部门: 物理与电子科学学院
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Applied Physics Letters、Journal ofApplied Physics及Springer 系列杂志特约审稿人
SrTiO3单晶薄膜的分子束外延生长 & SrTiO3原子尺度下的结构
35.W. Xu, Jing Yang, W. Bai, Y. Zhang, K. Tang, C.-G. Duan, X. Tang, and J. Chu, "Effects of aluminum substitution on the crystal structure and magnetic properties in Zn2Y-type hexaferrites", Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17D909 (2015).(通讯作者)
34.W. Xu, Jing Yang, Y. Shen, W. Bai, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, K. Tang, Z. Wang, C.-G. Duan, X. Tang, and J. Chu, "Magnetocaloric effect in multiferroic Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2(Fe0.92Al0.08)12O22", AIP Advances, 4, 067122 (2014). (通讯作者)
33. Y. H. Gao, Jing Yang, H. Shen, J. L. Sun, X. J. Meng, and J. H. Chu, "Evolution of multiple dielectric responses and relaxor-like behaviors in pure and nitrogen-ion-implanted (Ba, Sr)TiO3 thin films", Applied Physics Letters, 104 122902 (2014). (通讯作者)
32.W. Bai, W. Yin,Jing Yang, K. Tang, Y. Zhang, T. Lin, X. Meng, C.-G Duan, X. D. Tang and J. Chu, “Cryogenic temperature relaxor-like dielectric responses and magnetodielectric coupling in Aurivillius Bi5Ti3FeO15 multiferroic thin films”, Journal of Applied Physics. 116, 084103 (2014).
31.W. Xu, Jing Yang, W. Bai, K. Tang, Y. Zhang, and X. Tang, "Oxygen vacancy induced photoluminescence and ferromagnetism in SrTiO3 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy", Journal of Applied Physics, 114 154106 (2013). (通讯作者)
30.J. Liu, W. Bai, Jing Yang, W. Xu, Y. Zhang, T. Lin, X. Meng, C.-G. Duan, X. Tang, and J. Chu, "The Cr-substitution concentration dependence of the structural, electric and magnetic behaviors for Aurivillius Bi5Ti3FeO15 multiferroic ceramics", Journal of Applied Physics, 114 234101 (2013).
29.G. Chen, W. Bai, L. Sun, J. Wu, Q. Ren, W. Xu, Jing Yang, X. Meng, X. Tang, C.-G. Duan, and J. Chu, "Processing optimization and sintering time dependent magnetic and optical behaviors of Aurivillius Bi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics", Journal of Applied Physics, 113 034901 (2013).
28.H. You, Jing Yang, J. Y. Zhu, W. F. Xu, and X. D. Tang, "Oxygen interstitials enhanced room temperature ferromagnetism in undoped zinc oxide", Applied Surface Science, 258: 4455 (2012).
27.Jing Yang, J. He, J. Y. Zhu, W. Bai, L. Sun, X. J. Meng, X. D. Tang, C. G. Duan, D. Remiens, J. H. Qiu, and J. H. Chu, "Small polaron migration associated multiple dielectric responses of multiferroic DyMnO3 polycrystal in low temperature region", Applied Physics Letters, 101 222904 (2012).
26.J. H. Qiu, J. N. Ding, N. Y. Yuan, X. Q. Wang, and Jing Yang, "Orientation dependence of the electrocaloric effect in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers", Solid State Communications, 152: 856 (2012).
25.W. Bai, J. Y. Zhu, J. L. Wang, T. Lin, Jing Yang, X. J. Meng, X. D. Tang, Z. Q. Zhu, and J. H. Chu, "Effects of annealing temperature on the structures, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of Aurivillius Bi5Ti3FeO15 polycrystalline films", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324: 2265 (2012). (通讯作者)
24.W. Bai, G. Chen, J. Y. Zhu, Jing Yang, T. Lin, X. J. Meng, X. D. Tang, C. G. Duan, and J. H. Chu, "Dielectric responses and scaling behaviors in Aurivillius Bi6Ti3Fe2O18 multiferroic thin films", Applied Physics Letters, 100 082902 (2012). (通讯作者)
23.W. Bai, W. F. Xu, J. Wu, J. Y. Zhu, G. Chen, Jing Yang, T. Lin, X. J. Meng, X. D. Tang, and J. H. Chu, "Investigations on electrical, magnetic and optical behaviors of five-layered Aurivillius Bi6Ti3Fe2O18 polycrystalline films", Thin Solid Films, 525: 195 (2012).
22.J. Zhu, Jing Yang, W. Bai, C. Duan, S. Zhang, G. Wang, X. Dong, D. Remiens, and X. Tang, "Magnetic field modulated dielectric relaxation behavior of Pt/BiScO3-PbTiO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructure in metal-insulator transition region: An equivalent-circuit method", Journal of Applied Physics, 110 114118 (2011). (通讯作者)
21.J. Zhu, Y. Chen, W. Xu, Jing Yang, W. Bai, G. Wang, C. Duan, Z. Tang, and X. Tang, "Low-temperature transport properties of chemical solution deposited polycrystalline La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ferromagnetic films under a magnetic field", Physics Letters A, 375: 3103 (2011).
20.Jing Yang, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang, X. J. Meng, J. L. Wang, J. L. Sun, and J. H. Chu, "The Ferroelectric Properties and the Ultraviolet-Near Infrared Optical Response of 0.5 mol% Mn Doped (Pb, Sr)TiO3 Thin Films", Ferroelectrics, 411: 9 (2011).
19.L. Tian, J. L. Sun, X. J. Meng, Jing Yang, J. L. Wang, W. Bai, S. Z. Yuan, and J. H. Chu, "Enhanced Physical Properties of Ferroelectric Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride Trifluoroethylene) Copolymer Capacitor with NiFe Electrodes", Ferroelectrics, 423: 141 (2011).
18. J. H. Qiu, J. N. Ding, N. Y. Yuan, X. Q. Wang, and Jing Yang, "Effect of misfit strain on the electrocaloric effect of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer thin films", European Physical Journal B, 84,25 (2011).
17. C. Gao, Jing Yang, X. J. Meng, T. Lin, J. H. Ma, J. L. Sun, and J. H. Chu, "Aging-induced abnormality of dielectric response under dc bias in Ba(Zr, Ti)O3 thin films", Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 104: 123 (2011).(通讯作者)
16. W. Bai, Y. Q. Gao, J. Y. Zhu, X. J. Meng, T. Lin, Jing Yang, Z. Q. Zhu, and J. H. Chu, "Electrical, magnetic, and optical properties in multiferroic Bi5Ti3FeO15 thin films prepared by a chemical solution deposition route", Journal of Applied Physics, 109 064901 (2011). (通讯作者)
15.Jing Yang, Y. Q. Gao, J. Wu, Z. M. Huang, X. J. Meng, M. R. Shen, J. L. Sun, and J. H. Chu, "Temperature dependent optical properties of Mn doped (Pb, Sr)TiO3 ferroelectric films in absorption region: Electron-phonon interaction", Journal of Applied Physics, 108 114102 (2010).
14.J. L. Wang, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang, X. J. Meng, S. Z. Yuan, Jing Yang, J. L. Sun, and J. H. Chu, "The Optical Dispersion of Langmuir-Blodgett Terpolymer Films", Ferroelectrics, 405: 120 (2010).
13.P. F. Liu, J. L. Wang, X. J. Meng, Jing Yang, B. Dkhil, and J. H. Chu, "Huge electrocaloric effect in Langmuir-Blodgett ferroelectric polymer thin films", New Journal of Physics, 12 023035 (2010).
12. Jing Yang, X. J. Meng, M. R. Shen, J. L. Sun, and J. H. Chu, "Effects of Mn doping on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of (Pb, Sr)TiO3 films on (111) Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates", Journal of Applied Physics, 106 094108 (2009).
11.Jing Yang, Y. Gao, Z. Huang, X. Meng, M. Shen, H. Yin, J. Sun, and J. Chu, "Dielectric functions of ferroelectric Pb0.5Sr0.5TiO3 film determined by transmittance spectroscopy", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 42 215403 (2009).
10.W. Bai, X. Meng, Jing Yang, T. Lin, Q. Zhang, J. Ma, J. Sun, and J. Chu, "Magnetoelectric, pinning and depinning properties in Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3/Fe3O4 composite films", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 42 145008 (2009).
9.Jing Yang, X. J. Meng, M. R. Shen, C. Gao, J. L. Sun, and J. H. Chu, "Evolution of electric field amplitude dependent scaling behaviors in ferroelectric films over a broad temperature range", Applied Physics Letters, 93 092908 (2008).
8. Jing Yang, X. J. Meng, M. R. Shen, L. Fang, J. L. Wang, T. Lin, J. L. Sun, and J. H. Chu, "Hopping conduction and low-frequency dielectric relaxation in 5 mol % Mn doped (Pb,Sr)TiO3 films", Journal of Applied Physics, 104 104113 (2008).
7.J. L. Wang, X. J. Meng, S. Z. Yuan, Jing Yang, J. L. Sun, H. S. Xu, and J. H. Chu, "High electric tunability of relaxor ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett terpolymer films", Applied Physics Letters, 93 192905 (2008).
6.L. Fang, M. Shen, F. Zheng, Z. Li, and Jing Yang, "Dielectric responses and multirelaxation behaviors of pure and doped CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics", Journal of Applied Physics, 104 064110 (2008).
5.Jing Yang, J. Chu, and M. Shen, "Analysis of diffuse phase transition and relaxorlike behaviors in Pb0.5Sr0.5TiO3 films through dc electric-field dependence of dielectric response", Applied Physics Letters, 90 242908 (2007).
4.L. Fang, M. R. Shen, Jing Yang, and Z. Y. Li, "Reduced dielectric loss and leakage current in CaCu3Ti4O12/SiO2/ CaCu3Ti4O12 multilayered films", Solid State Communications, 137: 381 (2006).
3. Jing Yang, M. R. Shen, and L. Fang, "The electrode/sample contact effects on the dielectric properties of the CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramic", Materials Letters, 59: 3990 (2005).
2.H. X. Li, J. Y. Wang, H. J. Zhang, G. W. Yu, X. X. Wang, L. Fang, M. R. Shen, Z. Y. Ning, Jing Yang, S. L. Li, X. L. Wang, and K. M. Wang, "Nd : GdVO4 thin films grown on La3Ga5SiO14 (LGS) and sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition properties", Journal of Crystal Growth, 281: 426 (2005).
1.L. Fang, M. R. Shen, Jing Yang, and Z. Y. Li, "The effect Of SiO2 barrier layer on the dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 films", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 38: 4236 (2005).
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