

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02

职 务: 副院长
职 称:教授
博导/硕导: 博导
所属 部门:新能源材料与器件
学科 专业: 高分子材料
研究 方向: 油气田纳米材料与功能高分子材料
联系 方式:wuyp362@126.com





[1] A transparent Glycerol-Hydrogel with Stimuli-Responsive Actuation Induced Unexpectedly at Subzero Temperatures, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9(12): 7935-7945. (SCI 一区)
[2] Development of completely furfural-based renewable polyesters with controllable properties, Green Chemistry, 2021, 3: 2437-2448. (SCI一区)
[3] Hierarchically reversible crosslinking polymeric hydrogels with highly efficient self-healing, robust mechanical property, double driven shape memory behavior, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9(9): 5730-5739 (SCI 一区)
[4] Biomimetic Boroxine-Based Multifunctional Thermosets via One-Pot Synthesis, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2020, 12(50): 56445-56453. (SCI 一区)
[5] MnO2-x nanowires on carbon cloth based superamphiphilic and under-oil superhydrophilic filtration membrane for oil/water separation with robust anti-oil fouling performance, Composites Part B-Engineering, 2020, 199. (SCI 一区)
[6] Hollow Au/Polypyrrole Capsules to Form Porous and Neural Network-Like Nanofibrous Film for Wearable, Super-Rapid, and Ultrasensitive NH3 Sensor at Room Temperature, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2020, 12(49): 55056-55063. (SCI 一区)
[7] Bio-Based Polyesters with High Glass-Transition Temperatures and Gas Barrier Properties Derived from Renewable Rigid Tricyclic Diacid or Tetracyclic Anhydride, Macromolecules, 2020, 53(13): 5475-5486. (SCI 一区)
[8] Activation-free, porous and superamphiphilic N-doped carbon capsular nanofibrous electrode for high performance electrochemical capacitor, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 463. (SCI 一区)
[9] A flexible and capsular polypyrrole nanotubular film-based pseudo-capacitive electrode with enhanced capacitive properties enabled by Au nanoparticle doping, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8(11): 3807-3813.
[10] A highly stretchable, ultra-tough, remarkably tolerant, and robust self-healing glycerol-hydrogel for a dual-responsive soft actuator. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7: 25969-25977. (SCI 一区)
[11] Multifunctional Glycerol-Water Hydrogel for Biomimetic Human Skin with Resistance Memory Function. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2019, 11: 21117-21125. (SCI 一区)
[12] Poly (sodium p-styrene sulfonate) modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles as effective additives in water-based drilling fluids. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 165: 786-797.
[13] Poly(2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid)-Modified SiO2 Nanoparticles for Water-Based Muds. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(1): 168-174.
[14] BN nanosheet/polymer films with highly anisotropic thermal conductivity for thermal management application. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9: 43163-43170. (SCI 一区)
[15] Polymerization-induced phase separation for the fabrication of magnetic sponges for oil spill reclamation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328: 639-644. (SCI 一区)
[16] High internal phase emulsion (HIPE) xerogels for enhanced oil spill recovery. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3: 1906-1909. (SCI 一区, ESI高被引论文)
[17] 武元鹏等, 钻井液用纳米封堵剂及其制备方法, 发明专利, 已授权, ZL 20**
[18] 武元鹏等, 一种磁性纳米封堵剂及其制备方法, 发明专利, 已授权, ZL 20**
[19] 武元鹏等, 一种水基钻井液用智能纳米封堵剂,发明专利,已授权, ZL7X
[20] 武元鹏等, 一种可控降解的高吸水树脂的制备方法, 发明专利, 已授权, ZL 35
(1) 水基钻井流体微、纳米封堵技术及应用,四川省科技进步奖,排名第1;
(2) 中国石油科学年度十佳论文奖,排名第1。

相关话题/材料 新能源