

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04

何兴金 (二级教授、博士生导师)
? 国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台负责人
? 四川省学术和技术带头人
? 四川省生态学会副事理长
? 四川省植物学会理事(植物分类学专委会主任)
? 国际《Flora of Pan-Himalayas》编委
? 《四川植物志》主编
? 国家科技部国家基础条件平台评审委员会专家库专家,国家自然科技奖励评审委员会评审专家
? 国家环保部第六届国家级自然保护区评审委员会专家库专家
? 中国湿地保护协会专家委员会委员
? 国家林草局高原湿地中心理事
? 国家林草局湿地管理司——第四届国家湿地科学技术委员会委员
? 国家林草局湿地保护管理中心——国家湿地公园评审委员会专家库专家
? 大熊猫国家公园聘任为:大熊猫国家公园管理局专家库专家
? 教育部自然科技奖励评审专家,博士点基金评审专家
? 国家自然科学基金函评专家,国家博士后基金函评专家,北京、重庆、湖南等省自然科学基金函评专家
? 国家重点学科“植物学”学术带头人,负责植物系统与进化方向

Email: xingjinhe@aliyun.com、xingjinhe@126.com

? 1985年7月毕业于西华师范大学(原南充师范学院)生物系
? 1991年7月中国科学院成都生物研究所获理学硕士
? 1999年7月四川大学生命科学学院获理学博士
? 1999年9月-2001年8月中山大学生命科学学院作博士后研究
? 2002年4月担任中国科学院成都生物研究所植物学专业兼职博士生导师
? 2003年7月至今在四川大学生命科学学院工作,教授,博士生导师
? 招收培养博士生40人,硕士研究生70人。已毕业并获硕士学位的61人,已毕业获博士学位33人(截止2020年7月30日)。
?在伞形科、百合科、石蒜科等科进行了较为深入的分类学研究,尤以对中国独活属、葱属、百合族、柴胡属、当归属、茴芹属、棱子芹属、藁本属等进行了较全面而深入的分类学 、分子系统学、地理学、谱系地理学、进化生物学、分子生态学、群体遗传学以及转录组学和叶绿体基因组学等研究;对部分药用植物独活、当归、柴胡、藁本的DNA barcoding进行了研究;同时对四川分布的种子植物区系和物种现状及资源植物利用与保扩进行了较为深入的野外考察和分类鉴定、保护和开发研究工作。对资源植物有效成分利用的关键技术方面进行了研究工作。对植物标本数据库与信息系统和共享平台进行了系统的研究,对四川高等植物进行了物种数据库和经济植物的GIS系统建设研究,对多个四川省内的自然保护区进行生物多样性调查,外来入侵物种及其防治研究等。对伞形科、百合科、石蒜科(葱属)等部分植物类群的谱系地理学(分子生态)、群体遗传学、生态适应机制、适应进化等进行了分子系统发育、转录组学和叶绿体基因组学研究。对四川省湿地植物名录及湿地植物分类学、湿地植物生态学等研究。
? 主持和参加科研项目约50项,其中科技部专项5项(项目并列负责人和子课题负责人),国家重点项目5项。
? 2004年——2006年:国家教育部博士点基金资助项目:“独活属及其近缘类群的分子系统学与进化研究”,(项目主持人,已结题)
? 2004年——2005年:国家科技基础条件平台工作重点项目:“生物标本描述标准和规范的制定及共享试点”本人为“四川大学植物标本描述标准和规范的制定及共享试点”(专题负责人,已结题)
? 2006年1-12月:中共中央组织部远程办资助项目:“野生动植物保护及外来入侵种的基础知识”,(项目负责人,已结题)
? 2005年——2006年:国家科技基础条件平台工作重点项目:“生物标本描述标准和规范的修订及共享平台建设”本人为“四川大学植物标本描述标准和规范的修订及共享平台建设”(专题负责人,已结题)
? 2006年-2009年:教育部科技基础条件平台项目:“生物标本整理、整合及共享信息平台”本人为“四川大学生物标本整理、整合及共享信息平台”(专题负责人,已结题)
? 2006年1月——2008年12月:国家科技部“十一五”重大专项,国家科技基础条件平台建设项目:“教学标本标准化整理、整合及共享试点”(经费2013万元)(2005DKA21403)。本人为项目并列主持人,已结题验收。
? 国家自然科学基金项目:“国产独活属的细胞地理学与分子进化研究”(**),本人为项目主持人,07年-09年。已结题验收。
? 科技部基础性研究专项重点项目:“青藏高原特殊生境下野生植物种质资源的调查与保存”(编号: 2007FY110100),本人为“滇西北和川西高原特殊生境植物种质调查”专题负责人,2008-2012年。
? 四川省环保厅项目:“四川省野生维管束植物多样性信息采集”,项目负责人,2009-2010年。(已经结题)。
? 中国科学院大科学装置开放研究项目-----依托种质资源库的植物DNA条形码研究,本人为“独活属(Heracleum)的分子条形码研究(2010年)”专题负责人。2010年。
? 国家教育部博士点基金项目:“柴胡属药用植物的分子系统学与DNA条形码研究”(编号:064),本人为项目负责人,2010-2012年。
? 国家自然科学基金项目:“中国柴胡属的系统学研究”(编号:**),本人为项目负责人,2011年-2013年。
? 四川省林业厅项目:“四川省蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区综合科学”,本人为植物专题负责人,2010年-2011年。
? 四川省环保厅项目:“珍稀植物距瓣尾囊草生物生态学科学考察及抢救性移植方案编制”,本人为项目第二负责人,2010年。
? 中国科学院大科学装置开放研究项目-----依托种质资源库的植物DNA条形码研究,本人为“当归属、柴胡属、百合属、葱属等四属的分子条形码研究(2011年)”专题负责人。2011年。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2012年。
? 四川省林业厅湿地第二次调查项目:“四川湿地植物全面把关”植物本底及植被调查,项目负责人,2012年12月。
? 四川省林业厅项目:“《四川省常见湿植物原色图谱》编研”项目负责人,2013年12月。
? 环保部项目:“濒危物种距瓣尾囊草的人工繁育技术研究”,专题负责人,2012年6月至2013年12月。
? 国家自然科学基金项目:“中国葱属的分子进化与细胞地理学研究”(**),项目负责人,2013年至2016年。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2013年。
? 科技部基础性专项:“《中国植物志》的数字化和DNA条形码”(No. 2013FY112600),本人为专题负责人,2013年至2017年。
? 科技部基础性研究专项:“泛喜马拉雅地区植物综合考察与植物志编研(2013FY112100)”,本人负责《泛喜马拉雅植物志》石蒜科编研及撰写,2012-2016年完成。本人负责《泛喜马拉雅植物志》伞形科两卷负责工作,为伞形科科长,和42-43卷卷长,2015年-2020年完成。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2014年。
? 四川老君山国家级自然保护区管理局:“植物分类与标本采集制作”技术服务协议项目,本人为负责人,时间:2014年3月1日至2014年12月31日(合同号:14H0173)
? 四川老君山国家级自然保护区管理局:“老君山动植物本底资源数字化管理体系构建“合作协议项目,项目负责人岳碧松,本人负责植物本底,时间:2014年3月31日至2014年12月31日(合同号:14H0171)。
? 国家自然科学基金项目:广义当归属的系统发育研究与分类学修订,2015年-2016年(**)。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2015年(1-12月)。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2016年(1-12月)。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2017年(1-12月)。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2018年(1-12月)。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2019年(1-12月)。
? 国家自然科学基金项目:棱子芹属的分类学修订及系统学研究(批准号:**),本人为项目负责人,执行年度:2019/01/01-2022/12/31。
? 科技部平台项目:“国家科技基础条件平台:教学标本子平台”(2005DKA21403-JK),本人为项目负责人,2020年(1-12月)。
? 全部第四次中药普查,四川省中医资源普查科技专项:全国第四次中药资源普查2019年外业调查研究(新龙县、炉霍县、白玉县)(项目编号:2019PC002)经费120万元,完成时间:2019-08-01至2020-12-31.
? 国家植物标本资源库四川大学分库-标本采集项目:四川省2万号4万份标本采集,完成时间:2020-06-01至2021-12-31.

Annals of Botany (ANN BOT-LONDON), A transcriptome-based study on the phylogeny and evolution of the taxonomically controversial subfamily Apioideae (Apiaceae), Jun Wen ?, Yan Yu?(?同等贡献作者), Deng-Feng Xie, Chang Peng, Qing Liu, Song-Dong Zhou, and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=4.005,中科院2区), 2020,125:937-953. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcaa011, available online at www.academic.oup.com/aob.1-17.
Annals of Botany (ANN BOT-LONDON), Insights into phylogeny, age and evolution of Allium (Amaryllidaceae) based on the whole plastome sequences, Deng-Feng Xie, Jin-Bo Tan, Yan Yu, Lin-Jian Gui, Dan-Mei Su, Song-Dong Zhou, and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=4.005,中科院2区), 2020, DOI: doi: 10.1093/aob/mcaa024, available online at www.academic.oup.com/aob. 1-17.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Phylogeny and highland adaptation of Chinese species in Allium Section Daghestanica (Amaryllidaceae) revealed by transcriptome sequencing, Deng-Feng Xie, Yan Yu, Jun Wen, Jiao Huang, Jun-Pei Chen, Juan Li, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者),2020, 146: 106737(1-16). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106737.(SCI期刊,IF=4.419,中科院2区)
Genes & Genomics, Chloroplast genomic comparison of two sister species Allium macranthum and A. fasciculatum provides valuable insights into adaptive evolution, Hao Li, Deng-Feng Xie, Jun-Pei Chen, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), (SCI期刊, IF=0.759), 2020,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13258-020-00920-0.
Plants (MDPI=Plants-Basel), Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis of Chinese Chamaesium Species Revealed by the Complete Plastid Genome, Xian-Lin Guo , Hong-Yi Zheng ?(?同等一作), Megan Price , Song-Dong Zhou * and Xing-Jin He * (*:通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=2.762,中科院3区), 2020, Plants 2020, 9, 965:1-14. doi:10.3390/plants** .
Plants (MDPI=Plants-Basel), Comparative Analysis of the Complete Plastid Genome of Five Bupleurum Species and New Insights into DNA Barcoding and Phylogenetic Relationship, Jun Li, Deng-Feng Xie, Xian-Lin Guo, Zhen-Ying Zheng, Xing-Jin He * (通讯作者), Song-Dong Zhou *(通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=2.762,中科院3区), 2020, Plants 2020, 9, 543:1-20. doi:10.3390/plants** .
Plants (MDPI=Plants-Basel), Comparative Chloroplast Genomics of Fritillaria (Liliaceae), Inferences for Phylogenetic Relationships between Fritillaria and Lilium and Plastome Evolution, Jiao Huang, Yan Yu, Yan-Mei Liu, Deng-Feng Xie, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) and Song-Dong Zhou*(通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=2.762,中科院3区), 2020, 2020, 9, 133:1-15; doi:10.3390/plants**.
Phytotaxa, Allium xinlongense (Amaryllidaceae, Allioideae), a new species from western Sichuan,Deng-Feng Xie, Fe-Min Xie, Sheng-Bin Jia, Hao Li, Xin Yang, Xiang-Yi Zhang, Song-Dong Zhou & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=1.168),2020, 432(3): 274-282. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.432.3.4
Phytotaxa, New insights into the phylogenetic position of Hymenidium dentatum (Apioideae, Apiaceae) inferred from nrDNA and morphological evidence,Xian-Lin Guo, Wei Gou, Chang Peng, Song-Dong Zhou & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=1.168),2020, 452(1): 046-054.DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.452.1.4.
BioMed Research International, Comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genomes in Allium subgenus Cyathophora (Amaryllidaceae):Phylogenetic relationship and Adaptive evolution,Xin Yang, Deng-Feng Xie, Jun-Pei Chen, Song-Dong Zhou, Yan Yu and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=2.197), 2020: Article ID **, 18 pages:1-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/**.
BioMed Research International, Adaptation Evolution and Phylogenetic Analyses of Species in Chinese Allium Section Pallasia and Related Species Based on Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequences,Fu-Min Xie , Deng-Feng Xie, Chuan Xie, Yan Yu, Song-Dong Zhou, and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=2.197), 2020: Article ID **, 13 pages:1-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, Complete plastome sequence of Tetrataenium yunnanense (tribe Tordylieae, Apiaceae) with anti- tumor activity, Qun-Ying Xiao, Tu Feng, Qiang Luo & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.561),2020, 5:2, 1525-1527. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Heracleum yungningense, Zhen-Ying Zheng, Jun Li, Deng-Feng Xie, Song-Dong Zhou * (通讯作者) & Xing-Jin He,(SCI期刊, IF=0.561),2020, 5:2, 1783-1784. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**.

2019年(21篇SCI )
Molecular Biology and Evolution, RASP 4: ancestral state reconstruction tool for multiple genes and characters, Yan Yu*, Christopher Blair, Xingjin He*(通讯作者),2019, 37(2):604–606. DOI: doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msz257. (SCI期刊,IF=14.797;中科院1区)
Peer J, Sequencing and analyses on chloroplast genomes of Tetrataenium candicans and two allies give new insights on structural variants, DNA barcoding and phylogeny in Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae,Lu Kang, Yan Yu, Song-Dong Zhou and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=2.353),2019, 7:e8063 http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.8063.
Phytotaxa, Hansenia pinnatiinvolucellata is conspecific with H. weberbaueriana (Apiaceae) based on morphology and molecular data,Sheng-Bin Jia, Xian-Lin Guo, Song-Dong Zhou & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=1.240),2019, 418(2):203-210.
Phytotaxa, Taxonomic revision of Allium cyathophorum (Amaryllidaceae),Min-Jie Li, Jian-Quan Liu, Xian-Lin Guo, Qun-Ying Xiao & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=1.168),2019, 415(4): 240-246.
Frontiers in Plant Science, Phylogeny of Chinese Allium species in Section Daghestanica and adaptive evolution of Allium (Amaryllidaceae, Allioideae) species revealed by the chloroplast complete genome, Deng-Feng Xie, Huan-Xi Yu, Chuan Xie, Yi-Qi Deng, JunPei Chen, Yan Yu, SongDong Zhou, XingJin He* (通讯作者), 2019,10(460):1-14. DOI:doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00460. (SCI期刊, IF=4.106, 中科院2区)
Russian Journal of Genetics,Comparative Complete Chloroplast Genome Analyses and Contribution to the Understanding of Chloroplast Phylogeny and Adaptive Evolution in Subgenus Anguinum,F.Y.Jin, X.Yang, D.F.Xie, H.Li, Y.Yu, S.D.Zhou, and X.J.He*(通讯作者),2019, Vol:55(7):872-884. (SCI期刊,IF=0.559)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, The effect of Hengduan Mountains Region (HMR) uplift to environmental changes in the HMR and its eastern adjacent area: tracing the evolutionary history of Allium section Sikkimensia (Amaryllidaceae), Chuan Xie, Dengfeng Xie, Yan Zhong, Xianlin Guo, Qing Liu, Songdong Zhou, Xing-Jin He ? (通讯作者),2019,130: 380-396. (SCI期刊,IF=4.419, 中科院2区)
Frontiers in Plant Science, A Phytogeographic Divide Along the 500 mm Isohyet in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Insights From the Phylogeographic Evidence of Chinese Alliums (Amaryllidaceae), MinJie Li, DengFeng Xie, Chuan Xie, YiQi Deng, Yan Zhong, Yan Yu, XingJin He* (通讯作者), 2019, 10(149):1-18. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00149. (SCI期刊, IF=3.678,中科院2区)
Nordic Journal of Botany, A Phylogenetic study of Chinese Polygonatum (Polygonateae, Asparagaceae), Li-Hua Zhao, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), (SCI期刊, IF=0.89), 2019,e02019:1-10. doi: 10.1111/njb.02019.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, Complete plastome sequence of Tetrataenium Candicans (tribe Tordylieae, Apiaceae): a medicinal plant, Qun-Ying Xiao, Tu Feng*, Yan Yu, Qiang Luo & Xing-Jin He & Xing-jin He * (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.561),2019, 4: 2,3429-3431, DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Meeboldia yunnanensis (Apiaceae), Wei Gou, Xian-Lin Guo, Yan Yu , Song-Dong Zhou and Xing-Jin He * (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.561),2019, 4:2, 4176-4177. DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Haplosphaera phaea (Apiaceae), Sheng-Bin Jia, Xian-Lin Guo, Deng-Feng Xie, Yan Yu, Song-Dong Zhou & Xing- Jin He * (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.561),2019, 4: 1, 1969-1970, DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, Characterization of the Complete Chloroplast Cenome of Taibaisanqi (Tongoloa silaifolia), Ling-jian Gui, Deng-feng Xie, Sheng-bin Jia, Hao Li, Yan-ping Xiao & Xing-jin He * (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.561),2019, 4: 2, 2912-2913, DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Allium macrostemon, Fu-Min Xie, Qiu-Ping Jiang, Yan Yu, Song-Dong Zhou & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019, 4(1):1938-1939. doi: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Lilium Lankongense Franchet (Liliaceae), Danmei Su, Juan Li, Lu Kang, Xingjin He, Yan Yu & Songdong Zhou* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019, 4(1):1824-1825. doi: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Chamaesium paradoxum, Hongyi Zheng, Xianlin Guo, Xingjin He, Yan Yu & Songdong Zhou* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019, 4(1):2069-2070. doi: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Semenovia gyirongensis (Tribe Tordylieae, Apiaceae), Qun-Ying Xiao, Tu Feng*, Yan Yu, Qiang Luo and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019, 4(1):1863-1864. doi: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, Characterization of the complete plastid genome sequence of Allium Fasciculatum, Hao Li, Deng-Feng Xie, Song-Dong Zhou and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019, 4(1):1782-1783. doi:10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of complete plastid genome of a medicinal plant Heracleum moellendorffii, Lu Kang, Yan Yu, Song-Dong Zhou and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019,4(1)1251-1252, DOI:10.1080/**.2019.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of a wild onion species Allium monanthum (Alliaceae), Deng-Feng Xie, Fang-Yu Jin, Xin Yang, Hao Li, Fu-Min Xie & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019,4(1):854-855.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Allium kingdonii, Xin Yang, Deng-Feng Xie, Song-Dong Zhou & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.561),2019, 4(1):868-869.

Phytotaxa, Phylogeny of Chinese Chamaesium (Apiaceae: Apioideae) inferred from ITS, cpDNA and morphological characters, Xian-Lin Guo, Chang-bao Wang, Jun Wen, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=1.240),2018, 376 (1): 001-16.
Annals of Botany (ANN BOT-LONDON), Molecular phylogenetics and historical biogeography of the tribe Lilieae (Liliaceae): bi-directional dispersal between biodiversity hotspots in Eurasia, Jiao Huang, Li-Qin Yang, Yan-Yu, Yan-Mei Liu, Deng-Feng Xie, Juan Li, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), Song-Dong Zhou* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=4.041,中科院2区), 2018,122: 1245-1262.
Ecology and Evolution , Phylogeography of two closely related species of Allium endemic to East Asia: population evolution in response to climate oscillations, Yang Jing-Tian, Zhou Song-Dong, Huang De-Qing, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者)(SCI期刊, IF=2.44), 2018, 8:7986-7999. https://doi. org/10.1002/ece3.4338.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences , Comparative Analysis of the Chloroplast Genomes of the Chinese Endemic Genus Urophysa and Their Contribution to Chloroplast Phylogeny and Adaptive Evolution, Deng-Feng Xie, Yan Yu, Yi-Qi Deng, Juan Li, Hai-Ying Liu, Song-Dong Zhou and Xing-Jin He * (通讯作者)(SCI期刊, IF=3.656), 2018, 19, 1847: 1-20; doi:10.3390/ijms**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Notholition macrophyllum, Juan Li, Haiying Liu, Dengfeng Xie, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.486),2018, 3(2):1102-1103. DOI: 10.1080/**.2018.**.
Nordic Journal of Botany, Angelica oncosepala and Heracleum yunnanense are synonyms and refer to a species of Tetrataenium (Apiaceae), Qun-Ying Xiao, Yan Yu, Deng-Feng Xie, Xian-Lin Guo and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=0.92), 2018, 82:57-72, doi:10.1111/njb.01563.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Allium prattii, Fang-Yu Jin, Deng-Feng Xie, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.486),2018, 3(1): 153-154.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Nomocharis pardanthina, Hai-Ying Liu, Juan Li, Deng-Feng Xie, Xing-Jin He, Yan Yu* and Song-Dong Zhou* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.486),2018, 3(1): 103-104.

Nordic Journal of Botany, Chamaesium jiulpngense sp. nov. (Apiaceae) from Sichuan, China, Xian-Lin Guo, Chuan Xie, Juan Bai, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=0.847), 2017, 35(6): 676-680. doi: 10.1111/njb.01475.
Plos ONE, Phylogeography and genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on endemic Urophysa (Ranunculaceae) in Yungui Plateau and adjacent regions, Deng-Feng Xie, Min-Jie Li, Jin-Bo Tan, Megan Price, Qun-Ying Xiao, Song-Dong Zhou, Yan Yu*, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=2.806),2017, DOI://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.**.
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: resources, The complete chloroplast genome of Angelica nitida, Yi-Qi Deng, Jun Wen, Yan Yu*, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.46),2017, 2(2): 694-695.
Phytotaxa, Semenovia torilifolia is conspecific with S. malcolmii (Apiaceae) based on morphology and molecular data, Qun-Ying Xiao, Hao-Yu Hu, Fen Tong, Min-Jie Li, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), (SCI期刊, IF=1.240),2017, 321(3): 225-237.
Phytotaxa, Morphological and micromorphological data support the independent specific status of Chamaesium spatuliferum (Apioideae, Apiaceae) from China, Xian-lin Guo, Jin-Bo Tan, Hao-Yu Hu, Huan-Xi Yu, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=1.240),2017, 314(1): 081-088.
Annals of Botany (ANN BOT-LONDON), Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and ecological niche modelling of Cardiocrinum (Liliaceae): insights into the evolutionary history of endemic genera distributed across the Sino-Japanese floristic region, Li-Qin Yang, Hao-Yu Hu, Chuan Xie, Shan-Pan Lai, Mei Yang, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), Song-Dong Zhou* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=4.041,中科院2区), 2017, 119:59-72.
PhytoKeys, Semenovia gyriongensis (Apiaeceae), a new species From Xizang, China, Qun Ying Xiao, Jin Bo Tan, Hao-Yu Hu, Song Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) ,(SCI期刊, IF=1.116), 2017, 82:57-72.
Phytotaxa, Cytotaxonomy of Allium (Amaryllidaceae) subgenera Cyathophora and Amerallium sect. Bromatorrhiza, Min-Jine Li, Xian-Lin Guo, Luan Li, Song-Dong Zhou, Qing Liu, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), (SCI期刊, IF=1.240),2017, 331(2): 185-198.

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Revisiting the evolutionary events in Allium subgenus Cyathophora (Amaryllidaceae): Insights into the effect of the Hengduan Mountains Region (HMR) uplift and Quaternary climatic fluctuations to the environmental changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Min-Jie Li, Jin-Bo Tan, Deng-Feng Xie, Hao-Yu Hu, Xing-Jin He ? (通讯作者),2016,94:802-813. (SCI期刊,IF=4.419)
AoB Plants, An open-access journal for environmental and evolutionary plnat biology), Molecular phylogeny, divergence time estimates and historical biogeography within one of the world’s largest monocot genera, Qin-Qin Li, Song-Dong Zhou, De-Qing Huang, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), and Xian-Qin Wei ,(SCI期刊, IF=2.238), AoB Plants. (2016)8: plw041: 1-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/plw041.
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Fragmented habitat drives significant genetic divergence in the Chinese endemic plant, Urophysa henryi (Ranuculaceae), Deng-Feng Xie, Lin Zhang, Hao-Yu Hu, Xian-Lin Guo, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.929), 2016,69: 76-82.
Phytotaxa, Spiraea fangii (Rosaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China, Hao-Yu Hu, Jin-Bo Tan, Deng-Feng Xie, Jian Zhang, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=1.240), 2016, 268(2): 155-162.
Annales Botanici Fennici, Spiraea longifolia (Rosaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China, Hao-Yu Hu, Jin-Bo Tan, Shan-Pan Lai, Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者),(SCI期刊, IF=0.600), 2016, 53: 238-242.
Taxon, A tool for the analysis of chromosomes: KaryoType, Fahim Alt?nordu, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Yan Yu*, Xingjin He,(SCI期刊, IF=2.447), 2016, 65(3): 586-592.

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, RASP (Reconstruct Ancestral State in Phylogenies): A tool for historical biogeography, Yan Yu*, Alan J Harris, Christopher Blair, Xingjin He ? (通讯作者),2015, 87:46-49. (SCI期刊,IF=3.792,中科院2区) (截止2020830日,该论文共被SCI期刊引用556次!
BMC Evolutionary Biology, Morphological and ecological divergence of Lilium and Nomocharis within the Hengduan Mountains and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may result from habitat Specialization and hybridization, Yun-Dong Gao*, Alan J Harris, Xingjin He ? (通讯作者),2015, 15(147):1-21. (SCI期刊,IF=3.406)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Phylogenetic analyses and chromosome counts reveal multiple cryptic species in Bupleurum commelynoideum (Apiaceae),Xiang-guang Ma, Cai Zhao, Chang-Bao Wang, Qiang-Long Liang, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), 2015:53(1):104-116, (SCI期刊,IF=1.134).
Nordic Journal of Botany, Bupleurum shanianum sp. Nov. (Apiaceae) from China, Xiang-Guang Ma, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), 2015, 33:71-73.(SCI期刊,IF=0.921)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Intraspecific differentiation of Pleurospermum hookeri (Apiaceae), and its interspecific relationships with two close relatives in the genus Pleurospermum,Xue Bai, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), 2015, 53(4): 308-320, (SCI期刊,IF=1.134).
Phytotaxa, On the identity of Pternopetalum botrychioides (Apiaceae), introducing P. latipinnulatum comb. & stat. nov., Jin-Bo Tan, Xiang-Guang Ma, Lin Zhang & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), 2015, 226(3):233-244. (SCI期刊,IF=1.087)
Nordic Journal of Botany, Pimpinella rhomboidea var. tenuiloba is a synonym of Melanosciadium bipinnatum (Apiaceae), Jin-Bo Tan, Zhi-Xin Wang, Deng-Feng Xie and Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), 2015, 33:659-661. DOI:10.1111/njb.00748, ISSN 1756-1051 001-003. (SCI期刊,IF=0.921)
Cladistics, A large-scale phylogeny of the lycophyte genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae: Lycopodiopsida) based on plastid and nuclear loci, Xin-Mao Zhou, Carl J. Rothfels, Liang Zhang, Zhao-Rong He, Timothee Le Pechon, Hai He, Ngan Thi Lu, Ralf Knapp, David Lorence, Xing-Jin He, Xin-Fen Gao, Li-bing Zhang, 2015, 0:1-30. (SCI期刊,IF=4.952)

Journal of Plant Research, Phylogenetic reappraisal of Allium subgenus Cyathophora (Amaryllidaceae) and related taxa, with a proposal of two new sections, De-Qing Huang, Jing-Tian Yang, Chun-Jing Zhou, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He *(通讯作者), 2014, 127(1): 275-286. (SCI期刊,IF=1.823)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Ulntraspecitic differentiation of Allium wallichii (Amaryllidaceae) inferred from chloroplast DNA and internal transcribed spacer fragments, De‐Qing HUANG Qin‐Qin LI Chun‐Jing ZHOU Song‐Dong ZHOU Xing‐Jin HE* (通讯作者),2014. 52(3): 341-354, (SCI期刊,IF=1.488).
Nordic Journal of Botnay, Molecular phylogenetics of Pimpinella and allied genera (Apiaceae), with emphasis on Chinese native species, inferred from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA intron sequence data, Zhi-Xin Wang, Stephen R. Downie, Jin-Bo Tan, Chen-Yang Liao, Yan Yu, Xing-Jin He *(通讯作者), 2014, 32(5): 642-657. (SCI期刊,IF=1.05)
Nordic Journal of Botnay, A cytotaxonomic analysis of Chinese Polygonatum (Asparagaceae) Species, Li-Hua Zhao, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), Zhi-Xin Wang, Lu Peng, 2014, 32(4):441-451.(SCI期刊,IF=1.05)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Polygonatum gongshanense (Asparagaceae), a new speices from Gongshan, Yunnan, China. Li-Hua Zhao, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), 2014, 41: 333-336.(SCI期刊,IF=0.698)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Pternopetalum monophyllum (Apiaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China. Jin-Bo Tan, Zhi-Xin Wang, Hao-yu Hu, Xing-Jin He * (通讯作者), 2014, 41: 414-418.(SCI期刊,IF=0.698)

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Phylogeographic analysis of a temperate- deciduous forest restricted plant (Bupleurum longiradiatum Turcz.) reveals two refuge areas in China with subsequent refugial isolation promoting speciation, Zhao Cai, Chang-bao Wang, Xiang-Guang Ma, Qian-long Liang, Xing-Jin He? (通讯作者),2013, 68:628-643, (SCI期刊,IF=4.018)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Evolutionary events in Lilium (including Nomocharis, Liliaceae) are temporally correlated with orogenies of the Q-T plateau and the Hengduan Mountains, Gao Y.D, AJ Harris, S.D. Zhou, XingJin He*(通讯作者),2013, 68:443-460. (SCI期刊,IF=4.018).(截止2020831日,该论文共被SCI期刊引用59次!
Systematic Botany, New insights into the phylogeny of Angelica and its allies (Apiaceae) with emphasis on East Asian species, inferred from nrDNA, cpDNA and morphological evidence, Liao Chenyang, Stephen R. Downie, Qinqin Li, Yan Yu and Xingjin He*(通讯作者),2013,38(1): 266-281, (SCI期刊,IF=1.106).
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Phylogeography of an alpine plant Bupleurum smithii, Apiaceae endemic to the QingHai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions inferred from chloroplanst DNA sequence variation, Zhao Cai, Xiang-Guang Ma, Qian-Long Liang, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者),2013,51(4):382-395, (SCI期刊,IF=1.648)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Lilium yapingense (Liliaceae), a new species from yunnan, China, and its systematic significance relative to Nomocharis. Gao Yun-Dong, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=0.771),2013, 50:187-194.
Annales Botanici Fennici, Bupleurum baimaense (Apiaceae), a new species from Hengduan Mountains, China. Ma Xiang-guang, Cai Zhao, Qian-long Liang & Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者), 2013, 50:379-385.(SCI期刊,IF=0.771)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Phylogeography of Angelica nitida (APIACEAE) endemic to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on chloroplast DNA sequences, Zhang Xue Mei, XingJin He*(通讯作者),2013,51(5):564-577. (SCI期刊,IF=1.648).

Plant Systematics and Evolution, A new species in the genus Nomocharis Franchet (Liliaceae): evidence that brings the genus Nomocharis into Lilium, Yun-Dong Gao, Markus Hohenegger, A.J. Harris, Song-Dong Zhou, Xingjin He*(通讯作者), Juan Wan, 2012, 298:69-85 (SCI期刊,IF=1.335).
Journal Plant Research, Chromosome diversity and evolution in tribe Lilieae (Liliaceae) with emphasis on Chinese species, 2012, 125: 55-69, Yun-Dong Gao, Song-Dong Zhou*(通讯作者), Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), Juan Wan, (SCI期刊,IF=1.746)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Historical biogeography of the Angelica group (Apiaceae tribe Selineae) infrerred from analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA sequences. Chen-Yang LIAO, Stephen R. DOWNIE, Yan YU, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), 2012,50(3): 206-217. (SCI期刊,IF=1.596).
Annales Botanici Fennici, Angelica dabashanensis (Apiaceae), a new species from Shaanxi, China. Chen-Yang Liao, Xing-Jin He(通讯作者),(SCI期刊,IF=1.014),2012, 49:125-133.

Nordic Journal of Botany, Bupleurum candollei var. paucefulcrans comb. nov. (Apiaceae) from Guizhou, China: comparison of allied species based on morphology, anatomy and molecular data, Chang-Bao Wang, Xiang-Guang Ma and Xing-Jin He* (通讯作者) (SCI期刊, IF=0.761), 2011, 29:424-430.
Plant Systematics and Evolution, Phylogeny and biogeography of Chinese Heracleum (Apiaceae tribe Tordylieae) with comments on their fruit morphology, Yan Yu, Stephen R. Downie, Xingjin He*(通讯作者), Xianlan Deng, Ling Yan, 2011, 296:179-203. (SCI期刊,IF=1.369).
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, A taxonomic re-assessment in the Chinese Bupleurum (Apiaceae): Insights from morphology, nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, and chloroplast (trnH-psbA, matK) sequences. Chang-Bao Wang, Xiang-Guang MA, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者), 2011, 49(6): 558-589. (SCI期刊,IF=1.295).
Nordic Journal of Botnay, Karyotype studies in thirty-two species of Lilium (Liliaceae) from China, Y.-D. Gao, S.-D. Zhou*(同等1作), X.-J. He*(通讯作者), 2011, 29:746-761. (SCI期刊,IF=0.551)

Carbohydrate Polymers, Purification, composition analysis and antioxidant activity of the polysaccharides from Dendrobium nobile Lindl.,2010,79:1014-1019.AoXue Luo, Xingjin He*(通讯作者), Songdong Zhou, YiJun Fan, AoShuang Luo, Ze Chun(SCI期刊,IF=3.463)(截止2020831日被SCI引用166次!
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Molecular authentication of the tracitional Chinese medicinal plant Angelica sinensis based in internal transcribed spacer of nrDNA,2010,13(1):1-10.Tu Feng, Shuang Liu, Xingjin He(通讯作者), (SCI期刊,IF=0.928)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Epidermal morphology of Ligusticum (Apiaceae) from China, Sun Na, Xing-Jin He(通讯作者),Song-Dong Zhou, (SCI期刊,IF=0.692), 2010,47:261-279.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, S-DIVA (Statistical Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis): a tool for inferring biogeographic histories, Yan Yu, A J Harris, Xingjin He (通讯作者) (SCI期刊, IF=3.889), 2010,56(2):848-850.(截止2020831日,引用518次!
ANN BOT-LONDON (Annals of Botany), Phylogeny and biogeography of Allium (Amaryllidaceae: Allieae) based on nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and chloroplast rps16 sequences, focusing on the inclusion of species endemic to China, Qin-Qin Li, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He (通讯作者), Yan Yu, Yu-Cheng Zhang, Xian-Qing Wei (SCI期刊, IF=3.388), 2010,106:709-733. 截止2040831日,该论文共被SCI期刊引用103次!
Acta Crystallographica E, Yuzurimine from of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq., Ying Cheng, Xingjin He*(通讯作者), 2010, E66: 03013(1-11) (IF=0.411)

2009 (6SCI)
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ,Karyotypes of 16 populations of eight species in the genus Polygonatum from China.Xiao-Yan Deng, Qiang Wang, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者),2009,159:245–254.(SCI期刊,IF=0.984)
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ,Comparative morphology of the leaf epidermis in Fritillaria (Liliaceae)from China.Qiang Wang, Song-Dong Zhou, Xiao-Yan Deng, Qi Zheng, Xing-Jin He*(通讯作者),2009, 160:93–109.(SCI期刊,IF=0.984)
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Composition analysis and antioxidant activity of polysaccharide from Dendrobium denneanum, 2009, 45: 169-173.Yijun Fan, Xingjin He(通讯作者), Songdong Zhou, Aoxue Luo, Tao He, Ze Chun, (SCI期刊,IF=2.366)(截止2020831日被SCI引用114次!
Journal Plant Research, Molecular systematics of Angelica and allied genera (Apiaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains of China based on nrDNA ITS sequences: phylogenetic affinities and biogeographic implications,2009, 122: 403-414, Tu Feng, Stephen R. Downie, Yan Yu, Xuemei Zhang, Weiwei Chen, Xingjin He(通讯作者), shuang Liu, (SCI期刊,IF=1.524)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution,Karyotype and cytogeography of the genus Heracleum (Apiaceae) in Hengduan Mountains,2009,47(4): 273-285. Xian-Lan DENG, Xing-Jin HE*(通讯作者), Wei-Lue HE, Yun-Dong GAO, Hai-Yan Liu, Yu-Cheng Zhang(SCI检索期刊,IF=0.88)
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, In vitro antioxidant activities of a water-soluble polysaccharide derived from Dendrobium nobile Lindl. extracts, 2009, 45: 359-363.AoXue Luo, Xingjin He(通讯作者), Songdong Zhou, YiJun Fan, Tao He, Ze Chun, (SCI期刊,IF=2.366)(截止2020831日被SCI引用79次!
2008年及以前(15篇SCI):在Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Nordic Journal of Botany ,Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, Journal of Bryology, Planta Medica, Science in China (Series C),Theoretical and Applied Genetics ( Springer-Verlag), Journal of Plant Research, 植物学报,植物分类学报,等期刊上发表论文15篇。
2014年12月:获四川大学 “课堂教学质量优秀奖”。
2017年3月8日:获云南省人民政府“科学技术进步奖” 三等奖(获奖单位:四川大学)

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  • 四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张修月
    张修月:博士,教授,博士生导师联系方式:zhangxiuyue@scu.edu.cn学习工作简历:1985.09-1989.07重庆师范大学生物系大学学习,获学士学位1989.07-1992.09渠县琅琊中学,教师1992.10-2002.08攀钢(集团)公司教育处,教师2002.09-2005.0 ...
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  • 四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨毅
    杨毅教授简介杨毅博士,四川大学生命科学学院教授,博士研究生导师,四川省学术和技术带头人。曾担任四川大学“985工程”西南资源环境与灾害防治科技创新平台—生物资源与生态环境研究中心主任(2005-2015),生物资源与生态环境教育部重点实验室主任(2005-2018),四川省细胞生物学会理事长(200 ...
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  • 四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵建
    赵建博士,教授,博士生导师,生物技术系主任联系方式:(O,F);zj804@scu.edu.cn(E-mail)学位简历和工作简历:2015/09-至今,四川大学,生命科学学院,教授2011/03-2015/08,四川大学,生命科学学院,副教授2010/01-2011/02,美国CreightonU ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04
  • 四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱晓峰
    朱晓峰博士,教授,博士生导师2006年6月获英国斯特拉思克莱德大学和格拉斯哥大学联合授予的生物科学博士学位。博士毕业至2012年9月在英国圣安德鲁斯大学从事研究工作6年,参与了多项由英国生物技术研究委员会(BBSRC)资助的酶学和结构生物学研究重大项目。2012年10月回四川大学生命科学学院工作,主 ...
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  • 四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蔡浩洋
    E-mail:haoyang.cai@scu.edu.cn研究领域:生物信息学,肿瘤基因组学教育及工作经历2017.10–至今四川大学,生命科学学院,研究员2014.09–2017.09四川大学,生命科学学院,副研究员2013.08–2014.07苏黎世大学,瑞士生物信息研究所,博士后2009.09 ...
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  • 四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李静
    李静,博士,教授,博士生导师l生命科学学院生态系,支部书记,副系主任l中国灵长目协会专家组成员l四川省实验动物学会非人灵长类实验动物专委会主任l峨眉山生物多样性保护研究所副所长l基金项目评审人;BMCGenomics,PlosOne,Am.J.Primat,Gene等杂志审稿人联系方式:Email: ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04
  • 四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-韩源平
    1.个人简介Email:hanyp@scu.edu.cnorsouthcalyph@yahoo.com四川大学,生命科学学院韩源平(Yuan-PingHan,Ph.D.)博士,在美国学习工作二十多年后,作为海外人才引进人才回到母校四川大学,现任生命科学学院教授,美国Cedars-SinaiMedic ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04