
Dr QIN Bo (Bobby Bo QIN) is an Associate Professor in Sociology at School of Foreign Languages in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He joined UESTC in March 2017. Prior to that, from July 2014 to March 2017, Bobby was the deputy director of Scientific Research Office, the vice dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Secretary-General of "Center for Significant Policy-Decision & Consultation" and associate professor of sociology at Party School of Sichuan Provincial Committee of C.P.C for Provincial Authorities, China. He Obtained his BA from Sichuan Normal University in China and then he pursued his MPhil and PhD in Ireland within another 6 years. Bobby finally completed his PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University College Cork-National University of Ireland, Cork (UCC) in the end of 2011. Shortly after his completion of PhD, Bobby had been employed as a Postdoc Research Fellow in Department of Sociology at Fudan University (China) for the following two years. His main research interests are cultural sociology and anthropology, gender studies, intercultural communication, and Communist Party China and ideology. His recent monographs include: "Chinese-Western Intimacy and Marriage: An Invisible International Hierarchy", "Doctrine and Flexibility: Traditional Chinese Femininities and Changing Lives of Women". He has published widely in academic journals and the popular presses.