

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02


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2000年9月-2003年3月 西南交通大学,现代物理所,读硕士,理论物理专业,高温高压凝,聚态物理方向

2003年4月-2007年10月 西南交通大学,峨眉校区基础课部,教师

2005年9月-2007年6月 四川大学,物理科学与技术学院,读博士,凝聚态物理专业,粒子,物理与原子核物理方向

2007年11月-2015年3月 滁州学院,副教授,大学物理教研室主任

2015年4月-2018年11月 西南石油大学,理学院,副教授

2018年12月-今 西南石油大学,理学院,教授



(2)省级自然科学研究项目(KJ2009B106),2009.1-2010.09,项目主持人, “慢旋转中子星转动惯量的研究”,已结项。
(3)省级自然科学研究项目(KJ2012Z297),2012.1-2012.12,项目主持人, “中子星PSR J1614-2230等致密天体的相对论平均场描述”,已结项。
(5)省级自然科学研究(重点)项目(KJ2014A182),2014.01-2016.12,项目主持人, “大质量中子星PSR J0348+0432 的相对论平均场理论研究”,已结项。
(6)国家自然科学基金项目(应急管理项目-理论物理专款)(**),2015.01-2017.12, 项目主持人, “相对论平均场理论对大质量中子星的研究”,已结项。


(3)校级教学研究(重点)项目(2012jyz004),2013.01-2014.12,项目主持人, “应用型专业大学物理实验课程教学改革研究”,已结项。
(4)校级规划教材项目(2014ghjc02),2015.01-2015.12,项目主持人,“大学物理讲义”, 已结项。



(1)赵先锋,洪时明,刘福生. 压力对碳氢氧超临界流体中碳的溶解度的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2003,17(2):101-105. (EI)
(2)赵先锋. 相对运动的矢量图示解法 [J]. 数学.力学.物理学.高新技术研究进展, 2006,11:366-368.
(3)赵先锋, 王顺金, 张华, 贾焕玉. 和介子对中子星物质的影响 [J]. 高能物理与核物理, 2007, 31 (4): 345-349.(SCI)
(4)赵先锋, 王顺金, 张华, 贾焕玉. 和介子对有限温度中子星物质的影响 [J]. 高能物理与核物理, 2007, 31 (6): 532-537.(SCI)
(5)赵先锋. 非平行平面薄膜反射光干涉公式的推导[J]. 滁州学院学报, 2009,11(1):53-54.
(6)赵先锋, 王顺金, 张华, 贾焕玉. 和介子对中子星转动惯量的影响 [J]. 四川大学学报 (自然科学版), 2009, 46 (3): 743-747.
(7)赵先锋, 张华. 温度对前身中子星转动惯量的影响 [J]. 四川大学学报 (自然科学版), 2010, 47 (3) : 579-584.
(8)赵先锋. 物理学史料在大学物理教学中的作用[J]. 滁州学院学报, 2010,12(2):102-103.
(9)Zhao Xian-Feng, Zhang Hua. Effect of strange mesons on the moment of inertia of proto neutron star [J]. Journal of Sichuan University ( Natural Science Edition), 2010, 47 (4): 825-830.
(10)赵先锋, 张华. 自相互作用对超子星转变密度的影响 [J] . 山东大学学报 (理学版), 2010, 45 (9): 96-100.
(11)Zhao Xian-Feng. The gravitational redshift of a proto neutron star [J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27 (9): 099701.(SCI, IF=0.731)
(12)Zhao Xian-Feng. Zhang Hua, Jia Huan-Yu. On the moment of inertia of a proto neutron star [J]. Chinese Physics C, 2010, 34 (10): 1587-1592. (SCI, IF=0.272)
(13)Zhao Xian-Feng. Zhang Hua. Effect of the mesons σ* and Φ and the variety of UΣ(N) on the transition density of hyperon stars [J]. Chinese Physics C, 2010, 34 (11): 1704-1708. (SCI, IF=0.272)
(14)Zhao Xian-Feng. Constraining the gravitational redshift of a neutron star from the Σ-meson well depth [J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2011, 332(1): 139–144.(SCI, IF=1.686)
(15)Zhao Xian-Feng. Effects ofandmesons on surface redshift of a neutron star [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20 (3): 039701. (SCI, IF=1.376)
(16)Zhao Xian-Feng. Potential depth of Σ in nuclear matter and moment of inertia of a proto neutron star [J]. 天文学报, 2011,52(2): 126-135.
(17)赵先锋. 相对论平均场理论中耦合常数g_ρ的确定与研究 [J]. 中山大学学报 (自然科学版), 2011, 50(2): 31-35.
(18)Zhao Xian-Feng. Temprature effect of the gravitational redshist of a proto neutron star [J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2011, 49(2): 621-628. (SCI, IF=0.448)
(19)赵先锋, 张华. 超子同位旋相互作用对中子星转动惯量的影响 [J]. 云南大学学报 (自然科学版),2011, 33(3): 303-307.
(20)赵先锋, 张华. 超子同位旋相互作用能对超子星转变密度的影响 [J]. 吉林大学学报 (理学版), 2011, 49(3): 528-532.
(21)赵先锋. 变重力加速度对自由落体落地速度的影响[J]. 滁州学院学报, 2011,13(2):120-122.
(22)Zhao Xian-feng. Potential depth of Σ-hyperons in saturated nuclear matter and rotational inertia of proto neutron star [J]. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011, 35: 285-294.
(23)Zhao Xian-Feng. Constraining the surface gravitational redshift of proto neutron stars with new nucleon coupling constants [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2011, 50(9): 2951-2960.(SCI, IF=0.845)
(24)Zhao Xian-Feng. The influence of the hyperon coupling constants on the gravitational redshift of a proto neutron star [J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition), 2011, 48(4): 865-868.
(25)Zhao Xian-Feng. The potential well depth U^(N)_Σ constraints on the surface gravitational redshift of a proto neutron star [J]. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 2011, 32(3): 391-399. (SCI, IF=0.4)
(26)赵先锋,方春阳,王大树,汪杰. 相对论平均场理论中的核子耦合参数分析[J]. 滁州学院学报,2011, 13(5): 45-47.
(27)Zhao Xian-Feng, Jia Huan-Yu. Mass of the neutron star PSR J1614-2230 [J]. Physical Review C, 2012, 85(6): 065806. (SCI, IF=3.308)
(28)Zhao Xian-Feng, Dong Ai-Jun, Jia Huan-Yu. The mass calculations for the neutron star PSR J1614-2230 [J]. Acta Physica Polonica B, 2012, 43(8): 1783-1789. (SCI, IF=0.901)
(29)Zhao Xian-Feng, Jia Huan-Yu. A set of new nucleon coupling constants and the proto neutron star matter [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(8): 089701. (SCI, IF=1.376)
(30)Zhao Xian-Feng, Jia Huan-Yu. Constraints on the moment of inertia of a proto neutron star from the hyperon coupling constants [J]. Journal of astrophysics and astronomy, 2012, 33(3): 303-310. (SCI, IF=0.4)
(31)Xian-Feng Zhao, Li Zhang. The Σ Well Depth and the Proto Neutron Star Matter [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2013, 52(2): 429-440.(SCI, IF=0.845)
(32)Zhao Xian-Feng, Dong Ai-Jun, Jia Huan-Yu. Constraints on the transition density of a hyperon star with a set of new nucleon coupling constants [J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2013, 51(1):44-55. (SCI, IF=0.448)
(33)Xian-Feng Zhao. The surface gravitational redshift of the neutron star PSR J1614-2230 [J]. Acta Physica Polonica B, 2013,44(2):211-219. (SCI, IF=0.901)
(34)Xian-Feng Zhao, Huan-Yu Jia. Constraints the properties of neutron star matter from the mass of neutron star PSR J1614-2230[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013, 346(1): 131-139.(SCI, IF=1.686)
(35)Xian-Feng Zhao. The surface gravitational redshift of the neutron star 4U 1820-30[J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2013, 51(5): 936-944. (SCI, IF=0.448)
(36)Xian-Feng Zhao, Huan-Yu Jia. The surface gravitational redshift of the neutron star PSR B2303+46 [J]. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 2013,41(4):291-298. (SCI, IF=0.31)
(37)Xian-Feng Zhao, Huan-Yu Jia. The transition density of the large mass hyperon star [J]. Chinese Physics C, 2014, 38(1): 015101. (SCI, IF=0.251)
(38)Xian-Feng Zhao, Huan-Yu Jia. The surface gravitational redshift of the massive neutron star PSR J0348+0432 [J]. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 2014,50(1):103-108 (SCI, IF=2.525)
(39)Xian-Feng Zhao, Ai-Jun Dong, Huan-Yu Jia. The properties of the neutron star PSR B2303+46[J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2014,52(2):679-690.(SCI, IF=0.448)
(40)Xian-Feng Zhao. Constraints the properties of the massive neutron star PSR J0348+0432 from the mesons f0(975) and φ(1020)[J]. The European Physical Journal A, 2014,50(5):1-6. (SCI, IF=1.968)
(41)Xian-Feng Zhao. The properties of the neutron star PSR J0348+0432[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2015, 24(8)7: **. (SCI, IF=1.963)
(42)Xian-Feng Zhao. Examination of the influence of the f0(975) and φ(1020) mesons on the surface gravitational redshift of the neutron star PSR J0348+0432 [J]. Physical Review C, 2015, 92(5): 055802. (SCI, IF=3.146)
(43)Xian-Feng Zhao. The Hyperons in the Massive Neutron Star PSR J0348+0432[J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2015, 53(6): 1-14. (SCI, IF=0.464)
(44)Xian-Feng Zhao. On the moment of inertia of PSR J0348+0432 [J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2016, 54(5): 839-844. (SCI, IF=0.514)
(45)Xian-Feng Zhao, Can the massive neutron star PSR J0348+0432 be hyperon star? [J]. Acta Physica Polonica B, 2017, 48(2): 171-181. (SCI, IF=0.904)
(46)Xian-Feng Zhao, The moment of inertia of theneutron star PSR J0348+0432 and its proto neutron star [J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2017, 362(5):95. (SCI, IF=1.622)
(47)Xian-Feng Zhao, Property difference between the neutron star PSR J0348+0432 and its proto neutron star [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2017, 26(11)10: **. (SCI, IF=1.963)
(48)Xian-Feng Zhao. Meson effect in the proto neutron star PSR J0348+0432 [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017, 56(10)10:3050–3060.(SCI, IF=0.845)
(49)Xian-Feng Zhao. Effect of entropy on properties of proto neutron star PSR J0348+0432 [J]. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2018, 56[7]: 1648-1655. (SCI, IF=0.514)
(50)Xian-Feng Zhao. The composition of baryon in the proto neutron star PSR J0348+0432[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2019, 58(4)4, 1060-1070(SCI, IF=0.845)
(51)Xian-Feng Zhao. Effect of the mesons on the baryons distribution in the massie NSPSR J0348+0432 [J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2019, 364: 38 (SCI, IF=1.622)


(1)赵先锋,贾焕玉. 中子星的相对论平均场理论研究[M]. 成都:西南交通大学出版社,2012.
(2)赵先锋. 大质量中子星研究[M]. 成都:四川大学出版社,2017.

(1) 赵先锋. 大学物理讲义 上册[M]. 成都:西南交通大学出版社,2015年12月.
(2) 赵先锋. 大学物理讲义 下册[M]. 成都:西南交通大学出版社,2015年12月.



其 它
(1)2014.02.11—2014.02.15 中国科学院理论物理研究所,访问****
报告题目:介子f0(975)和Φ(1020)对大质量中子星PSR J0348+0432性质的影响
(2)2015.07.04—2015.07.10 中国科学院理论物理研究所,访问****
(3)2015.12.28—2016.01.28 中国科学院理论物理研究所,访问****
报告题目:The effect of the mesons f0 (975) and φ(1020) on the surface gravitational redshift of the neutron star PSR J0348+0432
(4)2016.07.28—2016.08.28 中国科学院理论物理研究所,访问****
报告题目:A method to describe a proto-neutron star with its corresponding neutron star
(5)2016.12.27—2017.01.23 中国科学院理论物理研究所,访问****
报告题目:Effect of mesons on the massive proto-neutron star PSR J0348+0432
(6)2019-01-09—01-26北京 中国科学院理论物理研究所,访问****
报告题目:Effect of the hyperon coupling constants on the properties of the massive neutron stars

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