工作单位 动物医学院
电子邮箱 guangyou1963@aliyun.com
招生专业 【博士】:090602预防兽医学,【学硕】:090602预防兽医学,【专硕】:095200兽医
1982.09--1987.07 四川农业大学兽医学专业本科学习
1987.09--1990.07 四川农业大学兽医寄生虫与寄生虫病学专业攻读硕士学位
1990.07--1994.05 四川省雅安地区卫生防疫站工作
1994.06起 四川农业大学从事教学与科研工作
2000.09--2003.07 四川农业大学预防兽医学专业攻读博士学位
2003.02--2003.05 荷兰和芬兰访问研究
1990.07--1994.05 四川省雅安地区卫生防疫站工作
1994.06起 四川农业大学从事教学与科研工作
2003.02--2003.05 荷兰和芬兰访问研究
1982.09--1987.07 四川农业大学兽医学专业本科学习
1987.09--1990.07 四川农业大学兽医寄生虫与寄生虫病学专业攻读硕士学位
2000.09--2003.07 四川农业大学预防兽医学专业攻读博士学位
2008.09--2010.07 四川农业大学动物科学博士后研究工作
[1]Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Dirofilaria immitis of China based on COI and 12S rDNA genes. Veterinary Parasitology, 2009,160:175-179
[2]Cloning, expression and evaluation of the efficacy of a recombinant Haemaphysalis concinna Hc-23 antigen in rabbits. Vaccine,2011,29:1041-1044
[3]Complete mitochondrial genomes of Baylisascaris schroederi, Baylisascaris ailuri and Baylisascaris transfuga from giant panda, red panda and polar bear. Gene, 2011,482: 59–67
[4]Molecular taxonomic relationships of Psoroptes and Chorioptes mites from China based on COI and 18S rDNA gene sequences. Veterinary Parasitology,2012, 184: 392–397
[5]The Mitochondrial Genome of Baylisascaris procyonis. PLoS ONE, 2011,6(10): e27066.
[6]Acaricidal activity of extract from Eupatorium adenophorum against the Psoroptes cuniculi and Sarcoptes scabiei in vitro. Veterinary Parasitology,2012, 187: 345– 349
[7]Annotation of the Transcriptome from Taenia pisiformis and Its Comparative Analysis with Three Taeniidae Species. PLoS ONE,2012, 7(4): e32283
[8]Novel Insights into the Transcriptome of Dirofilaria Immitis. PLoS ONE ,2012,7(7): e41639.
[9]Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of ascarid nematodes from twenty-one species of captive wild mammals based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences.Parasitology, 2012,139(10) :1329-1338
[10]Characterization and evaluation of a Sarcoptes scabiei allergen as a candidate vaccine. Parasites & Vectors, 2012, 5:176
[11]Detailed Transcriptome Description of the Neglected Cestode Taenia multiceps. PLoS ONE,2012,7(9):e45830
[12]Clinical efficacy of botanical extracts from Eupatorium adenophorum against the scab mite, Psoroptes cuniculi. Veterinary Parasitology, 2013,192: 247– 252
[13]Vaccination with recombinant actin from scab mites and evaluation of its protective efficacy against Psoroptes cuniculi infection Parasite Immunology, 2013, 35: 91–98
[14]Identification of Dirofilaria immitis miRNA using illumina deep sequencing.Veterinary Research 2013, 44:3
[15]Clinical efficacy of botanical extracts from Eupatorium adenophorum against the Sarcoptes scabiei (Sarcoptidae:Sarcoptes) in rabbits. Veterinary Parasitology, 2013,195: 157– 164
[16]Genetic variability of Echinococcus granulosus from the Tibetan plateau inferred by mitochondrial DNA sequences. Veterinary Parasitology,2013, 196 : 179– 183
[17]Analysis of the genetic diversity of the nematode parasite Baylisascaris schroederi from wild giant pandas in different mountain ranges in China. Parasite &Vector,2013,6:233
[18]Identification of neglected cestode Taenia multiceps microRNAs by illumina sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. BMC Veterinary Research, 2013, 9:162
[19]Potential of recombinant inorganic pyrophosphatase antigen as a new vaccine candidate against Baylisascaris schroederi in mice. Veterinary Research, 2013, 44:90
[20]Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Chimpanzee- and Gibbon-Derived Ascaris Isolated from a Zoological Garden in Southwest China. PLoS ONE,2013,8(12): e82795.
[21]Isolation and identi?cation of acaricidal compounds in Eupatorium adenophorum petroleum ether extract and determination of their acaricidal activity against Psoroptes cuniculi. Veterinary Parasitology,2014,203:197–202
[22]Evaluation of a novel Dot-ELISA assay utilizing a recombinant protein for the effective diagnosis of Taenia pisiformis larval infections. Veterinary Parasitology,2014,204:214–220
[23]Zoonotic Baylisascaris procyonis Roundworms in Raccoons, China. Emerging Infectious Diseases ,2014, 20(12):2170-2172
[24]Absence of genetic structure in Baylisascaris schroederi populations, a giant panda parasite,determined by mitochondrial sequencing. Parasites & Vectors, 2014, 7:606
[25]Cloning and characterization of a novel sigma-like glutathione S-transferase from the giant panda parasitic nematode, Baylisascaris schroederi. Parasites & Vectors,2015, 8:44
[26]Prevalence and molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Sichuan province, China. Parasites & Vectors (2015) 8:344
[27]Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in captive non-human primates of twenty-four zoological gardens in China. J Med Primatol., 2015,44 :168–173
[28]Molecular insights into a tetraspanin in the hydatid tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. Parasites & Vectors, 2015, 8:311
[29]An ELISA using recombinant TmHSP70 for the diagnosis of Taenia multiceps infections in goats. Veterinary Parasitology, 2015,212:469-472
[30]Expression, tissue localization and serodiagnostic potential of Taenia multiceps acidic ribosomal protein P2. Parasites & Vectors,2015, 8:613
[31] Molecular characterization and serodiagnostic potential of a novel dithiol glutaredoxin 1 from Echinococcus granulosus. Parasites & Vectors,2016, 9:456
[32]Preliminary analysis of Psoroptes ovis transcriptome in different developmental stages. Parasites & Vectors, 2016, 9:570
[33]GP50 as a promising early diagnostic antigen for Taenia multiceps infection in goats by indirect ELISA. Parasites & Vectors, 2016, 9(1): 618.
[34]Molecular Characteristics and Serodiagnostic Potential of Dihydrofolate Reductase from Echinococcus granulosus. Scientific Reports, 2017,7:514
[35]Analysis of transcriptome data reveals multifactor constraint on codon usage in Taenia multiceps. BMC Genomics,2017, 18:308.
[36]Characterization of glutathione S-transferase and its immunodiagnostic potential for detecting Taenia multiceps. Veterinary Parasitology, 2017,242: 31-37
[37]Molecular Characteristics and Serodiagnostic Potential of Dihydrofolate Reductase from Echinococcus granulosus. Scientific Reports,2017,7: 514
[38]Ancylostoma ailuropodae n. sp. (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae), a new hookworm parasite isolated from wild giant pandas in Southwest China. Parasites & Vectors,2017, 10:277
[39]Expression and characterisation of a Sarcoptes scabiei protein tyrosine kinase as a potential antigen for scabies diagnosis Scientific Repots,2017, 7: 9639
[40]Prokaryotic Expression and Serodiagnostic Potential of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Thioredoxin Peroxidase from Baylisascaris schroederi. Genes, 2017, 8: 293
1、野生动物寄生虫病学(著作) 科学出版社,2013
2、动物寄生虫病学(教材) 四川科学技术出版社,2009
3、兽医寄生虫病学(教材) 中国农业出版社,2017
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02
相关话题/动物医学院 四川农业大学
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陈舜,女,1982年出生,博士导师工作单位动物医学院行政职务预防兽医研究所副所长,禽病防治研究中心免疫学研究室副主任单位电话电子邮箱shunchen@sicau.edu.cn招生专业【博士】:090602预防兽医学,【学硕】:090602预防兽医学,【专硕】:095200兽医◆个人简历陈舜,女,博士 ...四川农业大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-02四川农业大学动物医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-黄小波
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朱德康,男,1974年出生,博士导师工作单位动物医学院单位电话电子邮箱zdk24@163.com招生专业【博士】:090602预防兽医学,【学硕】:090602预防兽医学,【专硕】:095200兽医◆个人简历1995.9-1998.7绵阳经济技术高等专科学校(现西南科技大学)畜牧兽医专业就读1998 ...四川农业大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-02四川农业大学预防兽医研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-刘马峰
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