

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-26

姓名: 王芳 导师类别: 硕导

所在专业: 海洋科学 研究方向: 疲劳断裂、结构强度、潜水器
学院/单位: 海洋科学学院
专业所属学院: 海洋科学学院
专业技术职务: 高级工程师 行政职务: 副研究员
性别: 女 E-Mail: wangfang@shou.edu.cn
最高学位: 博士




2007.07-2008.09于韩国釜山国立大学船舶结构力学实验室进行 博士后研究;2008.09-2013.05于中国船舶重工集团公司第702研究所水下工程研究开发室担任高级工程师;2013.06-今于上海海洋大学深渊科学与技术研究中心担任副研究员
① 担任国际期刊《Ocean Engineering》副主编;
② 担任国际船舶结构大会(International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress)材料和制造组委员(曾任疲劳断裂组委员);
③ 担任上海市青年科技人才协会理事;
④ 担任中国船舶力学学会委员;
⑤ 担任中国太平洋学会深远海资源环境管理研究分会会员;
⑥ 担任《Ocean Engineering》、《Marine Structures》、《Thin-walled Structures》、《Ships and Offshore Structures》、《Material Science and Technology》、《International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping》、《Materials Science and Engineering: A》等多本国际期刊审稿人;
⑦ 担任‘International Conference of Computing for Engineering and Sciences 2011’、‘Asian-Pacific Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures 2018’、‘International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering 2019’、‘The 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics’等国际会议分会主席。


长期从事载人潜水器安全性评估技术、船舶与海洋结构物疲劳性能、船舶与海洋结构物极限强度等方向的研究工作,近几年先后参与4500米和11000米载人潜水器载人舱结构设计方法、安全性评估方法、材料的综合性能评价等关键技术研究。同时承担了国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、上海市科委重点项目中载人潜水器载人舱关键技术理论研究中的主要工作。对载人潜水器耐压壳、观察窗等结构在作业过程中的寿命分析方法有较为系统的认识,并在耐压壳的受载历程、耐压壳材料循环蠕变的分析方法、循环蠕变条件下的小裂纹扩展规律等方面均做了相关的探索性研究工作。这些研究成果对提高载人潜水器的设计可靠性和使用可靠性具有重要的意义。同时,致力于将较为精确的基于断裂力学的方法推广至海洋结构物的寿命评估。近几年参与撰写英文专著1部(获国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助),参编英文专著5部、中文专著1部。在国内外重要期刊发表学术论文90篇,其中SCI论文41篇(第一和通讯作者21篇;共同作者20篇);EI论文31篇(第一和通讯作者17篇;共同作者14篇);会议及其他论文16篇;教学论文2篇。参与撰写专利14项。论文入选 “中国造船工程学会优秀学术论文”、“领跑者5000-中国竞聘科技期刊顶尖学术论文”。




① 崔维成,郭威,王芳,姜哲,罗高生,潘彬彬,《潜水器技术与应用》,上海科学技术出版社,2018.
② Cui W.C., Huang X.P., Wang F.(2013). Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures, Zhejiang University Press and Springer. ISBN 978-7-308-10450-0 Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou;ISBN 978-3-642-41830-3 e-ISBN 978-3-642-41831-0, Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London(Obtained a funding support of total 37,000 yuan RMB from The Committee of the National Fund for Academic Publication in Science and Technology, Project No. 2010-E-088).(国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助,2013年11月份出版)
③ Cui, W.C., Wang, F., Pan, B.B., Hu, Y., Du, Q.H. (2015), Issues to be Solved in the Design, Manufacture and Maintenance of a Full Ocean Depth Manned Cabin. Chapter 1 in the Book “Advances in Engineering Research. Volume 11”, edited by Victoria M. Petrova, Nova Science Publishers.
④ Wang, F., Cui, W.C.(2014), Recent Development of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Models, in the book “ Recent Trends of Fatigue Design”, edited by Ricardo Branco, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
⑤ Cui,W.C., Wang,F.(2013), “Damage accumulation, Strain-life theories, Stress-life theories” in “Encyclopedia of Tribology”, Springer.
⑥ Cui,W.C., Wang,F.(2012), “The unified fatigue crack growth rate model” (Chapter 1)in Tang P., Zhang JL (eds), “Fatigue Crack Growth: Mechanisms, Behavior and Analysis”, NOVA Publishers.
⑦ Wang,F., Cui,W.C.(2008), “Residual Strength of Cracked Structures” (Chapter 8) in Paik JK and Melchers RE (eds), Condition Assessment of Aged Structures, Woodhead Publishing Limited,Abington Hall, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AH, England, 2008. ISBN 978-1-84569-334-3.
① 姜哲、王芳、孙涛、罗瑞龙、张锦飞、崔维成,一种用于深水浮式平台的机械与焊接组合连接节点,实用新型,ZL5.9,2019-09-17,2/6;
② 罗高生、罗瑞龙、陈鹿、姜哲、王芳、孙鹏飞,一种叶片式摆动油缸结构,实用新型,ZL9.6,2019-08-02,5/6;
③ 张建,张猛崔维成,唐文献,王芳,潘彬彬,朱咏梅,苏世杰,一种钛合金潜水器耐压球壳极限承载能力估算方法,发明专利,ZL20**,2019-07-16,5/8;
④ 张建,张猛,王芳,唐文献,崔维成,张悦文,朱俊臣,潘彬彬,一种高强度钢潜水器耐压球壳极限承载能力估算方法,发明专利,ZL20**,2019-06-21,3/8;
⑤ 张建、王月阳、王芳、张猛、崔维成、唐文献、杨青松、胡勇,分离式潜水器耐压壳卡箍自动锁紧装置及采用该锁紧装置的潜水器耐压壳,发明专利,ZL8.1,2019-02-15,3/8;
⑥ 罗瑞龙、张锦飞、王芳、宋婷婷、崔维成,一种用于应急抛载的装置,实用新型,ZL4.2,2018-12-18,3/5;
⑦ 罗高生、姜哲、王彪、王芳、罗瑞龙、马振玲,一种浮力调节柱塞泵装置,实用新型,ZL6.4,2018-11-06,4/6;
⑧ 罗高生、郭威、王彪、王芳、姜哲、孙鹏飞,一种浮力调节海水柱塞泵用的驱动系统,实用新型,ZL6.8,2018-10-30,4/6;
⑨ 胡勇、崔维成、潘彬彬、王芳,救生钟斜角对接救生钢缆调节器,发明专利,ZL3.X,2018-10-26,4/4;
⑩ 罗高生、王芳、罗瑞龙、王彪、郭威、马振铃,一种6自由度控制手柄,实用新型,ZL6.9,2018-10-23,2/6;
? 张建,杭卫,杨青松,唐文献,崔维成,王芳,张猛,彭伟,朱永梅,双半球合拢式耐压舱的密封结构及基于其的双半球合拢式耐压舱,发明专利,ZL20**,2018-08-24,6/9;
? 胡勇、崔维成、郭威、王芳、潘彬彬,深海潜水器压载抛弃装置,发明专利,ZL1.7,2017-11-24,4/5;
? 姜哲、崔维成、王芳、宋婷婷,临时固定装置,实用新型,ZL5.7,2016-03-30,3/4;
? 姜哲、崔维成、王芳、宋婷婷,桁架式采油平台,实用新型,ZL4.3,2015-10-07,3/4;
? 胡勇、崔维成、潘彬彬、王芳,救生钟斜角对接救生钢缆调节器,实用新型,ZL5.4,2014-10-01,4/4;
? 胡勇、崔维成、郭威、王芳、潘彬彬,具有升沉补偿和张力保护功能的缆控潜水器甲板吊放系统,实用新型,ZL6.2,2014-09-17,4/5。


Bingxiong Zhao, Fengluo Chen, Wei liu, Weicheng Cui, Fang Wang*, Failure Process Analysis of Frustum Windows for Deep-sea Manned Cabin, XXX, submitted.(SCI)
Fang Wang,Weicheng Cui*, Recent Developments on the Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method and its Applications, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2020, 8, 427,doi:10.3390/jmse**. (SCI)
Jian Zhang, Mingqiang Dai, Fang Wang*, Wenxian Tang, Xilu Zhao, Yongmei Zhu, Theoretical and experimental analyses of the free hydroforming of egg-shaped shell, Ships and Offshore Structures, submitted. (SCI)
Fang Wang*, Minqi Wang, Wuwu Wang,Lu Yang, Xuezhong Zhan,Time-dependent axial displacement of PMMA frustums designed for deep-sea manned cabin,Ships and Offshore Structures, submitted. (SCI)
Yongmei Zhu, Junjie Chen, Wenxian Tang, Weicheng Cui, Xiaorong Wang,Fang Wang*, Baoji Yin, Fatigue and corrosion fatigue of 18Ni maraging steel. Accepted by Archives of Metallurgy and Materials. April 2020. (SCI)
Jian Zhang, Xin Wang, Wenxian Tang,Fang Wang*, Yongmei Zhang, Non-linear collapse behavior of externally resin toroidal and cylindrical shells: numerical and experimental studies. Ships and Offshore Structures. https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**. (SCI)
Jian Zhang, Xin Wang, Wenxian Tang,Fang Wang*, Baoji Yin, Experimental and numerical buckling analysis of toroidal shell segments under uniform external pressure. Accepted byThin-walled Structures. Feb 17, 2020.(SCI)
Wang, F., Wu, M., Tian, G.Q.,Jiang Z.,Zhang S., Zhang, J.and Cui, W.C.* (2019), Failure analysis on a collapsed flat cover of an adjustable ballast tank used in deep-sea submersibles. Applied Sciences. 9(23):52-58.(SCI)
Wang F., Wang W.W., Zhang Y.K., Du Q.H., Jiang Z., Cui, W. C. (2019).Effect of Temperature and Nonlinearity of PMMA Material in the Design of Observation Windows for a Full Ocean Depth Manned Submersible. Marine Technology Society Journal.53(1):27-36.(SCI)
Zhang J., Tan J.W., Tang W.X., Wang F.*, Zhao X.L. (2019). Collapse performance of externally pressurized resin egg-shaped shells with corrosion thinning. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 177:1-13.(SCI)
Zhang, J., Zhang, Y.W., Wang, F.*, Zhu, Y.M. et al. (2019). Experimental and numerical studies on the buckling of the hemispherical shells made of maraging steel subjected to extensively high external pressure. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 172:56-64.(SCI)
Wang, F., Zhang, S.J., Yu, S., Du, Q.H., Zhang, J., & Jiang, Z., Cui W.C.(2019). Design and analysis on a model sphere made of maraging steel to verify the applicability of the current design code. Ships & Offshore Structures,14(1),86-94.(SCI)
Wang, F., Wang, K., Cui, W. C.(2015),A simplified life estimation method for the spherical hull of deep manned submersibles,Marine Structures,44:159-170.(SCI)
Wang, F. , Kee Paik, J. , Ju Kim, B. , Cui, W. , Hayat, T. , & Ahmad, B. . (2015). Ultimate shear strength of intact and cracked stiffened panels. Thin-Walled Structures, 88, 48-57.(SCI)
Wang, F., Cui, W. C.(2015),Experimental investigation on dwell-fatigue property of Ti–6Al–4V ELI used in deep-sea manned cabin,Materials Science and Engineering: A,642:136-141.(SCI)
Wang, F. , Cui, W. , Pan, B. , Shen, Y. , & Huang, X. . (2014). Normalised fatigue and fracture properties of candidate titanium alloys used in the pressure hull of deep manned submersibles. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9(3), 297-310.(SCI)
Wang, F. , Pan, B. , Shen, Y. , & Cui, W.C.(2014). On fracture resistance parameter from non-standard fracture test specimens of titanium alloy. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9(2), 177-185.(SCI)
Chen F.L.,Wang F.*and Cui, W.C. (2011), An Improved Constitutive Model to Predict Fatigue Crack Growth Rate under Variable Amplitude Loading with Single and Multiple Overload, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 225(3): 271-281. (SCI)
Wang, F. , Cui, W. (2010),Effect of three dimensional stress state on unstable fracture condition and crack opening level in a new crack growth model,Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),2010,23(1):41-49.(SCI)
Wang, F. , Cui, W. (2010),On the engineering approach to estimating the parameters in an improved crack growth rate model for fatigue life prediction,Ships and Offshore Structures,5(3):227-241.(SCI)
Wang, F. , Cui, W. ,Paik, J.K. (2009),Residual ultimate strength of structural members with multiple crack damage,Thin-Walled Structures,47(12):1439-1446.(SCI)
Wang, F., Cui, W. (2009),Approximate method to determine the model parameters in a new crack growth rate model,Marine Structures,22(4):744-757.(SCI)
Wang, F., Cui, W. (2008),Analysis on the effective position of a reinforcement patch used as crack arrest for plates with mixed-mode (I/II) cracks,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part M:Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment,222(M4):219-227.(SCI)
Zhe Hu, Xiaoying Zhang, Weicheng Cui, Fang Wang, Xiaowen Li, Yan Li(2020), A simple method of depressing numerical dissipation effects during wave simulation within the Euler model, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 39(1): 141-156.
Xiaoying Zhang, Zhe Hu, Weicheng Cui, Fang Wang, A tension instability free smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method applied to elastic solid mechanics, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engieers. 2019年录用, 2020年发表. (SCI)
Zhang,X.Y.,Hu, Z., Cui, W.C., Wang,F. .(2019).On Numerical Stability of SPH Method in Solving 3D Elastic Solid Problems. Naval Engineers Journal, 131(3),131-143.(SCI)
Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Cui, W.C., Zhao, X.L., Tang, W.X., Wang, F. (2019). Buckling of circumferentially corrugated cylindrical shells under uniform external pressure, Ships and Offshore Structures, 14(8), 879-889. (SCI)
Zhang, J. , Hua, Z. , Wang, F. , & Tang, W. . (2019). Buckling of an egg-shaped shell with varying wall thickness under uniform external pressure. Ships and Offshore Structures, 14(6),559-569. (SCI)
Zhang, J., Zhang, M., Cui, W., Tang, W., Wang, F., & Pan, B. (2018). Elastic-plastic buckling of deep sea spherical pressure hulls. Marine Structures, 57, 38-51. (SCI)
Zhang, J., Wang, W. M., Cui, W. C., Tang, W. X., Wang, F., & Chen, Y. (2018). Buckling of longan-shaped shells under external pressure. Marine Structures, 60, 218-225. (SCI)
Zhang, J., Wang, W., Wang, F., Tang, W., Cui, W., & Wang, W. (2018). Elastic buckling of externally pressurized cassini oval shells with various shape indices. Thin-Walled Structures, 122, 83-89. (SCI)
Zhang, Y.K., Huang, X.P., Wang, F. (2018),Fatigue crack propagation prediction for marine structures based on a spectral method. Ocean Engineering,163,706-717.(SCI)
Zhang, M. , Tang, W. , Wang, F., Zhang, J. , Cui, W. , & Chen, Y. . (2017). Buckling of bi-segment spherical shells under hydrostatic external pressure. Thin-Walled Structures, 120, 1-8.(SCI)
Zhang, J. , Zhu, B. , Wang, F., Tang, W. , Wang, W. , & Zhang, M. . (2017). Buckling of prolate egg-shaped domes under hydrostatic external pressure. Thin-Walled Structures, 119, 296-303.(SCI)
Zhang, J., Wang, M.L., Cui, W.C., Wang, F., Hua, Z.D., Tang, W.X. (2017). Effect of thickness on the buckling strength of egg shaped pressure hulls. Ships and Offshore Structures. 1-10. (SCI)
Wang, K., Wang, F. & Cui,W.C. (2016). Comments and replies on the paper ‘Prediction of short fatigue crack growth of Ti–6Al–4V’, FFEMS, 2014, 37, 1075–1086, by K. Wang, F. Wang, W. Cui, T. Hayat and B. Ahmad, Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2016, 39, 1173–1176. (SCI)
Cui, W., Hu, Y., Guo, W., Pan, B., & Wang, F.(2014). A preliminary design of a movable laboratory for hadal trenches. Methods in Oceanography, 9, 1-16. (SCI)
Cui, W., Hu, Y., Guo, W., Pan, B., & Wang, F.(2014). Reprint of A preliminary design of a movable laboratory for hadal trenches. Methods in Oceanography, 10, 178-193.(SCI)
Wang K., Wang F., Cui W.C., et al.(2015). Prediction of cold dwell-fatigue crack growth of titanium alloys. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters): Volume 28, Issue 5, Page 619-627. (SCI)
Wang K.,Wang, F., Cui, W. , HAYATT. and AHMADB. (2014). Prediction of short fatigue crack growth of Ti-6Al-4V, Fatigue &Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 37,1075–1086. (SCI)
Chen F.L., Wang, F. and Cui, W.C.(2012). Fatigue life prediction of engineering structures subjected to variable amplitude loading using the improved crack growth rate model. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 35(3): 278-290. (SCI)
Cui W.C., Wang F.and Huang X.P.(2011), A Unified Fatigue Life Prediction (UFLP) Method for Marine Structures, Presented in the workshop at DTU to honor prof. Preben Terndrup Pedersen's 70th birthday, Oct. 29,2010 and MARINE STRUCTURES,Vol.24, No.2, 153-181. (SCI)
Wang, Y.F., Cui, W.C., Wu, X.Y., Wang, F., Huang, X.P.(2008). The extended McEvily model for fatigue crack growth analysis of Metal Structures, International Journal of Fatigue, 30: 1851–1860. (SCI)
Mian Wu, Fang Wang*, Ruilong Luo, Crack evaluation of an ultra-high-pressure chamber used for deep-sea environment simulation, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2020年录用. (EI)
于爽, 胡勇, 王芳*, 杨青松, & 崔维成. (2019). 全海深载人潜水器超高强度钢制载人球壳的极限强度分析与模型试验. 船舶力学(1), 51-57.(EI)
Wang, F., Jiang, Z, Cui, W.C.(2018), Low-cycle dwell-fatigue life and failure mode of a candidate titanium alloy material TB19 for full-ocean-depth manned cabin, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.22, No.6, pp.727-735.(EI)
Zhang S.J., Wang, F.*, Cui, W. C.,(2018). Fatigue Crack Growth Properties of 18Ni(250) and 18Ni(350) Used for Full-Ocean-Depth Pressure Hull,Journal of Ship Mechanics.22(12):1540-1548.(EI)
Wang, F.,Wang, Y.Y., Cui, W.C., (2016). Prediction of crack growth rates of a high strength titanium alloy for deep sea pressure hull under three loading patterns, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.20, No.6, pp.699-709. (EI)
Wang, F., Yong, H. U., & Cui, W. C. (2016). Preliminary evaluation of maraging steels on its application to full ocean depth manned cabin.Journal of Ship Mechanics. 20(12):1557-1572.(EI)
Wang, F. , Cui, W.C. (2014). Effect of plastic zone size induced by a single dwell overload on the fatigue crack growth rate under cyclic loading. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.18, No.9, 1117-1128.(EI)
Wang, F., Cui, W.C., Shen Y.S., Pan B.B.(2012). Analysis on fracture toughness test results of candidate titanium alloys used in deep manned submersibles, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.9, 1056-1063. (EI)
Wang, F. , Cui, W.C. and Huang X.P.(2011). Evaluation of surface crack shape evolution using the improved fatigue crack growth rate model, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.15, No.6, 660-668. (EI)
Wang F., Chen F.L., Cui W.C.(2010). Applicability of the improved crack growth rate model and its parameters estimation method, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.3, 252-262. (EI)
Wang F., Han Y., Cui W.C.(2007), Residual Tensile Strength Analysis of Stiffened Ductile Panels with Crack, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 11(3), 383-395.(EI)
Wang F., Cui W.C. (2006), Parametric Finite Element Analysis of the Ultimate Strength of Through-thickness Cracked Plates, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 10(6), 76-93.(EI)
Wang F., Liu Q., Huang X.P., Cui W.C.(2006), Ultimate Fracture Strength Analysis of Thin Rectangular Plate with Inclined Center Crack, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 10(3), 92-100.(EI)
王芳,黄小平,崔维成 (2006),具有中心穿透裂纹缺陷的矩形板极限拉伸强度分析,中国造船,47(1), 12-18.(EI)
Wang F., Huang X.P., Cui W.C.(2005), Stress intensity factor and ultimate tensile strength analysis of eccentrically cracked plates, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 9(3), 97-110. (EI)
Wang F., Zhang X.Z., Jiang Z., Cui W.C.,On calculating the crack growth within a single load-dwell-unload cycle for metal structures, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2019 June 9-14, 2019, Glasgo, UK.(EI)
Yunsheng Shen, Fang Wang, Changlu Tian, Collapse Analysis on Model Sphere of Titanium Manned Cabin under External Pressure, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2020年录用. (EI)
Lu Chen, Fang Wang, Weicheng Cui, Jing Xie (2019), Effective Elastic Modulus Characteristics of Buoyancy Materials of Full Ocean Depth Manned Submersible. Accepted by Journal of Ship Mechanics.23(12):1486-1500. (EI)
Zhang, J., Zhang, Y.W., WangF., Xi-Lu, Z. , Cui,W.C., & Zhu, Y.M. (2018). Strength characteristics of maraging steel spherical pressure hulls for deep manned submersibles. Journal of Ship Mechanics.22(12):1509-1526.(EI)
徐磊, 黄小平, & 王芳. (2017). 焊接残余应力对深潜器耐压球壳承载能力的影响. 船舶力学, 21(7), 864-872.(EI)
Li, H., Wang, F.&Cui, W.C. (2017). Structural design exploration on double intersecting spheres manned pressure hull of full ocean depth. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 21(9), 1160-1169.(EI)
Wang, Y.Y., Wang, F., Cui, W.C., (2016). Fatigue Reliability Analyses considering short crack and dwell time effects, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.20, No.6, pp.710-721. (EI)
Wang, Y.Y., Wang, F., Cui, W.C., (2016). Fatigue Reliability Analysis for the manned cabin of deep manned submersibles Based on the Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.20, No.3, pp.335-347. (EI)
Wang K.,Wang F., Cui W., et al. (2014). Prediction of Short Fatigue Crack Life by Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method. Journal of ship Mechanics,18(6):678-689.(EI)
王珂, 王芳, 崔维成. 钛合金室温保载-疲劳裂纹扩展预报方法及其对Ti-6242 的适应性研究. 船舶力学, 2013, 17(11): 1309-1317.(EI)
Chen F.L., Wang F., Cui W.C.(2010), Applicability of the improved crack growth rate model for a wide range of alloys under constant amplitude load, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.14, No.12, 1349-1360. (EI)
刘道启,胡勇,王芳,田常录,崔维成(2010),载人深潜器观察窗的力学性能, 船舶力学,14(7),782-788. (EI)
刘强,王芳,黄小平 (2006). 裂纹尖端塑性区三维有限元分析. 舶舶力学, 10(6), 90-99.(EI)
Cui W.C.,Wang F.(2010), Towards a unified fatigue life prediction (UFLP) method for marine structures: and overview, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2010, June 6-11, Shanghai, China. (EI)
杨露、王芳*、王雾雾、王旻琦、张学忠, 大深度载人舱长期寿命评估中的影响因素, 海洋结构(中英文同时发表),2019年录用,2020年发表。
Wang F., Wang M.Q., Wang W.W., Jiang Z., Cui W.C., Time-dependent deformation behavior of PMMA frustums designed for deep-sea manned cabin,12th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, being held in Busan, 2019. 9.28-10.4.
Wang, F., Wang, W.W., Cui, W. C.(2018).Influential factors to be considered for a tentative long-term service life assessment method of the deep-sea manned cabins. TEAM 2018, Oct. 15 - 18, 2018, Wuhan, China.
Wang, F., Hu, Y., Wang, Y.Y., Lu, Z.Q., Du, Q.H., Cui, W.C., Life assessment procedure of PMMA viewport in full-ocean-depth manned submersible, 1st International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures (ICSOS), Hamburg, Germany, Aug.31-Sep.2. 2016.
王芳, 王莹莹, 王珂, 崔维成,(2016). 钛合金深潜器载人舱疲劳寿命预报方法研究进展. 钛工业进展, 33(4), 1-6.
Wang, F., Cui, W. C., Wang, Y. Y., & Shen, Y. S. (2015). Overload and dwell time effects on crack growth property of high strength titanium alloy TC4 ELI used in submersibles. Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V, 233 (International Conference).
Wang, F., Cui, W. C., Model Test and Collapse Simulation of Titanium Manned Spherical Hull under External Pressure, Proceedings of the ICTWS 2014 7th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures ICTWS2014, Sep.28-Oct.2,Busan,Korea.
Wang, F., Cui, W. C., Wang, Y. Y., & Shen, Y. S. (2015). Overload and dwell time effects on crack growth property of high strength titanium alloy TC4 ELI used in submersibles. Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V, 233.
Cui, W.C., Wang, F. and Huang, X.P. (2010). Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction (UFLP) Method for Marine Structures: An Overview, Presented at Alaa E. Mansour Symposium on Ship and Offshore Structural Design, Proceedings of the ASME 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2010-21007, 6-11 June 2010, Shanghai, China.
Cui W.C., Wang F.(2010), On Determination of Parameters of the Unified Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Model from Tensile Test Data, 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Sep.19-25, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
李景阳, 崔维成,王芳(2009),中心穿透裂纹板在复杂载荷作用下的剩余极限强度分析,舰船科学技术,8, 44-50.
Wang F., Cui W.C., Huang X.P., Pan B.B., Shen Y.S. (2012), On damage-tolerant properties test and predictions of titanium alloys used in the pressure hull of manned submersibles, ICTAM2012, 19-24August, Beijing, China.
Wang F., Chen F.L., Huang X.P., Cui W.C.(2011), An Introduction to a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction (UFLP) Method for Marine Structures, NAVY AND SHIPBUILDING NOWADAYS 2011, June 30-July 1, St.Petersburg, Russia.
Wang F., Chen F.L., Pan B.B., Cui W.C. (2009), Transformation of different types of material test data to crack growth curve expressed by the improved crack growth rate model,中国造船工程学会学术论文集,2009年船舶结构力学学术会议暨中国造船学术界进入ISSC 30年纪念会,9-19,9月,中国南京。
Wang F., Cui W.C. (2012), On the development of a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction (UFLP) Method for Marine Structures, BV Worshop, Paris, France.
王芳、黄小平、崔维成(2005),具有穿透裂纹缺陷的T型管节点在撑管轴向压力作用下的极限强度分析(英文), 船舶结构力学学术会议,116-128, 9月,中国舟山。

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