

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-21

个人概况姓名:梁浩 职称:副教授 学历:理学博士
专业:应用数学 邮箱:liangh@swufe.edu.cn 办公地址:通博楼B414
教育背景2004.09-2009.06 中国科学技术大学数学系(应用数学专业),理学博士
2000.09-2004.06 中国科学技术大学统计与金融系(统计专业),理学学士
工作和研究经历2014. 01-至今 西南财经大学,经济数学学院,副教授
2009. 07-2013. 12 西南财经大学,经济数学学院,讲师
代表性论文1. Hao Liang, Jun-Ming Xu, On Seymour's Second Neighborhood Conjecture of m-free Digraphs, Discrete Mathematics, 340 (2017), 1944-1949.
2. Hao Liang, Jun-Ming Xu, On Sullivan's conjecture on cycles in 4-free and 5-free digraphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 29 (1) (2013), 53-64.
3. Hao Liang, Jun-Ming Xu, Minimal feedback arc set of m-free digraphs, Information Processing Letters, 113 (8) (2013) 260–264.
4. Hao Liang, Jun-Ming Xu, A note on Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture ,Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 56 (4) (2013), 479-486.
5. Hao Liang, Jun-Ming Xu, A sufficient condition for digraphs with girth at most 4, Journal of Jilin University, 51 (2) (2013), 241-243.
6. Hao Liang, Yong-Liang Pan, Jian Wang, Jun-Ming Xu, A note on unimodular congruence of the Laplacian matrix of a graph,Linear and Multilinear Algebra. Vol.58, No.4, May 2010, 497–501.
7. Hao Liang, Yong-Liang Pan, Jian Wang,The critical group of K^m × P^n,Linear Algebra and its Applications 428 (2008) 2723–2729.

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