Title: Cosmic ray physics and dark matter searches with AMS-02
Speaker: Prof. Qiang Yuan (Purple Mountain Observatory)
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) on the International Space Station represents a new era of astroparticle physics with unprecedentedly high precision. After more than five years operation, AMS-02 has observed the electrons, positrons, protons, helium nuclei, and boron-to-carbon ratio of cosmic rays to TeV energies, which reveal many new phenomena in understanding the origin, propagation, and interaction of cosmic rays, as well as interesting implications and/or constraints on the properties of dark matter particles. An overview of cosmic ray physics will be given in the talk, with an emphasis of the relatively low energy range reachable by space detectors. The implications of the AMS-02 data on understanding the puzzles of cosmic rays and particle dark matter will be discussed.