

西南财经大学 免费考研网/2015-12-22



近年来,中铁信托致力于建立体现品牌优势和市场机制相结合的经营机制,秉承优质服务、开拓创新的理念,实施信托业价值链纵向一体化、适度相关多元,走成本领先、专业化、差异化服务的发展道路,取得了显著成效,在全国60多家信托公司中脱颖而出。从2010年起,公司连续四年获得“中国优秀信托公司”荣誉称号,成为中西部地区唯一获此殊荣的信托公司。与此同时,在信托行业内,公司还先后获得“优秀信托品牌”、“最佳理财服务品牌”、“最佳研发团队”、 “优秀理财管理团队”等荣誉。



















CRTC Innovation and Practice Base for Post-doctors Seeking

Highly Motivated Research Fellow
Job Title: Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Area of Interest: Chinese Trust Industry

City: Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Company Overview:

China Railway Trust Co., Ltd (CRTC) was founded in 1986 with a registered capital of 2 billion Yuan. It is a non-banking financial institution, approved by China Banking Regulatory Commission, delivering fiduciary services to affluent individuals and corporations. The Controlling shareholder China Railway Group Limited is a super-large integrated construction group that encompasses infrastructure construction, survey, as well as property development and other businesses. The A and H shares issued by China Railway Group Limited were listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 3 December 2007 and 7 December 2007 respectively. In 2013 the company ranks 102 in Fortune Global 500 and is listed the 13th in China’s Top 500 Enterprises.

In recent years, CRTC has been dedicated to establishing an operating mechanism with a combination of strong branding advantage and market orientation. With an emphasis on high-standard service and a creative mindset, a strategy to achieve vertical integration and moderate diversification, a development route to pursue cost leadership, professionalism as well as differentiated service, the Company has excelled from more than 60 trust companies nationwide. CRTC has been honored “Outstanding Trust Company in China” for four consecutive years since 2010, being the only trust company in Midwest region with the title. At the same time, CRTC has been named as “Outstanding Trust Brand” “Best Financial Services Brand” “Best Research Team” “Outstanding Financial Management Team” etc.

With a strong emphasis on innovation and creation, CRTC has established a research and development platform including three major fields: the Innovation and Practice Base for Post-doctors that focusing on fundamental research, the Research and Development Department that orients at applied research and the Innovation Sub-Department is where theories are turned into practice. The research team is comprised of PhDs in finance, management, as well as other professionals with a well-balanced educational background from top universities in China. The team has published many monographs about the trust industry, including Trust Innovation Research in China, Trust Theories Research and System Construction, Trust Products Overview, Development and Innovation of Trust Products, etc. Besides, in China Trust Industry Summit, the paper presented by CRTC was awarded Top 10 outstanding paper in 2010, and won the Grand Prize in 2011. In 2012, CRTC was the lead organization in the project analyzing trust companies’ role in servicing the fundamental economy, initiated by China Trustee Association (CTA). In 2013, while continuing the leading role in the project mentioned above, the Company is working on another major project of CTA, the Top-Level Design for Asset Management Systems in China. Moreover, the research team is involved in research projects of China Railway Group Ltd., including research on ABS, Industrial Fund, as well as Cyber-Marketing. The research team has published articles on various newspapers, including Financial Times, Economics Daily, etc.
Industry Overview:

Trust companies are non-bank financial institutions assisting private, corporate and institutional clients meet their unique financial and investment needs. The sector originated in 1979 and has gone through a series of re-structuring and transformation. Since the relicense in 2007, the trust sector has demonstrated significant growth, reaching RMB 9.45 trillion assets under management (AUM) at the end of 2Q2013.
“The trust companies’ ability to offer access to different asset classes while remaining innovative through increasingly complex product offerings enables them to attract investment from high net worth individuals (HNWI) who are looking for alternative ways to increase their portfolio as other wealth management options underperform.”

-- China Trust Survey 2012 by KPMG
Job Description:

The Innovation and Practice Base for Post-doctors of China Railway Trust Co., Ltd is approved by the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Sichuan Province. It is the first financial institution in Sichuan, and the 4th trust company nationwide to establish an innovation and practice base for post-doctors. It is cooperated with Southwest University of Finance and United Nations Industrial Development Organization, with missions of nurturing high-end professionals in the trust industry, promoting business innovation and sustainable development, and dedicating to becoming a well-known Post-docs base within the industry. There are two post-docs in the base currently.
According to the Company’s needs, the Innovation and Practice Base for Post-docs is now recruiting research fellow to work on the following topics:

Wealth Inheritance Business for Trust Companies;Active Management and Asset Management Skills Promotion;Innovative Trust Products Design;Trust and Corporate Debt Analysis;The Construction of Risk Management System for Trust Companies in the Environment of Interest Rates Deregulation;Research on Cyber-Finance.


Ph.D. in Finance, Economics, Management, Accounting or Mathematics, a mixed educational background preferred;Responsible and self-initiative, demonstrating good communication skills;Trust industry experience preferred.

Those who are interested, please send in your personal resume, together with a brief research outline on the topic to be selected, a copy of the doctoral degree certificate, your PhD thesis as well as one 2-inch photo. Application Deadline: 2013-12-31.
Mailing address: Innovation and Practice Base for Post-docs, China Railway Trust Co., Ltd. 26th floor, Hangkong Road #1, Air-China Century Tower B, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

Postal Code: 610041

Contact Number: 86-**

Contact Person: Miss Zhu

Email: zxl@crtrust.com


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