
The Growth of Disks and Bulges_上海天文台

上海天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-06

Title :The Growth of Disks and Bulges

  Speaker:Dr. Stijn Wuyts(University of Bath)

  Time: 3pm, September 14 (Thursday)

  Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor


Deep integral-field spectroscopy, coupled with high-resolution imaging from the optical to the far-infrared, allows us to trace the growth of disk galaxies since the peak epoch of cosmic star formation, and the emergence of bulges within them as they reach the massive end of the mass function and eventually transition to quiescence. I will present recent findings on the structural evolution of galaxies from deep lookback surveys with HST and ALMA, and insights on their kinematic nature leveraging the large multiplexing capabilities of modern-day spectrographs such as KMOS.


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