

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

职称:教 授

1982.01 华东理工大学,获石油炼制专业学士学位
1989.12 华东理工大学,获有机化工专业硕士学位
2006.03 华东理工大学,获化学工艺专业博士学位
1982.01-1994.08 华东理工大学石油加工系,助教,讲师、
1994.08-1999.10 华东理工大学石油加工系,副教授
1991.09-1999.9 任华东理工大学石油加工系,副系主任,系主任
1999.11-2006.04 华东理工大学化工学院石油加工系,教授
2006.05-至今 华东理工大学化工学院石油加工系,教授,博导
1999.10-2016.04 任华东理工大学化工学院分党委副书记
2010.03-至今 华东理工大学化工学院石油加工系主任
1. 石油化工与加工
2. 能源化工与可再生能源
3 功能化学品的合成应用
(1) Shuangcheng Wang, Jingyi Yang, Xinru Xu* .Effect of the cationic starch on removal of Ni and V from crude oils under microwave irradiation, Fuel, 2011, 90:987-991.
(2) Shuangcheng Wang, Xinru Xu*, Jingyi Yang, Effect of the carboxymethyl chitosan on removal of nickel and vanadium from crude oil in the presence of microwave irradiation. Fuel Processing Technology, 2011, 92: 486-492.
(3) Xiaojun Zhao, Xiaojun Guo, Peng Cheng, Lu Liu, Jingyi Yang, Xinru Xu*. Simulation and Analysis of an Ethylene Slurry Polymerization System Using Supercritical Propane. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012, 51(2): 682-690.
(4) Zhao X, Yang J, Tao D, Xu X*. Tribological study of nitrogen plasma polymerized soybean oil with nitrogen heterocyclic structures[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2013, 51:236-43.
(5) Sun J, Yang J, Li S, Xu X. Preparation and characterization of fluorine modified oxides for transesterification [J]. Catalysis Communications, 2015, 59: 88-91.
(6) Rongjun Lu, Xinru Xu* Jingyi Yang, Jinsheng Gao. Reduction of the Total Acid Number of Crude Oil and Distilate. Energy Sources. 2007, 29 (1): 47-57
(7) Zhang, W, Xinru Xu*,. Study on Application of Mixed-Refrigerant Refrigeration in Ethylene Plant. China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology. 2009,27(3):20-24
(8) Rongjun Lu, Xinru Xu* Jingyi Yang, Jinsheng Gao. Reduction of the Total Acid Number of Crude Oil and Distilate. Energy Sources. 2007, 29 (1): 47-57
(9) Guiling Liu, Xinru Xu*, Jinsheng Gao. Study on the compatibility of asphaltic crude oil with the electric desalting demulsifiers. Energy & Fuels, 2003, 17(3):543-548
(10) Guiling Liu, Xinru Xu*, Jinsheng Gao. Study on the compatibility of high-paraffin crude oil with the electric desalting demulsifiers. Energy & Fuels, 2003, 17(3):625-630
(11) 徐心茹, 杨敬一, 李少萍. 化工过程分离工程. 华东理工大学出版社, 2012.2 上海
(1) 含硫含酸原油优质化功能化学品开发及外场关键技术研究
(2) 重质及超稠原油采出液集输关键技术研究
(3) 等离子体合成可再生油品的基础研究

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