

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16



部门: 河口海岸科学研究院
电子邮箱: zjdai@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 河口海岸学国家重点实验室大楼506室
通讯地址: 上海 中山北路3663号河口海岸学国家重点实验室




美国Coastal Education & Research Foundation会员
Scientific Reports编委
曾任 中文核心期刊《人民长江》杂志特邀编委
2008年起先后任国际国内知名专业期刊《Scientific Reports》、《Natural Hazards》、《Global and Planetary Change》、《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》、《Lake and Reservoir Management》、《Journal of Mountain Science》、《Marine Geology》、《Continental Shelf Science》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Journal of Coastal Research》、《Journal of China Ocean Engineering》、《Sedimentary》、《 Frontiers of Earth Science in China》、《Journal of International Sedimentary Research》、《Hydrological Processes》、《River research and applications》、《Journal of Hydro-environment research》、《Earth and space science》、《地理学报》(中英文版)、《海洋学报》(中英文版)、《中国海洋工程》等通讯审稿专家






1) 国家自然科学基金,《长江河口边滩冲淤机制及其泥沙捕集效应研究》(项目编号:**),主持人, (2016/01-2019/12)
2) 国家自然基金《北部湾北部强潮海滩动力过程》(项目编号:**),主持人,(2014/1-2017/12)
3) 广西自然科学基金(2015GXNSFBA139207):北部湾入海河流物质通量变化及其对河口湿地的影响研究(参加)
4) 2015广西高等学校科学研究人文社科重点项目(KY2015ZD133):广西北部湾应对气候变化能力建设研究(参加)
5) 北部湾环境演变与资源利用教育部重点实验室开放基金(2014BGERLKF04):北部湾广西海域海岛岸线资源可持续利用研究(参加)
6) 国家自然基金《杭州湾北岸水下侵蚀/淤积波迁移及其沉积动力过程》(项目编号:**)?主持人?(2011/1-2013/12)
7) 上海市科技启明星资助项目:《上海市杭州湾北岸海床稳定及海堤预警研究》(项目编号:06QA14016)?主持人?(2006/8-2008/12)
8) 国家自然基金《粤西沙坝-澙湖海岸脆弱性及对人类活动的响应》(项目编号:**) ?主持人?(2008/1-2010/12)
9) 国家自然基金《广东弧形海岸的平衡与稳定性研究》(项目编号:**)?主持人(2006/1~2008/12)
10) 教育部归国留学人员基金《长江三角洲南翼响应来水来沙变异的动力沉积过程》(2011/1-2012/12)
11) 国家自然科学重点基金《流域来水来沙变异对长江河口泥沙输移与潮滩湿地演变的影响及其对策研究》(项目编号:**)?主要成员?(2010/1-2014/12)
12) 国家自然基金国际合作项目《长江河口和Ems河口细颗粒泥沙动力过程及其影响因素》?主要成员(2011/1-2013/12).
13) 中荷战略科学联盟计划: 《人类活动对于河流-河口生态与地貌演变的影响》
14) 上海市浦江人才培养计划项目:《上海滩涂沉积速率研究》?主要成员.
15) 上海市科委重点基金项目:《长江特枯水情对上海淡水资源安全影响研究》(项目编号:)?主要参加人员?(2006/12-2008/12)
16) 国家海洋局908项目:《上海市浦东、南汇海岸带调查》(HAD1)?主要成员?2006-2009
17) 国家海洋局908项目:《上海市金山、奉贤海岸带调查》(HAD2)?主要成员?2007/7-2009/7
18) 上海市城市生态过程与恢复重点实验室开放课题? 上海青草沙水源地水质安全性研究(UPER0606)?主要参与人员?2007?1-2008?12
19) 国家自然基金《长江河口浮泥形成机制及影响因素研究(项目编号:**)?项目组主要成员(2006/1~2008/12)
20) 上海市博士后基金《上海市杭州湾北部岸滩冲淤过程、剖面塑造机理及其预测模式》(2004/1~2005/12)?主持人
21) 华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室开放基金《南汇东滩环境的动力沉积过程及对杭州湾北岸冲淤影响分析》(2004/1~2005/12)?主持人
22) 国家自然基金《近岸带长重力波运动和碎波带地形演变的耦合过程》?(项目编号**)?(2003/1~2005/12)?项目组主要成员
23) 国家自然基金《珠江河口演变及陆海相互作用研究》?(项目编号**)?(1998?1~2000?12)?参与
24) 国家自然基金《岬间海滩三维地形变化的地貌动力过程和泥沙运动的研究》?(项目编号**)?(1997/1~1999/12)?参与
25) 广东省自然基金《广东岬间海湾滨面带波流联合输沙与沉积动力环境研究》?(项目编号990239)? (2000/1~2002/12)? 项目组主要成员
26) 广东省自然基金《广东弧形海岸陆海相互作用与海滩过程研究》?(项目编号:011181)?(2002/1~2004/12)?项目组主要成员
27) 广西省自然基金《广西海岸环境脆弱性分析与战略评价》(项目编号:**)(2004/8~2006/12)?项目组主要成员
28) 2001-2002 《海南省万宁小海口门动力、泥沙、演变及整治》?交通部项目?参与?
29) 2003-2004 《杭州湾环境变异对上海石化工业区的影响》主要组成成员之一
30) 2003-2004 《杭州湾环境变异对上海化学工业区的影响》主要组成成员之一
31) 2004-2005 《广东茂名海岸港口选址的遥感影像分析》?交通部和茂名交通局委托项目?主要组成成员

1. 湖南邵阳科技论文成果二等奖。
2. 中山大学首届研究生论文征集一等奖。
3. 广东省第六届大学生科技作品竞赛优胜奖。
4. 98-99年度中山大学“优秀研究生”称号。
5. 99-2000年度广东省南粤“优秀研究生”称号及曾宪梓二等奖学金。
6. 2000-2001年中山大学“优秀研究生”称号。
7. 2001-2002年广东省南粤“优秀研究生”称号及曾宪梓一等奖学金。
8. 2006年获上海市科技启明星称号。
9. 2012年荣获教育部新世纪优秀人才称号。
10. 《长江河口演变基本规律与综合治理》获中国土木工程学会优秀论文三等奖。
11. 2012年获上海市科技进步三等奖(长江特枯水情影响上海淡水资源安全的关键评估技术及其应用)(排五)
13. 2014年获上海市自然科学一等奖(近期长江流域变化对河口环境的影响)(排四)
黄鹄,戴志军等. 广西海岛资源评价与可持续利用. 北京:中国海洋出版社, 2005,10.
Chen J.Y., Liu C.Z., Dai Z.J., et al., 2010. China’s coastline. In: Eric Bird, C.F. (Editor), Encyclopedia of the World’s Coastal Landforms. Springer Press.
黄鹄,戴志军等. 广西海岸环境脆弱性研究. 北京:中国海洋出版社, 2005,10.
戴志军, 李春初. 华南弧形海岸动力地貌过程. 上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2008,9.
恽才兴,戴志军,王殿昌.中国河口三角洲的危机. 北京:中国海洋出版社,2010,1.
发表的论文 (“*”为通讯作者)

Wei, W., Dai*, Z., Mei, X., Liu, J. P., Gao, S., & Li, S. (2017). Shoal morphodynamics of the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary: Influences from river damming, estuarine hydraulic engineering and reclamation projects. Marine Geology, 386, 32-43.
Zhijun Dai*, James T. Liu & Wen Wei. Morphological evolution of the South Passage in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary, China. Quaternary International, 380-381, 314-326, 2015.
Zhijun Dai*, James T. Liu & Yunbo Xiang (2015) Human interference in the water discharge of the Changjiang (Yangtze River), China, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60:10, 1770-1782, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.944182
Xuefei Mei, Zhijun Dai*, Jinzhou Du & Jiyu Chen. Linkage between Three Gorges Dam impacts and the dramatic recessions in China’s largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake. Nature Sci. Rep. 5:18197, DOI: 10.1038/srep18197 (2015).
Mei Xuefei, Dai Zhijun*, Wei Wen and Gao Jinjuan. Dams induced stage–discharge relationship variations in the upper Yangtze River basin. Hydrology Research. 2016, 47(1): 157-170.
X. Mei, Z. Dai*, Z. Tang and P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. Impacts of historical records on extreme flood variations over the conterminous United States. Journal of Flood Risk Management. DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12223.
Mei, X., Z. Dai*, P. H. A. J. M. van Gelder, and J. Gao (2015) Linking Three Gorges Dam and downstream hydrological regimes along the Yangtze River, China, Earth and Space Science, 2, doi:10.1002/2014EA000052.
Wen Wei, Zhenghong Tang, Zhijun Dai*, Yifan Lin, Zhenpeng Ge, Jinjuan Gao. Variations in tidal flats of the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary during 1950-2010s: Future crisis and policy implication. Ocean & Coastal Management 108 (2015) 89-96.
Jinjuan Gao, Huahong Shi, Zhijun Dai*, Xuefei Mei. Variations of sediment toxicity in a tidal Estuary: A case study of the South Passage, Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary. Chemosphere 128 (2015) 7–13.
Jinjuan Gao, Zhijun Dai*, Xuefei Mei, Zhenpeng Ge, Wen Wei, Hualiang Xie, Shushi Li. Interference of natural and anthropogenic forcings on variations in continental freshwater discharge from the Red River (Vietnam) to sea. Quaternary International 380-381 (2015) 133-142.
Li Shushi, Dai Zhijun*, Mei Xuefei, Huang Hu, Wei Wen, Gao Jinjuan. Dramatic variations in water discharge and sediment load from Nanliu River (China) to the Beibu Gulf during 1960-2013. Quaternary International xxx (2016) 1-12.
CHEN Dong, DAI Zhijun, XU Ren, LI Daoji, MEI Xuefei. Impacts of anthropogenic activities on the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuarine ecosystem (1998–2012). Acta Oceanological Sinica. 2015, 34(6): 86–93.
Zhenghong Tang, Yue Gu, Zhijun Dai*, Yao Li, Ted LaGrange, Andy Bishop & Jeff Drahota. Examining Playa Wetland Inundation Conditions for National Wetland Inventory, Soil Survey Geographic Database, and LiDAR Data. Wetlands (2015) 35:641-654 DOI 10.1007/s13157-015- 0654-2.
LI Zhanhai, LI Michael Z, DAI Zhijun, ZHAO Fangfang, LI Jiufa. Intratidal and neap-spring variations of suspended sediment concentrations and sediment transport processes in the North Branch of the Changjiang Estuary. Acta Oceanological Sinica. 2015, 34(1): 137–147.
Dai, Z., Liu, J.T., Wei, W., Chen, J., 2014. Detection of the Three Gorges Dam influence on the Changjiang (Yangtze River) submerged delta. Nature Sci. Rep. 4, 6600, DOI:10.1038/srep06600 (2014).
Dai, Z.J., J.T., Liu, H.L., Xie, W. Y. Shi, 2013. Sedimentation in the Outer Hangzhou Bay, China: the influence of Changjiang sediment load. Journal of Coastal Research, 30(6): 1218-1225.
Wei, W., Chang, Y.B., Dai*, Z. J., 2014. Streamflow changes of the Chang (Yangtze) River in the recent 60 years: impacts of the East Asian summer monsoon, ENSO, and human activities. Quaternary International 336, 98-107.
Wei, W., Tang, Z.H., Dai*, Z. J., 2014. Variations in tidal flats of the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary during 1950s-2010s: future crisis and policy implication. Ocean and Coastal Management http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.05.018.
Dai, Z., Liu, J.T., Xiang, Y.B., 2014. Human interference in the water discharge of the Changjiang (Yangtze River), China. Hydrological Sciences Journal Doi: 10.1080/**.2014.944183.
Fu, X.Y., Tang, Z.H., M. Svoboda, Z.J., Dai, J.J. Wu, 2013. An overview of US state drought plans: crisis or risk management? Natural Hazards DOI 10.1007/S11069-013-0766-z.
Tang, Z.H., Z.J., Dai, X.Y. Fu, X. Li, 2013. Content analysis for the U.S. coastal states’ climate action plans in managing the risks of extreme climate events and disasters. Ocean and Coastal Management 80, 46-54.
Shi, H.H.*, J.Yuan, Z.J. Dai*, H.Y. Yao, 2013. The teratogenic effects of sediments from the Yangtze Estuary and adjacent bay, China, on frog embryos. Environmental Earth Sciences 68: 2385-2391.
Dai, Z., Liu, J.T., Fu, G., Xie, H., 2013. A thirteen-year record of bathymetric changes in the north passage, Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary. Geomorphology 187, 101-107.
Dai, Z., Liu, J.T., 2013. Impacts of large dams on downsteram fluvial sedimentation: an example of the three gorges dam (TGD) on the Changjiang (Yangtze River). Journal of Hydrology 48, 10-18.
Dai, Z.J., Chu, A., Li, W.H., Wu, H.L., 2013. Has suspended sediment concentration near the mouth bar of the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary been declining in recent years? Journal of Coastal Research DOI: 10.2112/jcoastres-d-11-002000.1.
Dai, Z.J., Chu, A.,Stive, M.J.F., Yao, H.Y., 2012. Impact of the Three Gorges Dam overruled by an extreme climate hazard. Natural Hazards Review 13, 310-316.
Dai, Z.J., A.Chu, M.J.F., Stive, J.F., Li, 2011. Is the Three Georges Dam the cause behind the 2006 extreme low suspended sediment discharge into the Yangtze (Changjiang) estuary? Hydrological Sciences Journal 56 (7), 1280-1288.
Dai, Z.J., J.Z. Du, X.L. Zhang, N. Su, and J.F.,Li, 2011. Variation of riverine matrial loads and environmental consequences on the Changjiang estuary in recent decades. Environmental Science and Technology 45: 223-227.
Dai, Z.J., J.Z.,Du, A. Chu, X.L.,Zhang, 2011. Sediment characteristics in the North Branch of the Yangtze Estuary based on radioisotope tracers. Environmental Earth Sciences 62: 1629-11634.
Dai, Z.J., A. Chu, M.J.F., Stive, X.L.,Zhang, H., Yan, 2011. Unusual salinity conditions in theYangtze Estuary in 2006: impacts of an extreme drought or of the Three Gorges Dam? Ambio, Doi: 10.1007/s13280-011-0148-2.
Yan, H., Z.J., Dai*, J.F.,Li, J.C., Zhao, X.L.,Zhang, J.K., Zhao, 2011. Distributions of sediments of the tidal flats in response to dynamic actions, Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary. Journal of Geographical Sciences 21(4): 1-14.
Zhang, X.L., Z.J., Dai*, W.Y., Shi, H., Chen, 2011. Migration characteristics of Erosion and Accretion Waves along the Northern Bank of the Hangzhou Bay.2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment(ICEE).4:507-515.
Dai, Z.J., J.Z. Du, A. Chu, J.F. Li, J.Y. Chen, and X.L. Zhang, 2010. Groundwater discharge to the Changjiang River, China, during the drought season of 2006: effects of the extreme drought and the impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. Hydrogeology Journal 18: 359-369.
Dai, Z.J., A. Chu, J.Z. Du, M.J.F. Stive, and H. Yan, 2010. Assessment of extreme drought and human interference on baseflow of the Yangtze River. Hydrological Processes 24: 749-757.
Dai, Z.J., Liu, J.T., Y.P., Lei, X.L., Zhang, 2010. Patterns of sediment transport pathways on a headland bay beach-Nanwan beach, South China: a case study. Journal of Coastal Research, 26(6), 1096-1103.
Dai, Z.J., J.Y., Chen, J.Z., Du, C.C., Li, 2008. Seasonal Changes of Sandbar Behavior in Nanwan Beach, South China. Journal of Coastal Research, 24(5): 1209-1216.
Dai, Z.J., J.Z., Du, J.F., Li, W.H., Li, J.Y., Chen. Runoff characteristics of the Changjiang River during 2006: Effect of extreme drought and the impounding of the Three Gorges Dam. Geophysical Research Letters? doi:10.1029/2008GL033456.
Zhao, J.K., J.F., Li, Z.J.,Dai, H., Zhang, H.,Yan, 2010. Key role of the lakes in runoff supplement in the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River during typical drought years. 2010 International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation.
Dai Zhijun, Zhu Wenwu, Li Weihua and Li Jiufa. Research on recent changes of fluid mud and its impacted factors in the North Passage of the Changjiang Estuary. 0468-155X (2015) 01-0050-07. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Lin Yifan, Dai Zhijun, Li Weihua, Xie Hualiang and Li Jiufa. Changes in water and sediment of the bifurcation mouth between the North and South Passage during the flood season, Yangtze Estuary. Acta oceanological sinica, 2015, 37(3): 114-125. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Xie Hualiang, Dai Zhijun, Zuo Shuhua and Han Zhiyuan. Morphodynamic processes of the south passage of the Yangtze estuary (1959-2013). The Ocean engineering. 2015, 33(5): 51-59. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., J.F., Li, J.K., Zhao, C.J., Chen, X.L., 2010. Zhang. Adjustment processes of runoff among river, lake and reservoir along mid-lower reaches of Changjiang River during 2006 extreme drought year. Geographical Science, 30(4): 577-581. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, J.F., Z.J., Dai, X.C., Liu, J.C., Zhao, et al., 2010. Research on the movement of water and suspended sediment and sedimentation in Nanhui spit of the Yangtze Estuary before and after the construction of reclamation projects on the tidal flat. Journal of Sediment Research, 3: 31-37. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Yan, H., Z.J., Dai, J.F., Li, J.C., Zhao, X.L., Zhang, 2009. Distribution of surfical tidal flat sediments in the Yangtze Estuary. Acta Geographica Sinica, 64(5): 629-637. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., Z.Han, J.H.,Chen., 2009. Analysis on scouring and silting of tidal-flat change and its dynamic action, Bohe, Guangdong. Marine Sciences, 33(4): 29-33. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., X.L., Zhang, J.F., Li, C.X., Yun, 2009. Morphodynamic behavior of the mud coast in response to typhoon action. The Ocean Engineering, 27(2): 63-69. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Zhang, X.L., Z.J., Dai*, H., Yan, Z.H., Li, J., Ren, 2009. Analysis on the short period changes in suspended sediment turbidity in surf zone. Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait, 28(2): 149-155. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Chen, J.Y., Z.J., Dai*, J.Y., Chen, X.L., Zhang, H.T., Lu, 2009. Analysis on the net sediment transportation along arc-shaped coast in the northern bank, Hangzhou Bay. Journal of Sediment Research, 2009 (2): 53-59. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Sun, Q., Z.J., Dai, 2009. A new shortest path algorithm using cellular automata model. Computer Technology and Development, 19(2): 42-44. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Xiang, Y.B., C.L., Xu, Z.J.,Dai., 2009. Preliminary exploration of development decision of Shanghai ocean economics and trends in ocean economics of the world. Management and Exploitation of Ocean, 26(2): 46-52. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Han, Z., C.X., Yun, Y.,Liu, H., Zhang, 2009. Remote sensing quantitative inversion research of the silt tidal flat elevation and deposition and erosion-chongmingdongtan as the example. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology, 1: 12-18. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Zhao, J.K., J.F.,Li, Z.J.,Dai, H., Yan, B.D., Zhao, 2009. Study on water resources carrying capacity of urbanized area based on entropy model-a case study in Kaifeng city. Journal of Natural Resources, 24(11): 1944-1951. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Zhao, J.C., J.F., Li, Z.H.,Li, Z.J., Dai, J.K., Zhao, 2009. Researches on characteristics and dynamic mechanism of short-term scouring and silting changes of the tidal flat on Nanhui spit in the Changjiang Estuary in China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(4): 103-111. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Liu, Q.Z., J.F., Li, Z.J., Dai, J.C., Zhao, L.X., Feng, 2009. Spatial and temporal distribution of particulate metal pollutants in Changjiang Estuary. Marine Environmental Science, 28(3): 251-256. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Feng, L.X., J.F., Li, Z.J., Dai*, H., Yan, J.C., Zhao, 2009. Analysis of the river channel stability and the characteristics of suspended sediment and water in the North Branch of the Changjiang River estuary in recent years. Journal of Marine Sciences, 27(3): 40-47. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Chen, J.Y., H.Q., Chen, Z.J., Dai, D., Eisma, 2008. Harmonious Development of Utilization and Protection of Tidal Flats and Wetlands-A Case Study in Shanghai Area. China Ocean Engineering, 22(4): 649-662.
Zhao, J.C., Z.J., Dai, W.H., Li, 2008. Study on the characteristics of temporal and spatial changes in properties of surface sediment on near-shore seabed of strong-tide bay: a case from the north bank of Hangzhou Bay in Shanghai. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 26(6): 49-57. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, J.F., Z.J., Dai, Q. Z., Liu, W.H., Li, R.R., Wu, J.C., Zhao, 2008. In-situ observation of floccule size and fluid mud in the Changjiang Estuary. Journal of Sediment Research, 3: 26-32. (In Chinese with English abstract)
H.,Yan, Z.J., Dai*, X.L., Zhang, J.Y., Chen, 2008. Variation of bed-load and suspended sediment along the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River during the period of the extreme low discharge in 2006. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 17(Z): 78-83. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai,Z.J., J.Y., Chen, H.T., Lu, 2008. Analysis on the spatial distribution of deposition fields between the east bank and the south bank, in the Changjiang River estuary. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology, 2: 46-52. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., H.T., Lu, S.Y., Ou, C.C., Li, J.Y., Chen, 2008. A singular spectrum analysis between the spatial and temporal changes of beach volumes and wave fields. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 30(3): 133-139(In Chinese with English abstract)
Chen, J.Y., H.Q., Chen, Z.J., Dai, 2008. Action and response of the third driven dynamics in the estuarine processes. Advances in Natural Science, 18(9), 994-1000(In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., W.H., Li, J.F., Li, J.Y., Chen, 2008. Analysis of the saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang Estuary during the flood season in extreme drought. Advances in Water Science, 19(6): 100-104. (In Chinese with English abstract)
YING, M., J.F., Li, S.L., Chen, Z.J., Dai, 2008. Dynamics Characteristics and Topographic Profile Shaping Process of Feiyan Shoal at the Yellow River Delta. Marine Science Bulletin,10(2): 74-88.
Liu, H., Q., He, J.J., Xu, Z.J., Dai, J.Y., Chen, 2008. The Effect of the Exceptionally Low Water Discharge on Sediment Char acter istics of the Middle and Lower Yangtze River. Acta Geographica Sinica, 63(1): 50-64.
Liu, Q.Z., J.F., Li, C.H., Xu, Z.J., Dai, D.J., Li, 2008. Flocculation process of fine-grained sediments by the combining effect of salinity and humus in the Changjiang Estuary in China, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 30(3): 140-147. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., J.Z., Du, C.C., Li, Z.S., Chen, 2007. The configuration of equilibrium beach profile in South China. Geomorphology, 86: 441-454.
Liu, Q.Z., J.F., Li, Z.J., Dai, J.D., Li., 2007. Flocculation process of fine-grained sediments by the combined effect of salinity and humus in the Changjiang Estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 26(1): 140-149.
Dai, Z.J., J.Y., Chen, C.C., Li, S.J., Wang, H.T., Lu, 2007. Characteristics of transverse sediment transport along Nanwan arc-shaped beach in response to seasonal wave dynamics. The Ocean Engineering, 25(4): 39-45. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., J.H., Chen, J., Ren. Analysis of the stable states in the nearshore sea-floor of bar-lagoon coast in Bohe, Yuexi. Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait, 26(1): 1-6. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, J.F., Z.J., Dai, M., Ying, R.R., Wu, G., Fu, H.G., Xu., 2008. Analysis on the development and evolution of tidal flats and reclamation of land resource along shore of Shanghai city. Journal of Natural Resources, 22(3): 361-371. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Chen, J.Y., H.Q., Cheng, Z.J., Dai, 2007. Compatibility of utilization and protection of tidal flat and wetland: a case study in Shanghai area. Engineering Science, 11-17. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Fu, G., J.F., Li, Z.J., Dai, R.R., Wu, Z.Y., Yu, 2007. (Primary discussion on seabed evolution of Nanhuizui and Qiqu Archipelage. Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science), 4: 34-41. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Cheng, L., H.Q.,Cheng, Z.J., Dai, H.,Jiang, Z.Y., Chen. Impacts of re-suspension in bed sediment on transportation of heavy metals. Marine Environmental Science, 26(4): 317-320. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Ying, M., J.F., Li, S.L., Chen, W.H., Li, Z.J., Dai, 2007. Dynamics characteristics and topographic profiles shaping process of Feiyantan at the Yellow River delta. Marine Science Bulletin, 26(4): 13-22. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Fu, G., J.F., Li, Z.J., Dai, R.R., Wu, Z.Y., Yu, 2007. Study of tidal flow numerical simulation on the reclamation project of Nanhuizui beach. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology, 4: 47-54. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Cheng, H.Y., Y.P., Qiu, Z.J.Dai, et al.,2007. The sorption behaviors of Pb(II) on tidal flat sediments at Pudong airport. Jiangsu Environmental Science and Technology, 20(2): 1-4. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., C.X., Yun, Z.,Han, 2006. Composition of satellite remote sensing and digital topography applied in port projects.The Ocean Engineering, 1: 115-121. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J.,C.C.,Li, W.J.,Wang,J.Y.,Chen,2006. Research on stability and fractal of arc-shaped coast in South China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 28(1):176-180. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai,Z.J., Z.,Han, C.X.,Yun, J.Y.,Chen, J.,Ren,2006. Remote sensing analysis of spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of surface suspended sediment concentration in the Maoming Sea area. Advances in Marine Science, 24(4): 455-461. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, W.H., J.F., Li, Z.J., Dai, S.L., Chen, 2006. Response of coastal sediment to the hydrodynamic conditions in the Feiyan beach in the Northern Yellow River delta. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 26(1): 17-21(In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, J.F., W.H., Li, M., Ying, L.Q., Shi, S.L., Chen, Z.J., Dai, 2006. Characteristic and hydrodynamic explanation of distribution and parameters of sediment granularity in Feiyan shoal of Yellow River delta. Marine Science Bulletin, 38-44. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., Z.,Han, C.X. Yun, 2005. Grain size characteristics and transport trends of the sediment in the South Channel of the Yangtze River. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology, 72-78. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., S.Y., Shi, Z.S., Chen, C.X., Yun, 2005. Study on sediment transport trend and profile fractals on a beach between headlands. Advances in Marine Science, 23(2): 168-173. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., J.Y., Chen, H.Q., Cheng, J.F., Li, 2005. Sediment characteristics and transport patterns in Nanhui joint area. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 14(6): 735-739. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., C.C., Li,W.J., Wang, 2005. Formation mechanism analysis of arc-shaped sandy coast in South China. Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait. 24(1): 43-48. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., C.C., Li, J.H., Chen, 2004. Research of land and ocean interaction of the coastal zone in South China. Progress in Geography, 10-16. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., C.C., Li, 2004. Coastline configuration and geomorphologic development mode of arc-shaped coast in South China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 59(5): 738-744. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., C.C., Li, Q.L., Zhang, 2004. Fractal analysis of shoreline patterns for crenulate bay beaches, Southern China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 61: 65-71.
Da, Z.J., 2004. Application of judgement rules for log-spirial coast to arc-shaped shoreline in South China. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 22(6):46-53. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, Z.L., Z.S., Chen, Z.J., Dai, 2004. Analysis of beach volume variations over a month for a beach between headland in Shanwei, eastern Guangdong. Acta Tropical Geography, 43(2): 112-116. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., C.X., Yun, Z., Han, F., Lou, 2004. Sea wall warning analysis of caojing-zhilin bank segment along north coast of the Hangzhou Bay, Coastal Engineering 23(4): 23-31. (In Chinese with English abstract (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., Z.S., Chen, S.Y., Ou, 2000. Analysis of wave actions on coast evolution in Nandujiang River delta, Hainan island. Journal of Oceanography in Tanwan Strait, 19(4): 413-418. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., J., Ren, Z.F., Zhou, 2000. Research advance in definition and classification of estuaries. Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait, 254-260. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Chen, Z.S., Z.Q., Li, Z.J., Dai, et al., 2001. Observations and analysis for triad wave coupling in nearshore waters. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 22(6):46-53. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Liu, H.Y., Z.J., Dai, M.M., Heng, 2002. Analysis and prediction on sewage drainage of Guangzhou. Chongqing Environmental Science, 24(1): 62-64. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., X.C., Peng, H., Huang, 2002. Application of grey forecast on river water pollution, 1:28-29. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., Z.S., Chen, S.Y., Ou, 2002. Characteristics of daily variation processes over a month for beach profiles between headlands in Shanwei, eastern Guangdong. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 21(1): 27-32. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, C.C., Y.P., Lei, W., H., Z.J., Dai, 2002. Evolutional processes of the Pearl River estuary and its protective regulation and exploitation. Journal of Sediment Research, 44-51. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., J.H., Chen, C.C., Li, 2002. Application of the principal component analysis to the study of sustainable development of the city Pred system. Tropical Geography, 22(3): 261-265. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., Z.S., Chen, Q.L., Zhang, 2001. Analysis on temporal variation process of a vave-dominated beach profile between headlands. Tropical Geography, 21(3): 266-269.)
Han, L., Z.J., Dai, 2001. Assessments of ecologic risk. Environmental Sciences Dynamics, 3: 7-10. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., L., Han, S.Y., Shi, 2001. Analysis of dynamics and evolution on bar-lagoon coast in Houjiang bay, east Guangdong. Journal of Oceanography in Tanwan, 20(2): 142-146. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Ren, J., P.R., Liu, Z.J., Dai, 2001. Characteristics of bottom sediment and sediment transport patterns in Hailing bay, western Guangdong. Journal of Oceanography in Tanwan, 20(1): 96-100. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Liu, H.Y., Z.J., Dai, 2001. The analysis and countermeasures on the present pollution in Chinese offing. Environmental Protection Science, 27(106): 6-8. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., Z.S., Chen, C.C., Li, 2001. Analysis of dynamical actions on the process of beach profile between headlands over a short time. Ocean Science, 25(11): 38-41. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Chen, Z.S., S.Y., Ou, Z.J., Dai, et al.,2001. Analysis of the statistic characteristics of wave structure and appearance in the shoreface zones of the bays between headlands. Ocean Bulletin, 20(3): 1-7. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Chen, Z.S., W.Y., Shi, Z.J., Dai, 2000. Analysis on morphodyanalysis on morphody-namic processes of fast changes of three-dimensional morphologies of a beach and surf-zone between headlands. Ocean Science, 24(1): 40-43. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Dai, Z.J., 1998. Causes and Countermeasures of asid rain in Hunan Province. Environmental Protection, 4: 36-39 (In Chinese with English abstract).



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