

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

沈芳 教授 博士生导师


部门: 河口海岸科学研究院
电子邮箱: fshen@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 华东师范大学河口海岸大楼608
通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号,200062








1986年中国矿业大学毕业以来‚从事数据库、机助制图及专家系统等计算机应用研究及技术开发‚曾荣获省部级科技进步三等奖1项及电子信息推广应用优秀成果三等奖1项;由于“七五”期间电子信息应用工作的突出贡献‚获山西省科委“先进工作者”称号。2000年成都理工大学获博士学位‚研究期间从事环境地质评价预测理论与方法及地理信息系统 (GIS)应用研究‚ 并荣获四川省科技进步三等奖。2000年中国科学院上海技术物理研究所博士后工作两年‚ 2003年引进至华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室‚ 2006-2007年荷兰地理信息科学及地球观测学院(ITC)水资源系访问****‚从事水资源水环境遥感研究、河口近岸高浊度水域水色遥感研究、河口近岸水质遥感监测与评估。已承担科研项目近30项‚公开发表论文50余篇。

2018.01-2021.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目“海岸水体浮游植物粒级的生物光学特性及遥感反演研究”, **, 负责人
2016.12-2019.09, 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“水环境的高光谱及多源高分辨率光学遥感研究”, 项目编号:2016YFE**,负责人.
2013.01-2016.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目“近岸浑浊富沙水体叶绿素浓度的遥感反演方法及光学机理”, **, 负责人.
2013.01-2015.12, 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金“基于辐射传输模型的浑浊海岸水色参数的遥感反演研究”, 009, 负责人.
2012-2016, NASCC-ESA Dragon-3 programme “Variations of Estuarine Turbid Plumes and Mudflats in Response to Human Activities and Climate Change”, Id. 10555, Principle Investigator.
2009.01-2011.12, 国家自然科学基金项目“动力河口悬浮物的固有光学特性及河口二类水正/反演过程机理”,**, 负责人。
2007.01-2009.12, ESA Category-1 Project “Coastal water quality monitoring and evaluating with MERIS satellite data in Yangtze River estuary and nearby coastal area”(欧空局科学研究项目),Principal Investigator (负责人).
2005.01-2007.12, 教育部重点科技项目“悬浮泥沙遥感信息机理及模型研究” (105076),负责人。
2010.01-2013.12, 国家自然科学基金重点项目“流域来水来沙变异对长江河口泥沙输移与潮滩湿地演变的影响及其对策研究”,研究骨干。
2007.8.01-2010.7.31, 国家海洋公益性项目“长江三角洲海岸侵蚀灾害辅助决策系统”,研究骨干。
2008.01-2011.12, NASCC-ESA Dragon-2“Estuarine, Inland and Coastal Water Quality Monitoring using Earth Observation Data”(科技部国家遥感中心-欧空局合作龙计划二期)ID: 5351, Co-Investigator.
2003.03-2003.12, 国家863计划(2001AA630301)“中国海岸带及近海卫星遥感综合应用系统技术”,参加人员。
2000.11-2001.05, 国家863计划“卫星遥感水环境应用技术研究”(863-2-7-4-25, 参加人员.
1. Yanqun Pan, Fang Shen*, Xiaodao Wei. (2018). Fusion of Landsat-8/OLI and GOCI Data for Hourly Mapping of Suspended Particulate Matter at High Spatial Resolution: A Case Study in the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary. Remote Sensing. 2018, 10, 158; doi:10.3390/rs**
2. Wang Yongchao, Shen Fang*, Sokoletsky Leonid, Sun Xuerong. (2017). Validation and Calibration of QAA Algorithm for CDOM Absorption Retrieval in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuarine and Coastal Waters. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9(11):1192. doi:10.3390/rs**
3. Wen Zhou, Guifen Wang, Cai Li, Zhantang Xu, Wenxi Cao, Fang Shen. (2017). Retrieval of phytoplankton cell size from chlorophyll a specific absorption and scattering spectra of phytoplankton. Applied Optics. 2017, 56(30): 8362-8371. doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.008362
4. Pan Yanqun, Shen Fang*, Verhoef Wouter. (2017). An improved spectral optimization algorithm for atmospheric correction over turbid coastal waters: A case study from the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary and the adjacent coast. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2017,191:197-214. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.01.013
5. Yang Xianping, Sokoletsky Leonid, Wei Xiaodao, Shen Fang. (2017). Suspended sediment concentration mapping based on the MODIS satellite imagery in the East China inland, estuarine, and coastal waters. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00343-016-5060-y. January 2017, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 39–60
6. Shang Pei, Shen Fang*. (2016). Atmospheric Correction of Satellite GF-1/WFV Imagery and Quantitative Estimation of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Yangtze Estuary. Sensors. 16, 1997; doi:10.3390/s**
7. Yu Xiaolong, Shen Fang*, Liu Yangyang. (2016). Light absorption properties of CDOM in the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuarine and coastal waters: An alternative approach for DOC estimation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 181, 302-311.
8. Sokoletsky Leonid, Shen Fang, Xianping Yang, and Xiaodao Wei. (2016). Evaluation of Empirical and Semianalytical Spectral Reflectance Models for Surface Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Highly Variable Estuarine and Coastal Waters of East China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 11, Pages: 5182 - 5192, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2016.**
9. Yu Xiaolong, Salam Suhyb, Shen Fang and Verheof Wouter. (2016). Retrieval of the diffuse attenuation coefficient from GOCI images using the 2SeaColor model: A case study in the Yangtze Estuary. Remote Sensing of Environment. 175 (2016) 109–119. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2015.12.053
10. 陈瑜丽, 沈芳*. 长江口及邻近海域悬浮颗粒物对叶绿素 a 遥感反演算法的影响分析[J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2016, 31 (1): 126 - 133.] doi : 10.11873 / j.issn.1004 - 0323.2016.1.0126
Chen Yuli, Shen Fang*. Influence of Suspended Particulate Matter on Chlorophyll - a Retrieval Algorithms in Yangtze River Estuary and Adjacent Turbid Waters [J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2016, 31(1): 126-133.
11. Ge, J., F. Shen, W. Guo, C. Chen, and P. Ding (2015), Estimation of critical shear stress for erosion in the Changjiang Estuary: A synergy research of observation, GOCI sensing and modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC010992.
12. 刘洋洋,沈芳*,李秀珍.长江口邻近海域赤潮水体浮游植物光吸收特性分析. 环境科学. 2015,36(6):2019-2027
13. 张 敏,周云轩,葛建忠,沈芳.河口海岸GIS时空过程可视化表达研究.吉林大学学报(地球科学版). 2015(02):584-591
14. 李希之,李秀珍,任璘婧,沈芳,黄星,闫中正.不同情景下长江口滩涂湿地2020年景观演变预测.生态与农村环境学报. 2015,31(2):188-196
15. Fang Shen, Yunxuan Zhou, Xiangyi Peng & Yuli Chen (2014) Satellite multi-sensor mapping of suspended particulate matter in turbid estuarine and coastal ocean, China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35:11-12, 4173-4192, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.916053
16. Leonid G. Sokoletsky and Fang Shen, (2014), Optical closure for the remote-sensing reflectance based on accurate radiative transfer approximations: The case of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and its adjacent coastal area, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35:11-12, 4193-4224, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.916048.
17. Leonid G. Sokoletsky, Vladimir P. Budak, Fang Shen, and Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, (2014), Comparative analysis of radiative transfer approaches for calculation of plane transmittance and diffuse attenuation coefficient of plane-parallel light scattering layers. Applied Optics, 53(3), 459-468.
18. Sokoletsky L, Yang X, Shen F. 2014a. MODIS-based retrieval of suspended sediment concentration and diffuse attenuation coefficient in Chinese estuarine and coastal waters. Proc. SPIE Asia Pacific Remote Sensing, 9261: 926119-1 - 926119-25.
19. Wang Lihua, Zhou Yunxuan, Zhu Jianrong, Shen Fang, Tianbo, 2014. Deriving Changjiang coastal zone wind from C-band SAR and its application to salinity simulation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 32(4):946-957
20. Wang Lihua, Zhou Yunxuan, Ge Jianzhong, Johnny A Johannessen, Shen Fang, 2014. Mapping sea surface velocities in the Yangtze coastal zone with advanced synthetic aperture radar. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 33(11):141-149
21. Yangyang Liu, Fang Shen*, Xiuzhen Li. Light absorption properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in adjacent waters of the Changjiang Estuary during a flood season: implication for DOC estimation. Proc. of SPIE: Ocean Remote Sensing and Monitoring from Space, edited by Robert J. Frouin, Delu Pan, Hiroshi Murakami, Young Baek Son. 2014, Vol. 9261, 92610K.
22. 彭翔翼,沈芳*. 多种卫星传感器反演长江口悬浮泥沙浓度的对比分析[J]. 红外. 2014(04): 31-37.
23. 陈雨,沈芳*. 长江口邻近海域冬季漫衰减系数空间差异及其遥感反演. 海洋湖沼通报. 2014
24. Leonid G. Sokoletsky, Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, Fang Shen, (2013), Comparative analysis of radiative transfer approaches for calculation of diffuse reflectance of plane-parallel light scattering layers. Applied Optics, 52(35), 8471-8483.
25. Shen, F., Zhou, Y.X., Li, J.F., He, Q., Verhoef, W. (2013). Remotely sensed variability of the suspended sediment concentration and its response to decreased river discharge in the Yangtze estuary and adjacent coast. Continental Shelf Research, 69, 52–61.
26. Wu, H., Deng, B., Yuan, R., Hu, J., Gu, J., Shen, F., Zhu, J., Zhang, J., 2013, De-tiding measurement on transport of the Changjiang-derived buoyant coastal current, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43(11), 2388-2399, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-12-0158.1
27. 刘猛,沈芳*,葛建忠,孔亚珍. 静止轨道卫星观测杭州湾悬浮泥沙浓度的动态变化及动力分析. 泥沙研究, 2013, 1, 7-13
28. 余小龙, 沈芳*, 张晋芳. 影响悬浮颗粒物吸收系数测量的相关因素研究. 环境科学, 2013, 34(5), 1745-1753
29. 张晋芳,沈芳*,余小龙,周云轩.杭州湾邻近海域浮游植物吸收特性的冬、夏季变化特征. 地理与地理信息科学, 2013, 29(5), 112-118
30. 沈宏,沈芳*. 光谱响应函数和带宽对光学复杂II类水体离水辐射反射率的影响. 红外. 2012,4, 31-37
31. 洪官林,沈芳*,沈宏. 长江口及邻近海域水体反射率的模拟. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2012, No.1, 37-46
32. Shen F., Zhou Y., and Hong G.-L. 2012. Absorption property of non-algal particles and contribution to total light absorption in optically complex waters, a case study in Yangtze Estuary and adjacent Coast. In: G. Lee (Ed.): Advances in Computational Environment Science, AISC. 142: 61–66. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany.
33. 刘曦,沈芳*. 基于插件方式构建海岸信息管理GIS应用框架. 计算机应用研究. 2011,Vol.28,supp,625-627
34. Shen Fang, Verhoef Wouter, Zhou Yunxuan, Salama Mhd. Suhyb, Liu Xiaoli. Satellite estimates of wide-range suspended sediment concentrations in Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary using MERIS data. Estuaries and Coasts. (2010), Vol.33, No.6, 1420-1429, DOI: 10.1007/s12237-010-9313-2, 2010
35. Shen, Fang, Zhou, Yun-Xuan, Li, Dao-Ji, Zhu, Wei-Jian and Salama, Mhd. Suhyb, MERIS estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in the turbid sediment-laden waters of the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary. Int. J. of Remote Sensing. Vol. 31, No. 17, 4635–4650, 2010.
36. Shen, F. and Verhoef, W. (2010). Suppression of local haze variations in MERIS images over turbid coastal waters for retrieval of suspended sediment concentration. Optics Express, 18(12), 12653-12662, doi:10.1364/OE.18.012653, 2010
37. Shen, F., Salama, Mhd.S., Zhou, Y.X., Li, J.F., Su, Z., and Kuang, D.B. (2010). Remote-sensing reflectance characteristics of highly turbid estuarine waters – a comparative experiment of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. International Journal of remote sensing, 31(10), 2639–2654, 2010
38. Salama MS and Shen F. Stochastic inversion of ocean color data using the cross-entropy method. Optics Express, 18(2):479-499. doi:10.1364/OE.18.000479, 2010
39. Salama M. Suhyb and Shen Fang. Simultaneous atmospheric correction and quantification of suspended particulate matters from orbital and geostationary earth observation sensors. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 86 (2010) 499–511. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.10.001
40. 朱伟健,沈芳*,洪官林. 长江口及邻近海域有色溶解有机物(CDOM)的光学特性. 环境科学. 2010, Vol.31, No.10, pp: 26-32.
41. 刘曦,沈芳*.长江三角洲海岸侵蚀脆弱性模糊综合评价. 长江流域资源与环境,Vol.19, Supp.1, pp:196-200, 2010.
42. Kuang Runyuan, Zhou Yunxuan, Li Xing, Shen Fang. Spatial and temporal distributions of suspended sediment in the Nanhui nearshore from TM/ETM images. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7471, pp. 74710Y-74710Y-6 (2009).
43. 刘小丽, 沈芳*, 朱伟建, 刘曦. MERIS卫星数据定量反演长江河口的悬沙浓度.长江流域资源与环境, 2009,18(11):1026-1030
44. 沈芳, 周云轩, 李九发, 刘小丽. 河口悬沙粒径对遥感反射率影响的理论分析与实验观测. 红外与微毫米波学报, 2009, 28( 3): 168-172.
45. 沈芳,郜昂,吴建平,周云轩, 张杰. 淤泥质潮滩水边线提取的遥感研究及DEM构建--以长江口九段沙为例. 测绘学报. 2008, 37, (1): 102-107
46. Shen Fang, Zhang Jie, Liu Zhiguo, Mao Zhihua. Spectral signature characters based on measurement in situ of high turbid water in Yangtze River estuary. Proceedings of SPIE —The International Society for Optical Engineering, DOI: 10.1117/12.694207,2006, Vol.6406
47. 刘小丽, 沈芳*. 河口近岸水悬浮颗粒物遥感研究进展. 北京海洋出版社:第十届中国河口海岸学术研讨会论文集,2007. 175-181
48. 张杰, 沈芳*, 刘志国. 长江口潮滩湿地植被光谱分析与遥感检测. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2007 No.4 P.42-48,63  
49. 刘志国, 周云轩, 沈芳. 河口水体泥沙浓度的水面光谱统计模式分析. 水利学报. 2007,38(7): 33-39
50. 郑宗生; 周云轩; 蒋雪中; 沈芳; 崇明东滩水边线信息提取与潮滩DEM的建立.遥感技术与应用 , 2007(01)
51. 郑宗生; 周云轩; 沈芳; 蒋雪中; 田波;基于DTM的水边线遥感信息提取方法,国土资源遥感 , 2007(02)
52. 沈芳, 周云轩, 张杰, 吴建平, 杨世伦. 九段沙湿地植被时空遥感监测与分析. 海洋与湖沼. 2006,36(4):358-366
53. 郑宗生; 周云轩; 沈芳, GIS支持下长江口深水航道治理一、二期工程对北槽拦门沙的影响分析.吉林大学学报(地球科学版) , 2006(01)
54. 刘志国; 周云轩; 蒋雪中; 沈芳;近岸Ⅱ类水体表层悬浮泥沙浓度遥感模式研究进展,地球物理学进展 , 2006(01)
55. Fang Shen, Y. X. Zhou, Z. G. Liu, X. Y. Jiang. High spatial resolution satellite image analysis for urban management. Urban Dimensions of Environmental Change—Science, Exposures, Policies and Technologies. Science Press & Science Press USA Inc. 2005
56. 参编国家863计划海洋监测技术研究丛书《海岸带及近海卫星遥感综合应用技术》,恽才兴主编.海洋出版社,2005年
57. 张文; 周云轩; 沈芳;地理数据库模型在河口海岸地理信息系统数据库设计中的应用分析,测绘与空间地理信息 , 2005(01)
58. 李凤霞,李林,沈芳,伏洋. 青海湖湖岸形态变化及成因分析. 资源科学, 2004, Vo1.26, No.1:38-44
59. 沈芳, 匡定波. 青海湖最近25年变化的遥感调查与研究.湖泊科学.2003,15(4):289-296
60. 沈芳, 匡定波. 太湖流域典型中小湖群水资源利用及动态变化的遥感调查与分析.遥感学报. 2003, 7(3): 221-226
61. 沈芳, 黄润秋, 苗放. 3S技术在国土资源调查、环境保护及地质灾害评价与预测中的应用展望.成都理工学院学报,2000(3).
62. 沈芳, 黄润秋, 苗放, 许强. 地理信息系统与地质环境评价. 地质灾害与环境保护, 2000,11(1):6-10
63. 沈芳, 黄润秋, 苗放, 罗文强. 区域地质环境评价与灾害预测的GIS技术. 山地学报, 1999,17(4):338-342



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