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Email: fanghongbin@fudan.edu.cn

方虹斌 博士。现任复旦大学智能机器人研究院青年研究员,曾任香港理工大学 (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 博士后研究员(2017-2018),美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)博士后研究员(2015-2017),于2012年10月至2014年10月在美国密歇根大学进行为期两年的博士生联合培养。在Advanced Materials (I.F.: 21.950)、Physical Review Letter(I.F.: 8.839)、Physical Review E、ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics、Bioinspiration and Biomimetics、Journal of Sound and Vibration等国际重要期刊和会议上发表论文三十余篇,其中SCI论文23篇,其中一篇长文在Multibody System Dynamics连续两期连载。论文总引用312次(Google Scholar)。在IUTAM Symposium--From Mechanical to Biological Systems:an Integrated Approach(2012,俄罗斯),2018“软体机器人理论与技术”国际研讨会等重要会议上作特邀报告。获得国际光学工程学会 (SPIE)2014年会仿生学最佳学生论文一等奖。


Yu X, Fang H, Cui F, Cheng L, Lu Z 2019 Origami-inspired foldable sound barrier designs. J Sound Vib 442:514–526.
?Fang H, Chu S-C A, Xia Y and Wang K W 2018 Programmable Self-Locking Origami Mechanical Metamaterials Adv. Mater.
?Fang H, Yu X and Cheng L 2018 Reconfigurable origami silencers for tunable and programmable sound attenuation Smart Mater. Struct. 27 095007
?Du Z, Fang H*, Zhan X and Xu J 2018 Experiments on vibration-driven stick-slip locomotion : A sliding bifurcation perspective Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 105 261–75
?Liu Z, Fang H*, Wang K-W and Xu J 2018 A parameter identification method for continuous-time nonlinear systems and its realization on a Miura-origami structure Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 108 369–86
?Tang C, Li B, Fang H, Li Z and Chen H 2018 A speedy, amphibian, robotic cube: Resonance actuation by a dielectric elastomer Sensors Actuators A Phys. J. 270 1–7
?Zhan X, Xu J and Fang H 2018 A vibration-driven planar locomotion robot - Shell Robotica 36 1402–20
?Fang H and Wang K-W 2017 Piezoelectric vibration-driven locomotion systems – Exploiting resonance and bistable dynamics J. Sound Vib. 391 153–69
?Fang H, Wang K W and Li S 2017 Asymmetric energy barrier and mechanical diode effect from folding Extrem. Mech. Lett. 17 7–14
?Fang H, Li S, Ji H and Wang K-W 2017 Dynamics of a bistable Miura-origami structure Phys. Rev. E 95 052211
?Fang H, Zhang Y and Wang K W 2017 Origami-Based Earthworm-Like Locomotion Robots Bioinspir. Biomim. 12 065003
?Li S, Fang H and Wang K-W 2016 Recoverable and programmable collapse from folding pressurized origami cellular solids Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 114301
?Fang H, Li S, Ji H and Wang K W 2016 Uncovering the deformation mechanisms of origami metamaterials by introducing generic degree-4 vertices Phys. Rev. E 94 043002
?Fang H, Li S and Wang K W 2016 Self-locking degree-4 vertex origami structures Proc. R. Soc. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. .
?Zhan X, Xu J and Fang H 2016 Planar locomotion of a vibration-driven system with two internal masses Appl. Math. Model. 40 871–85
?Fang H, Li S, Wang K W and Xu J 2015 A comprehensive study on the locomotion characteristics of a metameric earthworm-like robot Part A: Modeling and gait generation Multibody Syst. Dyn. 34 391–413
?Fang H, Wang C, Li S, Wang K W and Xu J 2015 A comprehensive study on the locomotion characteristics of a metameric earthworm-like robot Part B: Gait analysisi and experiments Multibody Syst. Dyn. 35 153–77
?Fang H, Li S, Wang K W and Xu J 2015 Phase coordination and phase–velocity relationship in metameric robot locomotion Bioinspir. Biomim. 10 066006
?Fang H and Xu J 2014 Stick-slip effect in a vibration-driven system with dry friction: sliding bifurcations and optimization J. Appl. Mech. 81 051001
?Fang H and Xu J 2012 Dynamics of a three-module vibration-driven system with non-symmetric Coulomb’s dry friction Multibody Syst. Dyn. 27 455–85
?Fang H and Xu J 2012 Controlled motion of a two-module vibration-driven system induced by internal acceleration-controlled masses Arch. Appl. Mech. 82 461–77
?Fang H and Xu J 2011 Dynamic analysis and optimization of a three-phase control mode of a mobile system with an internal mass J. Vib. Control 17 19–26
?Fang H and Xu J 2011 Dynamics of a mobile system with an internal acceleration-controlled mass in a resistive medium J. Sound Vib. 330 4002–18
?Fang H, Chang T, Wang K-W Controlling origami stability profile using magnets. Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, ASME, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada), p. DETC2018-85712, 2018.
?Fang, H., Chu, S. A., and Wang, K. W.: “Self-locking origami structures and locking-induced piecewise stiffness,” Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, ASME, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, p. DETC2017-67197, 2017.
?Xia, Y., Fang, H.*, and Wang, K. W.: “Exploring the dynamic characteristics of degree-4 vertex origami metamaterials,” Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, ASME, Snowbird, UT, USA, pp. 1–10, 2017. (*corresponding author)
?Fang, H., Zhang, Y., and Wang, K.W.: An earthworm-like robot using origami-ball structures. In: Proc. SPIE 10164 Act. Passiv. Smart Struct. Integr. Syst., **, Portland, OR, April, 2017.
?Fang, H., Li, S., Xu, J., and Wang, K.W.: Locking mechanisms in degree-4 vertex origami structures. In: Proc. SPIE 9799 Act. Passiv. Smart Struct. Integr. Syst. 1, 979910, Las Vegas, NV, March, 2016.
?Fang, H., Wang, C., Li, S., Wang, K.-W., and Xu, J.: Phase Control of a Bio-Inspired Meta-Structural Locomotion Robot. In: Proc. of the ASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. SMASIS2014-7745, Newport, RI, September, 2014.
?Fang, H., Wang, C., Li, S., Xu, J., and Wang, K.W.: Design and experimental gait analysis of a multi-segment in-pipe robot inspired by earthworm’s peristaltic locomotion (Best student paper award, First place). In: Proc. SPIE 9055, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication. 90550H, San Diego, CA, March, 2014.
?Fang, H., Li, S., Wang, K.W., and Xu, J.: Locomotion gait design of an earthworm-like robot based on multi-segment fluidic flexible matrix composite structures. In: Proc. of the ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. SMASIS2013-3027, Snowbird, UT, September, 2013.
?Fang, H. and Xu, J.: Rectilinear motions of multi-module vibration-driven systems: effects of the phase shifts among internal motions. The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2012), Beijing, China, August, 2012
?Fang, H. and Xu, J.: N-module Worm-like Locomotion System: Analysis, Optimization and Synchronization. IUTAM Symposium: From Mechanical to Biological Systems - An Integrated Approach, Izhevsk, Russia, June, 2012
?Fang, H., Xu, J., and Huang, Y.: Optimal motion of vibration-driven systems in a resistant medium induced by internal acceleration-controlled masses. In: Bernardini D, Rega G, Romeo F, eds. Proceedings of the 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2011). MS-07-7, Rome, Italy, August, 2011.
?Fang, H. and Xu, J.: Steady-state motions of an N-module vibration-driven locomotion system. In: Chernousko, F.L., Borisov, A.V., Kozlov, V.V., Mamaev, I.S., eds. From Mechanical to Biological Systems - An Integrated Approach. Izhevsk: Izhevsk Institute of Computer Science, 2013: 165-189. ISBN 978-5-4344-0146-3.

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