

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-10


简要介绍:2018年作为海外高层次人才引进加入复旦大学,2019年被评选为上海市青年科技启明星,并获得“国家自然基金青年项目”、上海市“脑与类脑智能基础转化应用研究”重大科技专项子课题、美国American Heart Association FDA项目等研究资助。综合使用认知心理学、分子基因工程改造、神经电生理和计算神经科学等多学科手段,对情感障碍和认知缺陷的神经环路和分子机制问题进行了深入探究,为类脑智能计算及临床诊疗提供脑科学基础。以第一作者或通讯作者在神经生物学权威期刊:Cell Reports,Neuroscience Biobehavoral Reviews,Cerebral Cortex,Journal of Neuroscience等多次发表研究论文。长期担任学术期刊J Biomed. Sci.、CPQ Medicine和 J Psychiatric编委,多次担任Hippocampus,J Neuroscience等SCI期刊审稿专家,并组织美国Keystone Symposia: Synapse and Circuits 会议(2017)及上海-剑桥研讨会(2019)。
代表成果:[1] Distinct function of estrogen receptors in the rodent anterior cingulate cortex in pain-related aversion. Kai-Kai Zang (*),Xiao Xiao(*),Li-Qiang Chen,Yan Yang, Qi-Lai Cao, Yu-Long Tang, Su-Su Lv, Hong Cao, Ling Zhang, Yu-Qiu Zhang. Anesthesiology 2020; DOI: 10.1097/ALN.3324. (*Co-First author)
[2] Trio haploinsufficiency causes neurodevelopmental disease-associated deficits. Sara M. Katrancha, Amy Zhao, Amanda Jeng, Juliana Shaw, Minsheng Zhu, Christopher Pittenger, Charles Greer, Xiao Xiao (*), Anthony J. Koleske (*). Cell Reports. (2019) 26:2805-2817 6. (*Co-corresponding author)
[3] A new perspective on the anterior cingulate cortex and affective pain. Xiao Xiao, Yu-qiu Zhang.Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews(2018) 90:200-211.
[4] Noonan syndrome-associated SHP2 dephosphorylates GluN2B to regulate NMDA receptor function. Aaron D. Levy (*), Xiao Xiao (*), Suma Priya Sudarsana Devi, Anton M. Bennett, Charles A. Greer, James R. Howe, Kazuya Machida, Anthony J. Koleske. Cell Reports (2018) 24 (6):1523-1535. (*Co-First author)
[5] Disruption of coordinated presynaptic and postsynaptic maturation underlies the defects in hippocampal synapse stability and plasticity in Abl2/Arg-deficient mice. Xiao Xiao, Aaron D. Levy, Brian J. Rosenberg, Michael J. Higley, Anthony J. Koleske. Journal of Neuroscience (2016) 36 (25): 6778-6791
[6] Estrogen in the anterior cingulate cortex contributes to pain-related aversion. Xiao Xiao, Yan Zhang, Yan Yang, Zhi-Qi Zhao, Yu-Qiu Zhang. Cerebral Cortex(2012) 23(9): 2190-2203 doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs201
[7] NMDA NR2A and NR2B receptors in the rostral anterior cingulate cortex contribute to pain-related aversion in male rats. Ting-Ting Li (*), Wen-Hua Ren (*), Xiao Xiao(*), Long-Zhen Cheng, Xue-Han Zhang, Zhi-Qi Zhao, Yu-Qiu Zhang. Pain 146 (2009) 183–193. (* Co-first author)

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