

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-05

Email: liguo01@scu.edu.cn, guolistory@gmail.com

主要从事地球关键带水文土壤和生态水文领域的多尺度观测、过程机理认识和综合集成。研究方向包括:“根-土-水”相互关系、土壤水分时空动态、坡面产汇流机制、水循环和水资源管理。以第一/通讯作者在Earth-Science Review, Water Resources Research,Journal of Hydrology,Journalof Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology,Plant and Soil和Advances in Agronomy等水文水资源、土壤学及相关领域的国际权威学术期刊发表SCI论文39篇,篇均影响因子4.983,其中Nature Index刊物3篇,中科院一区刊物15篇,二区刊物19篇,3篇入选ESI高被引论文,2篇被一区刊物封面报道。累积发表SCI论文71篇,包括中科院TOP级刊物39篇,被Nature、Reviews of Geophysics、National Science Review等SCI刊物引用950余次,H指数18。
近5年来,主持包括国家自然基金青年基金在内的多个科研项目,获批经费累积超过200万元。目前担任European Journal of Soil Science(二区刊物; IF=4.949)副编辑(Associate Editor)和Plant and Soil(一区刊物; IF=4.192)顾问编委(Consulting Editor)。是美国自然科学基金(US NSF)和荷兰研究理事会基金(NWO)评审专家,以及40余种SCI期刊的审稿人。多次担任国际学术会议分会场主席。曾获“博士研究生国家奖学金”、“北京师范大学优秀博士论文”、“Wiley Highly Cited Paper”、\"四川省海外高层次留学人才\"等荣誉。2019年入选四川大学“双百人才工程”。

2020.09–至今: 四川大学,特聘研究员(博士生导师)
2016.11–2020.06: PennState University,助理研究教授(Assistant Research Professor)
2015.11–2016.10: PennState University,博士后 (导师: Henry Lin 教授)
2013.08–2015.10: 北京师范大学,讲师(硕士生导师)

2010.09–2013.07:北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室, 博士(导师: 陈晋 教授)
2011.09–2013.03:Penn State University, 国家留学基金委资助联合培养博士生
2007.09–2010.07:复旦大学生命科学学院, 硕士
2003.09–2007.07:四川大学生命科学学院, 学士

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于探地雷达的沙地灌木根含水量探测研究》(2015-2017, 主持)
3.四川大学理工科发展计划《山地流域生态水利学》(2021-2025, 项目骨干)
4.Penn State Institutefor CyberScience Seed Grant 《Machine Learning and thePreservation of Cultural Heritage on Madagascar》(2018-2019, 共同主持)
5.石河子大学国际科技合作推进计划项目《北疆膜下滴灌加工番茄需水特征及水盐运动规律研究》(2019-2021, 共同主持)
6.US NationalScience Foundation 《Discovering Preferential Flow Patterns Using Real-time Soil MoistureMonitoring Networks》(2015-2018, 主要参与人)
7.US NationalScience Foundation 《Using the Susquehanna - Shale Hills CZO to Project from the GeologicalPast to the Anthropocene Future》(2013-2019, 参与)

1. Feng Li, Zhang Maosheng, Jin Zhao, Zhang Shanhan, Sun Pingping, Gu Tianfeng, Liu Xinbo, Lin Henry, An Zhisheng, Peng Jianbing, Guo Li# (2021). The genesis, development, and evolution of original vertical joints in loess. Earth-Science Review, 214:1-26 (IF=12.413; 一区TOP)
2.Han Han, Guo Li#, Zhang Jiquan, Zhang Kaize, Cui Ningbo (2021). Spatiotemporal analysis of the coordination of economic development, resource utilization, and environmental quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. Ecological Indicators, 127:1-13 (IF=4.958;二区)
3.Jin Zhao, Guo Li#, Yu Yunlong, Fan Bihang, Lin Henry, Luo Da, Chu Guangchen (2020). Storm runoff generation in headwater catchments on the Chinese Loess Plateau after long-term vegetation rehabilitation. Science of the Total Environment, 748:1-15(IF=7.963;一区TOP)
4.Guo Li, Mount Gregory, HudsonSean, Lin Henry, Levia Delphis (2020). Pairing geophysical techniques improves understandingof the near-surface Critical Zone: visualization and confirmation ofpreferential routing of stemflow along coarse roots. Geoderma, 357:1-12 (IF=6.114; 一区TOP; ESI 高引论文).
5. FanBihang, Tao Wanghai, Qin Guanghua, Hopkins Isaac, Zhang Yu, Wang Quqnjiu, Lin Henry, Guo Li# (2020). Soilmicro-climate variation in relation to slope aspect, position, and curvature ina forested catchment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,290:1-17 (IF=5.734; 一区TOP).
6. Liu Xinbo, Chen Jin, Butnor John, Cui Xihong, FanBihang, Lin Henry, Guo Li#. Non-invasive 2D and 3D mapping of root zone soil moisturethrough the detection of coarse roots with ground-penetrating radar. Water ResourcesResearch, 56:1-24 (IF=5.24; 一区TOP).
7. CuiXihong, Liu Xinbo, Cao Xin, Fan Bihang, Zhang Zhen, Chen Jin, Chen Xuehong, Lin Henry, Guo Li# (2020). Pairing dual-frequency GPR insummer and winter enhances the detection and mapping of coarse roots in thesemi-arid shrubland in China. European Journalof Soil Science, 71: 236-251 (IF=4.949; 二区; Editor\'s Choice).
8. Guo Li, Lin Henry, Fan Bihang,Nyquist Jonathon, Toran Laura, Mount Gregory (2019). Preferential flow through shallow fracturedbedrock and a 3D fill-and-spill model of hillslope subsurface hydrology. Journalof Hydrology, 576:430-442 (IF=5.722; 一区TOP).
9. Guo Li,Lin Henry (2018). Addressing two bottlenecks to advance the understanding of preferentialflow in soils. Advances in Agronomy, 147:61-117 (IF=6.919; 一区TOP; ESI 高引论文; Agronomy领域排名第一期刊).
10. Guo Li,Fan Bihang, Zhang Fuqing, Lin Henry, Jin Zhao (2018). The clustering of severe dust storm occurrencein China from 1958 to 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,123:8035-8046 (IF=4.261; 二区TOP; Nature Index刊物).
11. Guo Li,Fan Bihang, Zhang Jun, Lin Henry (2018). Occurrence of subsurface lateral flow in theShale Hills Catchment indicated by a soil water mass balance method. European Journalof Soil Science, 69:771-786 (IF=4.949; 二区).
12. Guo Li,Wang K, Bluestein Howard (2016). Variability of tornado occurrence over the continentalUnited States since 1950. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,121:6943–6953 (IF=4.261; 二区TOP; Nature Index刊物).
13. Guo Li,An Ning, Wang Kaicun (2016). Reconciling the discrepancy in ground- and satellite-observedtrends in the spring phenology of winter wheat in China from 1993 to 2008. Journalof Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121:1027-1042 (IF=4.261; 二区TOP; Nature Index刊物).
14. Guo Li,Lin Henry (2016). Critical Zone research and observatories: current status and futureperspectives. Vadose Zone Journal, 15:1-14 (IF=3.289; 三区; 特邀论文; SCI引用58次).
15. Guo Li,Chen Jin, Lin Henry (2014). Subsurface lateral flow network revealed by time-lapse ground-penetratingradar in a hillslope. Water Resources Research, 50:9127-9147(IF=5.24; 一区TOP; 封面论文; SCI引用51次).
16. Guo Li,Lin Henry, Fan Bihang, Cui Xihong, Chen Jin (2013).Impact of root water content on root biomass estimation using ground penetratingradar: evidence from forward simulations and field controlled experiments. Plantand Soil, 371:503-520 (IF=4.192; 二区; 被Nature引用).
17. Guo Li,Chen Jin, Cui Xihong, Fan Bihang, Lin Henry (2013).Application of ground penetrating radar for root detection and quantification: areview. Plant and Soil, 362:1-23 (IF=4.192; 二区; 封面论文; 2014-2015入选ESI 高引论文; SCI引用76次).

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