
Call for proposals of TianMa 65 meter telescope_上海天文台

上海天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-06

Dear Colleagues,

We wish to draw your attention to call for proposals of spectroscopic and pulsar observations with TianMa 65m telescope. With the hard work of technical staffs at TianMa 65m telescope, we now have 5 receivers fully tested for observations as L (1.25-1.75GHz), S (2.2-2.4 GHz)/X (8.2-9.0 GHz), C (4-8GHz), and Ku (12.0-18.2GHz) bands. The typical system temperatures of these receivers are from 40 to 80K depending on weather conditions for Ku and about 30 K for the other four receivers, while the main beam efficiency below 18 GHz is about 60%. K (18-26.5 GHz) and Q (35-50 GHz) band dual beam receivers are also on the telescope with limited capabilities. We will accept proposals using L, S/X, C, and Ku band receivers, as well as K and Q band receivers as shared-risking project. The DIBAS backend can provide 29 modes of different frequency resolutions, from 0.022 kHz to 1464.8 kHz.For more detailed information of the receivers and backend, pleasedownload dibas spectral line mode: dibas-spectral_line_mode

For each proposal, please include a cover letter and the main text part. The cover letter should have an abstract, information of PI and Co-Is (Name, Institute, email, etc.), and time requests (LST ranges, receivers, backend setups), while the main text part should include Scientific Justification and Technical Justification. The proposals should be in English with one page of cover letter and the main text should be less than 3 pages including figures, tables and references.

The deadline will be Dec 1st, 2017, 17:00 (Beijing time) and this call for proposals will cover the observing period from Feb 1st, 2018 to Jul 30th, 2018. The maxim requested time for each proposal should be less than 100 hours for using L, S/X, C, Ku receivers, while it should be less than 15 hours for K or Q band receivers. In this call for proposal, the PI’s institute should be within China. Please send the pdf file to tac-65m@shao.ac.cn before the deadline. If you have any technical questions, please send email to help-line-65m@shao.ac.cn, especially for requesting to use K or Q band receivers.

For spectroscopic observations, we will provide standard position switching mode and also On-The-Fly (OTF) mode at this call for proposals, with the outputs of 3 IFs for each observation. Please justify in the Technical Justification part if you propose to use OTF mode.

For pulsar observations, we will provide both the on-line-folding and the searching mode. For the on-line-folding mode, the dispersion effects will be eliminated on-line. The maximum bandwidth supported by DIBAS backend is 2 GHz, which can be divided into 64 to 8192 (incoherent dedispersion) or 2048 (coherent dedispersion) sub-channel according to your scientific demands.

If the proposal is approved, at least one observer for each project should be on site for observations. We will arrange one astronomer on duty and guarantee to train first time users once for each project.

Pleasedownload the template tex file: 65m-proposal


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