

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27





游波, 女, 副教授, 1965 年 11 月生,重庆大学化工学院获学士和硕士学位,复旦大学在职博士。兼任中国涂料颜料标准委员会基础分会副主任,南方涂饰顾问等职。




  近几年,负责和参加了包括国家十五“ 863 ”项目、国家自然科学基金项目、省部级项目、企业合作项目等共计 30 多项,获得教育部提名国家技术发明一等奖等省部级奖 7 项。发表论文 60 多篇,其中 SCI 、 EI 文章 20 多篇,合作出版专著 1 部,获得和申请中国发明专利 25 项,美国发明专利 1 项。



1. Wu LM , You B, Li D, et al. “The Effect of Hydration on the Mechanical Properties, Composition and Molecular Weight of Polyurethaneureas”, Polymer International, 2000, 49 (12): 1609-1614.

2. Wu LM , Li D, You B, et al. “The Composition and Structure of the Surfaces of Polyurethaneureas”, International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2000, Vol.5, 491-510.

3. Wu LM , You B, Li D, et al. “The in-vitro and in-vivo Stability of Poly(urethaneueas) as Biomedical Materials”, Polymer Dedgradation and Stability , 2000, Vol.70, 65-69.

4. Wu LM , Li D, You B, et al. The Change in Mechanical Properties, Composition and Structure of the Hydrated Polyurethaneureas ” , Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 2001, 80: 252-260.

5. Wu LM , You B, Li D “Synthesis and Characterization of Urethane/Acrylic Composite Latex”, J. Appl. Polym. Science , 2002, 84, 1620-1628.

6. He QY , Wu LM , Gu GX , You B , “ Preparation and characterization of acrylic/nano-TiO2 composite latex ” , High Performance Polymers , 2002 , 14 (4), 383-396

7. Xiong MN , Wu LM , Zhou SX , You B , “ Preparation and characterization of acrylic latex/nano-SiO2 composites ” , Polymer International , 2002, 51 (8): 693-698

8. Chen XC, You B, Zhou SX, Wu LM., “Surface and Interface characterization of Nano-SiO2 /Polyester Based Polyurethane Composite Coating”, Surface and Interface Analysis , 2003 , 35, 369-374

9. Chen XC , Wu LM , Zhou SX , You B , “ In situ polymerization and characterization of polyester-based polyurethane/nano-silica composites ” , Polymer International , 2003, 52 (6): 993-998

10. Xiong MN, Gu GX, You B, Wu LM, “Preparation and Characterization of Acrylic Latex / Nano-ZnO Nanocomposites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2003, 90(7), 1923-1931
11. Xiong MN, You B, Zhou SX, Wu LM, “Study on acrylic resin / Titinia Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Prepared by Sol-Gel Process”, Polymer, 2004, 45:2967-2976
12. Xiong MN, Zhou SX, You B, Gu GX, Wu LM, “Effect of Preparation of Titania Sol on the Structure and Properties of Acrylic Resin/Titania Hybrid Materials”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2004, Vol42, 3682-3694
13. Chen M, Wu LM, Zhou SX, You B, “Synthesis of raspberrylike PMMA/SiO2 nanocomposite particles”, Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 25, 9613-9619.
14. Li FS, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Preparation and Characterization of UV- Curable Nanocomposites Coatings Initiated by BP/MDEA”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, Vol 96, 912 - 918
15. Li H, You B, Gu GX, Wu LM, Chen GD, “Particle Size and Morphology of Poly (St-co-BA) /nano-silica Composite Latex”, Polymer International, 2005, 54,191-197
16. Yang J, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Surface Properties of Silicon-containing Acrylate Polymers”, High Performance Polymer, 2005, 17 (1): 85-102.
17. Xiong MN, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Trialkoxysilane-Capped Acrylic Resin/Titania Organic-Inorganic Hybrid optical films prepared by the sol-gel process”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2005, 43: 637-649

专著 :

武利民,李丹,游波 编著,现代涂料配方设计,北京:化学工业出版社, 2000 年 3 月