

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09



- 基于Hurricane WRF模式的集合变分同化系统应用和发展
- 静态背景误差方差估计
- 局地化的粒子滤波(particle filter)
- 多尺度背景协方差局地化
- 初始集合扰动生成
- 分析误差估计
- 集合中心化的新算法
- 非线性局部Lyapunov指数和向量方法的发展和应用
- 大气可预报性期限
- 混沌吸引子动力


2020.4-2020.10,美国俄克拉荷马大学(University of Oklahoma)气象系,项目研究员
2017.7-2020.4,美国俄克拉荷马大学(University of Oklahoma)气象系,博士后

2018-2019,A new measure of ensemble central tendency, 美国国家大气研究中心National Center for Atmospheric Research,$10000(主持)
2015-2017,Estimation of analysis and forecast error variance,美国国家科学院National Academy of Sciences,$140000(参与)
2016-2017,A fast statistical tool for observation system experiments,美国国家海洋大气局 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,$38000(参与)
2017-2020,Advance the assimilation of radar and other convective and mesoscale observations,美国俄克拉荷马大学University of Oklahoma,$150000(参与)

2020年7月至今,International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences杂志编委
2015年至今,多家SCI期刊审稿人:Weather and Forecasting,Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society,Climate Dynamics,Atmosphere,Atmospheric Research等


Feng, J.and X. G. Wang*, 2020: Impact of increasing horizontal and vertical resolution of the hurricane WRF model on the analysis and prediction of Hurricane Patricia (2015).Mon. Wea. Rev., DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-20-0144.1
Feng, J., J. Zhang*, Z. Toth, M. Pena, and S. Ravela, 2020: A New Measure of Ensemble Central Tendency.Wea. Forecasting, 35(3), 879–889.
Feng, J., X. G. Wang*, and J. Poterjoy, 2020: A comparison of two local moment matching nonlinear filters: local particle filter (LPF) and local nonlinear ensemble transform filter (LNETF).Mon. Wea. Rev., https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19-0368.1.
Feng, J.*, Z. Toth, and M. Pena, 2020: Partition of Analysis and Forecast Error Variance into Growing and Decaying Components.Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 146(728), 1302-1321.
Feng, J.and X. G. Wang*, 2019: Impact of assimilating upper-level dropsonde observations collected during the TCI field campaign on the prediction of intensity and structure of Hurricane Patricia (2015),Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3069–3089.
Feng, J., J. P. Li*, J. Zhang, D. Q. Liu, and R. Q. Ding, 2019: The relationship between deterministic and ensemble mean forecast errors revealed by global and local attractor radii.Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36(3), 271–278.
Feng, J., R. Q. Ding, J. P. Li*, and Z. Toth, 2018: Comparison of nonlinear local Lyapunov vectors and bred vectors in estimating the spatial distribution of error growth.J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 1073–1087.
Hou, Z., Li, J.*, Ding, R.*, Karamperidou, C., Duan, W., Liu, T., &Feng, J., 2018. Asymmetry of the predictability limit of the warm ENSO phase.Geophysical Research Letters, 45.
Zhong, Q., L. Zhang, J. Li, R. Ding*, andJ. Feng, 2018: Estimating the predictability limit of tropical cyclone tracks over the western North Pacific using observational data.Adv. Atmos. Sci., in press.
Li, J. P.*,J. Feng, and R. Q. Ding 2018: Attractor Radius and Global Attractor Radius and their Application to the Quantification of Predictability Limits.Clim. Dyn., 51, 2359–2374, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-4017-y.
Hou, Z., J. P. Li*, R. Q. Ding andJ. Feng, 2018: The application of nonlinear local Lyapunov vectors to the Zebiak–Cane model and their performance in ensemble prediction.Clim. Dyn.
Feng, J.*, Z. Toth, and M. Pe?a, 2017: Spatial Extended Estimates of Analysis and Short-Range Forecast Error Variances.Tellus A, 69:1, **.
Huai, X., J. P. Li*, R. Q. Ding,J. Fengand D. Q. Liu, 2017: Quantifying local predictability of the Lorenz system using the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 10:5, 372-378.
Feng, J., R. Q. Ding, J. P. Li* and D. Q. Liu, 2016: Comparison of nonlinear local Lyapunov vectors with bred vectors, random perturbations and ensemble transform Kalman filter strategies in a barotropic model.Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33(9), 1036–1046.
Ding, R. Q., J. P. Li*, F. Zheng,J. Fengand D. Q. Liu, 2016: Estimating the limit of decadal-scale climate predictability using observational data.Clim. Dyn., 46(5), 1563–1580.
Liu, D. Q.,J. Feng, J. P. Li* and J. C. Wang, 2015: The impacts of time-step size and spatial resolution on the prediction skill of the GRAPES-MESO forecast system.Chinese Journal of Atmos. Sci., 39(6), 1165–1178.
Liu, D. Q., R. Q. Ding, J. P. Li* andJ. Feng, 2015: Preliminary application of the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent to target observation.Chinese Journal of Atmos. Sci., 39(2), 329?337.
Feng, J., R. Q. Ding, D. Q. Liu and J. P. Li*, 2014: The Application of Nonlinear Local Lyapunov Vectors to Ensemble Predictions in the Lorenz Systems.J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 3554–3567.


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