本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09
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1990年9月—1994年7月, 安徽大学哲学系, 哲学专业 本科生;
1994年9月—1997年7月, 复旦大学哲学系, 外国哲学专业硕士研究生;
2000年9月—2003年12月,复旦大学哲学系, 外国哲学专业在职博士研究生。
1997年8月—1999年8月, 复旦大学哲学系教师(助教);
1999年8月—2004年8月, 复旦大学哲学系教师(讲师);
2004年8月—2014年12月, 复旦大学哲学系教师(副教授)(哲学系于2006年9月更名为复旦大学哲学学院);
2014年12月─现在, 复旦大学哲学学院教授
2006年5月—2011年5月, 复旦大学哲学学院副院长
2015年4月─现在, 复旦大学当代国外马克思主义研究中心副主任
2001年9月—2002年5月, 加拿大维真学院访问****;
2007年8月—2008年6月, 美国纽约州立大学珀切斯学院富布莱特访问****(Fulbright visiting scholar at Purchase College, the State University of New York)
(4)复旦大学人文基金青年****项目, 项目执行时间2010年2月-2015年2月;
(5)复旦大学“卓学人才计划”, 项目执行时间2011-2015年;
五、 科研项目情况
1,乌托邦与现代人的根本困境——恩斯特·布洛赫的乌托邦思想研究; 国家社科基金项目; 2004年5月;
2, 解放与救赎——论恩斯特·布洛赫对马克思思想的乌托邦之维的解读; 上海市社科基金项目; 2005年7月;
3, 马克思主义与宗教——恩斯特·布洛赫宗教思想研究; 上海市教委曙光项目;(2006年4 月—2010年5月);
4,马克思主义与宗教— 西方马克思主义宗教思想研究;2006年哲学社会科学创新基地项目;2006年10 月;
5, 从韦伯到马克思---- 西方马克思主义拜物教批判思想研究,国家教育部重点研究基地项目,2011年立项;
6, 国外左翼政治思潮宗教转向研究; 国家教育部重点研究基地自设项目,2012年立项;
1,张双利,《黑暗与希望─恩斯特·布洛赫乌托邦思想研究》,人民出版社,2014年11月,唯一作者;ISBN 978-7-01-014214-2。
2, 陈学明、张双利、马拥军、罗骞等著, 《二十世纪西方马克思主义哲学》,人民出版社,2012年12月,第二作者; ISBN 978-7-01-011131-5。
3, 陈学明主编,《20世纪西方马克思主义哲学历程》,天津人民出版社,2013年1月,本人承担14万字;ISBN 978-7-201-07873-1。
4,张双利、陈祥勤,《解放神学》,台湾扬智文化事业股份有限公司,2000年8月, 第一作者;ISBN 957-818-114-0。
5,俞吾金、佘碧平、吴新文、张双利,《现代性现象学》,上海社会科学院出版社,2002年12月, 第四作者;ISBN 7-80681-127-3/B?002。
(1)Zhang Shuangli, “Why should one be interested in the theological dimension within the project of modern politics? ------On the Chinese acceptance of Carl Schmitt's political theology”, Critical Research on Religion(peer reviewed journal), 2014, Vol. 2(1) 9–22;
(2)Zhang Shuangli, “Les courants anticapitalistes en Chine. Le point de vue d’une philosophe”, Actuel Marx#52 (peer reviewed journal),2012, 180-196;
(1)张双利, 《重解历史必然性—论齐泽克对《历史与阶级意识》的重新解读》, 《哲学研究》(权威期刊),2013年第3期, 第3-10页。
(2)张双利,《理性何以沦为权力的纯粹工具?—— 论<启蒙辩证法>对自我保存理性的批判》,《学术月刊》(核心期刊),2014年第3期,第67-75页。
(3)张双利,《资本主义宗教与历史唯物主义------ 论马克思主义拜物教批判思想在20世纪的复兴》,《世界哲学》(核心期刊),2012年第6期,第16-32页。
(4)张双利,《再论马克思的扬弃宗教的道路------ 从犹太人问题谈起》,《马克思主义与现实》(核心期刊),2012年第六期,第24-33页。
(6)张双利,《宗教与革命的伦理—兼论卢卡奇与布洛赫的思想共生关系》, 《马克思主义与现实》, 2010年1月
(7)张双利,“Gradualism and Optimism—A Comparative Study on John Dewey and HuShi”,(英文学术文章)Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2010年3月
(8)张双利,《论恩斯特?布洛赫的人本主义》, 《马克思主义与现实》,2007年4月;
(9)张双利《西方马克思主义的意识形态理论与中国》, 《复旦学报》,2006年12月;
(11)张双利《在意识形态与乌托邦的张力中理解马克思主义》, 《江西社会科学》,2004年3月;
(13)张双利《对马克思人的本质理论的再理解——从自然界的概念出发》, 《复旦学报》,1996年7月;
4,CSSCI 来源期刊
(2)张双利,《内在的超越----- 卢卡奇论辩证法与革命》,《国外马克思主义评论》(第9辑)(CSSCI来源期刊),人民出版社,2011年12月,第145-174页。
(3)张双利,《从韦伯到马克思— 再论卢卡奇对资本主义社会的双重批判》,《国外马克思主义评论》第8辑, 人民出版社,2010年12月;
(4) 张双利,《论西方理性主义文化的内在张力》, 《国外马克思主义评论》第6辑, 人民出版社,2008年12月;
(5)张双利,《乌托邦与我们——论恩斯特?布洛赫的乌托邦思想的现实意义》, 《国外马克思主义评论》第4辑, 人民出版社,2004年4月;
(1)张双利,《宗教与革命的主体性问题---- 论西方左翼政治思潮的宗教转向 (下)》, 《国外马克思主义发年度报告2011》(一般刊物,以书代刊), 人民出版社,2011年12月,第331-353页。
(2)张双利,《论现代世界中宗教与政治之间的纠缠》,《现代哲学》(一般刊物, 以书代刊),人民出版社,2011年12月,第457-467页。
(3)张双利,《宗教与革命的主体性问题—论当今西方左翼政治思潮的宗教转向》(上),收于《国外马克思主义发展报告,2010》, 人民出版社,2010年12月;
(4)张双利,《建构宗教与革命的联盟——卢卡奇、布洛赫等早期西方马克思主义者宗教思想初探》,《国外马克思主义论丛》(第一辑), 人民出版社,2009年12月;
(5)张双利,《再现乌托邦与现存世界之间的张力——恩斯特?布洛赫乌托邦思想研究》,《基督教思想评论》第一辑, 上海人民出版社,2004年10月;
(6)张双利,《对卢卡奇总体性理论的再反思—从恩斯特?布洛赫的乌托邦哲学的角度》,《复旦哲学评论》,第二缉, 上海辞书出版社,2005年9月;
6, 其他学术成果
(1)张双利,《黑格尔哲学、马克思哲学、斯特劳斯主义与现代性问题—罗伯特·皮平教授访谈录》(1.5万字),《国外马克思主义发展报告2013》(一般刊物,以书代刊), 人民出版社,2015年6月。
(2)张双利,《现代性是关于自由和自由的实现的故事---访Robert Pippin教授》(0.4万字), 《文汇报》2014年1月27日。
(2)张双利,“Das Dilemma des ?kritischen Marxismus“ im heutigen China”,(Short Article, http://www.de-cn.net/dis/kap/de**.htm), 2012;
(3)张双利, “Autorit?re Versuchung”, (Short Article, 64 1. Dezember 2011 DIE ZEIT No 49, Germany);
1,张双利,Book Review, (英文书评)(Dao: A comparative journal of philosophy (Ⅷ,1), Spring, 2008, 美国);
2,张双利,《评米歇尔?洛威的<诸神之战>》, 收于《国外马克思主义发展报告,2007》, 人民出版社;
(1)张双利,“资本主义作为计算的天国以及与之不同的另一条道路”(译文), 《世界哲学》,2012年11月;
(3)张双利,“宗教与现代性”(译文),《现代哲学》(人民出版社,2011, 12)
(4)张双利,“马克思主义与宗教----- 关于其最新趋势的考察”(译文),《国外马克思主义发年度报告2011》,(人民出版社,2011年12);
(6)张双利,《改变世界: 马克思的〈关于费尔巴哈的提纲〉》(译文), 收于《国外马克思主义论丛》(第一辑),人民出版社,2009年12月;
(7)张双利,《用本体论拯救革命》, (译文),《马克思主义与现实》,2009年6月;
(8)张双利,《卡尔?马克思与农业问题》,(译文), 收于《对农业的政治经济学分析》,重庆出版社,2008年4月;
(9)张双利,《恩斯特?布洛赫访谈》, (译文), 《复旦哲学评论》,第1辑, 上海辞书出版社,2004年1月;
(10)张双利,《列奥?斯特劳斯:在困惑时代中寻求真理》,(译文), 收于《斯特劳斯与古典政治哲学》,上海三联书店,2002年9月;
(11)张双利,《什么是政治科学, 它应当成为什么?》, (译文), 《国外马克思主义评论》第3辑,复旦大学出版社,2002年9月;
(12)张双利,《恩格斯论宗教与阶级斗争》,(译文), 《国外马克思主义评论》第2辑,复旦大学出版社,2001年9月;
(13)张双利,《马克思与马克思主义:今与昔》,(译文), 《国外马克思主义评论》第1辑,复旦大学出版社,2000年7月;
(14)张双利,《美国****与全球化》, (译文),《自然辩证法研究》,1999年1月;
(15)张双利,《三位一体与社会》, (译文), 《道风》,1997年7月;
(1)张双利,“About the International Conference on Religion and Politics in the Secular World”,(英文会议综述)(2009, 12, Sino- Christian Studies, No.8, Taiwan台湾);
(3)张双利,“A Summary of the International Symposium on Philosophical Education and the Modern World”, (英文会议综述)(2007, 11, Fudan Journal(English Version, Volume 3, number 3)) ;
(4)张双利,《“马克思主义哲学与西方哲学教学改革研讨会”会议综述》, 《教学与研究》,2001年9月
(5)张双利,《“来自第八界世界女性主义哲学大会和第20届世界哲学大会的讯息”》, 《自然辩证法研究》,1998年12月
(2)张双利,“Karl Marx on the Christian Nature of the Modern State and its Doomed Failure”, (会议论文, 已被收入会议论文集, 将在德国出版)
(3)张双利,“Reflections on George Lukacs’ Theory of Totality: From the Perspective of Ernst Bloch’s Utopian Philosophy”, 收入Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series III. Eastern Asian Philosophical Studies, Volume (eds. George F. M cLean)
(4)张双利,《世俗时代》,拟由上海三联出版社出版 (学术译著,承担第六、七章)
(1)“On the Decline of Concrete Utopias in China”;(paper for the plenary session of the Sixth International Marx Congress, 2010, Paris, France)
Vidéo : http://www.canalc2.tv/video.asp?idvideo=9999
(2) “Religion and Modernity ---- On Their intertwinement in the Context of Chinese Modernization”; (the paper for one of the philosophy sessions in the Sixth International Marx Congress, 2010, Paris, France)
Paper: http://actuelmarx.u-paris10.fr/cm6/index6.htm
(3)Reflections on the Anti-Capitalist Movement in China (the paper for the Roundtable: The Anticapitalist Left in the World Today in Left Forum, 2011, New York, the United States)
(4)“Marx in China” (the paper for the session: Marxism in China in Left Forum, 2011, New York, the United States)
(5)“the Capitalist Religion and Historical Materialism---- on the Revival of the Marxist Criticism of Fetishism in the 20th Century” (the paper for the International Conference: China, Philosophy, and the Problem of “Modernity”--A Dialogue with Philosophers from Fudan University,2011, Depaul University, Chicago)
(6)“Why should one be interested in the theological dimension within the project of modern politics? ------On the Chinese acceptance of Carl Schmitt's political theology” (the paper for the International Conference: Religion and Treason: 2012, the University of Newcastle, Australia)
(7)“Toward a New Critique of the Power Relationship in Civil Society” ( the paper for the International Conference: Social Critique and Modern Politics , 2012,Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
(8)Religion and the Ethics of Revolution ----- On George Lukacs and Ernst Bloch’s Efforts to Build the Alliance Between Religion and Marxism; (the paper for the International Conference: Religion and Politics in the Secular World, 2009,Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
1, 主要教学领域:
2, 开设课程情况:
? 本科生课程:
《共产党宣言》导读 (复旦大学核心课程);
马恩早期原著选读 (《1844年经济学-哲学手稿等》)(复旦大学哲学专业课程);
Marxist Currents Outside China (复旦大学校精品课程,哲学专业课程);
Chinese Modern Philosophy (美国纽约州立大学珀切斯学院本科生课程,2007);
Women in China (美国纽约州立大学珀切斯学院本科生课程,2008);
? 研究生课程:
西方马克思主义原著精读 (《启蒙辩证法》等)(复旦大学哲学专业课程)
Zhang Shuangli
Professor, the School of philosophy, Fudan University
The Chair of the Philosophy Department, the School of Philosophy, Fudan University
The Vice Director of the Center for Contemporary Foreign Marxism, Fudan University
The School of Philosophy, Fudan University
220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China
Tel: 86-
Fax: 86-
(1) 9,2000 ----12,2003, Fudan University, (doctor degree, the major of philosophy)
(2) 9,1994 ---- 7,1997, Fudan University, (master degree, the major of philosophy)
(3) 9,1990 ---- 7,1994, Anhui University (bachelor degree, the major of philosophy)
Work Experience
1997 to 1999, assistant professor, Philosophy Department, Fudan University;
1999 to 2004, lecturer, Philosophy Department, Fudan University;
2004 to 2014, associate professor, Philosophy Department (changed into the School of Philosophy in 2006), Fudan University;
Since 2014, professor, Philosophy Department, Fudan University;
2001 to 2002, visiting scholar in Regent College, Canada;
2007 to 2008, Fulbright Scholar in Purchase College , SUNY, the United States
1, Darkness and Hope---- Studies in Ernst Bloch’s Utopian Thought, (the only author, Renming Publishing House, Beijing, China, 2014)
2, the Theology of Liberation, (the first author, Taiwan: Taiwan Yangzhi Company, 2000);
3, the Phenomenology of Modernity, (the fourth author, Shanghai, China: the Publishing House of the Shanghai Academy of Social Science, 2002);
4, Western Marxism, (the second author, Beijing, China: Renming Publishing House, 2012)
5, the Philosophical Journey of Western Marxism in the 20thCentury, (the third author, Tianjing, China: Tianjing Remning Publishing House, 2013)
Academic Articles:
1,“Why should one be interested in the theological dimension within the project of modern politics? ------On the Chinese acceptance of Carl Schmitt's political theology” (2014, 4, Critical Research on Religion, Vol. 2, No. 1, the United States)
2,“How Could Reason Have Been Degraded into the Pure Instrument of Power? — On the Critique of the Self-Preserving Reason in Dialectic of Enlightenment” (2014,3, Academic Monthly, China)
3,“Enlightenment and Social Domination------Reflections on the Critique of Social Domination in Dialectic of Enlightenment”(2013, 12, Contemporary Marxism Review, 11, Renming Publishing House, China)
4,“Reinterpreting the Historical Necessity---- On Zizek’s interpretation of History and Class Consciousness”(2013, 3, Philosophical Researches, China)(reprinted in Philosophical Principles, 2013, 6, China)
5,“the Capitalist Religion and Historical Materialism---- on the Revival of the Marxist Criticism of Fetishism in the 20thCentury” (2012,11, World Philosophy, China);
6,“On Marx’s Way to Supersede Religions---- from the Perspective of the Jewish Question” (2012,12, Marxism and Reality, China);
7,“Anti-capitalist trends in China. The viewpoint of a philosopher ----An interview of Professor Zhang Shuangli, at the University of Fudan (Shanghai), by Gérard Duménil” (2012,11, Actuel Marx#52, France);
8,“The Difficult Condition of ‘Critical Marxism’ in the Contemporary China”(2012, 9, Study & Exploration, China)
9,“Immanent Transcendence---- Georg Lukacs on Dialectic and Revolution” (2011,12,Contemporary Marxism Review, 9, Renming Publishing House, China);
10,“Religion and the Problem of Revolutionary Subjectivity —On the Recent ‘Turns to Religion’ of the Western Left-wing Political Thoughts” (TWO), (2011,12 the Annual Report About the Marxist Currents Abroad: 2011, Renming Publishing House, China);
11,“From Weber to Marx— Reflections on Georg Lukacs’ Dual Critique of Capitalism”, (2010,10, Contemporary Marxism Review, 8, Renming Publishing House, China);
12,“Religion and the Ethics of Revolution ---- Also on the relationship of Symbiosis between George Lukacs and Ernst Bloch”, (2010,1, Marxism and Reality , China);
13,“Gradualism and Optimism—A Comparative Study on John Dewey and HuShi,(2010, 3,Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (English version), China);
14,“Religion and the Problem of Revolutionary Subjectivity —On the Recent ‘Turns to Religion’ of the Western Left-wing Political Thoughts” (ONE), (2010, 1, the Annual Report About the Marxist Currents Abroad: 2010, Renming Publishing House, China)
15, “To Build the Alliance Between Religion and Revolution --- Studies in the religious thinking of the early western Marxists like Ernst Bloch and Geoege Lukacs, ”(2009, 12, Collection of the Works about Marxism Abroad, Renming Publishing House, China );
16, “On the Internal Tension within the Rationalist Culture”, (2008,12, Contemporary Marxism Review, 6, Renming Publishing House, China);
17, “On Ernst Bloch’s Humanism”, (2007, 4, Marxism and Reality, China);
18, “ The Western Marxist Theory of Ideology and China ”(2006, 12, Fudan Journal, China)
19,“Reflections on Lukacs’ Theory of Totality— from the perspective of Ernst Bloch’s utopian thought”, (2005, 9, Fuan Review of Philosophy,China);
20, “On George Lukacs’ Eschatological Diagnosis of the Capitalist Society---- Studies in George Lukacs’ thought of modernity” (2005,8 Marxism and Reality, China);
21, “Reawakening the Tension Between Utopia and the Present World”, (2004,10, Christian Thought review, 1, Shanghai Renming Publishing House, China);
22, “Utopia and Us—On Realistic Meaning of Ernst Bloch’s Utopian Thought ”, (2004,4, Contemporary Marxism Review, 4, Renming Publishing House, China);
23, “Understanding Marxism in the tension between Utopia and Ideology”, (2004,3, Jiangxi Social Sciences,China);
24, “Studies on Lefebvre’s Thought of Modernity”, (2003,8, Marxism and Reality, China);
25,“Reflections Marx’s Theory of the Essence of Man—Starting form the Conception of Nature’, (1996,7, Fudan Journal, China)
Short Articles, Interviews, Book Reviews and others:
1, “Modernity is the Story about Freedom and Its Actualization------ the Interview of Professor Robert Pippin” (2014, 1, Wenhui Daily, China)
2, “Interview of Michael Lowy”, (2007, 11, Contemporary Marxism Review, 5, Renming Publishing House, China);
Short Articles
3, “Das Dilemma des ?kritischen Marxismus“ im heutigen China”,(Short Article, http://www.de-cn.net/dis/kap/de**.htm), 2012;
4, “Autorit?re Versuchung”, (Short Article, 64 1. Dezember 2011 DIE ZEIT No 49, Germany);
5, “On the Multi-Dimensional Relationship Between Marxism and Christianity”, (2011, 9, the News Letter of the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies)
Book Reviews
6, “Book Review”, (2008,Dao: A comparative journal of philosophy (Ⅷ,1), Spring, America);
7, “Book View of the War of Gods”,(2007, the Annual Report on Contemporary Marxism:2007, Renming Publishing House, China);
Conference Reviews
8, “About the International Conference on Religion and Politics in the Secular World”, (English version, 2009, 12, Sino- Christian Studies, No.8, Taiwan)
9, “On the Interconnectedness Between Religion and Politics in The Secular Society (a Conference Summary)”, (December 3rd, 2009, the Newspaper For Social Sciences, China);
10, “A Summary of the International Symposium on Philosophical Education and the Modern World”, (2007, 11, Fudan Journal(English Version, Volume 3, number 3), China ) ;
11, “About the Conference of the Reformation in the Teachings about Marxist Philosophy and Western Philosophy”, (2001,9, Teachings and Studies, the first author, China);
12, “About the 8thCongress of Feminist philosophy and the 20thCongress of Philosophy”, (1998,12, Studies in Natural Dialectics, China);
13, “Capitalism as the divine kingdom of calculation, and Marxist conceptions of the alternative: A response to Dr. Zhang Shuangli’s article” (Translation, 2012,11, World Philosophy, China);
14, “Response to Prof. Dr. Yu Wujin’s, ‘Important thoughtful Ferments in the Reflection of Modernity: Seen from the young Hegel’s Perspective’” (Translation, 2012,11, World Philosophy, China);
15, “Religion and Modernity” (Translation, 2011, 12, Contemporary Philosophy, Renming Publishing House, China);
16, “Marxism and Religion Today” (Translation, 2011, 12, the Annual Report About the Marxist Currents Abroad: 2010, Renming Publishing House, China);
17, “Changing the World: Marx’s Thesis on Feuerbach,” (Translation, 2009, 12, Collection of the Works about Marxism Abroad, Renming Publishing House, China);
18, “To Save Revolution by Ontology”, (Translation, 2009, 6, Marxism and Reality, China);
19, “Karl Marx and the Problem of Agriculture,” (Translation, 2008,4, the Political-Economic Analysis of Agriculture, Chongqing Publishing House, China);
20, “Interview of Ernst Bloch”, (Translation, 2004,1, Fudan Review of Philosophy,2, China);
21, “Leo Strauss: the Pursuit for Truth in the Time of Perplexities”, (Translation, 2002,9, Strauss and Classical Political Philosophy, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, China);
22, “What is Political Science? And What does it Ought to be?”(Translation, 2002,9, Contemporary Marxism Review,3, China);
23, “Engels on Religion and Class Struggles”, (Translation, 2001,9, Contemporary Marxism Review,2,China);
24, “Marx and Marxism: Then and Now”, (Translation, 2000,7, Contemporary Marxism Review,1, China);
25, “American Scholars and Globalization”, (Translation, 1999,1, Studies in Natural Dialectics, China);
26, “Trinity and Society”, (Translation, 1997,7, Daofeng, Hongkong);
27,A Secular Age (chapter 6 and 7) (Translation, coming out in 2015, 12, Shanghai Sanlian Press, China)
Conference Presentations
1,“On the Decline of Concrete Utopias in China”;(paper for the plenary session of the Sixth International Marx Congress, 2010, Paris, France)
Vidéo : http://www.canalc2.tv/video.asp?idvideo=9999
2,“Religion and Modernity ---- On Their intertwinement in the Context of Chinese Modernization”;(the paper for one of the philosophy sessions in the Sixth International Marx Congress, 2010, Paris, France)
3, Reflections on the Anti-Capitalist Movement in China (the paper for the Roundtable: The Anticapitalist Left in the World Today in Left Forum, 2011, New York, the United States)
4, “Marx in China” (the paper for the session: Marxism in China in Left Forum, 2011, New York, the United States)
5, “the Capitalist Religion and Historical Materialism---- on the Revival of the Marxist Criticism of Fetishism in the 20th Century” (the paper for the International Conference: China, Philosophy, and the Problem of “Modernity”--A Dialogue with Philosophers from Fudan University,2011, Depaul University, Chicago)
6, “Why should one be interested in the theological dimension within the project of modern politics? ------On the Chinese acceptance of Carl Schmitt's political theology” (the paper for the International Conference: Religion and Treason: 2012, the University of Newcastle, Australia)
7, “Toward a New Critique of the Power Relationship in Civil Society” ( the paper for the International Conference: Social Critique and Modern Politics , 2012,Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
8, Religion and the Ethics of Revolution ----- On George Lukacs and Ernst Bloch’s Efforts to Build the Alliance Between Religion and Marxism; (the paper for the International Conference: Religion and Politics in the Secular World, 2009,Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses
Introduction to the Economic and Philosophic Manuscript of 1844 (taught in Chinese)
Introduction to German Ideology (taught in Chinese)
Introduction to the Communist Manifesto(taught in Chinese)
Introduction to Capital(taught in Chinese)
Western Marxism(taught in Chinese)
Neo-Marxism in Eastern Europe (taught in Chinese)
The History of Marxist Philosophy(taught in Chinese)
The Marxist Currents Outside China(taught in English)
The Chinese Modern Philosophy (taught in English, at Purchase College, the State University of New York, 2007)
Women in China (taught in English, at Purchase College, the State University of New York, 2008)
Graduate Courses
Hegel and Marx
Marx, Weber and the Origin of Western Marxism
Seminar: Lukacs’ History and Class Consciousness
Seminar: Ernst Bloch’s The Spirit of Utopia
Seminar: Gramsci’ Prison Notebook
Seminar: Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment
Honors and Awards
1, “the Star of the Century” Award of Fudan University, 2003
2, “the Scholars of the Dawning” Award of the Department of Education, Shanghai Government, 2006
3, “Fulbright Visiting Scholar ” Award from the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, (2007-2008)
4, “the Fudan Young Scholars in Humanities” Award of Fudan University, 2010
5, “Zhuoxue(the Excellence in Researches)” Award of Fudan University, 2011
6, “New People in Philosophy and Social Sciences” Award of the Shanghai Government, 2012
7, the Award from the Department of Education of the Central Government for the Best Online Courses (the Course of Western Marxism), 2013
8, The Award from the Shanghai Government for the Best Research Results in Philosophy and Social Sciences (the second prize for the paper entitled “Reinterpreting the Historical Necessity---- On Zizek’s interpretation of History and Class Consciousness”), 2014
Grants and Research Projects
1, Crisis and Utopia---- Studies in Ernst Bloch’s Utopian Thoughts, The National Grant for the Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences (2004, 5)
2, Liberation and Redemption----- On Ernst Bloch’s Interpretation of the Utopian Dimension of Marx’s Thoughts, The Shanghai Government’s Grant for the Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences (2005, 7)
3, Marxism and Religion----- Studies in Ernst Bloch’s Thoughts about Religion, the Shuguang(Dawing) Grant of the Department of Education, Shanghai Government, (2006, 4)
4, Marxism and Religion----- Studies in the Western Marxist Theories of Religion, the Grant For Innovative Researches in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Fudan University (2006, 10)
5, From Max Weber Back to Karl Marx----- Studies in the Western Marxist Critique of Fetishism, The Grant for Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Department of Education of the Central Government, (2011)
6, Religion and Politics---- Studies in the Contemporary Left-Wing Political Currents, The Grant for Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Department of Education of the Central Government, (2012)
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