

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-14

resume:孔令照,男,1980年5月生,辽宁人,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1998-2005年,在辽宁石油化工大学学习,分获环境工程专业学士、硕士学位,2005-2008年在同济大学学习,获环境科学专业博士学位,2009-2011年,在美国Auburn University化工系进行博士后研究工作,2011-2013年,在中科院青岛生物能源与过程研究所,任副研究员。2013年起在中科院上海高等研究院,历任副研究员、研究员。近年来主持国家自然科学基金、中科院、上海市科委、壳牌和上海市农委重点攻关等项目12项,作为核心骨干,参与10个项目的研究工作,在Green chemistry、AIChE Journal、ChemSuschem等杂志上发表学术论文60多篇,申报发明专利33件(授权12件,美国专利1件,PCT专利1件),参编中、英文书籍总计3部。中科院青年促进会会员,中国环境科学学会高级会员,科技部项目评审专家,欧美同学会会员,2006年获得候祥麟石油加工科学技术奖,辽宁石油化工大学学报特约编委, 2013年获得国际埃尼奖(Eni Award 2014)提名。

1. 生物质定向热转化与反应网络构建。
2. 生物质水热催化制备化学品及材料。

jljry:1. 2006年度候祥麟石油加工科学技术奖,中国科学技术发展基金侯祥麟基金管理委员会,2006.
2. 2014年度国际埃尼奖(Eni Award 2014)提名,意大利埃尼石油公司,2013.

cdky:1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:富糖微藻水热催化制备重要含氧化学品转化策略与基础研究,项目负责人,2020.01-2023.12;
2. Shell前瞻项目:Energy Self-Sufficient Pilot Scale Mobile Pyrolysis System Based on Microwave Heating For Distributed Conversion of Agricultural Residues,项目负责人,2013.01-2020.12;
3. 企业横向项目:微藻复合肥及盐碱地土壤改良,项目负责人,2015.01-2023.12;
4. 国家基金委青年科学基金项目:水作为Br?nsted酸碱催化剂下水热反应水中氢的离子化行为,项目负责人,2015.01-2017.12;
5. 上海市科委院地合作重点项目:富糖微藻水相催化一步法制备重要含氧化学品关键技术,项目负责人,2016.10-2018.09;
6. 中国科学院青年创新促进会基金项目:项目负责人,2015.01-2018.12;
7. 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目:微波辐射粮食干燥脱水关键技术研究,项目负责人,2014.10-2016.10;
8. 中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS计划)项目:微波辐射粮食干燥脱水装备研制及示范,项目负责人,2015.05-2018.05。

dblz:1. 文章:
[1]. Miao, G.; Zhu, C C.; Wang, J J.; Tan, Z C.; Wang, L.; Liu, J L.; Kong L Z.; * and Sun, Y H.; Efficient one-pot production of 1,2-propanediol and ethylene glycol from microalgae (Chlorococcum sp.) in water. Green Chemistry, 2015, 17, 2538-2544.
[2]. Wang J. J., Tan Z. C., Zhu C. C., Miao G., Kong L. Z., * and Sun Y. H., One-pot catalytic conversion of microalgae (Chlorococcum sp.) into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural over the commercial H-ZSM-5 zeolite. Green Chemistry, 2016, 18, 452-460.
[3]. Bao, L.W; Shi, L; Luo, H; Kong, L.Z;* Li, S.G; Wei, W; Sun Y. H. Mechanism of microwave-assisted pyrolysis of glucose to furfural revealed by isotopic tracer and quantum chemical calculations. ChemSusChem, 2017, 10, 3040-3043.
[4]. Luo, H; Bao, L.W; Kong, L.Z;* Sun, Y. H. Low temperature microwave-assisted pyrolysis of wood sawdust for phenolic rich compounds: Kinetics and dielectric properties analysis. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 238, 109-115.
[5]. Luo, H; Bao, L.W; Kong, L.Z;* Sun, Y. H. Revealing low temperature microwave-assisted pyrolysis kinetic behaviors and dielectric properties of biomass components. AIChE Journal, 2018, 64(6):2124-2134.
[6]. Zan, Y. Y., Sun, Y.Y., Kong, L.Z;* Miao, G., Bao, L. W., Wang, H., Li, S. G., Sun, Y.H.. HCOOH-induced controlled-release hydrolysis of microalgae (scenedesmus) to lactic acid over Sn-beta catalyst. ChemSusChem, 2018, 11:1-6.
[7]. Luo, H; Bao, L.W; Wang, H; Kong, L.Z;* Sun, Y. H. Microwave-assisted in-situ elimination of primary tars over biochar: Low temperature behaviours and mechanistic insights, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 267: 33-340
[8]. Miao, G., Zan, Y. Y.,Sun, Y.Y., Wang, H., Li, S.L., Liu, C., Li, S.G., Kong, L. Z., * Sun Y. H. Mn-promoted hydrogenation of microalgae (Chlorococcum sp.) to 1,2-propanediol and ethylene glycol over Ni-ZnO catalysts. Applied Catalysis A, General. 2018, 565, 34-45.
[9]. Tan, Z.C., Shi. L., Zan, Y. Y., Miao, G., Li, S. G., Kong, L.Z;* Sun, Y.H. Crucial role of support in glucose selective conversion into 1,2-propanediol and ethylene glycol over Ni-based catalysts: A combined experimental and computational study. Applied Catalysis A, General. 2018, 560:28-36.
[10]. Luo, H; Wang, H; Kong, L.Z;* Li, S.G; Sun, Y. H. Insights into oil recovery, soil rehabilitation and low temperature behaviors of microwave-assisted petroleum-contaminated soil remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2019, 377, 341-348
[11]. Sun, Y. Y., Shi, L.; Wang, H.; Miao, G.; Kong L. Z.;* Li, S.G; Sun, Y. H. Efficient production of lactic acid from sugars over Sn-Beta zeolite in water: Catalytic performance and mechanistic insights. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2019, 3, 1163-1171.
[12]. Zan, Y. F.; Miao, G.; Wang, H.; Kong, L. Z.;* Ding, Y. P.;* Sun, Y.H. Revealing the roles of components in glucose selective hydrogenation into 1,2- propanediol and ethylene glycol over Ni-MnOx-ZnO catalysts, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2019,38,15-19.
[13]. Li, S.L; Zan, Y.F; Tan, Z.C., Miao, G., Kong, L.Z;* Sun, Y. H. Efficient one-pot hydrogenolysis of biomass-derived xylitol into ethylene glycol and 1,2-propylene glycol over Cu-Ni-ZrO2 catalyst without solid bases, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2019,28,101-106.
[14]. Wang, H.; Miao, G.; Kong L. Z.;* Luo, H., Zhang, Y. F.; Zhao, X.P., Li, S.G; Sun, Y. H. Efficient one-pot valorization of ethanol to 1-butanol over earth-abundant Ni-MgO catalyst under mild conditions. 2020, DOI: 10.1039/C9SE01236B.
2. 论著章节
[1]. Gasoline, Diesel and Ethanol Biofuels from Grasses and Plants,R. B. Gupta, A. Demirbas主编,2011-01-18,剑桥大学出版社。
[2]. 石油石化废水处理技术及工程实例,赵杉林主编,2013-06-08,中国石化出版社。
[3]. 资源化视角的污染控制理论与实践,李光明主编,2019-12-30,上海交通大学出版社。
3. 发明专利
[1]. 一种以微藻为原料制备5-羟甲基糠醛的方法,0.6,2015-08-21,授权
[2]. 一种连续式高效谷物微波干燥机及其结构优化方法,1.7,2015-10-27,授权
[3]. 微波热解生物质与生物炭混合样品瞬态温度的模拟方法,9.8,2016-03-24,授权
[4]. 生物质废弃物水热降解生产乳酸的方法,2.8,2007-10-16,授权
[5]. 一种含油污泥资源化处理工艺及装置,8.8,2010-06-08,授权
[6]. 由微藻直接水热加氢制备化学品的方法,9.2,2014-03-13,授权
[7]. 一种多层连续式高效谷物微波干燥设备,9.9,2016-02-24,授权
[8]. 一种石油污染土壤微波快速修复与油品回收的方法及装置,7.X,2016-01-12,授权
[9]. 褐煤微波热解利用的方法,1.6,2014-01-22,授权
[10]. 微波热解生物质实时全景温度监测调控系统及方法,0.9,2016-03-22,授权
[11]. Biomass to biochar conversion in subcritical water,US,A,2011-01-20,授权
[12]. 一种基于微波热点的生物质热解焦油低温脱除的方法及装置,PCT/CN2018/102928,2018-08-29,公开

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