

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

※ 联系方式
※ 研究方向

※ 教育经历
2012.09 ~ 2013.10美国普林斯顿大学联合培养博士研究生(国外导师:Prof. Yiguang Ju)
2009.09 ~ 2014.07中国科学技术大学(首批“985”高校),火灾科学国家重点实验室,硕博连读,工学博士(导师:孙金华教授,国家重点实验室副主任,中科院“****”,973项目首席科学家)
2005.09 ~ 2009.07南京理工大学(“211”重点高校),安全工程专业,工学学士
※ 工作和科研经历
2018.05 ~ 2018.06香港城市大学,高级访问****(Research Fellow)
2017.09 ~ 至今华东理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,副教授
2016.10 ~ 2017.08华东理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,讲师
2014.09 ~ 2016.09华东理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,师资博士后,合作导师:修光利教授
※ 项目经验
◇ 主持项目
2017.01 ~ 2019.12管道内合成气-空气预混火焰传播不稳定性的动力学机制研究,国家自
2016.06 ~ 2019.05天然气管道内预混火焰传播规律及其加速和突变的动力学机制研究,
2016.01 ~ 2017.1290°弯管对天然气层流预混火焰的动力学影响机制研究,中国博士后
2015.07 ~ 2016.12涂料油墨行业挥发性有机物污染控制技术规范研究,上海市环保局课题
2017.06 ~ 2018.06上海市火炬VOC排放标准、检测及验收技术规范研究,上海市环保局
2015.01 ~ 2016.12受限空间典型可燃气预混火焰传播动力学及其化学反应机理研究,华
2015.01 ~ 2016.12密闭空间内天然气-空气预混火焰传播动力学研究,火灾科学国家重点
2014.12 ~ 2015.07 上海勃林格殷格翰药业清洁生产验收项目,企业合作课题
2016.06 ~ 2017.05上海市高校“产学研计划”项目(合作单位:上海建安化工设计公司,
◇ 参与项目
2013.01 ~ 2015.12 上海石化芳烃联合装置风险分析及控制技术研究,企业合作课题
2014.09 ~ 2016.09呼图壁储气库地面注采装置安全风险防控技术研究,企业合作课题
2012.09 ~ 2016.08高层建筑立体火蔓延行为及其阻控机制,973项目
2013.01 ~ 2016.12氢/空气预混火焰传播和突变的动力学机制及其抑制方法研究,国家自
2013.01 ~ 2015.12纵向风作用下不同海拔公路隧道受限火羽流行为特征研究,国家自然
2011.03 ~ 2011.12澳门博彩娱乐场所空气品质检测、分析及改进方案研究,中国科学技
2010.01 ~ 2012.12城市地下隧道自然排烟条件下烟气层吸穿临界条件以及卷吸特性研究
2009.09 ~ 2012.09氧浓度、辐射强度等参数耦合作用下固体表面火蔓延机理研究,国家
※ 主要学术兼职和奖励
(1)国际燃烧学会会员,AIAA会员;Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,Combustion and Flame,Fuel,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Applied Thermal Engineering,Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,Process Safety Progress,AIAA Journal等多个重要期刊审稿人
※ 近年发表的代表性论文
◇ 期刊论文(*通讯作者)
Xiaobo Shen, Qingsong Wang, Huahua Xiao, Jinhua Sun, Experimental study on the characteristic stages of premixed hydrogen-air flame propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2012, 37 (16), 12028-12038.
Xiaobo Shen, Xueliang Yang, Jeffrey Santner, Jinhua Sun, Yiguang Ju. Experimental and Kinetic Studies of Acetylene Flames at Elevated Pressures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35 (1): 721-728.
Xiaobo Shen, Xuechao He, Jinhua Sun, A comparative study on premixed hydrogen–air and propane–air flame propagations with tulip distortion in a closed duct. Fuel, 2015,161: 248-253.
Xiaobo Shen, Bo Zhang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Sizhe Wu, Explosion behaviors of mixtures of methane and air with saturated water vapor. Fuel, 2016, 177: 15-18.
Xiaobo Shen, Bo Zhang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Guangli Xiu, Explosion characteristics of methane-ethane mixtures in air. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2017, 45:102-107.
Xiaobo Shen, Guangli Xiu, Sizhe Wu, Experimental study on the explosion characteristics of methane/air mixtures with hydrogen addition. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 120: 741-747.
Xiaobo Shen,Jinhua Sun, Numerical Simulation on the Spontaneous Ignition of Leaking High Pressure Hydrogen from Terminal Unit. Physics Procedia2012, 33: 1833-1841.
Xiaobo Shen,Changbo Lu, Bin Li, Lifeng Xie, An experimental study of detonation parameters of liquid fuel drops cloud. Explosion and shock waves, 2012,1:1-5.
Bo Zhang,Xiaobo Shen*, Lei Pang, Effects of argon/nitrogen dilution on explosion and combustion characteristics of dimethyl ether–air mixtures, Fuel, 2015, 159: 646-652.
Bo Zhang, Xiaobo Shen*, Lei Pang, Yuan Gao, Detonation velocity deficits of H2/O2/Ar mixture in round tube and annular channels. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40:15078-87.
Bo Zhang, Lei Pang, Xiaobo Shen*, Yuan Gao, Measurement and prediction of detonation cell size in binary fuel blends of methane/hydrogen mixtures, Fuel, 2016, 172: 196-199.
Bo Zhang, Cheng Wang, Xiaobo Shen*, Lei Yan, Bingjian Yan, Yi Xia, Velocity fluctuation analysis near detonation propagation limits for stoichiometric methane–hydrogen–oxygen mixture, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, in press.
Xiaoliang Zhang, Qian Shen, Xiaobo Shen*, Zhikai Zhang, Sunjie Xu, Shengjun Ye, Minimum ignition energy of medicinal powder-Florfenicol and Tilmicosin, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2016, 39: 30-38.
Huahua Xiao, Xiaobo Shen, Jinhua Sun, Experimental study and three-dimensional simulation of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a closed duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2012, 37 (15), 11466-11473.
Huahua Xiao, Qingsong Wang, Xiaobo Shen, Weiguang An, Qiangling Duan, Jinhua Sun, An experimental study of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a partially open duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(11): 6233-6241.
Huahua Xiao, Qingsong Wang, Xiaobo Shen, Song Guo, Jinhua Sun, An experimental study of distorted tulip flame formation in a closed duct. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160 (9): 1725-1728.
Dong Liu, Jeffrey Santner, Casimir Togbé, Daniel Felsmann, Julia Koppmann, Alexander Lackner, Xueliang Yang, Xiaobo Shen, Yiguang Ju, Katharina Kohse-H?inghaus, Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160(12): 2654-2668.
Huahua Xiao, Qingsong Wang, Xuechao He, Jinhua Sun, Xiaobo Shen, Experimental study on the behaviors and shape changes of premixed hydrogen–air flames propagating in horizontal duct. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2011, 36 (10): 6325-6336.
Wei Gao, Ritsu Dobashi, Toshio Mogi, Jinhua Sun, Xiaobo Shen, Effects of particle characteristics on flame propagation behavior during organic dust explosions in a half-closed chamber. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries2012, 25 (6): 993-999.
Jie Ji, Chuangang Fan, Wei Zhong, Xiaobo Shen, Jinhua Sun, Experimental investigation on influence of different transverse fire locations on maximum smoke temperature under the tunnel ceiling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2012, 55 (17–18): 4817-4826.
Jie Ji, Wei Zhong, Kaiyuan Li, Xiaobo Shen, Ying Zhang, Ran Huo, A simplified calculation method on maximum smoke temperature under the ceiling in subway station fires. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology2011, 26 (3): 490-496.

Xiaobo Shen, Xueliang Yang, Jeffrey Santner, Jinhua Sun, and Yiguang Ju. Experimental and kinetics study of acetylene flames at elevated pressures. Eastern state section, Fall technical meeting, 2013.
Xiaobo Shen, Xueliang Yang, Jeffrey Santner, Jinhua Sun, and Yiguang Ju. Experimental and Kinetic Studies of Acetylene Flames at Elevated Pressures. AIAA, 2014.
Jeffrey Santner, Francis M. Haas, Xiaobo Shen, Yiguang Ju,Frederick L. Dryer,High Pressure Studies of Propene Combustion. 8th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, 2013.

※ 专利

※ 教学实践

相关话题/资源 华东理工大学