

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

姓名: 朱依谆 性别: 男

部门:药理学 职称:教授
联系方式:021-54237077 电子邮件:zhuyz@shmu.edu.cn



1990年赴德留学, 5年后获海德堡大学医学博士学位, 之后在德国基尔大学医学院药理系做博士后.

1998年曾获李光耀奖研究员并就职于新加坡国立大学医学院药理系及任分子药理实验室PI, 承担多项科研项目(5项新加坡国家医学研究理事会, 2项NUS及数项制药公司项目)和本科生教学和研究生指导 (直接指导已毕业硕士生二名,博士生3名, 另数名博士生和硕士生在读)。 共发表60多篇科学论文(共被引用200次以上).







Book edited:

Novel compounds from natural products in new millenniums. London, World Scientific Press.

New genes registered in Genbank:

1. Wang,H., Zhu,Y.Z., Farook,J.M., Moochhala,S., Teo,A.L., Lee,L.K. and Wong,P.T. New gene registration: Rattus norvegicus strain PVG CCK2 receptor gene, partial cds. (code: AY303996) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=31872396 NIH, Genbank, June 2003. (U.S.)

2. Zhu,Y.Z., Wang,Z.J. and Moore,P.K. New gene registration: Rattus norvegicus cystathione gamma-lyase-like mRNA, partial sequence. (code: AY641456) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=50059578. NIH, Genbank, June 2004. (U.S.)

3. Zhu,Y.Z., Wang,Z.J., Ling,L.H., Wei,D., Zhu,Y.C., Yang,H., Huang,S.H., Tan,C.S., Tan,B.J., Whiteman,M. and Moore,P.K. Macaca fascicularis cystathionine gamma-lyase mRNA, complete cds. (code: AY879312). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=58373387 NIH, Genbank, Feb. 2005. (U.S.)

4. Zhu,Y.Z., Wang,Z.J., Duan,W., Ling,L.H., Zhu,Y.C., Yang,H., Huang,S.H., Tan,C.S., Whiteman,M. and Moore,P.K. Macaca fascicularis cystathionine beta-synthase mRNA, complete cds. (code: AY952460) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=61661430. NIH, Genbank, Mar. 2005. (U.S.)

Cardioprotective effects of paracetamol after myocardial infarction (US patent filed 2004, no. 60/604,236). (P.K. Moore, Y. Z. Zhu and CL Chong).

1. Y.C. Zhu, H. M. Stauss, G. Bao, P. Gohlke, Y. Z. Zhu, Th. Redlich, Th. Unger. Role of branykinin in the antihypertensive and cardioprotective actions of converting enzyme inhibitors. Can. J. Physiol. & Pharmacol. 73: 827-831, 1995 (Canada).

2. Y. C. Zhu, Y. Z. Zhu, H. Spitznagel, P. Gohlke, Th. Unger. Substrate Metabolism, Hormone Interaction, and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition in left Ventricular Hypertrophy. Diabetes Vol. 45: S59-S65, 1996 (U.S.).

3. Y.C. Zhu, Y.Z. Zhu, Harald Stauss, Thomas Unger. ACE Inhibitor treatment of Congestive Heart Failure following Myocardial Infarction. Euro J Cardio Interv 5(2): 47-55, 1996 (Austia).

4. H. Spitznagel, H. Stau? P. Gohlke, Y.Z. Zhu, Y.C. Zhu, M. Falkenhahn, Th. Unger. Angiotensin II and Brandykinin in Hypertensive Heart Disease and Myocardial Infarction. High Blood Pressure 5: 119-123, 1996 (Italy).

5. Th. Unger, O. Chung, T. Csikos, J. Culman, S. Gallinant, P. Gohlke, S. H?, S. Meffert, M. Stoll, U. Stroth and Y. Z. Zhu. Angiotensin Receptors. J Hypertension 14(Suppl 5): S95-S103, 1996 (U.K.).

6. Y.C. Zhu, Y.Z. Zhu, P. Gohlke, Th. Unger. Effects of converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonism on cardiac parameters in left ventricular hypertrophy. Am J Cardiol. Vol. 80 (3A): 110A-117A, 1997 (U.S.).

7. C. Tsch? P. Gohlke, Y.Z. Zhu, W. Linz, B. Sch?ns, Th. Unger. Antihypertensive and cardioprotective effects after angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition: role of kinin. J. Cardiac Failure Vol. 3 (2): 133-148, 1997 (U.K.).

8. Th. Unger, Y.Z. Zhu, M. Stoll, P. Gohlke. Basic mechanism in the regulation of myocardial blood flow: Angiotensin and Bradykinin. In: Haunso, Aldershvile and Svendsen Ed. Coronary microcirculation during ischaemia and reperfusion. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, Denmark, 1997: p104-p116.

9. K. Ito, Y.Z. Zhu, Y. C. Zhu, P. Gohlke, Th. Unger. Contribution of bradykinin to the cardiacprotective action of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition in hypertension and after myocardial infarction. Jap. J. Pharmacol. 75, 311-318, 1997 (Japan).

10. Y.Z. Zhu, Y.C. Zhu, P. Gohlke, Th. Unger. Overview on pharmacological properties of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. In: Hall & Unger eds. ACE Inhibition and Target Organ Protection. Oxford, Euromed Communications Ltd., 1998: p1-p20. (UK).

11. Zhu YC, Zhu YZ, Li J, Schafer H, Schmidt WE, Unger T. Effects of ramipril on cardiac gene transcription levels of angiotensin II receptors after myocardial infarction. ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA 20 (6): 481-485 JUN 1999

12. Y.Z. Zhu, H.S. Lee. Role of angiotensin II receptor antagonists in the treatment of hypertension. Euro J. Cardiac Interv. Vol. 7: 161-166, 1999 (Austria).

13. Y.Z. Zhu, H.S. Lee. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition after myocardial infarction. Asian Cardiovas & Thorac Annals Vol. 8: 83-88, 2000 (Singapore).

14. Ji X.Y., B. K-H. Tan, Y.Z. Zhu. Salvia miltiorrhiza and ischemic diseases. Acta Pharmacol.Sinica Vol. 21(12): 1089-1094, 2000 (invited review). (corresponding author)

15. Y.Z.Zhu, G.N. Chimon, Y-C. Zhu, Q. Lu, B. Li, H.Z. Hu, E.H. Yap, H.S. Lee and P. T-H. Wong. Expression of angiotensin II AT2 receptor in the acute phase of stroke in rats. NeuroReport, Vol. 11(5), 1191-1194, 2000 (U.K.). (IF: 2.3) (corresponding author)

16. Y.Z. Zhu, S. Moochhala, H. Wang, J. M. Farook, C. J. Greengrass, A. L. Teo, H.S. Lee, E. J.D. Lee, P. T-H Wong. Up-regulation of genes in rats screened for high anxiety levels on the elevated plus-maze. Singapore Medical J, Vol. 41(3): 25-27, 2000 (Singapore). (corresponding author)

17. Y.Z. Zhu, Y.C. Zhu, M. Stoll, Th. Unger. Identification of regulated genes in rat heart afetr myocardial infarction by means of differential mRNA display. Jpn. Heart J, Vol 41(1), 59-66, 2000 (Japan). (corresponding author)

18. Y.Z. Zhu, Y.C. Zhu, J. Li, H. Sch?r , W. E. Schmidt, T. Yao, Th. Unger. Effects of Losartan on hemodynamic parameters- and angiotensin receptor mRNA levels of rat heart after myocardial infarction. J Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterne System, Vol. 1 (3): 257-262, 2000 (U.K.).

19. Y.Z. Zhu, S. H. Huang. Cardioprotective actions of angiotensin-coverting enzyme inhibitors after myocardial infarction. Euro. J. Cardiac Interv., Vol. 8: 154-160, 2000 (Austria).

20. Y.Z. Zhu, Y.-C. Zhu, Z. J. Wang, Q. Lu, H. S. Lee, T. Unger. Time-dependent apoptotic development and pro-apoptotic genes expression in rat heart after myocardial infarction. Jpn J Pharmacol Vol. 86(2): 255-258, 2001 (Japan). (IF: 1.7) (corresponding author)

21. J. M. Farook, Y.Z. Zhu, S. Moochhala, H. Wang, L. K.H. Lee, T.-H. Wong . Stain differences in the behavioral effects of cholecystokinin-B receptor antagonist in the cat freezing test apparatus. NeuroReport Vol. 12(11): 2717-2720, 2001 (U.K.). (IF: 2.3)

22. L.S. Loo, Y.K. Ng, Y.Z. Zhu, H.S. Lee, P. T.H. Wong. Cortical expression of endothelin receptor subtypes A and B following middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats. Neurosci. Vol. 112 (4): 993-1000, 2002. (U.K.). (IF: 3.5)

23. YZ Zhu, YC Zhu. Rediscovering Remedies. Science Online (invited review) (http://nextwave.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2002/08/21/10? ) highlighted in the regular issue of Science Vol. 297 (5585): 1231, 2002. (US)

24. J. Sun, B. K.H. Tan, S. H. Huang, M. Whiteman, Y.Z. Zhu. Effect of natural products on ischemic heart diseases and cardiovascular system. Acta Pharmacol.Sinica 2002, 23 (12): 1142-1151 (invited review). (corresponding author)

25. H. Wang*, Y.Z. Zhu*, S. Moochhala, J. M. Farook, M. Teo, L. K.H. Lee, P. T.- H. Wong. Gene expression of cholecystokinin-B recept in SD rats screened by the elevated plus-maze. Behav Neurosci 2003 Apr;117(2):385-90. (US). (*shared 1st authorship). (IF: 2.9)

26. H. Wang*, Y.Z. Zhu*, J. M. Farook, P. T.- H. Wong, L. K.H. Lee, S. Moochhala. Identification by microarray hybridization of genes involved in fear/anxiety in hooded PVG and SD rats. Exp Brain Res. 2003 Apr; 149(4):413-21. (U.S.). (*shared 1st authorship). (IF: 2.3)

27. XY Ji, B Tan, Y-C Zhu, A. Hsu, W. Linz, YZ Zhu. Comparison of cardioprotective effects using ramipril and Danshen for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in rats.. Life Science (2003) 72: 1413?1426 (U.S.). (corresponding author). (IF: 2.2)

28. L. Lue, T. Yao, Y.Z. Zhu, G. Y. Huang, YX Cao, YC Zhu. Chronic all-trans retinoic acid treatment prevents medial thickening of intramyocardial coronary arteries in spontanously hypertensive rats. Am J Physiology (Heart Circ Physiol.) (2003) 285: 1370-1377. (US). (IF: 3.7)

29. YC Zhu, YZ Zhu, T Yao. Angiotensin Receptors and Cardiac Remodeling. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 2003;30(12):911-8. (Australia). (IF: 1.8)

30. Swamy SM, Tan P, Zhu YZ, Lu J, Achuth HN, Moochhala S. Role of phenytoin in wound healing: microarray analysis of early transcriptional responses in human dermal fibroblasts. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Feb 13;314(3):661-6. (US). (IF: 2.9)

31. Y.Z. Zhu, Z. J. Wang, Y.C. Zhu, L. Zhang, R. M. E. Oakley, C. W. Chung, K. W. Lim, M. L. Ozoux, W. Linz, M. B? E. Kostenis. Urotensin II causes fatal circulatory collapse in anaesthesized cynomolgus monkeys in vivo: a vasoconstrictor with a unique hemodynamic profile. Am J Physiol (Heart Circ Physiol.) 2004;286(3):H830-6. (US). (corresponding author). (IF: 3.7)

32. Farook JM, Wang Q, Moochhala SM, Zhu YZ, Lee L, Wong PT. Distinct regions of periaqueductal gray (PAG) are involved in freezing behavior in hooded PVG rats on the cat-freezing test apparatus. Neurosci Lett. 2004 Jan 9;354(2):139-42. (Germany). (IF: 2.0)

33. Farook JM, Zhu YZ, Wang Q, Moochhala SM, Lee L, Wong PT. Analysis of strain difference in behavior to Cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor mediated drugs in PVG hooded and Sprague-Dawley rats using elevated plus-maze test apparatus. Neurosci Lett. 2004 Apr 1;358(3):215-9. (IF: 2.0)

34. Farook JM, McLachlan CS, Zhu YZ, Lee L, Moochhala SM, Wong PT. The CCK2 agonist BC264 reverses freezing behavior habituation in PVG hooded rats on repeated exposures to a cat. Neurosci Lett. 2004 Jan 30;355(3):205-8. (Germany). (IF: 2.0)

35. T. Sherrin, K. Heng, YZ Zhu, YM Tang, G Lau, CH Tan. Cholecystokinin-B receptor gene expression in cerebellum, pre-frontal cortex and cingulate gyrus and its association with suicide. Neurosci Lett. 2004 Mar 4;357(2):107-10. (IF: 2.0)

36. H. Gong, Y. X. Wang, Y.Z. Zhu, W. W. Wang, M. J. Wang, T. Yao, Y. C. Zhu. Cellular distribution of urotensin II receptor GPR 14 in adult rat heart. J Applied Physiol. 97(6):2228-35, 2004. (IF: 3.0)

37. YZ Zhu, SH Huang, BKH Tan, J Sun, M Whiteman YC Zhu. Antioxidants in Chinese herbal medicines: a biochemical perspective. Nat. Prod. Rep. 2004, 21 (4), 478 ? 489. (Figure of the article was selected as cover page) (corresponding author). (U.K.). (IF: 7.5)

38. XY Ji, BKH Tan, SH Huang, M. Whiteman, YC Zhu, W Linz, YZ Zhu. Effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza in ischemic myocardium in experimental rats. In: B Tan, BH Bay, and YZ Zhu eds. Novel compounds from natural products in new millenniums. London, World Scientific Press, 2004. pp152-162. (U.K.)

39. Q. Lu, Y.Z.Zhu, P. T-H. Wong. Effects of Ramipril, TCV-116 and PD123319 on cerebral ischemia after permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion in Wistar rats. NeuroReport 15(17):2643-6, 2004. (U.K.). (IF: 2.3)

40. DNC Cher, A Armugam, Y.Z. Zhu, J. Kandiah. Molecular basis of cardiac failure upon cobra envenomation. Cell Mol Life Sci. 62(1):105-18.. 2005. (Switzerland). (IF: 4.9)

41. M. Whiteman, N. S. Cheung, Y.Z. Zhu, S.H. Chu, J.L. Siau, B.S. Wong, J. Armstrong and P.K. Moore. Hydrogen sulfide: a novel inhibitor of hypochlorous acid mediated oxidative damage in vivo? Implications for neurodegenerative diseases. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 326(4):794-8, 2004. (U.K.). (IF: 2.9)

42. J. Sun, S. H. Huang, Y.C. Zhu, M.J. Wang, B. Tan, M. Whiteman, Y.Z. Zhu. Antioxidant effects of the extract of the Herba Leonuri, a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, on ischemic rat myocardium after acute myocardial infarction. Life Sci., 2005, 76(26): 3043?3056. (U.S.). (corresponding author). (IF: 2.2)

43. J. Sun, S. H. Huang, B. Tan, M. Whiteman, Y. J. Wu, Y.K. Ng, Y.Z. Zhu. Effects of purified Salvia miltiorrhiza on ischemic rat myocardium after acute myocardial infarction. Life Sci., 2005, 76(24):2849-60. (U.S.). (corresponding author). (IF: 2.2)

44. P. Rose, M. Whiteman, P.K. Moore and Y.Z. Zhu. Bioactive S-alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxides metabolites in the genus Allium: The Chemistry of potential therapeutic agents. Nat. Prod. Rep. 2005: 22, 351 - 368. (U.K). (corresponding author). (IF: 7.5)

45. L.Li, M. Bhatia, Y.Z. Zhu, Y.C. Zhu, R. Ramnath, Z.J. Wang, F. B. M. Anuar, M. Whiteman, M. Salto-Tellez and P. K. Moore: Hydrogen sulfide is a novel mediator of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in the mouse. The FASEB Journal. 2005, 19(9):1196-8. (U.S.). (IF: 7.2)

46. Z. Hu, X. Yang, P. Ho, E. Chan, S.Y. Chan, C Xu, X Li, Y.Z. Zhu, D. Chen, and S. Zhou. St. John?s wort modulates the toxicities and pharmacokinetics of CPT-11 (irinotecan) in rats. Pharmaceutical Res. 2005, 22(6):902-14. (U.S.). (IF: 2.9)

47. Lim WG, Zhu Y, Wang CH, Tan BJ, Armstrong JS, Dokland T, Yang H, Zhu YZ, Teo TS, Duan W. The last five amino acid residues at the C-terminus of PRK1/PKN is essential for full lipid responsiveness. Cell Signal. 2005 Sep;17(9):1084-97. (U.S). (IF: 5.2)

48. H. Wang, P. T.-H. Wong, J. Spiess and Y.Z. Zhu. Role of Cholecystokinin-2 (CCK2) receptor and its molecular mechanisms in anxiety behaviors of experimental rats. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2005,29(8):1361-73.(U.S.).(corresponding author).(IF:4.9)

49. Yi Zhun Zhu, Chew Lan Chong*, Shin Chet Chuah, Shan Hong Huang#, Huey Shan Nai, How Teng Tong, Matt Whiteman#, Philip. K. Moore. Cardioprotective effects of nitroparacetamol and paracetamol in the acute phase of myocardial infarction in experimental rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005 Sep 19; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 16172162, in press 2005. (corresponding author). (IF:3.7)

50. Yimin Zhu, Derek Smith, Chandra Verma, Wee Guan Lim, Bee Jen Tan, Jeffrey S. Armstrong, Shufeng Zhou, Eli Chan, Seng-Lai Tan, Yi-Zhun Zhu, Nam Sang Cheung and Wei Duan. The very C-terminus of protein kinase Ce is critical for the full catalytic competence but its hydrophobic motif is dispensable for the interaction with 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1. Cell Signal. 2005 Aug 29; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 16137858, In press 2005. (IF: 5.2)

51. Tian Q, Zhang J, Tan TM, Chan E, Duan W, Chan SY, Boelsterli UA, Ho PC, Yang H, Bian JS, Huang M, Zhu YZ, Xiong W, Li X, Zhou S. Human Multidrug Resistance Associated Protein 4 Confers Resistance to Camptothecins. Pharm Res. 2005 Sep 1; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 16132345, In press 2005 (IF: 2.9)

52. Lim WG, Zhu Y, Wang CH, Tan BJ, Armstrong JS, Dokland T, Yang H, Zhu YZ, Teo TS, Duan W. The last five amino acid residues at the C-terminus of PRK1/PKN is essential for full lipid responsiveness. Cell Signal. 2005 Sep;17(9):1084-97. Epub 2005 Jan 26. PMID: 15993750, In press 2005. (IF: 5.2)

53. Q. Lu*, Y.Z.Zhu*, P. T-H. Wong. Neuroprotective effects of candesartan against cerebral ischemia in SHR. NeuroReport 2005 Nov 28;16(17):1963-7.(*shared 1st authorship). (IF: 2.3)

54. M. Whiteman, J. Spencer, Y.Z. Zhu, Jeffrey S. Armstrong & Jan-Thorsten Schantz. Peroxynitrite-modified collagen-II induces p38 / ERK and NF-kB-dependent synthesis of prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide in chondrogenically differentiated mesenchymal progenitor cells, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage In press 2005. (IF: 2.9)

55. Jing Zhang, Quan Tian, Sui Yung Chan, Wei Duan, Shu Chuen Li, Yi Zhun Zhu, and Shufeng Zhou. METABOLISM AND TRANSPORT OF OXAZAPHOSPHORINES AND THE CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. Drug Metab Rev, in press 2005. (IF: 6.3)