
四川大学水利水电学导师教师师资介绍简介-Zafar Hayat Khan

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Currently,Dr. Khan is working as a Distinguished Associate Researcher at SichuanUniversity, Chengdu, China. He is engaged in research and teaching in the fieldof thermo-fluids since 2006. He was honored with the prestigious ThousandTalents Plan 2019 \"for the Introduction of High-level Talents at Home andAbroad in Sichuan Province\". Dr. Khan was also included in the worldranking of scientist (top 2%). In 2020, his three research papers wereselected by the web of sciences as highly cited papers.

Academic Degrees
Ph.D. Industrial Mathematics
Universityof Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
Departmentof Mathematics & Statistics
Dissertation: Mathematical modelling of moving evaporation fronts in porousmedia.
(Oct2008 – Jan 2012)
Master of Science: Applied Mathematics
COMSATSInstitute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics
Dissertation: Analytical study of heat transfer in hollow sphere.
(Mar 2006 – Sep 2007)

Specialization and ResearchInterests
Liquid-vapour phase change problems in porous media
Nano?uid Dynamics

Honorsand Awards
ThousandTalents Plan 2019 “for the Introduction of High-level Talents at Home andAbroad in Sichuan Province”
Dr.Shah Jahan Prize (2018) for Scientists under40 in Mathematics
PakistanCouncil for Science and Technology Research Productivity Award 2017
PakistanCouncil for Science and Technology Research Productivity Award 2016
PakistanCouncil for Science and Technology Research Productivity Award 2015
HighlyCited Research in Results in Physics 2016
HighlyCited Research in Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2016
Outstandingreviewer 2015: Canadian Journal of Physics

Research Experience
Collegeof Water Resource & Hydropower, Sichuan University China
DistinguishedAssociate Researcher(September 2019 – Present)
Schoolof Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
Advisor:Zhang Pingwen
ResearchProject: Heat and mass transfer of nano?uids
(July2012 – July 2014)
TheMathematical Institute & St Hugh’s College, Oxford, U.K.
ProblemPresenter: C. Sean Bohun
Problemtitle: Modelling a cadaver decomposition island to estimate time of death
Team:M.J. Barons, A. Gideon, T. Ranner, N. Smith &Z.H. Khan
(06-09April 2010)

Teaching Experience
Universityof Malakand, Department of Mathematics, KPK, Pakistan
AssistantProfessor in Mathematics.
Courses:Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Introduction to partialdi?erentialequations.
(July2016–September 2019)
Universityof Malakand, Department of Mathematics, KPK, Pakistan
Lecturerin Mathematics.
Courses:Fluid Mechanics, Introduction to partial di?erential equations,Dimensionalanalysis.
(July2014–July 2016)

Selected Publications
(Journal Papers)
Khan,Z. H., Khan, W. A., Tang, J., &Sheremet, M. A. (2020). Entropy generationanalysis of triple diffusive flow past a horizontal plate in porous medium. ChemicalEngineering Science, 228, 115980.
Khan,Z. H., Khan, W. A., Hamid,M., & Liu, H. (2020). Finite elementanalysis of hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a split lid-drivensquare cavity with Y-shaped obstacle. Physics of Fluids, 32(9),093609.
Khan,Z. H., Khan, W. A., &Sheremet, M. A. (2020). Enhancement of heat and masstransfer rates through various porous cavities for triple convective-diffusivefree convection. Energy, 201, 117702.
Hamid,M., Khan, Z. H., Khan, W.A., &Haq, R. U. (2019). Natural convectionof water-based carbon nanotubes in a partially heated rectangular fin-shapedcavity with aninner cylindrical obstacle. Physics of Fluids, 31(10),103607.
Makinde,O. D., Khan, Z. H., Ahmad, R., & Khan, W. A. (2018). Numerical study ofunsteady hydromagnetic radiating fluid flow past a slippery stretching sheetembedded in a porous medium. Physics of Fluids, 30(8),083601.
Khan,Z. H., Qasim, M., Ishfaq, N., & Khan, W. A. (2017). Dual solutions ofMHD boundary layer flow of a micropolar fluid with weak concentration over astretching/shrinking sheet. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 67(4),449.
Khan,W. A., Makinde, O. D., & Khan, Z. H. (2016). Non-aligned MHD stagnationpoint flow of variable viscosity nanofluids past a stretching sheet withradiative heat. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 96, 525-534.
Khan,Z. H., & Pritchard, D. (2015). Anomaly of spontaneous transition toinstability of liquid–vapour front in a porous medium. InternationalJournal of Heat and MassTransfer, 84, 448-455.
Khan,Z. H. (2014). Transition toinstability of liquid–vapour front in a porousmedium cooled from above. International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer, 70, 610-620.
Khan,Z. H., Khan, W. A., & Pop, I. (2013). Triple diffusive free convectionalong a horizontal platein porous media saturated by a nanofluid withconvective boundary condition. International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer, 66, 603-612.
Khan,Z. H., Khan, W. A., Qasim, M., & Shah, I. A. (2013). MHD stagnation pointferrofluid flow and heat transfer toward a stretching sheet. IEEETransactions on Nanotechnology, 13(1), 35-40.
Makinde,O. D., Khan, W. A.,& Khan, Z. H. (2013). Buoyancy effects on MHDstagnation point flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid past a convectivelyheated stretching/shrinking sheet. International Journal of Heat andMass Transfer, 62, 526-533.
Khan,Z. H., & Pritchard, D. (2013). Liquid–vapour fronts in porous media:Multiplicity and stability of front positions. International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer, 61, 1-17.

Research projects
Openfund of State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering(Sichuan University); 2019-2020.
Openfund of Ministry of education, Key Laboratory of Reactor Engineering andsecurity(Tsinghua University);2018-2019.
ContactEmail: zhkhan@scu.edu.cn

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