

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

Shuigeng Zhou - 周水庚(PhD, Fudan)


Department of Computer Science & Engineering, and
Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing

Fudan University, 220 Handan Road,
Shanghai 200433, China

Tel: +86-21-55664298/65654504
Fax: +86-21-55664298

Email: sgzhou AT fudan DOT edu DOT cn

General Information (简介)

Shuigeng Zhou received his Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in July 1988, his Master degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in March 1991, and his PhD from Fudan University in July 2000. He served in Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology from April 1991 to August 1997, as an engineer and a senior engineer (since August 1995) respectively. Before joining Fudan University, he was a post-doctoral researcher in State Key Lab of Software Engineering, Wuhan University from August 2000 to August 2002.

Shuigeng Zhou is now the Vice Chair of Department of Computer Science & Engineering, in charge of research affairs, and the Executive Vice Director of Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University. He leads a research group of Data Mining and Peer-to-Peer Computing, which consists of one professor and about ten graduates and senior undergraduates.

His current research interests include P2P computing, database, data mining, information retrieval, Web searching and mining, and geographic information systems.

Research Grants (研究课题)
Query processing in P2P environment, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant no. 60373019, January 2004 – December 2006, project head.

Algorithms of query processing in P2P Networks, Shuguang Scholar Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee, January 2005 – December 2006, project head.

Data management in sensor networks, funded by China Aerospace Foundation, January 2005 – December 2006, project head.

Geographical information services in P2P environment, funded by Open Researches Fund Programme of LIESMARS, January 2005 – December 2006, project head

Fundamental Theories and Key Techniques for Non-canonical Knowledge Processing, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant no. 60496325, November 2004 – October 2007, investigator.

For information of finished projects, click here.

Publications (论文发表)
For his papers in DBLP, click here . A complete list of his papers is here.

Books (编著)
Paolo Atzeni, Wesley Chu, Hongjun. Lu, Shuigeng Zhou, and Tok Wang Ling (eds.). Conceptual Modeling – Proceedings of 23rd Intentional Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2004), Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. LNCS, vol. 3288, Springer, 2004.

Shan Wang, Katsumi Tanaka, Shuigeng Zhou, and Tok Wang Ling et al (eds.). Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains– Proceedings of Workshops in conjunction with 23rd Intentional Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2004), Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. LNCS, vol. 3289, Springer, 2004.

Major Award (科研奖励)
2002 Defense Science & Technology Award (2nd class), granted by the Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense

1996 China Aerospace Corporation Science & Technology Innovation Award (2nd class)

1995 China Aerospace Corporation Science & Technology Innovation Award (2nd class)

1995 China Aerospace Corporation Science & Technology Innovation Award (3rd class)

Patents (专利)
Hu Yunfa and Zhou Shuigeng. Query optimization methods for adjacency matrix based full-text database. No. ZL 99113946.1. Approved in July 2003.

Guan Jihong, Zhou Shuigeng, et al. Method and implementation of distributed geographical information integration based on mobile agent and GML (application no. 200410061184.9)

Guan Jihong, Zhou Shuigeng, et al. A new transformer from GML to SVG (application no. 200410061185.3)

Teaching (教学)

Fall 2005: C Programming 程序设计
Spring 2005: Advanced Network Computing
Spring 2004: Advanced Network Computing, Database and Knowledge Base

Fall 2003: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Spring 2003: Network Computing

Fall 2002: Database and Knowledge Base

Supervising (指导研究生)
PhD Students:

Zhaochun Yu (蔚赵春) (since September 2005)

Zhenyu Xie (谢振宇) (since September 2005)

Master Students:

Lin Zhu (朱琳) (since September 2005)
Xin Lu (陆鑫) (since September 2005)
Qinliang Jiang (蒋勤良)(since September 2005)

Xia Wang (王霞) (since September 2004)
Haoliang Jiang (蒋豪良) (since September 2004)
Hekang Chen (陈和康) (since September 2004)

Yue Zhao (赵玥) (since September 2003)

Keping Zhao (赵科平) (graduated in 2005, co-supervised with Prof. Aoying Zhou)

Undergraduate Students:

Ying zheng (郑影) (CS"03, 2005 Chun-Tsung Scholarship Winner)
Lujun Fang (方录俊) (CS"03, 2005 Wangdao Scholarship Winner)

Yibiao Cai (蔡怡飙) (CS’02, 2004 Chun-Tsung Scholarship Winner)
Yu Liang (梁宇) (CS’02, 2004 Wangdao Scholarship Winner)

Professional Services and Activities (学术服务与活动)

PC member:

9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI’06)

11th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’06)


25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’06)

2006 China Conference on Machine Learning (CCML’06)

2nd National Conference on Information Retrieval and Content Security(NCIRCS’05)

5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT’05)

PAKDD’05, external referee

Fifth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (IEEE P2P’05)

Second International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for GIS (CoMoGIS’05)

24th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’05)

7th Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb"05)

7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’05)

22nd National Database Conference of China (NDBC’05)

1st China Symposium on Classification and Applications(CSCA’05)

23rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’04)

Fourth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (IEEE P2P’04)

First International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for GIS (CoMoGIS’04)

First International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Agent (CoMoA’04)

5th International Conference on Web Age Information Management (WAIM’04)

Sixth Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb"04)

4th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT’04)

21st National Database Conference of China (NDBC’04)

1st National Conference on Information Retrieval and Content Security(NCIRCS’04)

4th International Conference on Web Age Information Management (WAIM’03)

20th National Database Conference of China (NDBC’03)

3rd International Conference on Web Information System and Engineering (WISE’02)

Local Arrangements & Publication Chair:

23rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’04), 2004, Shanghai, China

Organizing Chair:

2004 China Conference on Machine Learning (CCML’04), 2004,Shanghai, China

Journal reviewer:

Journal of Computer Science and Technology (co-published with Springer)

Chinese Journal of Computer (in Chinese)

Chinese Journal of Electronics (in English)

Journal of Software (in Chinese and English)

Journal of Communication (in Chinese)

Journal of Computer Research & Development (in Chinese)

Friendly Links (友情链接)

Yufei Tao (City University of Hong Kong)

Jinyan Li (Institute for Infocomm Research)
Jian Pei (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Wai Lam (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Jeffrey Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Ester Martin (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Beng-Chin Ooi (National University of Singapore)

Database Groups:

Database Group at Stanford University

Database Group at Univresity of Science and Technology of Hong Kong

Database Group at University of Wisconsin, Madison

Database Group at MIT

Database Group at UC Berkeley

Database Group at Toronto University

Database Group at UCSD

Information Retrieval Groups:

IR Group at CMU

IR Group at University of Sheffield

Machine Learning and Data Mining Groups:

Machine Learning Group at CMU

Machine Learning Group at UCI

Resources (网络资源)

UCI Machine Learning Repository
Peer-to-Peer Computing: a bibliography
Stanford CS Technical Reports
SIGMOD home page
VLDB Foundation home page
IBM Almaden seminar
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin
Data Warehousing and OLAP: a bibliography
DBLP server
Citeseer homepage

Misc (其它)
How to Be a Good Graduate Student

How to do Research At the MIT AI Lab
How To Write A Dissertation

How to write a PhD Thesis
The Bible of Researchers
How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker"s Guide for Students (by Ian Parberryy)

How to Give a Good Research Talk (by Simon L Peyton Jones, et al)
