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刘向军 研究员
? Prof. LIU Xiangjun

? Director, Institute of Micro/Nano Electromechanical System

? ? ?
? Email:xjliu@dhu.edu.cn

? Phone:

地址:上海市松江区人民北路2999号4号学院楼5057室, 201620
? OfficeRoom 5057, No.4 College Building, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Songjiang, Shanghai, P.R.C, 201620

Dr Liu is currently a research professor in the College of Mechanical Engineering, and director of Institute of Micro/Nano Electromechanical System at Donghua University (DHU). He received his Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University and Data Storage Institute, Singapore in 2009. Prior to joining DHU, he worked as Researcher in Hitachi R&D Centre (2009-2010), Post-doctoral Research Fellow in National Institute for Nanotechnology at University of Alberta, Canada (2010-2012), and Scientist in Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore (2012-2019).
研究方向|Research Areas:
微结构物性调控|Micro-structure properties
微纳机电系统工程| Micro/Nano electromechanical system
微器件热扩散管理|Thermal management in micro-devices
Liu, X.; Yu, Z.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, Y.-W. Remarkably high thermal-driven MoS2 grain boundary migration mobility and its implications on defect healing. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 17746.
Liu, X.; Gao, J.; Zhang, G.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, Y.-W. The Remarkable role of grain boundaries in the thermal transport properties of phosphorene. ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 17416.
Ren, K.; Liu, X.; Chen, S.; Cheng, Y.; Tang, W.; Zhang, G. Remarkable reduction of interfacial thermal resistance in nanophononic heterostructures. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, **
Zhao, Y.; Liu, X.; Rath, A.; Wu, J.; Li, B.; Zhou, W.; Xie, G.; Zhang, G.; Thong, J. T. L. Probing thermal transport across amorphous region embedded in a single crystalline silicon nanowire. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 821.
Liu X.,Zhou H., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. The effects of curvature on the thermal conduction of bent silicon nanowire.Journal of Applied Physics2019,125, 082525.
Liu X.,Gao J., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Design of phosphorene/graphene heterojunctions for high and tunable interfacial thermal conductance.Nanoscale2018,10. 19854.
Liu X.,Zhang Y.-W. Thermal properties of transition-metal dichalcogenide.Chinese Physics B.2018,27, 034402.
Liu X.,Gao J., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Unusual twisting phonons and breathing modes in tube-terminated phosphorene nanoribbons and their effects on thermal conductivity.Advanced Functional Materials2017,27, **.
Liu X., Gao J., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. MoS2-graphene in-plane contact for high interfacial thermal conduction.Nano Research,2017,10, 2944.
LiuX.,Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Topological defects at the graphene/h-BN interface abnormally enhance its thermal conductance.Nano Letters2016,16(8), 4954.
LiuX., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Thermal conduction across one-dimensional interface between MoS2monolayer and metal electrode.Nano Research2016,9, 2372.
Liu X., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Surface morphology and strain coupling effects on phonon transport in silicon nanowires.Materials Today: Proceedings2016,3, 2759.
Gao, J.,Liu, X., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y.-W. Nanotube-terminated zigzag edges of phosphorene formed by self-rolling reconstruction.Nanoscale,2016,8(41), 17940.
Liu X., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Graphene-based thermal modulators.Nano Research2015,8, 2755.
Liu X., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Surface-engineered nanoscale diamond films enable remarkable enhancement in thermal conductivity and anisotropy.CARBON2015,94, 760.
Liu X., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Tunable Mechanical and Thermal Properties of One-Dimensional Carbyne Chain: Phase Transition and Microscopic Dynamics.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2015,119(42), 24156?24164.
Guo T., Sha Z.-D.,Liu X., Zhang G., Guo T., Pei Q.-X., Zhang Y.-W. Tuning the thermal conductivity of multi-layer graphene with interlayer bonding and tensile strain.Applied Physics A2015,120, 1275.
Liu X., Zhang, G., Zhang Y.-W. Thermal conduction across graphene cross-linkers.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2014,118, 12541.
Liu X., Zhang, G., Pei Q.-X., Zhang Y.-W. Modulating the thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires via surface amorphization.Science China: Technological Science2014,57, 699?705.
Wu P. H., Quek S. S., Sha Z. D., Dong Z. L.,Liu X. J., Zhang G., Pei Q. X., Zhang Y. W. Thermal transport behavior of polycrystalline graphene: A molecular dynamics study.Journal of Applied Physics2014,116, 204303.
Liu X.,Zhang, G., Pei Q.-X., Zhang Y.-W. Phonon thermal conductivity of monolayer MoS2 sheet and nanoribbons.Applied Physics Letters2013,103, 133113.
Kovalenko, A.; Kobryn, A.; Gusarov, S.; Lyubimova, O.;Liu, X.; Blinov, N.; Yoshida, M. Molecular theory of solvation for supramolecules and soft matter structures: application to ligand binding, ion channels, and oligomeric polyelectrolyte gelators.Soft Matter2012,8, 1508?1520.
Liu, X.; Lyubimova, O.; Kobryn, A. E.; Gusarov, S.; Kovalenko, A. Mesoscopic study of dynamics and gelation ability of oligomeric electrolyte gelator with dissipative particle dynamics.Procedia Computer Science,2011,4, 1031?1038.
Lyubimova, O.;Liu, X.; Gusarov, S.; Kobryn, A. E.; Kovalenko, A. Solvation structure and gelation ability of polyelectrolytes: predictions by quantum chemistry methods and integral equation theory of molecular liquids.Procedia Computer Science2011,4, 1186?1192.
Liu, X.; Amemiya, K.; Wong, C.H.; Yu, S. K.; Liu, B. Molecular dynamics study of dynamic behavior between head and ultrathin lubricant film.Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, System, and Manufacturing2010,4, 56?60.
Liu, X.; Yang, Y.W.; Yang, J.P. Direct simulation Monte Carlo on thermal distribution of rarefied gas under heated atomic force microscope nanoprobe.Journal of Applied Physics2009,105, 013508.
Liu, X.; Yang, J.P.; Yang, Y.W. Heat conduction analysis of nano-tip and storage medium in thermal-assisted data storage using molecular dynamics simulation.Molecular Simulation2008,34, 57?63.
Yang, Y.W.;Liu, X.; Yang, J.P. Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation for size effects on thermal conductivity of Si nanostructures.Molecular Simulation2008,34, 51?56.

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