

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-01

导师类别 硕导
性 别 男
出生年月 1986年7月
Email yuwen0073@126.com

余马,男,1986年7月生,重庆永川人,农学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,生物学优秀青年支持计划入选者。从事药用植物遗传育种、次生代谢产物合成累积遗传机制剖析、及高产高效栽培技术研究。目前主持国家自然基金青年基金1项,主研参与国家自然基金(重点项目)、四川省“十三五”农作物育种攻关项目、四川省科技扶贫专项等,在《Molecular Breeding》、《Euphytica》等期刊发表论文20篇,其中以第一作者发表15篇(SCI收录10篇),申请发明专利7项,授权发明专利1项,获得绵阳市科技进步一等奖1项。






1. Ma Yu, Shuang-lin Mao, Da-Bin Hou, Guo-Yue Chen. Zhi-En Pu, Wei Li, Xiu-Jin Lan, Qian-Tao Jiang, Ya-Xi Liu, Mei Deng, Yu-Ming Wei2. Analysis of contributors to grain yield in wheat at the individual quantitative trait locus level. Plant Breeding, 2018(3).
2. Ma Yu, Hong Zhang, Xin-Li Zhou, Da-Bin Hou, Guo-Yue Chen. Quantitative trait loci associated with agronomic traits and stripe rust in winter wheat mapping population using single nucleotide polymorphic markers. Molecular Breeding, 2017, 37(8):105.
3. Ma Yu, Ling-Li Cao, Yu-Xia Yang, Ling-Liang Guan, Lu-Lu Gou, Xiao-Yan Shu, Jing Huang, Dan Liu, Hong Zhang, Da-Bin Hou. Genetic diversity and marker–trait association analysis for agronomic traits inAconitum carmichaeliiDebeaux. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2017(6):1-7.
4. Ma Yu, Ling-Liang Guan, Guo-Yue Chen, Zhi-En Pu, Da-Bin Hou. Allopolyploidy-induced rapid genomic changes in newly generated synthetic hexaploid wheat. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2016, 31 (2) :1-7
5. Ma Yu, Yu-Xia Yang, Xiao-Yan Shu, Jing Huang, Da-Bin Hou.Aconitum carmichaeliiDebeaux, cultivated as a medicinal plant in western China. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2016, 63(5): 919-924.
6. Ma Yu, Guo-Yue Chen, Zhi-En Pu, Lian-Quan Zhang, Deng-Cai Liu, Xiu-Jin Lan, Yu-Ming Wei, You-Liang Zheng*. QTL mapping for growth duration and its timing components in wheat. Molecular Breeding, 2015, 35(44):1-11.
7. Yu Ma, Mao Shuang-lin, Liu Ya-xi, Li Wei, Wei Yu-ming, Liu Chunji, Zheng Youliang*. QTLs for waterlogging tolerance at germination stage and seedling stage in population of recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between synthetic and cultivated wheat genotypes. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(1): 31-39.
8. YU Ma, CHEN Guo-yue, ZHANG Lian-quan, LIU Ya-xi, LIU Deng-cai, WANG Ji-rui, PU Zhi-en, ZHANG Li, LAN Xiu-jin, WEI Yu-ming, LIU Chun-ji , ZHENG You-liang*. QTL Mapping for Important Agronomic Traits in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Derived fromAegiliops tauschiissp.Tauschii. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(9): 1835-1844.
9. Ma Yu, Shuang-Lin Mao, Guo-Yue Chen, Zhi-En Pu, Yu-Ming Wei, You-Liang Zheng*. QTLs for uppermost internode and spike length in two wheat RIL populations and their affect upon plant height at an individual QTL level. Euphytica, 2014, 200(1):95-108.
10. PU Zhi-en#, YU Ma#, HE Qiu-yi, CHEN Guo-yue, WANG Ji-rui, LIU Ya-xi, JIANG Qian-tao, LI Wei, DAI Shou-fen, WEI Yu-ming , ZHENG You-liang*. Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Micronutrient Concentrations in Two Recombinant Inbred Wheat Lines. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(11):2322-2329.

相关话题/副研究员 西南科技大学