陈龙 研究员
部门: 地理科学学院
毕业院校: 北京大学
学位: 理学博士
学历: 博士
邮编: 200241
电子邮箱: chenlong@geo.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 闵行校区河口海岸大楼A821
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号华东师范大学河口海岸大楼A821
Environmental Science & Technology,Science of the Total Environment,Journal of Cleaner Production等期刊审稿人
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Li, J.#; Zhou, S.#; Wei, W.#; Qi, J.; Li, Y.; Chen, B.; Zhang, N.; Guan, D.; Qian, H.; Wu, X.; Miao, J.; Chen, L.*; Feng, K.*; Liang, S.* China’s retrofitting measures in coal-fired power plants bring significant mercury-related health benefits. One Earth2020, 3, 777-787.
Li, Y.#; Chen, L.#; Liang, S.*; Qi, J.; Zhou, H.; Feng, C.; Yang, X.; Wu, X.; Mi, Z.; Yang, Z. Spatially explicit global hotspots driving China’s mercury related health impacts. Environmental Science & Technology2020,54,22, 14547-14557.
Chen, L.; Liang, S.; Zhang, H.; Cai, X.; Chen, Y.; Liu, M.; Lin, H.; Li, Y.; Qi, J.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.*; Shu, J.* Rapid increase in cement-related mercury emissions and deposition in China during 2005-2015. Environmental Science & Technology2020,54,22,14204-14214.
Chen, L.; Liang, S.*; Liu, M.; Yi, Y.; Mi, Z.*; Zhang, Y.; Li, Y.; Qi, J.; Meng, J.; Tang, X.; Zhang, H.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.; Shu, J.*; Yang, Z.* Trans-provincial health impacts of atmospheric mercury emissions in China. Nature Communications2019, 10(1), 1484.
Chen, L.; Liang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.; Meng, J.; Zhang, H.; Tang, X.; Li, Y.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.*; Shu, J.* Atmospheric Mercury Outflow from China and Interprovincial Trade. Environmental Science & Technology2018, 52, 13792-13800.
Liu, M.; Zhang, Q.; Luo, Y.; Mason, R. P.; Ge, S.; He, Y.; Yu, C.; Sa, R.; Cao, H.; Wang, X.*; Chen, L.* Impact of water-induced soil erosion on the terrestrial transport and atmospheric emission of mercury in China. Environmental Science & Technology2018, 52, 6945-6956.
Zhang, W.; Zhang, L.*; Li, Y.; Tian, Y. L.; Li, X. R.; Zhang X.; Mol, A. P. J.; Sonnenfeld, D. A.; Liu, J. G.; Ping, Z. Y.; Chen, L.* Neglected environmental health impacts of China's supply-side structural reform. Environment International2018, 115, 97-103.
Chen, L.; Meng, J.; Liang, S.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, W.; Liu, M.; Tong, Y.; Wang, H.; Wang, W.; Wang, X.*; Shu, J.* Trade-induced atmospheric mercury deposition over China and implications for demand-side controls. Environmental Science & Technology2018, 52 (4), 2036-2045.
Chen, L.; Zhang, W.*; Zhang, Y.; Tong, Y.; Liu, M.; Wang, H.; Xie, H.; Wang, X.* Historical and future trends in global source-receptor relationships of mercury. Science of the Total Environment2017, 610-611, 24.
Chen, L.*; Zhang, Y.*; Jacob, D. J.; Soerensen, A. L.; Fisher, J. A.; Horowitz, H. M.; Corbitt, E. S.; Wang, X. Differences in decadal trends of atmospheric mercury between the Arctic and northern midlatitudes suggest a decline in Arctic Ocean mercury.Geophysical Research Letters2015, 42, 6076-6083.
Chen, L.; Wang, H. H.; Liu, J. F.; Tong, Y. D.; Ou, L. B.; Zhang, W.*; Hu, D.; Chen, C.; Wang, X. J.* Intercontinental transport and deposition patterns of atmospheric mercury from anthropogenic emissions.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics2014, 14, 10163-10176.
Zheng, C.; Zhang, H.; Cai, X.; Chen, L.; Liu, M.; Lin, H.; Wang, X. Characteristics of CO2and atmospheric pollutant emissions from China’s cement industry: A life-cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production2021, 282, 124533.
Cai, X.; Cai, B.; Zhang, H.; Chen, L.; Zheng, C.; Tong, P.; Lin, H.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, M.; Tong, Y.; Wang, X. Establishment of high-resolution atmospheric mercury emission inventories for Chinese cement plants based on the mass balance method. Environmental Science & Technology2020,54,21, 13399-13408.
Liu, M.; He, Y.; Baumann, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Jing, X.; Mason, R.; Xie, H.; Shen, H.; Chen, L.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, X. The impact of the Three Gorges Dam on the fate of metal contaminants across the river–ocean continuum. Water Research2020, 116295.
Zhang XY, Qi M, Chen L, Wu TY, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Tong YD. Recent change in nutrient discharge from municipal wastewater in China's coastal cities and implication for nutrient balance in the nearshore waters.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science2020, 242, 106856.
Liu MD, Zhang QR, Cheng MH, He YP, Chen L, Zhang HR, Cao HL, Shen HZ, Zhang W, Tao S, Wang XJ. Rice life cycle-based global mercury biotransport and human methylmercury exposure.Nature Communications2019, 10, 5164.
Zhou, S.; Wei, W.; Chen, L.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Kong, J.; Li, J. Impact of a coal-fired power plant shutdown campaign on heavy metal emissions in China. Environmental Science & Technology2019, 53, (23), 14063-14069.
Qi, J.; Wang, Y.; Liang, S.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Feng, C.; Xu, L.; Wang, S.; Chen, L.; Wang, D.; Yang, Z. Primary suppliers driving atmospheric mercury emissions through global supply chains. One Earth2019, 1(2), 254-266.
Liu MD, Xie H, He YP, Zhang QR, Sun XJ, Yu CH, Chen L, Zhang W, Zhang QG, Wang XJ. Sources and transport of methylmercury in the Yangtze River and the impact of the Three Gorges Dam.Water Research2019, 166, 115042.
Zhang HR, Li RX, Chen B, Lin HM, Zhang QR, Liu MD, Chen L, Wang XJ. Evolution of the life cycle primary PM2.5 emissions in globalized production systems.Environment International2019, 131, 104996.
Chen YC, Zang L, Shen GF, Liu MD, Du W, Fei J, Yang LY, Chen L, Wang XJ, Liu WP. Resolution of the ongoing challenge of estimating nonpoint source neonicotinoid pollution in the Yangtze River basin using a modified mass balance approach.Environmental Science & Technology2019, 53, 2539-2548.
Liu MD, Zhang QR, Ge SD, Mason R, Luo Y, He YP, Xie H, Sa R, Chen L, Wang XJ. Rapid increase in the lateral transport of trace elements induced by soil erosion in major karst regions in China.Environmental Science & Technology2019, 53, 4206-4214.
Lin, H.; Tong, Y.; Yin, X.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, H.; Chen, L.; Kang, S.; Zhang, W.; Schauer, J.; de Foy, B.; Bu, X.; Wang, X. First measurement of atmospheric mercury species in Qomolangma Natural Nature Preserve, Tibetan Plateau, and evidence of transboundary pollutant invasion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics2019, 19, (2), 1373–1391.
Deng, C.; Tong, Y.; Chen, L.; Yuan, W.; Sun, Y.; Li, J.; Wang, X.; Zhang, W.; Lin, H.; Xie, H.; Bu, X. Impact of particle chemical composition and water content on the photolytic reduction of particle-bound mercury. Atmospheric Environment2019, 200, 24–33.
Bu, X.; Zhang, H.; Lv, G.; Lin, H.; Chen, L.; Yin, X.; Shen, G.;Yuan, W.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.; Tong, Y. Comparison of reactive gaseous mercury collection by different sampling methods in a laboratory test and field monitoring. Environmental Science & Technology Letters2018, 5, 600–607.
Liu MD, Chen L, He YP, Baumann Z, Mason R, Shen HZ, Yu CH, Zhang W, Zhang QG, Wang XJ. Impacts of farmed fish consumption and food trade on methylmercury exposure in China.Environment International2018, 120, 333-344.
Ou LB, Wang HH, Chen C, Chen L, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling of human lactational transfer of methylmercury in China.Environment International2018, 115, 180-197.
Liu MD, Du P, Yu CH, He YP, Zhang HR, Sun XJ, Lin HM, Luo Y, Xie H, Guo JM, Tong YD, Zhang QG, Chen L, Zhang W, Li XQ, Wang XJ. Increases of total mercury and methylmercury releases from municipal sewage into environment in China and implications.Environmental Science & Technology2018, 52, 124-134.
Zhang, H.; Chen, L.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, W.; Yang, W.; Liu, M.; Liu, L.; Wang, H.; Wang, X. Impacts of supply and consumption structure on the mercury emission in China: An input-output analysis based assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production2018, 170, 96-107.
Zhang Y, Ye XJ, Yang TJ, Li JL, Chen L, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Evaluation of costs associated with atmospheric mercury emission reductions from coal combustion in China in 2010 and projections for 2020.Science of the Total Environment2018, 610-611, 796-801.
Zhang, W.; Zhen, G.; Chen, L.; Wang, H.; Li, Y.; Ye, X.; Tong, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Wang, X. Economic evaluation of health benefits of mercury emission controls for China and the neighboring countries in East Asia. Energy Policy2017, 106, 579-587.
Tong, Y.; Yin, X.; Lin, H.; Buduo. Danzeng.; Wang, H.; Deng, C.; Chen, L.; Li, J.; Zhang, W.; Schauer, J.; Kang, S.; Zhang, G.; Bu, X.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Q. Recent decline of atmospheric mercury recorded by Androsacetapete on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology2016, 50, 13224–13231.
Liu MD, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Chen L, Wang HH, Luo Y, Zhang HR, Shen HZ, Tong YD, Ou LB, Xie H, Ye XJ, Deng CY. Mercury release to aquatic environments from anthropogenic sources in China from 2001 to 2012.Environmental Science & Technology2016, 50, 8169-8177.
Liu, M. D.; Chen, L.; Wang, X. J.; Zhang, W.; Tong, Y. D.; Ou, L. B.; Xie, H.; Shen, H. Z.; Ye, X. J.; Deng, C. Y.; Wang, H. H. Mercury export from mainland China to adjacent seas and its influence on the marine mercury balance. Environmental Science & Technology2016, 50, (12), 6224–6232.
Zhang, Y.; Jacob, D. J.; Horowitz, H. M.; Chen, L.; Amos, H. M.; Krabbenhoft, D. P.; Slemr, F.; St. Louis, V.; Sunderland, E. M. Observed decrease in atmospheric mercury explained by global decline in anthropogenic emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2016, 113, (3), 526-531.
Tong YD, Chen L, Chi J, Zhen GC, Zhang QG, Wang RN, Yao RH, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Riverine nitrogen loss in the Tibetan Plateau and potential impacts of climate change.Science of the Total Environment 2016, 553, 276-284.
Tong, Y. D.; Ou, L. B.; Chen, L.; Wang, H. H.; Chen, C.; Wang, X. J.; Zhang, W.; Wang, Q. G. Modeled methylmercury exposure and risk from rice consumption for vulnerable populations in a traditional fish-eating area in China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry2015, 34, (5), 1161-1168.
Ou, L. B.; Chen, C.; Chen, L.; Wang, H. H.; Yang, T. J.; Xie, H.; Tong, Y. D.; Hu, D.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X. J. Low-level prenatal mercury exposure in north China: an exploratory study of anthropometric effects. Environmental Science & Technology2015, 49, 6899?6908.
Ye, X.; Hu, D.; Wang, H.; Chen, L.; Xie, H.; Zhang, W.; Deng, C.; Wang, X. Atmospheric mercury emissions from China's primary nonferrous metal (Zn, Pb and Cu) smelting during 1949–2010. Atmospheric Environment2015, 103, 331-338.
Ou, L. B.; Chen, L.; Chen, C.; Yang, T. J.; Wang, H. H.; Tong, Y. D.; Hu, D.; Zhang, W.; Long, W. J.; Wang, X. J. Associations of methylmercury and inorganic mercury between human cord blood and maternal blood: A meta-analysis and its application. Environmental Pollution2014, 191, 25-30.
Zhang, W.; Tong, Y. D.; Wang, H. H.; Chen, L.; Ou, L. B.; Wang, X. J.; Liu, G. H.; Zhu, Y. Emission of metals from pelletized and uncompressed biomass fuels combustion in rural household stoves in China. Scientific Reports2014, 4, 5611-5611.
Tong, Y.; Zhang, W.; Chen, C.; Chen, L.; Wang, W.; Hu, X.; Wang, H.; Hu, D.; Ou, L.; Wang, X. Fate modeling of mercury species and fluxes estimation in an urban river. Environmental Pollution2014, 184, 54-61.
Chen, C.; Wang, H.; Zhang, W.; Hu, D.; Chen, L.; Wang, X. High-resolution inventory of mercury emissions from biomass burning in china for 2000–2010 and a projection for 2020. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres2013, 118, (21), 12248-12256.
Hu, D.; Zhang, W.; Chen, L.; Chen, C.; Ou, L. B.; Tong, Y. D.; Wei, W.; Long, W. J.; Wang, X. J. Mercury emissions from waste combustion in China from 2004 to 2010. Atmospheric Environment2012, 62, 359-366.
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