主讲人:四川师范大学 黄娟副教授
主持人:经济数学学院 王磊副教授
时间: 2016年1月7日(星期四) 下午:4:00-5:00
地点: 通博楼B412
主办: 经济数学学院、科研处
This talk is concerned with the Cauchy problem of the nonlinear Hartree equation. By constructing a constrained variational problem, we get a refined Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality and the best constant for this inequality. We thus derive two conclusions. Firstly, by establishing and analyzing the invariant manifolds, we obtain a new criteria for global existence and blowup of the solutions.Secondly, we get other sufficient condition for global existence with the discussing of the bootstrap argument. And based on these two conclusions, we also deduce so-called energy-mass control maps, which expose the relations hip between the sufficient condition for global existence and the new criteria for global existence and blowup.