

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-10


教授 博士生导师 会计学系 思源教授楼314室



















1. Chao Chen, Yang Zhao, and Yu Zhao. 2019. Corporate bond ratings, underwriters’ reputation and cost of bonds. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 26(1-2).1-16.
2. Bradford William, Chao Chen, and Yang Zhao. 2019. The effect of corporate governance on credit ratings: evidence from China's bond market. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 30(2).113-144.
3. Chao Chen, Edward Lee, Gerald J. Lobo, and Jessie Zhu. 2019. Who benefits from IFRS convergence in China?. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 34(1).99-124.
4. Hongqi Yuan, Desong Kong, Chujun Zhang, and Chao Chen. 2018. A comparative study of earnings quality of firms listed in the NEEQ market and the Growth Enterprise Market. China Journal of Accounting Studies 6(4).474-497.
5. Lishuai Lian and Chao Chen. 2017. Financial development, ownership and internationalization of firms: evidence from China. China Finance Review International 7(3).343-369.
6. William Bradford, Chao Chen, and Song Zhu. 2017. Conservative accounting, IFRS convergence and cash dividend payments: evidence from China. European Financial Management 23(3).376-414.
7. Chao Chen and Xinrong Wang. 2016. The impact of the reputation of underwriter and sponsoring representative on IPO underwriting fees. China Finance Review International 6(4).342-366.
8. Zhigang Zheng, Li-An Zhou, Yanmei Sun, and Chao Chen. 2016. Executive compensation and legal investor protection: Evidence from China’s listed firms. Review of Development Economics 20(1).39-47.
9. Chao Chen, Haina Shi, and Haoping Xu. 2014. The IPO underwriting market share in China: Do ownership and quality matter?. Journal of Banking and Finance 46.177-189.
10. Chao Chen and Song Zhu. 2013. Financial reporting quality, debt maturity, and the cost of debt: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade 49(4).236-253.
11. Chao Chen, Haina Shi, and Haoping Xu. 2013. Underwriter reputation, issuer ownership, and pre-IPO earnings management: Evidence from China. Financial Management 42(3).647-677.
12. William Bradford, Chao Chen and Song Zhu. 2013. Cash dividend policy, corporate pyramids, and ownership structure: Evidence from China. International Review of Economics and Finance 27.445-464.
13. Chen, Chao and Wuyang Zhao. 2012. A study on IPO of CITIC securities company. Frontiers of Business Research in China 6(3).435-446.
14. Chen, Chao, Qinglu Jin, and Hongqi Yuan. 2011. Agency problems and liquidity premium: Evidence from China's stock ownership reform. International Review of Financial Analysis 20(2).76-87.
15. Zongrun Wang, Weitao Wu, Chao Chen, Yanju Zhou. 2010. The exchange rate risk of Chinese yuan: Using VaR and ES based on extreme value theory. Journal of Applied Statistics 37(2).265-282.
16. Chao Chen, Zhong-guo Zhou. 2009. Rise and Fall of the First Financial Futures Market in China: The Case of Chinese Government Bond Futures. China & World Economy vol.17(2).110-124.
17. Zhen Wang, Chao Chen, Zhenhai Liu. 2008. The Linkage Between the Fuel Oil Markets of Singapore and China. The Chinese Economy vol.41(2).76-83.
18. Eddy Chang, Chao Chen, Jing Chi, Martin Youn. 2008. IPO underpricing in China: New evidence from the primary and secondary markets. Emerging Markets Review vol.9(1).1-16.
19. Chao Chen and Xiao Chen. 2007. The information content of rights offerings in China. Research in International Business and Finance 21(3).414-427.
20. Zhen Wang, Zhenhai Liu, Chao Chen. 2007. An Empirical Analysis of the Price Discovery Function of Shanghai Fuel Oil Futures Market. Petroleum Science vol.4(3).97-102.
21. William D. Bradford, Chao Chen. 2004. Creating Government Financing Programs for Small-and Medium -Sized Enterprises in China. China & World Economy vol.12(2).50-65.
22. Chao Chen, Philippe Cornu. 2002. Managerial Performance, Bid Premiums, and the Characteristics of Takeover Targets. Annals of Economics and Finance vol.3(1).67-84.
23. Chao Chen, Zhongguo Zhou. 2001. Stock Returns, Volatility, and Trading Volume: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Markets. International Journal of Business Vol.6(2).67-86.
24. Chao Chen, Zhongguo Zhou. 2001. Portfolio Returns, Market Volatility, and Seasonality. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol.17(1).27-43.
25. Daniel L. McConaughy, David Cary, Chao Chen. 2000. Factors Affecting Discounts on Restricted Stock. Valuation Strategies vol.4(2).14-23.
26. Chao Chen. 1999. Currency Hedging, Currency Overlay Strategy, and the Performance of Closed-End Country and International Equity Funds. The Journal of Alternative Investments (1).42-55.
27. Chao Chen, Robert Su. 1997. Do Cross-Border Acquisitions of U.S. Targets Differ from U.S. Domestic Takeover Targets?. Global Finance Journal Vol.8(1).71-82.
28. Chao Chen, Jau-Lian Jeng. 1996. The Impact of Price Limits on Foreign Currency Futures' Price Volatility and Market Efficiency. Global Finance Journal Vol.7(1).13-25.
29. Chao Chen, James Williams. 1994. Triple-Witching Hour, the Change in Expiration Timing, and Stock Market Reaction. The Journal of Futures Markets Vol.14(3).275-292.
30. Chao Chen, Philip Fanara, Jr.. 1992. The Choice Among Long-Term Financing Instruments for Public Utilities. The Financial Review Vol.27(3).431-465.
31. Eric C. Chang, Chao Chen, Son-Nan Chen. 1990. Risk and Return in Copper, Platinum, and Silver Futures. Journal of Futures Markets Vol.10(1).29-39.
32. Robert O. Edmister, Chao Chen. 1989. Public Disclosure of Bank Loan Accounting Information. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Vol.8(3).181-198.
33. Chao Chen, Philip Fanara, Jr., Raymond Gorman. 1987. Abandonment Decisions and the Market Value of the Firm: the Case of Nuclear Power Project Abandonment. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Vol.6(4).285-297.
34. 罗蓉曦,陈超. 高管职业背景会影响企业研发披露吗?. 科研管理, 2019, 40(12): 272-281.
35. 原红旗,孔德松,张楚君,陈超. 新三板公司盈余质量研究. 会计研究, 2019, (5): 27-32.
36. 连立帅,朱松,陈超. 资本市场开放与股价企业投资的引导作用:基于沪港通交易制度的经验证据. 中国工业经济, 2019, (3): 100-118.
37. 罗蓉曦,陈超. 高管团队协作与信息披露质量. 中国会计评论, 2018, 16(4): 575-606.
38. 米春蕾,陈超. “四大”审计会影响商业银行贷款损失准备吗?. 审计研究, 2018, (2): 122-128.
39. 陈超,罗蓉曦. 高管市场营销职业背景对公司商标品牌管理重要吗. 营销科学学报, 2018, 14(1): 102-125.
40. 连立帅,陈超. 外资银行贷款与中国企业国际化——基于我国上市公司的经验证据. 财贸经济, 2017, 38(2): 77-92.
41. 连立帅,陈超,米春蕾. 吃一堑会长一智吗?——基于金融危机与经济刺激政策影响下企业绩效关联性的研究. 管理世界, 2016, (4): 78-94.
42. 连立帅,陈超. 产业倾向性政策与会计稳健性——基于国家规划布局内重点软件企业的经验证据. 中国会计评论, 2016, 14(1): 63-82.
43. 陈超,魏静宜,曹利. 中国商业银行通过贷款损失准备计提进行盈余平滑吗?. 金融研究, 2015, (12): 34-53.
44. 连立帅,陈超,白俊. 产业政策与信贷资源配置. 经济管理, 2015, 37(12): 1-11.
45. 陈超,潘晶晶,赵武阳. 研发会计改革增加分析师跟踪了吗?. 中国会计评论, 2014, 12(3-4): 349-366.
46. 陈超,赵武阳,潘晶晶. 研发投入、融资能力与公司业绩——来自中国工业企业的大样本证据. 研究与发展管理, 2014, 26(3): 1-11.
47. 叶飞腾,薛爽,陈超. 基于质量控制和客户关系双重视角的审计项目负责人更换分析. 财经研究, 2014, 40(3): 114-123.
48. 陈超,李镕伊. 债券融资成本与债券契约条款设计. 金融研究, 2014, (1): 44-57.
49. 陈超,李镕伊. 审计能否提高公司债券的信用评级. 审计研究, 2013, (3): 59-66,80.
50. 朱茶芬,陈超,周陆海. 内部人延迟披露股票交易信息的经济动机和后果研究. 浙江大学学报, 2013, 43(3): 189-200.
51. 陈超,甘露润. 银行风险管理、贷款信息披露与并购宣告市场反应. 金融研究, 2013, (1): 95-111.
52. 赵武阳,陈超. 什么决定了企业的研发投入? . 中国会计评论, 2012, 10(4): 453-472.
53. 赵武阳,陈超. 研发披露、管理层动机与市场认同:来自信息技术业上市公司的证据. 南开管理评论, 2011, 14(4): 100-107,137.
54. 施海娜,徐浩萍,陈超. 中小企业股权融资中投资银行市场竞争力构建与作用. 金融研究, 2011, (2): 95-113.
55. 朱松,陈超,马媛. 双向资金占用与上市公司资本投资. 南开管理评论, 2010, Vol.13(1): 116-124.
56. 徐浩萍,陈欣,陈超. 国有企业IPO发行折价:基于政策信号理论的解释. 金融研究, 2009, (10): 133-149.
57. 陈超,闫作远. 投资者有选择优秀基金的能力吗?——中国股票型基金的“聪明理财”效应研究. 金融学季刊, 2009, Vol.5(1): 1-14.
58. 徐浩萍,陈超. 会计盈余质量、新股定价与长期绩效. 管理世界, 2009, (8): 25-38.
59. 闫作远,陈超. 基金经理选股及择时能力研究——来自中国开放式基金市场的新证据. 当代财经, 2008, (10): 46-52.
60. 陈超,郭志明. 我国企业债券融资、财务风险和债券评级. 当代财经, 2008, (2): 39-48.
61. 陈文斌,陈超. 新股上市后盈利能力下滑及募集资金使用分析. 管理科学学报, 2007, Vol.10(4): 49-55.
62. 陈超,陈文斌. 中国股票首次公开发行真的被低估了吗?. 中国会计评论, 2003, Vol.1(1): 149-161.
63. 陈超,饶育蕾. 中国上市公司资本结构、企业特征与绩效. 管理工程学报, 2003, Vol.17(1): 70-74.
64. 陈超,陆金海,冯嗣全. 中国证券投资基金: IPO与后市绩效. 国际金融研究, 2002, (12): 54-60.
65. 王震,刘力,陈超. 上市公司被特别处理(ST)公告的信息含量与影响因素. 金融研究, 2002, (9): 61-66.
66. 陈超,钱苹. 中国股票市场“周内效应”再检验. 经济科学, 2002, (1): 85-91.





Chao Chen, Timothy H. Lin. The Information Content of Self-Underwritten IPOs.In Advances in Finance, Investment and Banking. Vol.2, 1996.
陈超. 金融业并购分析.载于:中国并购报告2020. 全球并购研究中心, 2020.









陈超. 2008. 高级公司财务管理案例. 复旦大学出版社, 中国上海.
陈超等. 2005. 公司财务管理案例. 人民邮电出版社, 北京.



2018.01 - 2021.12, 项目负责人, 债转股、会计质量、公司治理与退出机制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目.
2015.01 - 2018.12, 项目负责人, 中国企业国际化、自愿性披露与公司治理, 国家自然科学基金面上项目.
2011.01 - 2013.12, 项目负责人, 债券融资、信用风险与公司治理, 国家自然科学基金面上项目.







2017.08, 2017 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, null, San Diego, California, USA.
2016.08, 2016 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, paper titled "Internationalization and valuation of Chinese listed firms", New York, USA.
2015.12, 第四届宏观经济政策与微观企业行为学术研讨会, null, 北京.
2015.08, 2015 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, null, Chicago, USA.
2015.06, European Financial Management Association (EFMA) 2015 Annual Meeting, null, Breukelen, Netherland.
2015.01, 2015 International Accounting Section Mid-Year Conference of AAA, null, California, USA.
2014.12, 第十四届中国实证会计国际研讨会, null, 北京.
2014.10, The 2014 FMA Annual Meeting, null, Nashville, USA.
2014.08, 2014 American Accounting Association, , Atlanta, USA.
2014.07, 2014中国金融国际年会, , 成都.
2014.05, 2014 Annual Conference of Canadian Academic Accounting Association, , Edmonton, Canada.
2013.08, 2013 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, , Anaheim, USA.
2012.10, The 2012 FMA Annual Meeting, null, Atlanta, USA.
2012.08, 2012 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, null, Washington, USA.
2012.06, The 2012 EFMA Annual Meeting, null, Barcelona, Spain.
2011.08, 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, null, San Antonio, USA.
2011.08, 2011 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Chao Chen, Haoping Xu: Ownership, Underwriting Quality, and the IPO Market Share of Investment Banks: Evidence from China, Denver,USA.
2010.12, 第九届中国实证会计国际研讨会, null, 西安.
2010.12, the Seventh Asia Academy of Management Conference 2010, null, 澳门.
2010.10, The 2010 FMA Annual Meeting, null, New York.
2010.09, The 2010 International Forum on Competitive Dynamics, null, 台湾.
2010.08, 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, null, 美国旧金山.
2010.06, The 8th NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting, Earnings Management, Underwriter Reputation, and Marketization: Evidence from the IPO Market, 台湾.
2009.10, 2009 FMA Annual Meeting, Cash Dividend Policy, Corporate Pyramids and Ownership Structure: Evidence from China, 美国.
2009.09, 中国银行业前景研讨会2009, null, 上海.
2009.08, Journal of Corporate Finance Special Conference on Emerging Markets, null, 北京.
2009.08, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Corporate Pyramid, Capital Investment and Firm Performance in China, 美国.
2009.07, 第二届(2009)《中国金融评论》国际研讨会, null, 上海.
2009.07, 2009中国金融国际年会, null, 广州.
2009.06, 2009中国会计与财务研究国际研讨会, 会计盈余质量、新股定价与长期绩效——来自中国IPO市场发行制度改革后的证据, 南京.
2009.06, 第二届(2009年)中国青年会计学这学术研讨会暨第五届中国会计、财务及管理专题国际研讨会, null, 北京.
2009.04, 第四届“五校”会计青年学者论坛, null, 北京.






