

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16


女,博士,副教授。2004年于东南大学获生物医学工程博士学位。2005~2006,获德国洪堡基金会资助在德国Bayreuth University做洪堡****;2006~2007,获英国皇家学会博士后奖学金在University of Bristo1从事博士后研究工作。2007年至今在华东理工大学工作。
3) 胶体在化妆品、家庭日用品及农药等方面的基础应用研究。
1.Shuangni Zhao, Xiaomin Yang, Vasil M. Garamus, Ulrich A. Handge, Luthringer Bérengère, Lin Zhao, Gabriele Salamon, Regine Willumeit, Aihua Zou*, Saijun Fan. Mixture of Nonionic/Ionic Surfactants for the Formulation of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers: Effects on Physical Properties. Langmuir, 30 (23), 6920–6928, 2014.
2.Jingwen Xiao, Fang Liu, Vasil M. Garamus, László Almásy, Ulrich A. Handge, Regine Willumeit, Bozhong Mu, Aihua Zou*. Insights into the Interactions between Surfactin, Betaines and PAM: Surface Tension, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study, Langmuir, 30(12), 3363-72, 2014
3.Yiyin Chen, Xiaomin Yang, Lin Zhao, Laszlo Almasy, Vasil M Garamus, Aihua Zou*, Regine Willumeit. Preparation and characterization of nanostructured lipid carrier for poorly soluble drugs. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspect, 455( 5), 36-43, 2014.
4.Liu Fang, Jingwen Xiao, Vasil M. Garamus, László Almásy, Regine Willumeit, Bozhong Mu, Aihua Zou*. Interaction of the biosurfactant, Surfactin with betaines in aqueous solution, Langmuir, 29, 10648?10657, 2013.
5.Xiaomin Yang, Lin Zhao, Vasil M Garamus, Aihua Zou?*, Regine Willumeit. Preparation and characterization of 4-dedimethylamino sancycline (CMT-3) loaded nanostructured lipid carrier (CMT-3/NLC) formulations, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 450, 225– 234, 2013.
6.Kai Zheng, Aihua Zou?*, Xiaomin Yang, Qiang Xia, Ruqiang Ye, Bozhong Mu. The effect of polymer-surfactant emulsifying agent on the formation and stability of α-lipoic acid loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), Food Hydrocolloids, Food Hydrocolloids, 32(1), 72-78, 2013.
7.Aihua Zou, Jing Liu, Vasil M. Garamus, Kai Zheng, Regine Willumeit, Bozhong Mu?, Interaction between the natural lipopeptide, [Glu1, Asp5] Surfactin-C15 and Hemoglobin in aqueous solution, Biomacromolecule, 11(3),593-599,2010.
8.Aihua Zou, Jing Liu, Vasil M. Garamus, Ying Yang, Regine Willumeit, Bozhong Mu?, Micellization activity of the natural lipopeptide, [Glu1, Asp5] Surfactin-C15 in aqueous solution, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(8),2712–2718,2010.

相关话题/工程学院 华东理工