

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-12


林迪 副教授


林迪,男,汉族。2007年哈尔滨工业大学通信工程本科毕业,2009年哈尔滨工业大学通信工程硕士毕业,2013年加拿大麦吉尔大学电子与计算机工程系博士毕业。曾任加拿大渥太华大学MET实验室助理研究员,加拿大IBM Business Analytics and Performance 中心副研究员,加拿大麦吉尔大学工程学院TSP实验室科研顾问。现任电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。在IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Neurocomputing, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics等国内外期刊及国际会议上发表论文20余篇,其中SCI/EI检索10余篇。主持完成国家自然科学青年基金项目等国家级项目,曾作为骨干成员参与国家863计划、四川省科技支撑计划项目。研究方向:大数据分析、物联网、移动云计算。


项目工作 (Projects)1. 基于社交网络数据的用户差异化定价模型:该项目于2012年在加拿大IBM Business Analytics and Performance中心完成,主管是麦肯锡公司数据科学家Jacomo Corbo博士。项目基于开源社区数据库中提供的T级自媒体平台数据,分析如何找到网络中的重要节点用户,并根据用户的重要性进行差异化定价。该项目成果提出了差异化定价体系,可以提高公司利润近50%。基于该项目成果,于2012年国际信息系统大会(International Conference on Information Systems)上做主题演讲,成果收录于大会论文集http://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2012/proceedings/DigitalNetworks/20/。
2. 基于大数据分析的医疗协作效率优化:该项目于2013年在加拿大IBM Business Analytics and Performance中心完成,主管是渥太华大学Telfer学院医疗信息主任Jonathan Patrick教授。项目基于Geisinger计划提供的T级医院临床管理数据,分析如何优化医疗机构的团队协作效率。该项目成果提升了医疗团队的协作效率,节省了医疗操作时间近30%。项目成果发表于Springer期刊https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10729-013-9241-3。
3. 基于数据挖掘的并发症临床决策辅助系统:该项目于2012年在加拿大渥太华大学MET实验室完成(http://www.mobiledss.uottawa.ca/index.php?id=past),主管是渥太华大学Telfer学院副院长Wojtek Michalowski教授。项目基于东安大略省儿童医院(Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario)的临床数据,采用机器学习算法和逻辑约束模型,构建了并发症临床决策辅助系统。基于该项目成果,于第14届国际医疗与健康信息大会上(The 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics)上做主题演讲,成果收录于大会论文集http://www.mobiledss.uottawa.ca/fileadmin/publications/pdf/paper_medinfo_2013.pdf。

成果发表 (Publications)(a) 期刊论文(Journal Publications):
1) Di Lin*,Tang Y, Yao Y, et al. User-priority based power control over the D2D assisted Internet of vehicles for mobile health[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, PP(99):1-1. (SCI检索:EY2RE,影响因子: 7.596)
2) Di Lin*,Tang Y, Vasilakos A V. User-Priority-Based Power Control in D2D Networks for Mobile Health[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2017, PP(99):1-9.(SCI检索期刊,影响因子: 3.881)
3) Di Lin*,Vasilakos A V, Tang Y, et al. Neural networks for computer-aided diagnosis in medicine: A review[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 216:700-708.(SCI检索:ED3VU,影响因子: 3.211)
4) Di Lin*,Yao Y, Labeau F, et al. Optimal Network QoS over the Internet of Vehicles for E-Health Applications[J]. Mobile Information Systems, 2016(7387):1-11.(SCI检索:DF6WR,影响因子: 1.000)
5) Di Lin*, Fabrice Labeau, Athanasios V Vasilakos. QoE-based optimal resource allocation in wireless healthcare networks: opportunities and challenges. March 2015, Wireless Networks. (SCI检索:CZ4JX,影响因子: 1.555)
6) Di Lin*, Fabrice Labeau, Yuanzhe Yao, Athanasios V.Vasilakos, Yu Tang. Admission Control over Internet of Vehicles attached with Medical sensors for Ubiquitous Healthcare Applications. May 2015, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI). (SCI检索:DR8DJ,影响因子: 3.485)
7) Di Lin*, Xuanli Wu, Fabrice Labeau and Athanasios Vasilakoshas. Internet of Vehicles for E-Health Applications in view of EMI on Medical Sensors. Journal of Sensors. Vol. 2015, 315948, 2015. (SCI检索:CF2QQ,影响因子: 1.743)
8) Di Lin*, Yu Tang, Fabrice Labeau, Yuanzhe Yao, Muhammad Imran, Athanasios Vasilakoshas. Internet of Vehicles for E-health Applications: APotentialGamefor Optimal Network Capacity. IEEE Systems Journal. (SCI检索期刊,影响因子: 3.881)
9) Di Lin*, Jonathan Patrick, Fabrice Labeau. Estimating the waiting time of multi-priority emergency patients with downstream blocking. Health Care Management Science. 17 (1), 88-99, 2013. (SCI检索:AD0WB,影响因子: 1.895).
10) D. Lin*, X. L. Wu, and X. J. Sha. Fractional Fourier transform based transmitted reference scheme for UWB communications. Science in China Series F-Information Sciences. 54 (8), pp.1712-1722, 2012. (SCI检索:798FN,影响因子: 1.151).
11) D Lin*and F. Labeau. An algorithm that predicts CSI to allocate bandwidth for healthcare monitoring in hospital's waiting rooms. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. Vol. 2012, Article ID 843527, 2012. (EI检索: **).
(b)会议论文(Conference Presentations):
1) D. Lin*, X. Zhang, F. Labeau and G. Kang. Analysis on the accuracy of a decision support system for hypertension monitoring. Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Spring, pp.1-5, 2012. (EI检索: **)
2) D. Lin* and F. Labeau. Accelerated genetic algorithm for bandwidth allocation in view of EMI for wireless healthcare. Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp.3350-3355, 2012. (EI检索: **)
3) D. Lin*, F. Labeau, X. Zhang and G. Kang. A hypertension monitoring system and its system accuracy evaluation. Proc. of IEEE 14th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom), pp.100-104, 2012. (EI检索: **)
4) Di Lin*, Fabrice Labeau,XidongZhang,GuiXiaKang. Scheduling medical tests: A solution to the problem of overcrowding in a hospital emergency department, Proc. of IEEE 14th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom), pp.105-108, 2012. (EI检索:**)
5) D. Lin*, F. Labeau. Bandwidth allocation in view of EMI on medical equipments in healthcare monitoring systems, Proc. of IEEE 13th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom), pp.100-108, 2011. (EI检索: **)
6) Di Lin*, Fabrice Labeau. Schemes of bandwidth allocation for medical data transmission. Proc. of IEEE Topical Conference on Biomedical Wireless Technologies, Networks, and Sensing Systems, pp.27-30, 2011. (EI检索: **)
7) D. Lin*, F. Labeau and G. Kang. Performance analysis on systems for monitoring hypertensive patients in a comorbid condition. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), pp.1-7, 2013.
(c)专著(Book Chapters):
1) D. Lin* and F. Labeau. Enhancing network patient capacity in a WLAN for in-hospital healthcare monitoring. Health Informatics: An adaptive Communication Technology for future Healthcare, Nova Publishers, June 2012.
2) D. Lin* and F. Labeau. Concepts and Trends in Healthcare Information Systems. Annals of Information Systems Series, Springer Publishers, Jan 2014.

Undergraduate Courses:Big Data Computing Technology,Introduction to Information Engineering,Professional Fundamentals for IT Engineers,Software Architecture and Module Design
Graduate Courses:Sofware Architecture Model and Design

2016年 电子科技大学信软学院校级考核优秀

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