

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-28








With international relations and regional issues as research focuses, SAIAS is an advanced research institute devoted to training Master’s degree and Doctorate candidates of international relations.

Research focuses of the institute include studies on Russia and the former Soviet Union and East European nations, the European Union and European countries, Japan, and some correlative issues such as big power relations, trans-Atlantic relations, social transformation, theories of international relations and history of ideology.

Affiliated institutions include: Russian Studies Center (a national humanities and social science research base under the Ministry of Education), European Studies Center (key European studies institution in collaboration with the European Union), East-Asian Studies Center (in conjunction with NEC), Institute of Geopolitics and Economics of Energy (in cooperation with domestic and overseas institutes of similar research interests), International Relations Theory and Ideology History Studies Center (in collaboration with Geneva’s Institut Universitaire de Hautes études Internationales). The Institute also has a General Office, an Internet Resource Department, Russian Studies Journal and Asia-European Studies Bulletin.

Aiming to bring our research and teaching activities to ever higher levels, and with openness and internationalization as our guideline, the Institute carries out research and training projects, offers consulting services, brings in excellent talents, and propels international cooperation and exchanges.

To supervise and assist with works of the Institute, an Institutional Administration Committee was set up chaired by Professor Xiang Lanxin. The Institute is under the directorship of the dean Professor Feng Shaolei, and vice deans Professor Li Hongtu and Associate Researcher Jin Renfang.



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    研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28