本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
E-mail:xuwang@ecust.edu.cn; xuwang_sun@hotmail.com
职称:教授 (Professor)
● 学习简历
1987.9-1991.7: 西安交通大学工程力学系,大学本科
1991.9-1994.7: 西安交通大学工程力学系,固体力学硕士
1999.3-2002.3: 西安交通大学工程力学系,固体力学博士
● 工作经历
1994.7-1998.12: 航空工业总公司第618研究所,工程师(飞行控制律设计)
2002.5-2004.3: 同济大学工程力学与技术系,博士后
2004.4-2005.3: 上海大学应用数学与力学研究所
2005.3-2006.7: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at University of Calgary (Canada)
2006.10-2008.10: Visiting Professor and Research Assistant Professor in Department of Civil Engineering and Dept. of Applied Mathematics at University of Akron (USA)
2008.10-2009.10: Research Associate in Center for Composite Materials at University of Delaware (USA)
2009.10-2010.9: 郑州大学机械工程学院,访问教授(校****)
2010.10-至今: 华东理工大学机械与动力工程学院,教授
研究方向 固体力学和应用数学 (Solid Mechanics & Applied Mathematics)。
研究兴趣包括压电材料断裂、复合材料中的非理想界面和界面层问题、复合材料中的粘性及粘弹性界面、高温复合材料细观力学、位错与界面或边界的相互作用、多 夹杂体相互作用、多铁(multiferroic)复合材料整体和局部行为、新型热电(thermoelectric)材料的行为、纳米材料(如纳米线) 的力学行为、Van der Waals力作用下的薄膜失稳、功能梯度材料宏细观力学行为分析以及应变梯度理论。最近对Eshelby猜想、中性夹杂、调和夹杂、隐身结构 (cloaking structure)和各向异性弹性力学的研究取得有趣结果。
承担科研项目1. 2005.3-2006.7: NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) Grant No. 249516.
2. 2006.10-2010.9: AFRL 06-S531-060-C1; AFOSR FA9550-06-1-0317; Defense Threat Reduction Agency Joint Science and Technology Office (DTRA-JSTO) grant W911NF-06-2-0038; ARL grant W911NF-08-2-0021.
3. 2008.10-2009.10: United States Army Research Laboratory through the Composite Materials Technology cooperative agreement with the Center for Composite Materials at the University of Delaware.
4. 2009.10-2010.10: 潘尔年河南**** (Ernian Pan's One Hundred Talents Program in Henan Province).
5. 2012.1-2014.12: 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目 (国际合作. 编号: 12ZZ058. 名称: 关于Eshelby猜想反证明若干挑战问题的研究). 主持, 16万元.
6. 2013.1-2016.12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 夹杂内外场奇妙特性研究 (编号: **). 主持, 78万元.
获奖成果自2000年以来发表307篇期刊论文(第一作者论文273篇,非第一作者但通讯作者论文14篇),其中300篇论文发表于63种国际著名期刊: J. Mech. Phys. Solids (2), Int. J. Plasticity (1), ASME J. Appl. Mech. (11), Int. J. Solids & Struct. (19), Math. Mech. Solids (23), Mech. Mater. (10), J. Eng. Math. (1),CR Mecanique (8),Continuum Mech. Thermo. (3), Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (3), Int. J. Fract. (1), Eng. Fract. Mech. (4), Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. (2), Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. (3), J. Elasticity (2), Int. J. Mech. & Mater. Design (1), Appl. Phys. Lett. (1), J. Appl. Phys. (3), Phys. Rev. B (2), New J. Phys. (1), J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. (2), Physica B (1), Int. J. Engng. Sci. (13), Int. J. Mech. Sci. (1), Int. J. Appl. Mech. (1), AIAA J. (1), Acta Mech. (28), Mech. Res. Commu. (16), Euro. J. Mech./A Solids (12), ZAMM (9), ZAMP (28), Arch. Appl. Mech. (9), ASCE J. Eng. Mech. (1), Meccanica (2), Smart Mater. Struct. (2), Quart. Appl. Math. (1), IMA J. Appl. Math. (5), J. Int. Equ. Appl. (1), Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. (1),Acta Mater. (1), J. Mech. Mater. & Struct. (11), Chemistry-A European Journal (1), Waves in Random and Complex Media (1), Wave Motion (1), Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) (2), J. Mater. Res. (1), J. Strain Analysis (1), J. Therm. Stress. (3), Int. J. Comp. Methods (1), Applied Math. Modelling (4), Arch. Mech. (8), Compos. Struct. (1), J. Eng. Tribo. (1), Mech. Adv. Mater & Struct (4), J. Theor. Appl. Mech. (1),JTAM (1), Math. Mech. Complex Sys. (4), PRAMANA - journal of physics (1), The Open Mechanics Journal (1), Theor. Appl. Mech. (4), Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. (1), Acta Mech. Solida (7), Appl. Math. Mech. (4)。此外6篇论文发表于《力学学报》。SCI论文289篇 (第一作者256篇,非第一作者但通讯作者14篇)。SCI他引>1500次,个人H指数为25,是30余种国际学术 期刊论文审稿人。2012年国家自然科学二等奖(第五完成人)。荣获2014年度新加坡南洋理工大学Tan Chin Tuan Exchange Fellowship in Engineering。剑桥大学理论固体力学教授John R. Willis (英国皇家学会院士,美国工程院外籍院士,法国科学院外籍院士,国际力学界最高奖Timoshenko奖获得者,JMPS前任主编)和剑桥大学 Norman A. Fleck教授(英国皇家学会及皇家工程院双院士)对我的评价为:“productive, energetic and talented.”。
代表性著Journal Papers:
Yang, P., Wang, X.*, Schiavone, P.*, 2020. An Eshelby inclusion of parabolic shape in an anisotropic elastic plane. Mechanics of Materials(In press).
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Uniform stress field inside a non-parabolic open inhomogeneity interacting with a mode III crack. Archives of Mechanics(In press).
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. A screw dislocation near one open and another closed inhomogeneity both permitting constant interior stresses. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition (In press).
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. Image force on a screw dislocation inside an elastic or piezoelectric inhomogeneity of arbitrary shape. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (In press).
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. An edge dislocation near an anticrack in a confocal elliptical coating. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (In press).
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. A hole of irregular shape interacting with a non-parabolic open inhomogeneity with internal uniform anti-plane stresses. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids(In press).
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. A screw dislocation interacting with a semi-infinite crack partially penetrating a parabolic elastic inhomogeneity. Acta Mechanica(In press).
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. A screw dislocation in a monoclinic tri-material. Journal of Elasticity142(2),395-407.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. An edge dislocation interacting with a completely coated semi-infinite crack. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 71(5): 176.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Two bonded half-planes with a parabolic inclusion. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (In press).
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Uniform hydrostatic stresses inside a coated non-parabolic inhomogeneity in the vicinity of a concentrated couple. International Journal of Solids and Structures 206, 23-29.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Closed-form solutions for an edge dislocation interacting with a parabolic or an elliptical elastic inhomogeneity having the same shear modulus as the matrix. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 15(4), 539-554.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Near-tip singular fields for an interface anticrack between dissimilar anisotropic elastic materials. Archive of Applied Mechanics 90, 2675-2680.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Novel cloaking lamellar structures for a screw dislocation dipole, a circular Eshelby inclusion and a concentrated couple. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A476(2241): **.
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. A circular inhomogeneity interacting with an open inhomogeneity designed to admit internal uniform hydrostatic stresses. Mechanics of Materials 148: 103521.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. An edge dislocation in a bilayer elastic film. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences(In press).
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. A screw dislocation interacting with a semi-infinite interface crack and two semi-infinite cracks perpendicular to the bimaterial interface. Acta Mechanica231(8), 3265-3275.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. An edge dislocation interacting with two semi-infinite cracks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 232: 107044.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Uniform stresses inside two hyperbolic inhomogeneities. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 71(3): 83.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Uniformity of stresses inside a non-elliptical inhomogeneity near an irregularly shaped hole in plane elasticity. Mechanics of Materials 145: 103389.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Interaction between a screw dislocation and a completely coated semi-infinite anticrack. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 100:e.
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. Interaction of a screw dislocation with a parabolic cavity and a semi-infinite crack. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25(10),1896-1903.
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. Uniform stresses inside a non-elliptical inhomogeneity and a nearby half-plane with locally wavy interface. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 71(2): 58.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Uniformity of stresses inside a parabolic inhomogeneity. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 71(2): 48.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Elastic fields for a parabolic hole endowed with surface effects. Journal of Mechanics ofMaterials and Structures 15(2), 241-248.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Three-phase parabolic inhomogeneities with internal uniform stresses in plane and anti-plane elasticity. Archives of Mechanics 72(1), 27-38.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Asymptotic field for a debonded anticrack in an anisotropic elastic material. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 73(1), 76-83.
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. Uniformity of stresses inside a parabolic inhomogeneity in finite plane elastostatics. Acta Mechanica 231(4), 1559-1566.
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. Uniform fields inside two interacting non-parabolic and non-elliptical inhomogeneities. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 71(1): 25.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Uniform fields inside an anisotropic elastic open inhomogeneity. Archive of Applied Mechanics 90, 987-992.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Elastic field near the tip of an anticrack in a decagonal quasicrystalline material. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition41(3), 401-408.
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. Thermal stress analysis of a parabolic inhomogeneity under uniform remote heat flux and uniform temperature change. Journal of Thermal Stresses43(3), 336-344.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. A screw dislocation near a non-parabolic open inhomogeneity with internaluniform stresses. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 347(12), 967-972.
Wang, X.*, Yang, P., Schiavone, P.*, 2020. A circular Eshelby inclusion interacting with a non-parabolic open inhomogeneity with internal uniform anti-plane stresses. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25(3), 573-581.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. A completely coated wedge crack interacting with a screw dislocation. International Journal of Solids and Structures 188-189, 32-36.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Elastic interaction between a semi-infinite debonded anticrack and a screw dislocation. Meccanica 54(11-12), 1841-1845.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2020. Uniform stress state inside a non-elliptical inhomogeneity near an irregularly shaped hole in anti-plane shear. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25(2), 362-373.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Elastic field for a blunt crack in a decagonal quasicrystalline material. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 220: 106657.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Asymptotic elastic fields near an interface anticrack tip. Acta Mechanica 230(12), 4385-4389.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. A screw dislocation near a non-elliptical piezoelectric inhomogeneity with internal uniform electroelastic field. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 347(10), 734-739.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Interaction between a completely coated semi-infinite insulating crack and a piezoelectric screw dislocation. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 70(5): 136.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Interaction between a completely coated semi-infinite crack and a screw dislocation. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 70(4): 116.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. A screw dislocation in a three-phase composite strip. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24(12), 3795-3805.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. A mode III Dugdale crack interacting with a non-elliptical inhomogeneity with internal uniform stresses. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 216: 106495.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2019. Screw dislocations in piezoelectric laminates with four or more phases. Archives of Mechanics 71(3), 263-283.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. New solution for a screw dislocation in a multilayered laminate. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids76, 321-327.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Two interacting non-elliptical rigid harmonic inclusions loaded by couples. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 46(2), 157-171.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Three-dimensional electric potential induced by a point singularity in a multilayered dielectric medium. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition 40(9), 1327-1334.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Effect of a circular Eshelby inclusion on the non-elliptical shape of a coated neutral inhomogeneity with internal uniform stresses and related problem. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 99:e.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2019. Three-dimensional Green’s functions for a point heat source in a trimaterial. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 70(2):61.
Yang, J.,Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2019. A numerical elastic-plastic contact model for a half-space with inhomogeneous inclusions and cracks. Acta Mechanica 230(6), 2233-2247.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Neutrality of a partially debonded rigid inclusion in anti-plane shear. Archive of Applied Mechanics 89(8), 1513-1519.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Eshelby’s inclusion and screw dislocation problems for a three-phase piezoelectric laminate. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 49(1), 71-82.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2019. An elastic harmonic inclusion near a rigid harmonic inclusion loaded by a couple. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 84, 555-566.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Internal uniform hydrostatic stresses in a three-phase non-elliptical inclusion subjected to a nearby concentrated couple. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24(9), 2931-2943.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2019. A screw dislocation near a coated non-elliptical inhomogeneity with internal uniform stresses. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 347(2), 181-190.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. The effect of a nearby circular thermal inclusion on the irregular shape of a coated inhomogeneity with internal uniform hydrostatic thermal stresses. Journal of Thermal Stresses 42(5), 643-657.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. A circular Eshelby inclusion interacting with a coated non-elliptical inhomogeneity with internal uniform stresses in anti-plane shear. Mechanics of Materials 128(1), 59-63.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. An elastic harmonic inhomogeneity near a concentrated rotational moment in isotropic laminated plates. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 145(4): **.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. Neutrality of coated holes in the presence of screw dislocation dipoles or circular thermal inclusions. Archives of Mechanics 70(5), 405-427.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. Achieving a uniform stress field in a coated non-elliptical inhomogeneity in the presence of a mode III crack. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 69(6): 138.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. Uniformity of stresses inside a non-elliptical inhomogeneity interacting with a mode III crack. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 474(2218): **.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. Two non-elliptical decagonal quasicrystalline inclusions with internal uniform hydrostatic phonon stresses. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 98(11), 2027-2034.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. Uniform stress resultants inside two non-elliptical inhomogeneities in isotropic laminated plates. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 13(4), 531-541.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. A harmonic rigid inclusion loaded by a couple in finite plane elasticity. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 69:117.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2019. Coated inhomogeneities of arbitrary shape with internal uniform hydrostatic stress resultants in isotropic laminated plates. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24(5), 1463-1474.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. Two non-elliptical inhomogeneities with internal uniform stresses interacting with a mode-III crack. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 346(9), 868-876.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. Isotropic laminated plate containingacoated rigid elliptical inclusionsubjected to a rotational moment with constant interfacial andhoop stress resultants. Acta Mechanica 229(9), 3935-3942.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. Uniformity of stresses inside a non-elliptical inhomogeneity interacting with a circular Eshelby inclusion in anti-plane shear. Archive of Applied Mechanics 88(10), 1759-1766.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. Two-dimensional Eshelby's problem for piezoelectric materials with a parabolic boundary. Meccanica 53(10), 2659-2667.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. A coated rigid elliptical inclusion loaded by a couple in the presence of uniform interfacial and hoop stresses. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 346(6), 477-481.
Wang, X., 2019. Transient responses of laminated anisotropic piezothermoelastic plates and cylindrical shells with interfacial diffusion and sliding in cylindrical bending. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24(4), 1065-1090.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. Surface Green's functions in finite plane elastostatics of harmonic materials.Archives of Mechanics70(2), 151-159.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2018. An arbitrarily shaped Eshelby inclusion interacting with a circular piezoelectric inhomogeneity penetrated by a semi-infinite crack.Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems6(2), 125-130.
Li, S.X.,Wang, X.*, 2019. Exact solutions of smart laminated orthotropic cylindrical shells with interface diffusion and sliding. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures26(19), 1596-1605.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. Uniform stress field inside an anisotropic non-elliptical inhomogeneityinteracting with a screw dislocation. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 70, 1-7.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2019. Anti-plane eigenstrain problem of an inclusion of arbitrary shape in an anisotropic bimaterial with a semi-infinite interface crack. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics31(1), 71-77.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. A concentrated couple inside or outside a circular inclusion in finite plane elastostatics. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 100, 6-9.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. Eshelby inclusion of arbitrary shape in isotropic elastic materials with a parabolic boundary. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 13(2), 191-202.
Wang, X.*, Chen, L., Schiavone, P.*, 2018. A concentrated couple near two non-elliptical inclusions with internal uniform hydrostatic stresses. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 69(1): 5.
Wang, X., Wang, C.Y., 2018. Damping of thickly coated fibrous composites with viscous interfaces under longitudinal shear. Acta Mechanica 229(5), 2009-2018.
Yang, M.X.,Wang, X.*, 2018. A bridged crack perpendicular to a bimaterial interface. Acta Mechanica 229(5), 2063-2078.
Liu, L.,Wang, X.*, 2017. Three-dimensional analytical solution for the instability of a parallel array of mutually attracting identical simply-supported piezoelectric microplates. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 68(6):136.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Harmonic elastic inclusions in the presence of point moment. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 345, 922-929.
Wang, X., 2019. Instability of a parallel array of orthotropic simply-supported rectangular microplates with interactions. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24(2), 377-385.
Wang, X.*, Liu, L., Zhou, K.*, 2017. A multilayered circular inhomogeneity with interfacial diffusion and sliding. International Journal of Engineering Science 120, 146-154.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Transient response of multilayered orthotropic strips with interfacial diffusion and sliding. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 12, 711-722.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Surface instability of imperfectly bonded multilayered curved films under van der Waals forces. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 82, 1088-1103.
Wang, X., 2018. Debonded arc shaped interface anticracks. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 23(10), 1407-1419.
Yang, M.X.,Wang, X.*, Feng, X.Q., 2017. Interaction between an edge dislocation and a bridged crack with surface elasticity. Archive of Applied Mechanics 87(10), 1739-1768.
Wang, C.Y.,Wang, X.*, 2019. Crack-like grain-boundary sliding wedges in nano-films. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 26(6), 480-492.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Debonded arc shaped interface conducting rigid line inclusions in piezoelectric composites. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 345, 724-731.
Wang, X., Li, S.X., 2017. Surface instability of orthotropic films under surface van der Waals forces. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 68(4): 85.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2017. An edge dislocation and a heat source at the center of a multicoated circular inhomogeneity. Mechanics Research Communications 84, 77-84.
Wang, X., Liu, L., 2017. Exact solution to the structural instability of a parallel array of mutually attracting identical simply-supported plates. Archives of Mechanics 69(3), 243-256.
Wang, X., 2017. Damping behavior of nano-fibrous composites with viscous interface in anti-plane shear. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 68(3): 70.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Surface instability of curved films under surface van der Waals forces. European Journal of Mechanics-/A Solids 65, 271-278.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Multilayered cylindrical panels with interface diffusion and sliding under thermomechanical loads. Acta Mechanica 228(9), 3285-3296.
Wang, X., 2018. A nano-sized rigid spherical inclusion with interfacial diffusion and sliding. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 23(7), 1049-1060.
Wang, C.Y.,Wang, X.*, 2017. A mode III rate-dependent bridged crack with surface elasticity. Mechanics of Materials 108, 107-119.
Wang, X., Jing, R., 2017. Surface instability of an imperfectly bonded thin elastic film under surface van der Waals forces. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 68(1), 1-20.
Wang, X.,Wang, C.Y., 2018. Transient response of bilayered elastic strips with interfacial diffusion and sliding in cylindrical bending. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 23(5), 748-774.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. A circular inhomogeneity with a mixed-type imperfect interface in anti-plane shear. Applied Mathematical Modelling 43, 538-547.
Wang, X., Wang, C.Y., Schiavone, P., 2017. An interfacial arc crack in bonded dissimilar isotropic laminated plates. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 12(3), 249-262.
Xu, Y.,Wang, X.*, 2017. A finite crack with arbitrarily varied surface piezoelectricity. Smart Materials and Structures 26, 015015.
Xu, Y.,Wang, X.*, 2016. Surface strain gradient effects in the torsion of a circular bar with radial cracks. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 67(6), 1-22.
Wang, X., 2018. A circular inhomogeneity incorporating surface/interface strain gradient elasticity. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 23(4), 573-587.
Xu, Y.,Wang, X.*, 2018. Saint-Venant torsion of a circular bar with radial cracks incorporating arbitrarily varied surface elasticity. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 25(4), 335-349.
Yang, M.X.,Wang, X.*, 2017. Saint-Venant torsion of a circular bar with a bridged radial crack incorporating surface elasticity. Acta Mechanica 228(2), 651-672.
Wang, X., Wang, C.Y., Schiavone, P., 2017. An edge dislocation near a nano-sized circular inhomogeneity with interface slip and diffusion. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 61, 122-133.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Interaction between an edge dislocation and a circular inhomogeneity with a mixed-type imperfect interface. Archive of Applied Mechanics 87, 87-98.
Wang, X., Wang, C.Y., Schiavone, P., 2016. In-plane deformations of a nano-sized circular inhomogeneity with interface slip and diffusion. International Journal of Engineering Science 108, 9-15.
Yang, M.X.,Wang, X.*, 2017. Interaction between a screw dislocation and a bridged crack with surface elasticity. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22, 2217-2239.
Wang, X., Yang, M.X., Schiavone, P., 2016. Debonding of an elastic inhomogeneity of arbitrary shape in anti-plane shear. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 67(4), 1-17.
Wang, X., Wang, C.Y., Schiavone, P., 2016. Time-dependent interfacial sliding in nano-fibrous composites under longitudinal shear. Mechanics Research Communications 75, 40-43.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. A circular inhomogeneity withmixed-type imperfect interface under in-plane deformations. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 13(3), 419-427.
Wang, X., 2016. An isotropic circular inhomogeneity partially bonded to an anisotropic medium. Acta Mechanica 227, 2947-2959.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2016. A mode-III crack with variable surface effects. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 54, 1319-1327.
Xu, Y.,Wang, X.*,2016. Saint-Venant torsion of a circular bar with a non-radial crackincorporating surface elasticity. Acta Mechanica 227(7), 1903-1918.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P.,2017.Neutralityof an elliptic inhomogeneity in finite plane elastostatics of harmonic materials. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22, 1521-1528.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2016. The effects of anisotropic surface elasticity on the contact problem in an anisotropic material. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 101, 141-151.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2016. Two inhomogeneities of irregular shape with internal uniform stress fields interacting with a screw dislocation. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 344, 532-538.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2016. Bridged cracks of mode III with surface elasticity. Mechanics of Materials 95, 125-135.
Wang, X., Wang, C.Y., Schiavone, P., 2016. Torsion of elliptical composite bars containing neutral coated cavities. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 43, 33-47.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2016. Torsion of an arbitrarily shaped nanosized bar. Archive of Applied Mechanics 86(6), 1037-1048.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. A crack with surface elasticity in finite plane elastostatics. Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 3, 365-384.
Wang, X., Xu, Y., 2016. Saint-Venant torsion of a circular bar with radial cracks incorporating surface elasticity. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 67, 1-18.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2016. A mode III interface crack with surface strain gradient elasticity. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 28, 123-148.
Wang, X., Xu, Y., 2015. Interaction between a piezoelectric screw dislocation and a finite crack with surface piezoelectricity. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 3679-3697.
Dong, Q.B., Yang, J.,Wang, X., Keer. L.M., Zhou, K., 2016. Heterogeneous structures with inhomogeneous inclusions under elastohydrodynamic lubrication contact with consideration of surface roughness. Journal of Engineering Tribology 230, 571-582.
Wang, X., 2015. Interaction of a screw dislocation with an interface and a nanocrack incorporating surface elasticity. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 3645-3661.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2017. Green's functions for an anisotropic half-space and bimaterial incorporating anisotropic surface elasticity and surface van der Waals forces. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22(3), 557-572.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. Deformations near an elliptical hole with surface effect in a laminated anisotropic thin plate. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 95, 1574-1581.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. A screw dislocation interacting with a bimaterial interface incorporating surface strain gradient elasticity. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 53, 254-258.
Wang, X., Fan, H., 2015. A piezoelectric screw dislocation in a bimaterial with surface piezoelectricity. Acta Mechanica 226, 3317-3331.
Xu, L.M.,Wang, X., Fan, H., 2015. Anti-plane waves near an interface between two piezoelectric half-spaces. Mechanics Research Communications 67, 8-12.
Bai, L.C., Sha, Z.D., Srikanth, N., Pei, Q.X.,Wang, X., Srolovitz, D., Zhou, K., 2015. Frictionbetweensiliconanddiamondatthenanoscale. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48(25): 255303.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. A nanosized circular inhomogeneity in finite plane elastostatics. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 2871-2879.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2014. Singularities interacting with interfaces incorporating surface elasticity under plane strain deformations. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Belglade) 41(4), 267-282.
Wang, X., Fan, H., 2017. Interaction between a nanocrack with surface elasticity and a screw dislocation. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22(2), 131-143.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., Wu, M.S., 2015. Interface cracks with surface elasticity in anisotropic bimaterials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 59, 110-120.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2017. A crack with surface effects in a piezoelectric material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22, 3-19.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. Interaction between an edge dislocation and a crack with surface elasticity. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 82, 021006-1 - 021006-8.
Wang, X., Xu, Y., Zhou, K., 2015. Surface instability of semi-infinite isotropic laminated plate under surface van der Waals forces. Archives of Mechanics 67(2), 137-155.
Wang, X., 2015. A mode III arc shaped crack with surface elasticity. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 1987-2000.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. Two circular inclusions with arbitrarily varied surface effects. Acta Mechanica 226, 1471-1486.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. Eshelby's problem for infinite, semi-infinite and two bonded semi-infinite laminated anisotropic thin plates. Archive of Applied Mechanics 85, 573-585.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. A screw dislocation interacting with an anisotropic elliptical nano-inhomogeneity with interface stresses in anti-plane elasticity. Journal of Elasticity 120, 23-38.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2015. Explicit expressions of the matricesH,LandSfor the bending of symmetrically laminated anisotropic plates. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 1267-1276.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. Harmonic shapes in isotropic laminated plates. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 10, 433-445.
Wang, X., Xu, Y., 2016. Multiphase circular inhomogeneities in isotropic laminated plates. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 21(8), 966-989.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2015. Three-phase elliptical inclusions with internal uniform hydrostatic stress resultants in isotropic laminated plates. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 49, 125-136.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2014. Interaction of a screw dislocation with a nano-sized arbitrary shaped inhomogeneity with interface stresses under anti-plane deformations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 470, No. **.
Zhou, K., Wei, R.B., Bi, G.J.,Wang, X., Song, B., Feng, X.Q. 2015. Semi-analytic solution of multiple inhomogeneous inclusions and cracks in an infinite space. International Journal of Computational Methods 12, **.
Li, J., Fang, Q.H.*, Liu, Y.W.,Wang, X.*, 2014. Interface effects on elastic behavior of a screw dislocation around double nanowires. Physica B 442, 6-11 (with a Corrigendum to this paper: 2014, 449, p.274. *Corresponding author).
Sudak, L.J.,Wang, X., 2013. An irregular-shaped inclusion with imperfect interface in antiplane elasticity. Acta Mechanica 224, 2009-2023 (with an Erratum to this paper: 2015, 226, p.231).
Wang, X., 2015. Eshelby's inclusion and dislocation problems for an isotropic circular domain bonded to an anisotropic medium. Acta Mechanica 226, 103-121.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2014. Green's functions for multi-phase isotropic laminated plates. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51, 2921-2930.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. Neutrality of eccentrically coated elastic inclusions. Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 3(2), 163-175.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2015. Harmonic three-phase circular inclusions in finite elasticity. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 27(4), 739-747.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2015. An arbitrarily shaped inclusion with uniform eigencurvatures in an infinite plate, semi-infinite plate, two bonded semi-infinite plates or a circular plate. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 433-454.
Wang, X., 2016. Three-phase anisotropic elliptical inclusions with internal uniform in-plane and anti-plane stresses. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 21, 339-357.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2014. Green's functions for infinite and semi-infinite isotropic laminated plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 80, 169-174.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2014. Deformation of harmonic solids with cusp cracks. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 79, 790-803.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2014. An inclusion of arbitrary shape in an infinite or semi-infinite isotropic multilayered plate. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 6, ** (21 pages).
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2014. Neutral coated circular piezoelectric inclusions. Acta Mechanica 225, 1537-1543.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Stroh-like formalism for Kirchhoff anisotropic thermoelastic plates. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 40, 543-561.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2013. Misfit dislocation dipoles in coated fibrous composites. Mechanics Research Communications 52, 88-91.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Surface effects in the deformation of an anisotropic elastic material with nano-sized elliptical hole. Mechanics Research Communications 52, 57-61.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2014. Surface and interface waves in anisotropic elastic quasicrystals. Wave Motion 51, 77-85.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2014. On decagonal quasicrystalline elliptical inclusions under thermomechanical loadings. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 27, 518-530.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2013. Twelve-dimensional Stroh-like formalism for Kirchhoff anisotropic piezoelectric thin plates. International Journal of Engineering Science 71, 111-136.
Liu, B., Baimova, J.A., Dmitriev, S.V.,Wang, X., Zhu, H.W., Zhou, K., 2013. Discrete breathers in hydrogenated graphene. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 305302 (9 pages).
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2013. Uniform hydrostatic thermal stress fields inside two interacting inclusions of irregular shape and related problem. Mechanics of Materials 66, 110-119.
Wu, R.B., Li, B.S., Zhou, K., Chan, S.H., Nie, T.J., Wei, J., Li, L.,Wang, X., Wang, L.Y., 2013. Assembly of Pt nanowires into cube-like superstructures supported on aligned carbon nanotubes as electrocatalyst for fuel cells. Chemistry-A European Journal 19, 9155-9159.
Wang, X., Chen, W.Q., 2014. Three-phase elliptical inclusions with an internal stress field of linear form. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 19, 735-743.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Plane deformations of a composite with interacting harmonic inclusions in the presence of non-uniform loading. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 66, 351-364.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Role of surface effects in the finite deformation of an elastic solid with elliptical hole. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 54, 1-4.
Zhou, K., Hoh, H.J.,Wang, X., Keer, L.M., Pang, J.H.L., Song, B., Wang, Q.J., 2013. A review of recent works on inclusions. Mechanics of Materials 60, 144-158. (the third of the Top 5 most downloaded articles of the first half of 2013)
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Coated non-elliptical harmonic inclusions with internal uniform hydrostatic stresses. International Journal of Engineering Science 63, 30-39.
Wang, X., Chen, W.Q., 2013. Three-phase inclusions of arbitrary shape with internal uniform hydrostatic thermal stresses. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 64, 1399-1411.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Interface cracks in Kirchhoff anisotropic thin plates of dissimilar materials. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 80(4), 041025 (4 pages).
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2013. Three-phase piezoelectric inclusions of arbitrary shape with internal uniform electroelastic field. International Journal of Engineering Science 63, 23-29.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2013. Long-range interaction of a line dislocation with multiple multicoated inclusions of arbitrary shape. Acta Mechanica 224, 63-70.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. A neutral multicoated sphere under non-uniform electric field in conductivity. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 64, 895-903.
Wang, X., Zhou, K., 2012. Novel near-cloaking multicoated structures for screw dislocations. Mechanics of Materials 55, 73-81.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013.N-phase decagonal quasicrystalline circular inclusions under thermomechanical loadings. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 93, 520-549.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2014. Harmonic circular inclusions for non-uniform fields through the use of multi-coating. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 72, 267-280.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Dislocations, imperfect interfaces and interface cracks in anisotropic elasticity for quasicrystals. Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 1, 1-17.
Wang, X., 2013. On a partially debonded rigid line inclusion penetrating a circular inhomogeneity. Applied Mathematical Modelling 37, 484-497.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Multi-coating an inclusion of arbitrary shape to achieve uniformity of interior stresses. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18, 218-227.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2012. Optimal design of a three-phase elliptical inclusion with an orthotropic interphase layer. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 36, 44-52.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2012. On a finite matrix crack penetrating a partially debonded circular inhomogeneity. Archives of Mechanics 64(3) 319-342.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2013. Extension of certain key results from classical elasticity to decagonal quasicrystalline composites. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 78, 998-1014.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2012. Neutrality in the case of N-phase elliptical inclusions with internal uniform hydrostatic stresses. International Journal of Solids and Structures 49, 800-807.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2012. Neutral coated circular inclusions in finite plane elasticity of harmonic materials. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 33, 75-81.
Wang, X., Schiavone, P., 2012. Three-phase inclusions of arbitrary shape with internal uniform hydrostatic stresses in finite elasticity. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 79 (4), art. no. 041012 (6 pages).
Wang, X., 2012. Uniform fields inside two non-elliptical inclusions. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 17(7), 736-761.
Wang, X., 2012. A circular inclusion with imperfect interface in finite plane elastostatics. Acta Mechanica 223, 481-491.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2012. On a finite crack partially penetrating two circular inhomogeneities and some related problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling 36, 1766-1775.
Wang, X., 2011. Diffusionally modified elastic interaction of edge dislocations with circular inclusions. Acta Mechanica 222, 287-294.
Wang, X., Gao, X.L., 2011. On the uniform stress state inside an inclusion of arbitrary shape in a three-phase composite. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 62, 1101-1116.
Wang, X., 2013. Two circular inclusions with rate-dependent interfacial sliding under longitudinal shear. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 20, 603-623.
Wang, X., 2011. On edge dislocation in a multilayered laminate. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 1(2), 021005 (4 pages).
Wang, X., 2011. Three-phase elliptical inclusions with internal uniform hydrostatic stresses in finite plane elastostatics. Acta Mechanica 219, 77-90.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2010. Screw dislocations in piezoelectric nanowires. Mechanics Research Communications 37, 707-711 (将John D. Eshelby 1953年的经典结果推广到压电纳米线. 发现在一定条件下无论作用任何外加扭矩, 该位错都不可能从压电线中被挤出并且扭转时的应力-应变曲线由于位错平衡位置的改变而存在非线性区域. 这些观察与Eshelby的经典结果完全不同).
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2011. Interaction between an edge dislocation and a circular inclusion with interface slip and diffusion. Acta Materialia 59, 797-804.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2010. A circular inhomogeneity with interface slip and diffusion under in-plane deformation. International Journal of Engineering Science 48, 1733-1748.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Chung, P. W., 2010. Misfit dislocation dipoles in wire composite solids. International Journal of Plasticity 26, 1415-1420.
Wang, X., 2010.N-phase elliptical inhomogeneities with internal uniform stresses in plane elasticity. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 77, 041018 (11 pages).
Wang, X., 2010. Time-decaying uniform stresses inside an anisotropic elliptical inhomogeneity with nonuniform interfacial slip. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 77, 041019 (4 pages).
Pan, E.,Wang, X., Wang, R., 2009. Enhancement of magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic fibrous nanocomposites via size-dependent material properties. Applied Physics Letters 95, 181904. Also published in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Volume 20, Issue 20, November 23, 2009.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2010. Two-dimensional Eshelby's problem for two imperfectly bonded piezoelectric half-planes. International Journal of Solids and Structures 47, 148-160.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Chung, P. W., 2009. Some basic problems in anisotropic bimaterials with viscoelastic interface. International Journal of Solids and Structures 46, 3725-3733.
Wang, X., Gazonas, G. A., Santare, M. H., 2009. On the effective electroelastic properties of microcracked generally anisotropic solids. International Journal of Fracture 158, 27-40.
Wang, X., Santare, M. H., Gazonas, G. A., 2009. Anisotropic effective moduli of microcracked materials under antiplane loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76, 1910-1919.
Wang, X., 2009. Uniformity of stresses inside an anisotropic elliptical inhomogeneity with an imperfect interface. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 4(9), 1595-1602.
Wang, X., 2009. Nonuniform interfacial slip in fibrous composite. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 4(1), 107-119.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2010. Thermal Green's functions in plane anisotropic multiferroic bimaterials with viscous interface. Acta Mechanica 209, 59-65.
Pan, E.,Wang, X., Albrecht, J. D., 2009. Time-decaying magnetoelectric effects in multiferroic fibrous composites with a viscous interface. Journal of Applied Physics 105, 083510.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2010. Thermal Green's functions in plane anisotropic bimaterials with spring-type and Kapitza-type imperfect interface. Acta Mechanica 209, 115-128.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2009. Non-uniform Eshelby’s tensor inside a spherical inclusion in a functionally graded space in transport phenomena. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 28, 955-961.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2009. On a screw dislocation interacting with two viscous interfaces. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 76, 051004.
Feng, W. J., Pan, E.,Wang, X., Gazonas, G. A., 2009. A second-order theory for magnetoelectroelastic materials with 6mm symmetry. Smart Materials and Structures 19, 025001.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Chung, P. W., 2009. On a semi-infinite crack penetrating a piezoelectric circular inhomogeneity with a viscous interface. International Journal of Solids and Structures 46, 203-216.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Albrecht, J. D., 2008. Role of material property gradient and anisotropy in thermoelectric materials. New Journal of Physics 10, 083019.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2008. Elastic fields due to a rectangular inclusion with uniform antiplane eigenstrains in a bimaterial consisting of two orthotropic quarter planes. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 88, 817-827.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2009. On partially debonded circular inclusions in finite plane elastostatics of harmonic materials. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 76, 011012 (5 pages).
Wang, X., Pan, E., Albrecht, J. D., 2008. Two-dimensional Green's functions in anisotropic multiferroic bimaterials with viscous interface. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56, 2863-2875.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Albrecht, J. D., 2008. Exact closed-form electromagnetic Green’s functions for graded uniaxial multiferroic materials. Journal of Applied Physics 103, 113511.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2008. Three-dimensional quasi-steady-state problem of moving heat and diffusion sources in an infinite solid. Mechanics Research Communications 35, 475-482.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2008. On the screw dislocation in a functionally graded piezoelectric plane and half-plane. Mechanics Research Communications 35, 229-236. (the 16th of the Top 25 Hottest Articles between April-June 2008)
Wang, X., Pan, E., Albrechet, J. D., Feng, W. J., 2009. Effective properties of multilayered functionally graded multiferroic composites. Composite Structures 87, 206-214.
Feng, W. J., Pan, E.,Wang, X., 2008. Stress analysis of a penny-shaped crack in a magneto-electro-thermo-elastic layer under uniform shear load and heat flow. Journal of Thermal Stresses 31, 497-514.
Feng, W. J., Pan, E.,Wang, X., Jin, J., 2009. Rayleigh waves in a magneto-electro-elastic half-plane. Acta Mechanica 202, 127-134.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Sudak, L. J., 2008. Uniform stresses inside an elliptical inhomogeneity with an imperfect interface in plane elasticity. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 75, 054501. (the 9th of the Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles of JAM-August 2008)
Wang, X., Pan, E., Roy, A. K., 2008. Interaction between a screw dislocation and a piezoelectric circular inclusion with viscous interface. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 3(4), 761-773.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2008. Analytical solutions for some defect problems in 1D hexagonal and 2D octagonal quasicrystals. PRAMANA - journal of physics 70, 911-933.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2008. Antiplane shear deformations of an anisotropic elliptical inhomogeneity with imperfect or viscous interface. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 88, 142-150.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2007. Magnetoelectric effects in multiferroic fibrous composite with imperfect interface. Physical Review B 76, 214107.
Wang, X., 2008. Surface instability of a semi-infinite anisotropic elastic body under surface van der Waals forces. Mechanics Research Communications 35, 181-186. (the 17th of the Top 25 Hottest Articles between January-March 2008)
Wang, X., Pan, E., Feng, W. J., 2008. Closed-form solutions for a mode III radial matrix crack penetrating a circular inhomogeneity. Applied Mathematical Modelling 32, 2925-2935.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., Pan, E., 2008. Pattern instability of functionally graded and layered elastic films under van der Waals forces. Acta Mechanica 198, 65-86.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Feng, W. J., 2008. Anti-plane Green’s functions and cracks for piezoelectric material with couple stress and electric field gradient effects. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 27, 478-486. (the 25th of the Top 25 Hottest Articles between April-June 2008)
Pan, E.,Wang, X., Albrecht, J. D., 2007. Decay rates for a transversely isotropic piezoelectric hollow circular nanocolumn. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 42, 557-567.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Feng, W. J., Albrecht, J. D., 2008. Electromagnetic fields induced by a concentrated heat source in multiferroic materials. Physica Status Solidi (b) 245, 206-212.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Roy, A. K., 2008. A circular inhomogeneity with viscoelastic interface under antiplane shear. AIAA Journal 46, 764-769.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Albrecht, J. D., 2007. Anisotropic elasticity of multilayered crystals deformed by a biperiodic network of misfit dislocations. Physical Review B 76, 134112.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2008. Interaction between a screw dislocation and a viscoelastic piezoelectric bimaterial interface. International Journal of Solids and Structures 45, 245-257.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Roy, A. K., 2007. Three-dimensional Green's functions for a steady point heat source in a functionally graded half-space and some related problems. International Journal of Engineering Science 45, 939-950.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2007. Exact solutions for simply-supported and multilayered piezothermoelastic plates with imperfect interfaces. The Open Mechanics Journal 1, 1-10.
Feng, W. J., Pan, E.,Wang, X., 2007. Dynamic fracture analysis of a penny-shaped crack in a magnetoelectroelastic layer. International Journal of Solids and Structures 44, 7955-7974.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Feng, W. J., 2007. Time-dependent Green’s functions for an anisotropic bimaterial with viscous interface. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 26, 901-908.
Wang, X., Pan, E., Roy, A. K., 2007. New phenomena concerning a screw dislocation interacting with two imperfect interfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 55, 2717-2734.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2007. Electromagnetic fields induced by a point source in a uniaxial multiferroic full-space, half-space, and bimaterial-space. Journal of Materials Research 22, 2144-2155 (the focus issue on multiferroics).
Wang, X., Pan, E., Roy, A. K., 2008. A functionally graded plane with a circular inclusion under uniform antiplane eigenstrain. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 75, 014501 (4 pages).
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2007. Electromagnetic fields induced by a cuboidal inclusion with uniform spontaneous polarization and magnetization. Journal of Applied Physics 101, 103524.
Wang, X., Pan E., Roy, A. K., 2007. Scattering of antiplane shear wave by a piezoelectric circular cylinder with an imperfect interface. Acta Mechanica 193, 177-195.
Wang, X., Pan, E., 2007. A moving screw dislocation interacting with an imperfect piezoelectric bimaterial interface. Physica Status Solidi (b) 244, 1940-1956.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., 2008. Three-dimensional analysis of a multilayered functionally graded anisotropic cylindrical panel under thermomechanical loading. Mechanics of Materials 40, 235-254.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., 2007. Antiplane time-harmonic Green's functions for a circular inhomogeneity with an imperfect interface. Mechanics Research Communications 34, 352-358.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., 2007. Scattering of elastic waves by multiple circular cylinders with imperfect interface. WavesinRandomandComplexMedia 17, 159-187.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., 2007. A piezoelectric screw dislocation interacting with an imperfect piezoelectric bimaterial interface. International Journal of Solids and Structures 44, 3344-3358.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., 2006. 3D Green's functions for a steady point heat source interacting with a homogeneous imperfect interface. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (JoMMS) 1(7), 1269-1280 (本文采用镜像法将德国理论物理学家Arnold Sommerfeld 1909年半空间的经典结果推广到含非理想界面(包含弱导热和强导热)的两相介质).
Sudak, L. J.,Wang, X., 2006. Green’s functions for plane anisotropic bimaterials with imperfect interface. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 71, 783-794.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., Ru, C. Q., 2007. Elastic fields in two imperfectly bonded half-planes with a thermal inclusion of arbitrary shape. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 58, 488-509.
Wang, X., Sudak, L. J., 2006. Interaction of a screw dislocation with an arbitrary shaped elastic inhomogeneity. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 73, 206-211.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2001. A solution of the elliptic piezoelectric inclusion problem under uniform heat flux. International Journal of Solids and Structures 38, 2503-2516.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2001. On double circular inclusion problem in anti-plane piezoelectricity. International Journal of Solids and Structures 38, 4439-4461.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2002. Exact solution for mixed-boundary value problems at anisotropic piezoelectric bimaterial interface and unification of various interface defects. International Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 1591-1619.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2002. A conducting arc crack between a circular piezoelectric inclusion and an unbounded matrix. International Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 5895-5911.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2003. A circular inclusion with a nonuniform interphase layer in antiplane shear. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40, 881-897.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., Wu, F. L., 2003. A moving conducting crack at the interface of two dissimilar piezoelectric materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40, 2381-2399.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2003. Three-dimensional solution of smart laminated anisotropic circular cylindrical shells with imperfect bonding. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40, 5901-5921.
Wang, X., Zhang J. Q., Guo, X. M., 2005. Two circular inclusions with inhomogeneously imperfect interfaces in plane elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures 42, 2601-2623.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2002. An edge dislocation in a three-phase composite cylinder model with a sliding interface. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 69, 527-538.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2002. The general solution of three-dimensional problems in magnetoelectroelastic media. International Journal of Engineering Science 40, 1069-1080.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2003. Inclusions of arbitrary shape in magnetoelectroelastic composite materials. International Journal of Engineering Science 41, 85-102.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2003. A circular tube or bar of cylindrically anisotropic magnetoelectroelastic material under pressuring loading. International Journal of Engineering Science 41, 2143-2159.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2003. A finitely long circular cylindrical shell of piezoelectric/piezomagnetic composite under pressuring and temperature change. International Journal of Engineering Science 41, 2429-2445.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2004. Interaction between a semi-infinite crack and a straight dislocation in a decagonal quasicrystal. International Journal of Engineering Science 42, 521-538.
Wang, X., 2004. Eshelby’s problem of an inclusion of arbitrary shape in a decagonal quasicrystalline plane or half-plane. International Journal of Engineering Science 42: 1911-1930.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2002. Two circular inclusions with circumferentially inhomogeneous interfaces interacting with a circular Eshelby inclusion in anti-plane shear. Acta Mechanica 158(1-2), 67-84.
Du J. K., Shen, Y. P.,Wang, X., 2002. Scattering of antiplane shear waves by a partially debonded piezoelectric circular cylindrical inclusion. Acta Mechanica 158(3-4), 169-183.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2003. The general solution of spherically isotropic magnetoelectroelastic media and its application. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 22, 953-969.
Wang, X., 2005. An electric point charge moving along the poling direction of a transversely isotropic piezoelectric solid. Archive of Applied Mechanics 74, 509-516.
Wu, X. H., Shen, Y. P.,Wang, X., 2004. Stress concentration around a hyperboloidal notch under tension in a magnetoelectroelastic material. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 84, 818-824.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2002. A moving piezoelectric screw dislocation. Mechanics Research Communications 29, 425-429.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2003. A cracked sliding interface between anisotropic bimaterials. Mechanics Research Communications 30, 387-393.
Wang, X., Zhong, Z., 2003. Two-dimensional time-harmonic dynamic Green’s functions in transversely isotropic piezoelectric solids. Mechanics Research Communications 30, 589-593.
Wang, X., Zhang, J. Q., 2005. A steady line heat source in a decagonal quasicrystalline half-space. Mechanics Research Communications 32, 420-428.
Wang, X., 2006. Interaction between an edge dislocation and a circular inclusion with an inhomogeneously imperfect interface. Mechanics Research Communications 33, 17-25.
Wang, X., 2006. The general solution of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal. Mechanics Research Communications 33, 576-580.
Wang, X., Shen, Y. P., 2000. Basic solution for the three-phase composite constitutive model in anti-plane piezoelectricity. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 13, 134-140. (English version)
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