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职 称:研究员,博导

曾赴日本、美国、英国、德国和台湾等国家和地区多次参加会议和访问活动。2005年1-2月,受美国国务院邀请参加国际访问者项目;2007年6-12月,赴美国蒙太雷国际问题研究院(Monterey Institute of International Studies, MIIS)、乔治亚大学(University of Georgia, UGA)、华盛顿大学(University of Washington, UW)和美国其他相关部门学习、交流。目前,与德国慕尼黑汉斯.塞德尔基金会(Hanns Seidel Stiftung, HSS)合作,负责中欧安全对话的中方组织工作。



张家栋:“Thoughts on the piracy issue and its solution,” China International Studies, March/April 2009
张家栋:“跨国犯罪,恐怖主义,及其核扩散”,in Klaus Lange(ed.), Islamistischer Terrorismus und Massenvernichtungsmittel, 2006 Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V., Munich, Germany, Issue 50.
沈丁立,张家栋: “China's Perspectives on WMD Proliferation, Arms Control, Disarmament, and Related Threats from Non-State Actors”, in Waheguru Pal Sidhu and Ramesh Thakur eds,Arms Control after Iraq: Normative and Operational Challenges(United Nation)

张家栋:“创新的对话友好的开端”,《东方早报》, 09-11-17
张家栋,“南海岛屿主权争端及中国的应对措施”,《新民网》, 09-04-15
张家栋:“对奥巴马外交新思维应多持怀疑态度”,《新民网》, 09-04-13
张家栋:“美国海军南海测量意欲何为”,《新民网》, 09-03-17
张家栋:“力量对比变化,中美关系面临新局面”,《解放日报》, 09-03-03
张家栋,“第六次中东战争开始了吗?”,《新民网》, 09-01-05
张家栋,“以色列袭击加沙,意在影响奥巴马?”,《新民网》, 08-12-29
张家栋:“国际机制转型,重塑中美关系”,《解放日报》, 08-12-16

Biography of Zhang Jiadong

Assistant Researcher, Ph.D., Fudan University
Research Interests: Terrorism, International Security
Email: ????jiadongzhang@fudan.edu.cn????

Mr. Zhang Jiadong, born in Huoqiu County, Anhui Province in Sept. 1977. In July 1993, he graduated from Huoqiu Normal School, Anhui province, and has been a teacher in primary school and middle school from July 1993 to July 1999. December 1996, he got his first academic degree studying by his self working on Chinese languageand literature. From August 1999 to July 2001, he studied in Center for International Relationship Studies, Yunnan University, got M.D degree on International Relationship Studies. He studied in School of International Relationship and Public Affairs, Fudan University from September 2001 to June 2004 and got a Ph.D on international Relationship Studies for his studies on terrorism affairs. From July 2004, he has beginning his new work in Center for American Studies, Fudan University, mainly working on terrorism affairs, anti-terrorism, and American anti-terrorism policy. Professor Zhang is also director of the Center for South Asian Studies, Fudan University.
During working and studying, he has published few papers, includes: “National separatism and its impacts” (Shanghai: International Survey, No.1 2002), “A Conceptual Analysis of Terrorism” (Beijing: World Economics and International Politics, No.3, 2003), “Terrorism in the context of terrifying Language” (Beijing: World Economics and International Politics, No.12, 2003), “From Coercive diplomacy to ‘preemptive strategy’” (Shanghai: International Survey No.6, 2003), “An Analysis of Jews terrorism” (Beijing: Pacific Journal No.2, 2004), “Neo-Conservatism and its impacts on U.S foreign policy” (in Ren Xiao, ShenDingli (eds.) Conservatism and U.S. Foreign Policy, Shanghai Sanlian Shudian, 2003), “International terrorism and International Cooperation against terrorism”(more that 40,000 words in Chinese Characters, in Yang Jiemian(ed), International cooperation on combating terrorism: thinking beyond geopolitics, Beijing: Shishi Chubanshe, 2003), “Global Governance and International Organizations”(in Zhang Guihong(ed.), International Organizations and International Relations, Hangzhou: Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe, 2004). Moreover, he has written few personage biographies, and often writes articles about international hot problems for many news papers and magazines, mainly in Shanghai. Such as Oriental Morning Post, Jiefang Daily, Oriental Outlook, Xinmin Weekly, and so on.
During studying for master and doctoral degree, he has acquired rewards three times:
2000.12 “Three goods” student, Yunnan University.
2002.11 Taiwan Alumni Scholarship for International Studies, Fudan University
2003.10 Xie Xide Scholarship, Fudan University
He also participates in many public activities actively, and once was Core member of “Interactive Lecturer Group Composed by Doctoral Students”, made some lectures about terrorism issue within and outside Fudan University. His personal interests are very extensive, from Basketball, Chinese Chess, Music, to Traveling.
BooksMonograph and Translation
The Adjustment of American Anti-Terror Strategy and its Impact on China
Terrorism and its Management in the Globalized World
Discussions on Terrorism
A New Type of Major-Power Relationship: History, Theory and Reality
Take a Perspective of Coin Strategy from the End of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
The Clash of Civilizations and Terrorism: Imagination or Reality
The Piracy Issue and Countermeasures
The Situation of Piracy in the World and International Counter-Piracy Mechanism Construction
The U.S. Political Realignmentand the Preconditions
Terrorism and Anti-Terror Cooperation in the Middle East
China and America: Who is the Challenger to the Contemporary International Order
On Global Terrorism Activities in 2006
Common Interests and Difference of China and U.S. in the Middle East
Transnational Crime, Terrorism, and Proliferation of Nuclear and Radiological Materials
China's Perspectives on WMD Proliferation, Arms Control, Disarmament, and Related Threats from Non-State Actors
Rethinking about the Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism
The Present Religion Roots of Terrorism
Transformation of International Politics and Characteristics of Terrorism
Review of World's Terrorism in 2005
China Integrates into the International System: Capability, Identity and Sino-U.S. Relations
A Philosophical Analysis of Terrorism
A Study of Judean Terrorism
Terrorism in the Context of Terrifying Language
From Compellent Diplomacy to Preemptive Strategy
International Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism Cooperation
A Conceptual Analysis of Terrorism

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