姓名: Harunur Rashid 导师类别: 博导
所在专业: 海洋科学 研究方向:
学院/单位: 海洋科学学院
专业所属学院: 海洋科学学院
专业技术职务: 教授 行政职务:
性别: 男 E-Mail: rashid@shou.edu.cn
最高学位: 博士
Harunur Rashid(哈如奴儿·拉希德),男,加拿大国籍。曾在Memorial University of Newfoundland(纽芬兰纪念大学)任职,现为上海海洋大学海洋科学学院特聘研究员及上海海洋大学深渊科学技术研究中心研究员。
在Scinence、Quaternary Science Reviews、Paleoceanography、Earth & Planetary Science Letters、Marine Geology 以及 Review of Geophysics 等国际主流期刊上发表论文20多篇,编写著作1本。2016年全职加入上海海洋大学深渊科学技术中心,负责深海科学和气候演变方面的研究工作。
1996年 挪威-卑尔根大学 (Universitetet i Bergen) 地球物理专业 硕士(M.Sc)
2002年 加拿大-麦吉尔大学 (McGill University) 海洋地质专业 博士(Ph.D.)
1997.1-2002.4 麦吉尔大学 助研/助教
2002.4-2004.8 麻省理工学院 博士后
2004.9-2007.8 南佛罗里达大学 助理研究员
2007.9-2009.4 俄亥俄州立大学 讲 师
2009.5-2012.12 俄亥俄州立大学 高级助理研究员
2013.1-2016.4 纽芬兰纪念大学 助理教授
2016.4 -今 上海海洋大学 特聘研究研究员
1. 发现了全球公认的突发气候事件;
2. 发表了两篇《科学》论文;
3. 提供了古代文明消亡与印度洋亚洲水循环之间的联系
[1]The Recruitment Program of Global Experts Thousand Talenttitle(2018)
[3] CanadaFoundation for Innovation (CFI)(2014)
[4] The Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)(2013)
[1] Title: “Abrupt Climate Change: Mechanisms, Patterns andImpacts”,Rashid, H., Polyak, L. & Mosley-Thompson, E. (eds.)Geophysical Monograph series#193, Washington, D.C., pp.242.
[2] Title: “The role of Hudson Strait in Younger Dryas sedimentation in the Labrador Sea”,Rashid H.,Piper DJW,Flower outlet BP
1.Rashid,H., Piper, D JW., Drapeau, J., Marin, C., Smith, ME. Sedimentology and history of sediment sources to the NW LabradorSea during the past glacial cycle,Quaternary Science Reviews,2019, 221: 105880.
2.Rashid, H., Gourlan, A T., Marche, B., Sheppard, K., Khélifi, N. Changes in Indian Summer Monsoon Using Neodymium (Nd) Isotopes in the Andaman Sea During the Last 24,000 years,Earth Systems and Environment, 2019, 3(2):241-253.
3.Linying, C., Min, L., Andrew, WD., Rashid, H., Gang, L., Duofu, C.Reconstructing organic matter sources and rain rates in the southern West Pacific Warm Pool during the transition from the deglaciation period to early Holocene,Chemical Geology, 2019, 529: 119291.
4. Rashid, H, Piper, D JW, Mackillop, K, Ouellette, D, Vermooten, M, Muñoz, A, Jimenez, P, Dynamics of sediments on a sediment starved, current-swept continental margin: the SE Grand Banks Slope off Newfoundland, Marine Geology 2019.01.01, 408, 67 - 86.
5. Rashid, H., Gourlan, A. T., Marche, B. & Sheppard*, B. (2018), An expression of Indian Summer Monsoon changes during the last 25,000 years recorded in the radioisotopes of the Andaman Sea marine sediment, to Earth Systems and Environment.
6. Li, G.,Rashid, H., Zhong, L., Xu, X., Yan, W., Chen, Z., 2018. The deep-water oxygenation changes in the South China Sea since the last glacial period, Geophysical Research Letters.
7. Doss, W., Marchitto, T. M., Eagle, R.,Rashid, H., Tripati, A. Deconvolving the saturation state and temperature controls on benthic foraminiferal Li/Ca, based on downcore paired B/Ca measurements and coretop compilation, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 236, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2018.02.029
8. Wang, Y., Xu, Y.-P., Spencer, R. G. M., Zito, P., Kellerman, A., Podgorski, D., Xiao, W.-J., Wei, D. D.,Rashid, H.& Yang, Y.-H., Selective leaching of dissolved organic matter from alpine permafrost soils on northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 123. doi: 10.1002/2017JG004343
9.Rashid, H., Piper, D. J. W., Lazar*, K., McDonald, K. & St. Ange, F*. (2017), The Holocene Labrador Current: changing linkages to atmospheric and oceanographic forcing factors, Paleoceanography 32, doi: 10.1002/2016PA003051.
10.Rashid, H., MacKillop, K., Sherwin, J., Piper, D. J. W., Marche, B. & Vermooten, M. (2017), Slope instability on a shallow contourite-dominated continental margin, southeastern Grand Banks, eastern Canada, Marine Geology 393, 203-215.
11. Toki, T., Masataka, K., Sumito, M., Masuda, H.,Rashid, H., Yoshinishi, H., Nakano, T. & Noguchi, T. (2016), The vertical chloride ion profile at the IODP Site C0002, Kumano Basin, off coast of Japan, Tectonophysics 710-711, 88-96.
12.Harunur Rashid*, B., Marche, Vermooten, M., Parry, D., Webb, M., Brockway, B. D. & Langer, K. Comment on “Asynchronous variation in the East Asian winter monsoon during the Holocene” [J]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere. 2016, 121(4):1611–1614.[3]
13. Tomohiro Toki*, Masuda, H.,Harunur Rashid& Shinjo, S. Development of extraction method of interstitial water from consolidated sediments toward super-deep drilling [J]. Geostand. Geoanaly. Res.2016, 40: 291–300.
14.Harunur Rashid*, Piper, D. J. W., Mansfield, C., Polyak, L. & Saint-Ange, F. Reply to a Comment on “Signature of the Gold Cove event (10.2 ka) in the Labrador Sea”[J]. Quaternary International.2015, 377:160-162.
15.Harunur Rashid*, Piper, D. J. W., Mansfield, C., Polyak, L. & Saint-Ange, F. Signature of the Gold Cove event (10.2 ka) in the Labrador Sea[J]. Quaternary International.2014, 352:212-221.
16.Harunur Rashid*, Best, K., Otieno, F. O. & Shum, C. K. Analysis of paleoclimatic records for understanding the tropical hydrologic cycle in abrupt climate change[J]. Climate Vulnerability.2013, 5:127-139.
17.Rashid, H., Saint-Ange, F., Barber, D. C., Smith, A. E. & Devalia, N. Fine scale sediment structure and geochemical signature between Eastern and Western North Atlantic during Heinrich events 1 and 2[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews.2012, 46(4):136-150.
18.Rashid, H., England, E., Thompson, L. & Polyak, L. Late glacial to Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon variability from the Bay of Bengal sediment records[J]. Terr. Atmos. Ocean Sci.2011, 22(2):215-228.
19.Harunur Rashid*, Polyak, L. & Mosley-Thompson, E. Abrupt Climate Change: revisited [M]. Geophysical Monograph.2011, 193 (1):1-14.
20.Harunur Rashid*, Flower, B. P., Poore, R. Z. & Quinn, T. M. A ~25 ka monsoon variability record from the Andaman Sea [J]. Quaternary Science Reviews.2007, 26(19-21):2586-2597.[3]
21.Harunur Rashid* & Boyle, E. Mixed-layer deepening during Heinrich Events: a multi-planktonic foraminiferal δO approach [J]. Science.2007, 318(5849):439-441.[5]
22.Harunur Rashid* & Grosjean, E. Detecting the source of Heinrich layers: an organic geochemical study [J]. Paleoceanography.2006, 21(3): doi: 10.1029/2005PA00.
23. Reinhard Hesse*,Harunur Rashid& Khodabakhsh, S. Fine-grained sediment lofting from meltwater-generated turbidity currents during Heinrich events [J]. Geology.2004, 32(5):449-452.
24.Harunur Rashid*, Hesse, R. & Piper, D. J. W. Evidence for an additional Heinrich event in the Labrador Sea [J]. Paleoceanography.2003, 18(4):1-1.[3]
25.Harunur Rashid*, Hesse, R. & Piper, D. J. W. Origin of the unusually thick Heinrich layers H-1 to H-3 in the northwest Labrador Sea [J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.2003, 208(3-4):319-336.
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