职 务:开发所党支部书记
职 称:研究员
所属 部门:开发所
学科 专业:油气田开发工程
研究 方向:复杂油气藏渗流理论及试井分析
联系 方式:@qq.com
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赵玉龙,男,湖北仙桃人,教授,2015年获西南石油大学油气田开发工程专业博士学位,现从事复杂油气藏渗流理论、油气井试井分析理论与方法、非常规油气藏一体化数值模拟的教学及科研工作。主持/主研国家自然科学基金项目3项、省部级项目2项、十三五重大专项1项,研究成果发表SCI 期刊论文40余篇,出版外文专著1部、中文译著1部,获省部级一等奖3项。现为J. Hydrology,Advances in Water Resources,Transport in Pours media,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,Journal of Porous Media 等国际期刊的审稿人、全国渗流力学青年委员会委员。
●2004.09—2008.07 西南石油大学,石油工程,学士
●2008.09—2011.07 西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,硕士
●2011.09—2015.07 西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,博士
●2014.02—2015.02 University of Regina,School of petroleum Engineering,visiting scholar
●2015.07—2018.12 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,讲师
●2019.01—至今 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,副教授、研究员
●Zhao Y L,Liu L F,Zhang L H,et al. Simulation of a multistage fractured horizontal well in a tight oil reservoir by using an embedded discrete fracture model[J]. Energy Science undefinedamp; Engineering,2019,Online publication
●Zhao Y L,Li N Y,Zhang L H,et al. Productivity analysis of a fractured horizontal well in a shale gas reservoir based on discrete fracture network model[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics,2019,31(3):552-561.
●Zhao Y L,Shan B C,Zhang L H, et al. Pressure dynamics of asymmetrically fractured wells in arbitrarily shaped reservoir[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics,2019,31(4):552-561.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Shan B C. Mathematical model of fractured horizontal well in shale gas reservoir with rectangular stimulated reservoir volume[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2018,59:67-79.
●Zhao Y L,Tang X C,Zhang L H,et al. Numerical solution of fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs considering multiple transport mechanisms[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,2018,15(3):1-10.
●Zhao Y L,Li H,Zhang L H,et al. Pressure transient analysis for off-centered fractured vertical wells in arbitrarily shaped gas reservoirs with the BEM[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2017,156:167-180.
●Zhao Y L,Shan B C,Zhang L H, et al. Seepage flow behaviors of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells in arbitrary shaped shale gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,2016,13(5):674-690.
●Zhao Y L,Xie S C,Peng X L,et al. Transient pressure response of fractured horizontal wells in tight gas reservoirs with arbitrary shapes by the boundary element method[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences,2016,75(17):1220.
●Zhao Y L,Xiong Y,Zhang L H,et al. Pressure response and production performance for multi-fractured horizontal wells with complex seepage mechanism in box-shaped shale gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,32:66-80.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Feng G Q,et al. Performance analysis of fractured wells with stimulated reservoir volume in coal seam reservoirs[J]. Oil undefinedamp; Gas Science and Technology,2016,71(1):1-18.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Xu B Q,et al. Analytical solution and flow behavior of horizontal well in stress-sensitive naturally fractured reservoirs[J]. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology,2016,11(4):350-369.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Luo J X,et al. Transient pressure analysis of fractured well in bi-zonal gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Hydrology,2015,524:89-99.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Zhao J Z,et al. Transient pressure analysis of horizontal well in low permeability oil reservoir[J]. International Journal of Oil,Gas and Coal Technology,2015,10(1):23-38.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Luo J X,et al. Performance of fractured horizontal well with stimulated reservoir volume in unconventional gas reservoir [J]. Journal of Hydrology,2014,512:447-456.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Chen J,et al. Analytical solutions for flow of horizontal well in compressible,three-dimensional unconsolidated formations[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,2014,11(4):1-10.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,He Z X,et al. Productivity for horizontal wells in low-permeability reservoir with oil/water two-phase flow[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014:1-10.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Zhao J Z,et al. “Triple porosity” modeling of transient well test and rate decline analysis for multi-fractured horizontal well in shale gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2013,110:253-262.
●Zhao Y L,Zhang L H,Wu F,et al. Analysis of horizontal well pressure behaviour in fractured low permeability reservoirs with consideration of the threshold pressure gradient[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,2013,10(1):1-10.
●Zhang L H,Shan B C,Zhao Y L.,et al. Review of micro seepage mechanisms in shale gas reservoirs[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,139:144-179.
●Tao H H,Zhang L H,Liu Q G,et al. An Analytical Flow Model for Heterogeneous Multi-Fractured Systems in Shale Gas Reservoirs[J]. Energies,2019,11(12):3422-3430
●Zhang R H,Zhang L H,Wang R H,et al. Simulation of a multistage fractured horizontal well in a water-bearing tight fractured gas reservoir under non-Darcy flow[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,2018,15(3):877-894.
●Zhang L H,Kou Z H,Wang H T,et al. Performance analysis for a model of a multi-wing hydraulically fractured vertical well in a coalbed methane gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,166:104-120.
●Zhang L H,Li J C,Du J,et al. Study on the adsorption phenomenon in shale with the combination of molecular dynamic simulation and fractal analysis[J]. Fractals,2018,26(2):184004-1-15.
●Zhang L H,Shan B C,Zhao Y L,et al. Comprehensive seepage simulation of fluid flow in multi-scaled shale gas reservoirs[J]. Transport in Porous Media,2018,121(2):263-288.
●Zhang L H,Shan B C,Zhao Y L,et al. Gas transport model in organic shale nanopores considering Langmuir slip conditions and diffusion:pore confinement,real gas and geomechanical effects[J]. Energies,2018,11(1):223-232.
●Zhang L H,Tong J,Xiong Y,et al. Effect of temperature on the oil-water relative permeability for sandstone reservoirs[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017,205:535-548.
●Zhang R H,Zhang L H,Wang R H,et al. Simulation of a multistage fractured horizontal well with finite conductivity in composite shale gas reservoir through Finite Element Method[J]. Energy undefinedamp; Fuels,2016,30(11):9036-9049.
●Zhang R H,Zhang L H,Wang R H,et al. Research on transient flow theory of a multiple fractured horizontal well in a composite shale gas reservoir based on the finite-element method[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,33:587-598.
●Zhang L H,Zhao Y L,Liu Q G. Well-test-analysis and applications of source functions in a bi-zonal composite gas reservoir[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2014,32(8):965-973.
●Zhang L H,Zhao Y L,Liu Z B. A novel steady-state productivity equation for horizontal wells in bottom water drive gas reservoirs[J]. Petroleum Science,2011,8(1):63-69.
● Zhang L H,Chen Z X,Zhao Y L. Well production performance analysis for shale gas reservoirs[M]. Elsevier,2019.
E-mail:swpuzhao@swpu.edu.cn ;@qq.com
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