工作单位 生命科学学院
电子邮箱 xfhan2012@163.com
招生专业 【学硕】:071011生物物理学,【专硕】:086000生物与医药
2006.09-2010.06 四川农业大学生命科学院生物科学专业,理学学士
2010.09-2013.06 四川农业大学动生命科学院生物物理专业,理学硕士
2013.09-2015.08 四川农业大学动生命科学院生物物理专业,理学博士
2015.09-2017.10 美国密歇根大学(安娜堡)联合培养博士研究生
2018.03-2018.07 美国密歇根大学(安娜堡)博士后
2.四川农业大学优秀博士论文培育基金项目(YB**),2014/01-2017/12,20万,已结题, 主持;
3.美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)(R01-HD-069702),Neural basis of leptin action on reproduction,2014/01-2017/12,100万美元,已结题,主研
4.密歇根糖尿病研究中心, P30DK020572,Obesity and the high of pregnancy complications, 2015/01-2017/12, 已结题,主研
1.Han X, Meng F, Cao X, Du X, Bu G, Kong F, Huang A, Zeng X. FSH promotes fat accumulation by activating PPARγ signaling in surgically castrated, but not immunocastrated, male pigs. Theriogenology,2021,160:10-17.
2.Han X, Burger LL, Garcia-Galiano D, Sim S, Allen SJ, Olson DP, Myers MG Jr, Elias CF. Hypothalamic and Cell-Specific Transcriptomes Unravel a Dynamic Neuropil Remodeling in Leptin-Induced and Typical Pubertal Transition in Female Mice. iScience,2020,23(10):101563.
3.Han X, Guan Z, Xu M, Zhang Y, Yao H, Meng F, Zhuo Y, Yu G, Cao X, Du X, Bu G, Kong F, Huang A, Zeng X. A novel follicle-stimulating hormone vaccine for controlling fat accumulation. Theriogenology,2020,148:103-111.
4.Franca MM#, Han X#, Funari MFA, Lerario AM, Nishi MY, Fontenele EGP, Domenice S, Jorge AAL, Garcia-Galiano D, Elias CF*, Mendonca*. Exome sequencing reveals POLR3H gene as a novel cause of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2019,104(7):2827-2841.
5. Han X, Zhou M, Cao X, Du X, Meng F, Bu GX, Kong FL, Huang AQ. Zeng X*. Mechanistic insight into the role of immunocastration on eliminating skatole in boars. Theriogenology, 2019,131:32-40.
6.Han X, Zhou Y, Zeng Y, Sui F, Liu Y, Tan Y, Cao X, Du X, Meng F, Zeng X. Effects of active immunization against GnRH versus surgical castration on hypothalamic-pituitary function in boars. Theriogenology, 2017, 97:89-97.
7.Han X, Ren X, Zeng Y, Zhou Y, Song T, Cao X, Du X, Meng F, Tan Y, Liu Y, Feng J, Chu M, Zeng X.Physiological interactions between the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and spleen in ramsactively immunized against GnRH. Int Immunopharmacol., 2016, 38:275-83.
8.Han X, Li J, Cao X, Du X, Meng F, Zeng X. Surgical castration but not immuncastration is associated with reduced hypothalamic GnIH and GHRH/GH/IGF-I axis function in male rats. Theriogenology, 2016;86(2):657-65.
9. XingFa Han, JunLi Li, YuQin Zhou, XiaoHua Ren, GongCheng Liu, XiaoHan Cao, XiaoGang Du, XianYin Zeng. Active immunization with GnRH-tandem-dimer peptide in young male rats reduces serum reproductive hormone concentrations, testicular development and spermatogenesis. Asian Journal of Andrology, 2015, 17: 1–7.
10. Han X, Gu L, Xia C, Feng J, Cao X, Du X, Zeng X, Song T. Effect of immunization against GnRH on hypothalamic and testicular function in rams. Theriogenology, 2015, 83(4):642-9.
11. Xingfa Han, Shian Shen, Lieqiu Liu, Xiaogang Du, Xiaohan Cao, Xianyin Zeng. Characterization and antioxidant activities of the polysaccharides from Radix Cyathulae officinalis Kuan. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 72C:544-552.
12. X.F. Han, W. Cheng, Z.Y. Chen, X.G. Du, X.H. Cao, X.Y. Zeng. Initiation of active immunization against testosterone during early puberty alters negative feedback regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis in rabbits. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2014, 48: 126-135.
13. Xingfa Han, Wei Cheng, Zhiyu Chen, Xiaogang Du, Xiaohan Cao, Xianyin Zeng. Active immunization against pregnenolone reduces testicular steroidogenesis and GnRH synthesis in male rabbits. Animal Reproduction Science, 2014, 145(3-4):161-169.
14. Xing-fa Han, Xiao-han Cao, Jing Tang, Xiao-gang Du, Xian-yin Zeng. Active immunization against GnRH reduces the synthesis of GnRH in male rats. Theriogenology, 2013, 80(9):1109-1116.
15.Borges B C , Han X , Allen S J , et al. Insulin signaling in LepR cells modulates fat and glucose homeostasis independent of leptin[J]. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2019, 316(1):E121-E134.
16. Mahany EB, Han X, Borges BC, da Silveira Cruz-Machado S, Allen SJ, Garcia-Galiano D, Hoenerhoff MJ, Bellefontaine NH, Elias CF. Obesity and high fat diet induce distinct changes in placental gene expression and pregnancy outcome. Endocrinology, 2018,159(4):1718-1733.
17. Lin Y, Han XF, Fang ZF, Che LQ, Nelson J, Yan TH, Wu D. Beneficial effects of dietary fibre supplementation of a high-fat diet on fetal development in rats. British Journal of Nutrition, 2011,106(4):510-518.
18. Lin Y, Han XF, Fang ZF, Che LQ, Wu D, Wu XQ, Wu CM. The beneficial effect of fiber supplementation in high- or low-fat diets on fetal development and antioxidant defense capacity in the rat. European Journal of Nutrition, 2012, 51(1):19-27.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02
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