints and disturbances.Neurocomputing, 364: 16-31, 2019. (SCI)
9. 魏延辉,周卫祥, 贾献强, 等. AUV 模型解耦水平运动多控制器联合控制.华中科技大学学报:自然科学版, 44(4): 37-42, 2016. (EI)
10. 魏延辉,周卫祥, 陈巍, 等. 基于 NDO 的 ROV 变深自适应终端滑模控制器设计.控制与决策, 31(2): 373-377, 2016. (EI)
1.W. Zhou*, C. Xiao, P. Zhou, and D. Duan. Path following control for an under-actuated autonomous airship in constant wind field.2017 29th Chinese Control And Decision Conference, IEEE: 382-387, 2017.
2. Y. Wen*,W. Zhou, Y. Wang, and D. Duan. Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) Based Adaptive Backstepping Control for a Multi-Vectored Propeller Airship.2018 5th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS). IEEE: 150-155, 2018.
3. Xiao C*,Zhou W, Zhou P , et al. A fault detection scheme for airship using dynamic principle components analysis with noise canceling based on Kalman filter[C]//2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM). IEEE:155-160, 2017.
4. Y. Wei*,W. Zhou, and W. Chen. Adaptive integral back-stepping controller design for ROV with disturbance observer.IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics & Automation. IEEE:1106-1110, 2015.
1. 魏延辉,周卫祥,曾建辉等,一种深海作业型水下机器人的动力学和运动学估计方法,2017.06.20,中国,CNB