

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

姓 名:李 博
职 称:教授、博导
email地址: bool@fudan.edu.cn

个人简历: 1992年赴英国University of East Anglia作博士研究生,专业为杂草的种群生态学,师从著名生态学家A. R. Watkinson教授,并于1996年获博士学位;1996-2000年间,先后任日本北海道大学和日本国立农业研究中心博士后和研究员,主要从事外来入侵杂草的生态学研究。2000年底回国后,主持复旦大学生物入侵生态学实验室工作。主要研究兴趣为:植物入侵的机制、动态以及环境与经济后果;种群与进化生态学。


论文著作:已出版专著(含译著)5部,在Oikos、Oecologia、Annals of Botany、Aquatic Botany、Ecological Research等国内外刊物上发表相关论文50余篇;其中有关Arabidopsis thaliana纬度变异的工作曾在Plant Physiology的热点与经典栏目中作过专门介绍。近年来的主要论文与著作如下:

1)Li B, Watkinson AR & Hara T. Dynamics of competition in populations of carrot (Daucus carota). Annals of Botany, 1996, 78: 203-214.
2) Li B, Suzuki J & Hara T. Latitudinal variation in plant size and relative growth rate in Arabidopsis thaliana. Oecologia, 1998, 115: 293-301.
3) Li B & Hara T. On the relative yield of plants in two-species mixture. Oikos,1999, 85: 170-176.
4) Li B, Suzuki J & Hara T. Competitive ability of two Brassica varieties in relation to biomass allocation and morphological plasticity under varying nutrient availability. Ecological Research, 1999, 14: 255-266.
5) Li B, Shibuya T, Yogo Y & Hara T. Effects of temperature on sprouting and early growth of Cyperus esculentus in the dark. Journal of Plant Research, 2000, 113: 19-27.
6) Li B & Watkinson A R. Competition along a nutrient gradient: A case study with Daucus carota and Chenopodium album. Ecological Research, 2000, 15: 293-306.
7) Li B, Shibuya T, Yogo Y & Hara T. Interclonal differences, plasticity and trade-offs of Cyperus esculentus in relation to water availability. Plant Species Biology, 2001, 16: 193-207.
8)Ma ZJ, Li B, Jing K, Tang SM & Chen JK. Are artificial wetlands good alternatives to natural wetlands for waterbirds? ----A case study on Chongming Island, China. Biodiversity and Conservation, 2002 (in press).
9)Jian YX, Li B, Wang JB & Chen JK. Control of turion germination of Potamogeton crispus. Aquatic Botany, 2003, 75: 59-69.
10)李 博, 植物竞争-作物与杂草竞争的实验研究. 北京:高等教育出版社、海德堡:施普林格出版社,2001.
11)Wilson, E.O. 著 (陈家宽、李 博、杨凤辉译). 生命的未来. 上海:上海人民出版社,2002.
12)Silvertown, J. 著 (李 博、董惠琴、陆建忠译). 简明植物种群生物学教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2002.