

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-01

导师类别 硕导
性 别 女
出生年月 1988年3月
通讯地址 四川省绵阳市涪城区青龙大道中段59号
Email xiaoyongyang2006@126.com

杨晓勇(1988~,女,中共党员,山西忻州,博士,讲师。2010年7月,本科毕业于海南师范大学物理学;2013年6月,硕士毕业于山西大学凝聚态物理专业,导师:梁九卿教授;2016年7月毕业于中国工程物理研究院,导师:张平研究员。博士期间主要从事核反应堆材料在辐照情况下的杂质缺陷扩散动力学行为以及辐照损伤行为的模拟计算研究。已在“International Journal of Hydrogen Energy”、“Journal of Alloy Compounds”、”Journal of Nuclear Materials“、“Journal of Applied Physics”、"Superlattices and Microstructures"、”AIP Advance“、“Acta Physica Sinica”、“Chinese Physics B” 等国内外学术刊物上发表SCI学术论文10余篇。

Ph.D. inInstitute of Applied Physics and ComputationalMathematics, China Academy ofEngineering Physics, Beijing, China, Sept., 2013.
Dissertation:First principles study on the diffusion dynamic coefficients of point defects and impurities in materials, advised by Prof. Ping Zhang.
Areas of Research:First-principles study of materials physical properties
M.S.inInstitute of Theoretical Physics,Shanxi University, Tai Yuan, China, Sept., 2010.
Dissertation: “Spin Coherent-state Transformation and Analytical Solutions of Ground-state for Spin-Bose Models”, advised by Prof. Jiu-Qing Liang
Areas of Research: Quantum theory and its applications, Lowdimensional condensed matter field model and method
B. S.in College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Hainan Normal University, Haikou, China, Sept., 2006.

1.The National Doctor Student Scholarship, China Academy of Engineering physics, 2015.
2.The National Doctor Student Scholarship, China Academy of Engineering physics, 2014.
3.Excellent Master degree graduate student of Shanxi University, 2013.
4.The National MasterStudent Scholarship, Shanxi University, 2012.
5.Excellent Bachelor degree graduate student of Hainan Normal University, 2010.
6.The National motivational scholarship, Hainan Normal University, 2009.
7.The first prize of Social Practice of College Students in summer, Hainan Normal University, 2008.
8.The third prize of the 4thChallenge-cup Extracurricular and Academic Contest, Hainan Normal University, 2008.
9.The third prize of Social Practice of College Students in summer, Hainan Normal University, 2007.
10.Excellent Student Award by Hainan University (three times), 2007-2010.

Nanoscience and Nanometrology (NSNM) 期刊审稿人

二、等离子体与典型壁材料相互作用的机理研究 (校博士基金,16zx7153)
研究适合国际热核试验堆要求的关键材料是目前聚变研究的热点、难点和前沿课题,而问题的解决取决于对等离子体与壁材料相互作用过程和机理的深入理解。在聚变反应过程中,面向等离子体材料(PFMs)将受到高热流等离子体的强烈辐照,同时也受到氢(He)、氦(He)粒子的轰击及其扩散、滞留和起泡的危害,因此有必要对H/He气泡在材料内的形成机制进行研究。目前PFMs的候选材料主要有钨、碳基材料(石墨、C/C复合材料),铍(Be)、钼、碳化硅(SiC)和碳化硼等。实验发现SiC、Be在遭受高通量H/He辐照后会在其表面产生气泡。这些气泡的产生和材料与杂质原子间的相互作用有关,特别是材料中的点缺陷,线缺陷和面缺陷等. 基于上述考虑,本项目研究了H/He原子与核材料SiC、Be间的相互作用以对材料结构性能的影响,利用第一性原理计算方法解释H/He与SiC、Be间的相互作用、杂质缺陷形成过程以及微观扩散行为,由于H、He外层电子结构的不同而在SiC材料中的稳定占据位、扩散方式不同;通过建立不同的物理扩散模型,研究了H、He在SiC中的扩散行为,给出了其扩散系数,结果与实验值吻合的很好,并解释了部分SiC辐照损伤的微观物理机制。

1.X.Y. Yang, Y Lu, P. Zhang, The temperature-dependent diffusion coefficient of helium in Zirconium Carbide studied with first-principles calculations, J. Appl. Phys.117 (2015) 164903.
2.X.Y. Yang, Y Lu, P. Zhang, First-principles study of native point defects and diffusion behaviors of helium in zirconium carbide, J. Nucl. Mater. 465 (2015) 161-166.
3.X.Y. Yang, H.B. Xue, J.Q. Liang, Spin coherent-state transformation and analytical solutions of ground-state based on variational-method for Spin-Bose models,Acta Physica Sinica62 (2013) 114205.
4.X.Y. Yang, Y. Lu, F.W. Zheng, P. Zhang, Mechanical, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of zirconium carbide from first-principles calculations, Chin. Phys. B24 (2015) 116301.
5.X.Y. Yang, Y Lu, P. Zhang, First-principles study of the stability and diffusion properties of hydrogen in ZrC, J. Nucl. Mater.479(2016) 130-136.
6.X.Y. Yang, Y Lu, P. Zhang, First-principles study of migration mechanisms and diffusion of helium in α-Beryllium, AIP Advances.6 (2016) 035018.
7.X.Y. Yang,et.al., First-principles investigation on stability and diffusion mechanism of helium impurities in 4H-SiC,J. Nucl. Mater.499(2018) 168-174.
8.X.Y. Yang,et.al.Structures and energetics of point defects with charge states in zircon: A first-principles study,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 759(2018)60-69.
9.X.Y. Yang,et.al.First-principles investigation on stability and diffusion mechanism of hydrogen impurities in 4H-SiC, Superlattices and Microstructures, accepted.
10.X.Y. Yang,et.al.First-principles GGA+U calculations investigating the hydriding and diffusion properties of hydrogen in PuH2+x(x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, accepted.
11.X.Y. Yang, et.al.Absorption and diffusion behavior of Li-S atoms on TiN(100), International Journal of Modern Physics B (submitted).
12. Q. Meng, Y.Z. Chen,X.Y. Yang et.al., One step hydrothermal synthesis of 3D CoS2@MoS2-NG for high performance supercapacitors,Nanotechnology,29 (2018) 29LT01
