

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-12


汤羽 教授
联系方式: yutang@uestc.edu.cn

?1980 - 1984 上海交通大学船舶及海洋工程系本科,工学学士
1986 - 1989 重庆大学工程力学系硕士研究生,工学硕士
1995 - 1997 美国Bowie State University计算机科学系硕士研究生,计算机科学硕士
2000 - 2008 美国The George Washington University计算机科学系博士研究生,计算机科学博士
1989 - 1993 重庆大学工程力学系讲师
1997 - 2006 美国DRS Electronic Systems公司高级软件工程师
2007 - 2009 美国Raytheon公司高级软件架构师
2009 -2013电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院教授、现代服务科学计算团队负责人
2014 - 2017 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院专业首席教授,校学术委员会委员
2018 至今 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院副院长、教授,校学术委员会委员

担任International Journal of Computer and Management Systems杂志编辑及多个国际学术会议的会议主席和程序委员会成员,中国卫生信息学会电子健康档案与区域卫生信息化专业委员会委员,2010-2012教育部留学回国科研启动基金评审专家, 2013年中国博士后科研基金评审专家,2014-2017教育部学位与研究生教育质量评估专家。
长期从事大数据计算关键技术、云计算架构与算法,移动互联应用等方面的研究。具有多年美国国防研发部门从事C4I软件和大型数据系统研究工作的经历,参加过多项美国海军,NASA 、NOAA的研究项目。承担国家级研究项目2项(863重大专项子课题1项,教育部留学科研启动基金1项),横向课题10余项,在IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications等高水平SCI,EI杂志及国际会议上发表论文超过30篇,软件著作权2项。
1. Fan, A., Tang, Z., Wu, W., Tang Y.(汤羽), Lin D., Bluetooth-based device-to-device routing protocol for self-organized mobile-phone mesh network.EURASIP J Wireless Com Network,161 (2020) (SCI杂志). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13638-020-01768-4
2. Di Lin, Yu Tang(汤羽), Fabrice Labeau, Yuanzhe Yao, Muhammad Imran, Athanasios Vasilakoshas. Internet of Vehicles for E-health Applications: A Potential Game for Optimal Network Capacity. IEEE Systems Journal. 2018. (SCI杂志)
3. Di Lin, Yu Tang (汤羽), Blockchain Consensus Based User Access Strategies in D2D Networks for Data-Intensive Applications. IEEE Access 6: 72683-72690 (2018). (SCI检索)
4. Di Lin, Tang Y(汤羽), Yao Y, et al., User-priority based power control over the D2D assisted Internet of vehicles for mobile health[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, PP(99):1-1. (SCI杂志)
5. Aihua Fan, Di Lin, Yu Tang(汤羽), Clinical decision support systems for comorbidity: architecture, algorithms, and applications[J]. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID **, 10 pages.(EI: 20**1
6. Di Lin, Tang Y(汤羽), Vasilakos A V, User-Priority-Based Power Control in D2D Networks for Mobile Health[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2017, PP(99):1-9. (SCI杂志)
7. Lin D, Vasilakos A V, Tang Y(汤羽), et al., Neural networks for computer-aided diagnosis in medicine: A review[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 216:700-708.(SCI杂志
8. Lin D, Yao Y, Labeau F, Tang Y(汤羽),et al., Optimal Network QoS over the Internet of Vehicles for E-Health Applications[J]. Mobile Information Systems, 2016, 2016(7387):1-11.(SCI杂志
9. Di Lin, Yu Tang(汤羽), Fabrice Labeau, Yuanzhe Yao, Internet of Vehicles for E-health Applications: A Potential Game for Optimal Network Capacity[J], IEEE Journal of Systems, 2015:1-9.(SCI杂志
10. Di Lin, Vasilakos A V, Tang Y(汤羽), et al. Neural networks for computer-aided diagnosis in medicine: A review[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 216:700-708. (SCI杂志)
11. TANG Yu(汤羽), FAN Aihua, BU Changqin, A Cross-layer approach to timely responsive transmission under collection tree topology in wireless sensor network[J], International Journal of Sensor Networks, Vol. 18, Nos. 3/4, 2015, pp.182-192.(SCI:008
12. Di Lin, Fabrice Labeau, Yuanzhe Yao, Athanasios V.Vasilakos, Yu Tang(汤羽), Admission Control over Internet of Vehicles attached with Medical sensors for Ubiquitous Healthcare Applications. May 2015, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI). (SCI杂志)
13. Yu Tang(汤羽), Aihua Fan, Yingjie Wang, Yuanzhe Yao, mDHT: a multi-level-indexed DHT algorithm to extra-large-scale data retrieval on HDFS/Hadoop architecture[J], Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 18, Issue 8, December 2014, pp. 1835-1844. (SCI:005).
14. Tang Yu(汤羽), Fan Aihua, He Haipeng, Su Sheng, Timely responsive online scheduling algorithm for parallel batch processing[J], International Journal of Information Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 1, March 2014, pp. 23-30(EI杂志).
15. Yu Tang(汤羽), Bowu Zhang, Tao Jing, Dengyuan Wu and Xiuzhen Cheng, Robust compressive data gathering in wireless sensor networks[J], IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 12, No. 6, June 2013, pp. 2754-2760(SCI:020).
16. 汤羽,刘家志,甘华平,陈文,冯昌琪,卜长清,“基于云架构的区域卫生信息系统平台设计与思考”[J],《中国卫生信息管理杂志》, 2013, 10 (2)。
17. 苏生, 于海杰, 吴正华, 汤羽,“供应链协商调度模型与算法” [J],《软件学报》,2013, 24(1): 12-24。
18. 汤羽, 王英杰, 范爱华, 姚远哲, “基于HDFS开源架构与多级索引表的海量数据检索mDHT算法”[J],《计算机科学》,2013,40(2)。
19. Yu Tang(汤羽), Aihua Fan, Yingjie Wang, Jiazhi Liu, A Multi-level Indexed DHT Algorithm for MapReduce Data Processing on Hadoop Cluster, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI 2013), October 18-20, 2013, Beijing, China. (EI检索)
20. Yu Tang(汤羽), Elham Abdulhay, Aihua Fan, Sheng Su, Multi-file queries performance improvement through data placement in Hadoop, Proc. The 2nd Int. Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT 2012), December 29-31, 2012, Changchun, China. (EI检索)
21. Aihua Fan, Yu Tang(汤羽), Changqin Bu, A cross-layer approach for congestion control in real-time transmission in wireless sensor networks, Proc. The 7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2012), August 8-10, 2012, Yellow Mountain, China. (EI: 909)
22. Yu Tang(汤羽), Haipeng He, Sheng Su, Yuanzhe Yao, Online Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Batch Processing Machines, Proc. 2011 Second International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving (ICCP 2011), October 21-23, 2011, Chengdu, China. (EI: 201**)
23. Sheng Su, Dan Wu, Yu Tang (汤羽), Jiazou Li, Shuo Wang, Zhiqiang Li, A framework of service oriented semantic search engine, Proc. 2011 Second International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving (ICCP 2011), October 21-23, 2011, Chengdu, China. (EI: 201**)
24. Yu Tang(汤羽), Aihua Fan, An integrated approach to self-regulated learning platform enhanced with Web 2.0 technology, Proc. 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2011), May 27-29, 2011, Xi’an, China. (EI: 201**)
25. Yi Peng, Yong Zhang, Yu Tang(汤羽), Shiming, An incident information management framework based on data integration, data mining, and multi-criteria decision making, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 51, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 316-327. (EI: 212)
26. Yu Tang(汤羽), Changqing Bu, Aihua Fan, A transmission time based routing protocol for collection tree clustered wireless sensor network, Proc. International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences (ICCIS 2010), December 17-19, 2010, Chengdu, China. (EI: 442)
27. Yi Peng, Yu Tang(汤羽), A Framework for Incident Information Management and Decision Support Based on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 8, Issue 2, June 2010. (SCI杂志)
28. Yu Tang(汤羽), Changqing Bu, Zhenghua Wu, Sheng Su, A scalable approach to distributed scheduling scheme on cluster architecture of real-time server, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010), April 16-18, 2010, Chengdu, China. (EI: 910)
29. 李海伟,陈蜀宇,卜长清,汤羽, “一种基于时间期望的无线传感器网络路由协议”, 《计算机系统与应用》,2010, 18 (4).
30. Zhenghua Wu, Dezhong Rao, Yu Tang(汤羽), The Amplitude modulation on SSVEP by ERP in a Working Memory Task, Journal of Biological Physics, vol. 12, 2009. (SCI杂志)
31. Yi Peng, Yu Tang(汤羽), An optimization method for real-time emergency management with differentiated service requirements, Proc. 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2009), June 21-24, 2009, Chengdu, China.
32. Yu Tang(汤羽), Shuyu Chen, Changqing Bu, Guanghui Chang, Rahul Simha, Application-kernel collaboration mechanisms for real-time cluster servers under overloading, Proc. 10th IEEE High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2008), Dalian, China, 2008. (EI: 724)
33. 常光辉,陈蜀宇,汤羽,卜长清, “集群系统中实现软实时服务机制的研究与评估”, 《计算机工程与应用》, 43 (25) : 133-139, 2007。
34. Yu Tang(汤羽), Shuyu Chen, Rahul Simha, Scheduling scheme and performance assessment for timely responsive service on cluster server, Proc. IEEE CCGrid 2005, May 12-15, 2005, Cardiff, UK.
35. Yu Tang(汤羽), Rahul Simha, A delay differentiation approach to real-time scheduling on cluster-based multimedia servers, Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunication 2002 (ICT 2002), June 26-28, 2002, Beijing, China. (EI: 57)

2020-2021 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院,留学生本科生课程 Software Architectural Design,48学时 (英语授课)
2015-2019电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院,留学生研究生课程 Software Architectural Model and Design,40学时 (英语授课)
2013-2019 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院,研究生课程《软件架构模型与设计》,40学时
2010-2012 电子科技大学计算机学院,留学生研究生课程 Operating System Structure and Application Programming,40学时(英语授课)
2017-2020 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院,本科生课程《大数据计算技术》,32学时
2009-2019 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院,本科生课程《软件体系架构与设计模式》,32学时
2011-2012 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院,本科生课程《信息工程导论》,16学时

主编教材:汤羽、林迪、范爱华、吴薇薇, 《大数据分析与计算》,清华大学出版社,2017年10月第一版。

2002年度美国DRS集团公司ATDU项目“杰出贡献奖”(Recognition of Outstanding Performance,DRS 2002)
1995年度美国复合材料学会“会员表彰奖”(Certificate of Appreciation, SPI 1995)

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