

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-31

姓名:张凯 性别:
学历:博士研究生 职称:讲师
电话: Email:kzhang AT shiep.edu.cn
系所:信息安全系 办公地址:行政楼217室
2017.3-2017.9,新加坡南洋理工大学,交流访问,导师:WANG Huaxiong
研究兴趣为密码学与信息安全,目前联合主持科研项目1项,排名前3身份参与项目近10项。现担任Information Sciences、IEEE Network、计算机学报和计算机研究与发展国内外期刊审稿人,以及PKC2018、ASIACRYPT2017、ACISP2018、ISC2017、Provsec2017/16、ICICS2017/14国际会议审稿人。截至目前,在AsiaCCS、ACISP、WASA等国际会议和Security and Communication Networks、Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing、计算机研究与发展等国内外期刊上发表学术论文16篇,SCI/EI论文12篇,CCF推荐期刊或会议列表9篇。
1. Kai Zhang, Junqing Gong, Shaohua Tang, Jie Chen, Xiangxue Li, Haifeng Qian and Zhenfu Cao. ``Practical and Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertexts in Outsourced Verifiable Computation. ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS) 2016:269-279. [EI检索,CCF推荐会议]
2. Kai Zhang, Wen Chen, Xiangxue Li, Jie Chen and Haifeng Qian. ``New Application of Partitioning Methodology: Identity-Based Dual Receiver Encryption. Security and Communication Networks, 2016, 9(18): 5789-5802. [SCI检索,CCF推荐期刊]
3. Kai Zhang, Lifei Wei, Xiangxue Li and Haifeng Qian. ``Scalable and Soundness Verifiable Outsourcing Computation in Marine Mobile Computing. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID **, 11 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/**. [SCI检索,CCF推荐期刊]
4. Kai Zhang, Lifei Wei, Xiangxue Li and Haifeng Qian. ``Provably Secure Dual-Mode Publicly Verifiable Computation Protocol in Marine Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications. Springer, 2017: 210-219. [EI检索,CCF推荐会议]
5. 张凯,魏立斐,李祥学,陈洁,钱海峰. 具备强表达能力的选择密文安全高效属性基加密方案. 计算机研究与发展 2016 Vol. 53 (10): 2239-2247. [EI检索,CCF会刊]
6. 张凯,张洁,李祥学,郁昱. 2016年亚密会报告. 中国密码学发展报告2016-2017, 2018.1.
7. Hyung Tae Lee, Huaxiong Wang and Kai Zhang*(字母序). ``Security Analysis and Modification of ID-Based Encryption with Equality Test from ACISP 2017. Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP) 2018. [EI检索, CCF推荐会议]
8. Daode Zhang, Kai Zhang*, Bao Li, Xianhui Lu, Haiyang Xue and Jie Li: ``Lattice-Based Dual Receiver Encryption and More. Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, (ACISP) 2018. [EI检索, CCF推荐会议]
9. Lei Zhang, Lifei Wei, Kai Zhang, Mianxiong Dong and Ota Kaoru. ``MEDAPs: Secure Multi-Entities Delegated Authentication Protocols for Mobile Cloud Computing. Security and Communication Networks 2016, 9(16):3777-3789. [SCI检索,CCF推荐期刊]
10. Lifei Wei, Kai Zhang, Lei Zhang and Dongmei Huang. ``A Secure Data Forwarding Protocol for Data Statistics Service in Multi-Hop Marine Sensor Networks. Fundamenta Informaticae 156(2017):1-16. [SCI检索]
11. Yujuan Sun, Yu Yu, Xiangxue Li, Kai Zhang, Haifeng Qian and Yuan Zhou. ``Batch Verifiable Computation with Public Verifiability for Outsourcing Polynomials and Matrix Computations. Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, (ACISP) 2016: 293-309. [EI检索,CCF推荐会议]
12. Lifei Wei, Lei Zhang, Dongmei Huang, Kai Zhang, Liang Dai, Guojian Wu: ``PSDAAP: Provably Secure Data Authenticated Aggregation Protocols Using Identity-Based Multi-Signature in Marine WSNs. Sensors, 2017, 17(9): 2117. [SCI检索]
13. Lifei Wei, Lei Zhang, Kai Zhang and Mianxiong Dong: ``An Efficient and Secure Delegated Multi-authentication Protocol for Mobile Data Owners in Cloud. International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA) 2015:612-622. [EI检索,CCF推荐会议]
14. Lifei Wei, Lei Zhang, Dongmei Huang and Kai Zhang. ``Efficient and Provably Secure Identity-based Multi-signature Schemes for Data Aggregation in Marine Wireless Sensor Networks. The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. [EI检索]
15. 高莹,郑长春,张凯,陈洁:更高效的指纹生物特征加密. 密码学报, 2016(2):157-170.
16. 陈文,张凯,钱海峰:更高效的选择密文安全基于身份的双接收者. 华东师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2016, 2016(6):145-156.

1. 联合主持安徽大学信息保障技术协同创新中心开放课题重大项目1项。
2. 排名前3参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、上海市曙光计划、中国科协、上海市科委重点项目近10项。

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