

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02

工作单位 小麦研究所
电子邮箱 haomingluo@foxmail.com
招生专业 【学硕】:090102作物遗传育种,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
1. 小麦部分同源染色体配对基因对小麦远缘杂交研究具有重要的应用价值,同时也是小麦以及其他多倍体植物减数分裂遗传机理研究的主要内容,具有重要的科学意义。我们发现四川特有小麦地方品种-开县罗汉麦具有促进小麦和近缘物种杂交后代部分同源染色体配对的能力,前期研究证明该基因可能与已经发现和应用的Ph1和Ph2基因不同,是新的位点。我们现在正对该新基因的分子基础和细胞学机制进行解析;
17. The abundance of homoeologue transcripts is disrupted by hybridization and is partially restored by genome doubling in synthetic hexaploid wheat. BMC genomics (2017) 18:149
16. High Transferability of Homoeolog-Specific Markers between Bread Wheat and Newly Synthesized Hexaploid Wheat Lines. PloS one (2016) 11(9): e**.
15. Allopolyploidy and interspecific hybridization for wheat improvement. In: Annaliese S. Mason ed. Polyploidy and Hybridization for Crop Improvement. CRC Press, p27-52, 2016.
14. QTug.sau-3B is a major quantitative trait locus for wheat hexaploidization. G3: Genes Genomes Genetics (2014) 4(10): 1943-1953.
13. mRNA and Small RNA transcriptomes reveal insights into dynamic homoeolog regulation of allopolyploid heterosis in nascent hexaploid wheat. The Plant Cell (2014) 26(5): 1878-1900.
12. The detection of a de novo allele of the Glu-1Dx gene in wheat-rye hybrid offspring. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2014) 127:2173-2182.
11. Distant Hybridization: A tool for interspecific manipulation of chromosomes. A. Pratap and J. Kumar (eds.), Alien Gene Transfer in Crop Plants. (2014) PP. 25-42.
10. Amphitelic orientation of centromeres at metaphase I is an important feature for univalent-dependent meiotic nonreduction. Journal of Genetics (2014) 93: 531-534.
9. Production of hexaploid triticale by a synthetic hexaploid wheat-rye hybrid method. Euphytica (2013) 193(3): 347-357.
8. In situ hybridization analysis indicates that 4AL–5AL–7BS translocation preceded subspecies differentiation of Triticum turgidum. Genome (2013) 56(5):303-305.
7. The genetic study utility of a hexaploid wheat DH population with non-recombinant A- and B-genomes. Springerplus (2013) 2: 131.
6. 中国特有小麦的易位染色体鉴定. 麦类作物学报 (2013) 33:1065-1070.
5. Genetic map of Triticum turgidum based on a hexaploid wheat population without genetic recombination for D genome. BMC Genetics(2012) 13: 69.
4. Microsatellite mutation rate during allohexaploidization of newly resynthesized wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2012) 13(10):12533-12543.
3. Synthesizing double haploid hexaploid wheat populations based on a spontaneous alloploidization process. Journal of Genetics and Genomics (2011) 38(2): 89-94.
2. Comparison of homoeologous chromosome pairing between hybrids of wheat genotypes Chinese Spring ph1b and Kaixian-luohanmai with rye. Genome (2011) 54(12):959-964.
1. 普通小麦中两个ph系杂种对部分同源染色体配对的影响. 四川农业大学学报 (2010) 28(4): 403-406.

相关话题/研究所 四川农业大学