

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-10

李丹 博士/副教授/博士生导师
2016.12~至今 复旦大学 环境科学与工程系 副教授/博士生导师
2013.12~2016.12 复旦大学 环境科学与工程系 青年副研究员
2011.11~2013.11 美国麻省理工学院(MIT)生物化学系博士后
2010.07~2011.11 清华大学环境学院 博士后
2004.09-2010.07: 清华大学环境科学与工程系博士研究生
2008.10-2009.10: 美国University of California Irvine Civil and Environmental Engineering联合培养博士生
[3]国家自然科学基金重大仪器专项(2016.01 ~ 2021.12):大气颗粒物关键化学组分与生物毒性在线分析联用系统研制,主要参加人。
[5]国家自然科学基金面上项目(2015.01~2018.12):水环境中新兴污染物类抗生素效应(Like-Antibiotic Effects, L-AE)作用机制研究,项目负责人,已结题。
[6]国家自然科学基金面上项目(2012~2015):再生水系统中VBNC (Viable but nonculturable)病原菌复活机制与控制方法研究,项目负责人,已结题。
[8]国家重点实验室开放基金(2014 ~ 2016):基于人源细胞应激响应途径的环境污染物毒性评价方法研究,项目负责人,已结题。
[12]环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室专项基金课题(No. 10Y04ESPCT,2010~2012):活性病原菌选择性检测技术及在水处理过程中的去除特性研究,主要完成人,已结题。
[13]环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室专项基金课题(No. 08Y01ESPCT,2008~2010):水中特征病原微生物高通量快速检测技术研究开发,主要完成人,已结题。
Environmental International 期刊编委
Environmental Science &Technology、Environmental International、Water Research、Science of Total environmental和Environmental Pollution等期刊评审人。
[1]Haiwei Huang, Siyu Zeng, Xin Dong∗, Dan Li∗, Ye Zhang, Miao He, Pengfei Du. Diverse and abundant antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in an urbanwater system.Journal of Environmental Management. 2019, 231: 494-503.
[2]XiangyangLi, April Z.Gu, YeZhang, BinXie, DanLi*, JianminChen. Sub-lethal Concentrations of Heavy Metals Induce Antibiotic Resistance viaMutagenesis.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019, 369(5): 9-16.
[3]Li D. and April. Z. Gu*. Antibacterial resistance: A new threat from DBPs and disinfection of drinking water?CurrentOpinioninEnvironmentalScience &Health. 2019,7:83–91.
[4]Zhang Y., Gu A. Z., Xie S.S. Li X.Y., CenT. Y., LiD.*,ChenJ.M. Nano-Metal Oxides Induce Antimicrobial Resistance via Radical-mediated Mutagenesis. Environmental International. 2018, 121: 1162-1171.
[5]Zhang Y., Gu A. Z., CenT. Y., LiX. Y., LiD.*,ChenJ.M. Petrol and Diesel Exhaust Particles Accelerate the Horizontal Transfer of Plasmid-mediated AntimicrobialResistance Genes. Environmental International. 2018,114: 280–287.
[6]Zhang Y., Gu A. Z., CenT. Y., LiX. Y., HeM.,LiD.*,ChenJ.M. Sub-inhibitory Concentrations of Heavy Metals Facilitate the Horizontal Transfer of Plasmid-Mediated Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Water Environment. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 237: 74–82.
[7]Zhang Y., Gu A. Z., He M., Li D. *Sub-inhibitory Concentrations of Disinfectants Promote the Horizontal Transfer of Multidrug Resistance Genes within and across Genera. Environmental Science& Technology. 2017, 51 (1): 570–580.
[8]Wu D., Zhang F., Lou W., Li D. *, Chen J.M.* Chemical characterization and toxicity assessment of fine particulate matters emitted from the combustion of petrol and diesel fuels. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 605-606: 172-179.
[9]Li D., Zeng S., He M. *,Gu A. Z. *. Water Disinfection Byproducts Select for Antibiotic Resistance-Role of Environmental Pollutants in Resistance Phenomena. Environmental Science& Technology. 2016, 50: 3193-3201.
[10]Lin Y.W., Li D.,*Gu A. Z., He M.* Bacterial regrowth in water reclamation and distribution systems revealed by viable bacterial detection assays. Chemosphere, 2016, 144: 2165-2174.
[11]Lin Y.W., Li D.,*Zeng S. Y., He M.* Changes of microbial and pathogenic compositions during wastewater reclamation and distribution systems revealed by high-throughput sequencing analyses. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2016,10,(3):539-547.
[12]Li D.*,Tong T.Z., Zeng S.Y., Lin Y.W., Wu S.X., He H*. Quantification of viable bacteria in wastewater treatment plants by using propidium monoazide combined with quantitative PCR (PMA-qPCR). Journal of Environment Science. 2014, 26: 299–306.
[13]Li D.,*Gu A. Z. and He M.*Quantification and genetic diversity of total and microcystin-producing Microcystis during blooming season in Tai and Yang-cheng lakes, China. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2014, 116: 1482-1494.
[14]Li D.,Wu S.X., M. He*, H.C. Shi. Inactivation, Reactivation and Regrowth of Indigenous Bacteria in Reclaimed Water after Chlorine Disinfection of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. Journal of Environment Science. 2013, 25(7): 1319-1325.
[15]Sun B., LiD.,Linghu W., Guan X..Degradation of Ciprofloxacin by Aquomanganese(III) Intermediate:Insight into the Potential Application of Permanganate/Bisulfite Process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 339, 144-152.
[16]Wang Y.Z., Li D.,He M.* Application of internal standard method in recombinant luminescent bacteria test. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2015, 35: 128-134.
[17]Li R., Zhao C., Yao B., Li D., Yan S., O’Shea K. E., and Song W. Photochemical transformation of aminoglycoside antibiotics in simulated natural waters. Environmental Science& Technology. 2016, 50 (6): 2921-2930.
[18]Li D.,GuA. Z., Yang W., He M. * and Shi H. C. Monitoring and Evaluation of Infectious Rotaviruses in Various Wastewater Effluents and Receiving Waters Revealed Correlation and Seasonal Pattern of Occurrences. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2011, 110: 1129-1137.
[19]YangW., Gu A. Z., Li D. *, M. He*, and H. C. Shi. Development of a Combined Immunomagnetic Separation and Quantitative Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay for Sensitive Detection of Infectious Rotavirus in Water Samples. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2011, 84: 447–453.
[20]Li D., Gu A. Z., Yang W., He M.* and Shi H. C. Evaluation of the infectivity, genome and antigenicity persistence of rotavirus after chlorine disinfection. Journal of Environmental Science. 2011, 23(10): 1691–1698.
[21]Li D., HeM.and Jiang S. *. Detection of infectious adenoviruses in environmental waters by fluorescence-activated cell sorting assay. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2010, 76: 1442–1448.
[22]LiD., ShiH.C., and Jiang S.* Concentration of Viruses from Environmental Waters using Nanoalumina Fiber Filters. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2010, 81: 33–38.
[23]Li D., Gu A. Z., Yang W., He M. * and Shi H. C. Rapid and sensitive detection of infectious rotaviruses in environmental water by an integrated cell culture and real-time RT-PCR assay. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2010, 82: 59–63.
[24]Li D., Gu A. Z., He M.*, Shi H. C. and Yang W. UV inactivation and resistance of rotavirus evaluated by integrated cell culture and real-time RT-PCR assay. Water Research. 2009, 43: 3261-3269.
[1]Zhang Y., Huang X.X., Li D.*Sub-lethal levels of disinfectants promote the horizontal transfer of multidrug resistance genes between and across genera. The 4th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Beijing, November 2-3, 2015. (Best Oral Prize)
[2]Lou W.H., Huang X.X., Li D.*Modeling mixture genotoxicity by recombined bacterial biosensors specific for SOS response. The 4th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Beijing, November 2-3, 2015.
[3]Cen T., Zhang Y.,Li D.*Three Preservatives Promote the Transfer Frequency of Antibiotic Resistance Genes Mediated by Plasmid pCM184. The 4th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Beijing, November 2-3, 2015.
[4]Li D.,He M., Shi H.C. Rapid and sensitive detection of infectious rotaviruses in environmental water by an integrated cell culture and RT-PCR (ICC-RT-PCR). 1st Proceedings of International Workshop on Monitoring and Sensor for Water Pollution Control. Beijing: 2007. 117-129.
[5]Li D.,He M., Shi H. An integrated cell culture and quantitative PCR assay for determining infectious rotavirus in environmental waters. 2nd Proceedings of International Workshop on Monitoring and Sensor for Water Pollution Control. Beijing: 2009. 114-119.
[6]Li D., Wu S.X., He M., Shi H.C. Inactivation, Reactivation and Re-growth of Indigenous Bacteria in Reclaimed Water after Chlorine Disinfection of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2nd Water Research Conference. Singapore: 01/21/2013 ~ 01/23/2013.
[7]Lin Y.W., Li D.,*Wu S.X., He M. Development of Reverse Transcription Quantitative PCR assay for Detection and Quantification of Viable Pathogenic Bacteria in waters. Proceedings of International Conference on Environment Simulation and Pollution Control. Beijing: 2011.
[8]Yang T., Li D.*, He M. Selectively detection of infectious pathogenic bacteria in environmental waters by fluorescent staining combined with flow cytometry. Proceedings of International Conference on Environment Simulation and Pollution Control. Beijing: 2011.
[9]Wu S.X., Li D.*,He M. Transcriptomic analysis of the responses of Escherichia coli to chlorine-based oxidative stress. Proceedings of International Conference on Environment Simulation and Pollution Control. Beijing: 2011.
[1]李丹,何苗,施汉昌,刘丽. 一种定量检测微囊藻的方法及其专用标准品. 授权号:0.2
[2]李丹,施汉昌,何苗,刘丽. 一种定量检测产毒微囊藻的方法及其专用标准品.授权号:5.8
[3]李丹,林怡雯,何苗. 用于检测分枝杆菌的引物对和标准品以及它们的应用.公开号:3.5
[4]何苗,李丹,林怡雯. 一种检测活性细菌含量的方法. 公开号:3.0
[5]何苗,李丹,施汉昌,杨万,胡昕. 一种浓集污水和污水处理厂尾水中病毒的方法. 授权号:ZL 8.1.
[7]何苗,胡秀华,刘丽,李丹,施汉昌. 一种定量检测轮状病毒的方法及其专用标准品. 授权号:ZL 4.2.

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