

西南财经大学 免费考研网/2015-12-22

杜野 (Released in:2011-06-04 )

Ye Du(杜野)

Contact Information

Office:科研实验楼 315 email: duye@swufe.edu.cn
Research Interests:

My researches aims to study the fundamental problems in intersections of game theory, optimization (both combinatorial and continuous), and financial engineering.

During my PhD, I did research on the computation of Nash equilibrium, competitive equilibrium, and mechanism design.

Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor. Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, August, 2009.

Focus: Computational Economics, Operation Research, and Financial Engineering

Thesis Title: Essays on the Computation of Economic Equilibria and Its Applications

Universityof Science and Technology of China B.E. In Computer Science and Technology, 2004

Working Experiences

Faculty Member, Department of Financial Engineering, School of Finance, SWUFE, from Feb. 2012 t---presentQuantitative Analyst & Assistant Vice President, Bank of America, Oct. 2010---Nov. 2011Software Development Engineer in Test, Microsoft, Sept. 2009---Oct. 2010

Teaching Experiences

In SWUFE, lecturer for Financial Derivatives, Continuous Time Finance, Fixed Income Securities, Wealth ManagementIn UofM, GSRA for Algorithms (EECS586) and Introductioin to the Theory of Computation (EECS376)Published Articles and Working Papers

Competitive Economy as a Ranking Device over Networks", with Ehud Lehrer and Ady Pauzner, under review On the Complexity of Deciding Degeneracy in a Bimatrix Game with Sparse Payoff Matrix", Theoretical Computer Science, 2013On the Complexity of Equilibria in Markets with Additively Separable Utilities", with Xi Chen, Decheng Dai, Shanghua Teng, Proceedings of the Behavioral and Quantitative Game Theory: Conference on Future Directions, 2010.Settling the Complexity of Arrow-Debreu Equilibria in Markets with Additively Separable Utilities", with Xi Chen, Decheng Dai, Shanghua Teng, Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2009.“The Computation of Approximate Competitive Equilibrium is PPAD-hard", with Xiaotie Deng, Information Processing Letters 108(6): 369-373, 2008 & invited talk in INFORMS 2008.“On the Complexity of Deciding Bimatrix Game Similarity", Theoretical Computer Science, 407(1-3): 583-586, 2008.“A New Upper Bound On Forwarding Index of Graphs", with Jun-Ming Xu, Tao Zhou and Jun Yan, Ars Combinatoria, 2007.“Using Spam Farm to Boost PageRank", with Yaoyun Shi and Xin Zhao, Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web, 2007“Path Auction Games When an Agent Can Own Multiple Edges", with Rahul Sami and Yaoyun Shi, Proceedings of First Workshop on the Economics of Networked Systems, 2006. Journal version appears in Theoretical Computer Science, 411 (2010), pp. 293-300.

Awards and Honors

Honorable Mention in CSE Honor Competition, EECS department, University of Michigan, Fall 2008.Student travel grant of WWW provided by Microsoft, 2007.Department fellowship, EECS department, University of Michigan, Fall 2004.优秀本科生毕业论文奖, 中国科大, 2004年.安徽省优秀毕业生, 2004年.张宗植科技奖, 中国科大, 2003及2004年.全国高中生化学竞赛一等奖 (四川省), 1999年.

Academic Services

I have served as external reviewers for the following journals and conference:

IEEE JSAC Non-cooperative Behavior in Networking, Theoretical Computer Science, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, ISAAC 2005, COCOON 2007, FOCS2007, WINE 2007, STOC 2008, SAGT08, ESA08, ICALP 2009, WINE 2009, Mathematical Reviews


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