题 目:美国医疗保险及其精算发展
主持人:保险学院 张运刚教授
时 间:2013-05-09 (周四) 09:20-12:00
地 点:柳林校区颐德楼H213教室
主办人: 保险学院 科研处
- PhD in Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1972)
Current Positions:
- Statistical Consultant, Harvard University affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Surgery, Boston, MA (2007-present)
- Senior Statistician, Center for Health Quality, Outcomes, and Economic Research, Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial VA Hospital, Bedford, MA (1994-present)Director and Visiting Professor, Research Center for Actuarial Science in Medicine, Xi’an University of Finance and Economics (2012-present)
Recent Experiences:
- Tenured full-professor at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Boston University (started with assistant professor position, 1972; tenure and associate professor, 1979; full professor 1993; retired on August 31, 2006)Founder and Chairman, Department of Actuarial Science, Boston University (1993-2005). When I retired from the position, the Department housed 80-90 graduate students, and was listed as one of “Teaching and Research” institutions in actuarial science accredited by the Society of Actuaries.Senior Researcher, PointRight Inc. (formerly LTCQ, Inc., Long Term Care Quality), Lexington, MA, supporting research in health care quality and outcomes for nursing home residents and insurance (9/1/2006-01/21/2009)Research Scientist III-Biostatistician, Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA (1/5/2009-10/30/2009)Visiting Professor and Director, Actuarial Science Program, Sungkyunkuan University, Seoul, Korea, helped establish new actuarial science department (2006-2007)Visiting Professor, Graduate Institute of Applied Statistics, Fujen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan (1991-2009)Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Insurance Medicine (1999-2005). Most of the papers in this Journal dealt with morbidity and mortality for applications in insuranceMember of the Society of Actuaries Examination Committee-Course 4 (2000-2005), a prestigious appointmentConsultant, Homesite Insurance CompanyCo-organizer for International Symposium on Psycho-pharmacoepidemiology Research, Taiwan, October 23, 2004Visiting professor appointment and seminar speakers in various universities in China (including Peking University, Renmin University, Tsinghua University), Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Turkey in the area of statistical theory, medical statistics, and actuarial science.Many other experiences will be provided upon request.
Nearly one hundred articles, ranging from statistical theory to applications of statistical methods in the fields such as medicine, pharmacoepidemiology, public health, psychology, criminology, etc. Journals include
- Annals of Statistics Communications in Statistics Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences: A four-page quotation of “Lee-Gurland Test for Behrens-Fisher Problem”Journal of the American Statistical AssociationTechnometricsAmerican Journal of Medical QualityAmerican Journal of PsychiatryAmerican Journal of PhysiologyBehavioral Sciences and the LawBritish Medical JournalDevelopmental Medicine and Child NeurologyHormone and Metabolic ResearchJournal of Ambulatory Care ManagementJournal of Burn Care and RehabilitationJournal of Clinical EpidemiologyJournal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics Journal of Quantitative CriminologyMedical CareSleep ResearchSurgical Forum, Endocrine and Metabolism (American College of Surgeons)Others