
Writing an Effective Scientific Paper and The Peer Review Process_上海电力学院

上海电力学院 免费考研网/2018-05-04

讲座标题:Writing an Effective Scientific Paper and The Peer Review Process

主讲人: Kirk S. Schanze

讲座时间:2017-08-04 09:30:52





First, we will discuss the steps towards writing an effective scientific/technical paper.This includes developing collecting and organizing the data, writing an outline, writing the main body of the paper, developing the title, abstract, references and an effective TOC graphic.Then we will turn to discuss peer-review process as it is implemented at ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.Various topics related to the peer-review process will be discussed, including suggesting reviewers, how to respond to reviewer comments, what to do when a paper is rejected, and how best to communicate with an Editor.


Kirk Schanze earned his B.S. in Chemistry from Florida State University in 1979 and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1983. He was appointed a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1984-1986 and began his independent faculty career at the University of Florida in 1986. Schanze was University Distinguished Professor and Prominski Professor of Chemistry at the University of Florida until 2016. He is currently the Robert A. Welch Distinguished University Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He was a Senior Editor of the ACS journal Langmuir from 2000 - 2008. Since 2008, Schanze is Editor-in-Chief of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, the ACS journal focused on chemistry and engineering of applications-focused research in materials and interfaces. Prof. Kirk Schanze has authored or co-authored more than 300 peer-reviewed articles on basic and applied research topics, with a primary focus on organic and organometallic materials chemistry, and is named in 20 patents or disclosures.

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