

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04

程励 行政职务: 职称:教授、博士生导师 系所:旅游与景观学系 联系方式:chengli@scu.edu.cn; chenglibox@163.com

个人简介程励,1970年10月生,四川汉源人,博士,四川大学旅游学院教授,博士生导师。程励目前招收旅游规划与旅游资源开发、遗产资源开发、旅游可持续发展、旅游文化方向管理学博士及硕士研究生。程励于2006年获得电子科技大学管理科学与工程博士学位,并分别于2002年和1998年获得电子科技大学工商管理硕士学位、四川大学管理学学士学位。程励于2001年12月开始任教于四川大学旅游学院,2002年6月担任讲师,于2006年6月破格晋升副教授,2006年6月至2011年6月担任旅游文化系副系主任,2011年7月评定为教授。程励目前担任英国出版的全英文旅游学术季刊《旅游人类学国际学报》主编(International Journal of Tourism Anthropology)(该刊由英国Indersciene出版,被SCOPUS等国际数据库检索),担任国际期刊Int. J. Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality亚洲编辑。程励为美国普渡大学旅游研究中心Visiting Professor(2010年),西班牙巴塞罗那大学经济系Visiting Professor(2013年),斯里兰卡乌瓦维拉沙大学荣誉客座教授(2015年),也是加拿大滑铁卢大学地理与环境管理系CCSEP中加****(2010年-2011年,合作导师为Geoffrey Wall 教授)。
程励目前为国际人类学与民族学联合会会员(The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences,IUAES),美国决策科学学会会员(Decision Sciences Institute of USA,DSI),日本横断山研究会会员(横断山脈研究会,Hengduan Mountains Club, Japan),中国旅游协会旅游教育分会专家委员会委员,中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会委员,四川省地理学会历史地理委员会副主任,四川省旅游学会理事及学术委员会副主任,中国西南山地会员,四川大学中国美丽乡村研究中心秘书长,四川大学-香港理工大学灾后重建与管理学院教授委员会委员,四川大学文化产业研究中心研究员,四川大学汶川地震灾后重建联合调研组成员(2008年),四川大学九寨沟8.8地震灾后重建联合调研组成员(2017年),四川省成都市青羊区科技顾问团顾问,四川大学教师代表。2010年创立旅游及遗产研究跨学科国际联合实验室(International Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Tourism & Heritage Research),并于2017年在斯里兰卡乌瓦维拉沙大学发起建立文化与遗产跨学科国际研究中心(International Center for Interdisciplinary Culture Heritage & Tourism Research),并担任中方主任。程励与欧洲、北美、大洋洲多所知名高校的高水平教授长期保持密切的学术交流。
程励近年出版专著两本、译著一本,截止2018年初,已经在国内外发表学术论文62篇,其中英文论文40篇,代表性论文发表于Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change、Society & Natural Resources、International Journal of Services Technology and Management等国际主流期刊,及《管理世界》、《旅游学刊》、《数量经济与技术经济》等国内权威及重要期刊上,程励的学术成果分别获得原国家旅游局二等奖1次、四川省三等奖共计2次。以下为部分代表性学术课题及论著:
(一)主持部分国家、国际及省部级课题全域旅游系统演化、产业融合与价值共享研究,国家社科基金后期资助项目,编号:18FGL015 ,2018年;
四川省全域旅游发展新路径:基于系统演化、产业融合与价值共享的研究,四川省社会科学规划重大招标项目,编号:SC16ZD08, 2017年;
The Influence of the Giant Panda Image on the Economic Contribution of Tourism and Related Industries - Evidence from Sichuan Province, P. R. China.UK Government’s Global Opportunities Fund,2008;(英国政府环球机遇基金);
(二)学术专著及译著程励,罗翩. 山地探险旅游及探险者决策过程研究[M].科学出版社,2016年10月
程励,金培. 《创造力:当东方遇到西方》(Creativity: When East Meets West (Edited by Sing Lau, Anna N N Hui and Grace Y C Ng. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing 2004).四川人民出版社,2016年10月(译著,36万字)
(三)部分代表性学术论文程励, 陆佑海, 李登黎, 蒋晓婷.儒家文化视域下美食旅游目的地品牌个性及影响[J]. 旅游学刊,2018 ,33 (1): 25-41
Ruwan Ranasinghe, Li Cheng. Tourism-induced mobilities and transformation of indigenous cultures: where is the Vedda community in Sri Lanka heading to?[J]. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2018,16(5):521-538. DOI:10.1080/ **.2017.**(通讯作者)
Ruwan Ranasinghe, Li Cheng. Reflections from Elephant to Lion: the critical impact factors on Indian tourist's loyalty to Sri Lanka. International Journal of Leisure & Tourism Marketing, 2017,5(2)1:43 - 162
程励,张同颢,付阳. 城市居民雾霾天气认知及其对城市旅游目的地选择倾向影响[J]. 旅游学刊,2015 ,30 (10):37-47
甘露,蔡尚伟,程励.“美丽中国”视野下的中国城市建设水平评价——基于省会和副省级城市的比较研究[J]. 思想战线,2013,39(4):143-148
程励. 非常规突发事件影响下遗产旅游研究的“后危机”聚焦[J]. 旅游学刊,2012,27(6):3-4
CHENG Li and WANG Tingzhi. Analysis on the Future Policy Tendency of Ecotourism Management Based on the Appropriation of Benefits in Western China[J]. Society & Natural Resources, 2010, 23(2): 128-145;
CHENG Li. Public Reaction to Large-Scale Projects in Chinese Heritage Sites and Its Impact on Decision-Making: Research Framework, Technological Path, and Prospects. International Journal of Services Technology and Management[J]. 2011, 15(1-2): 147-160;
CHENG Li. The Effect of Public Participation on Resource Exploitation in Heritage Sites and National Parks: Case Study of Western China[J]. Int. J. of Services Technology and Management, 2010,13(3/4): 263-280;
程励,李仕明.基于公众压力下景区资源的开发与管理[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2005, 22(2):56-63;
主要奖励学术论文Analysis on the Future Policy Tendency of Ecotourism Management Based on the Appropriation of Benefits in Western China获得原国家旅游局优秀旅游学术成果二等奖(2012年);
学术服务程励长期担任SSCI及SCI国际重要学术期刊审稿人,期刊包括:Tourism Management、Annals of Tourism Research、Society & Natural Resources、Current Issues in Tourism、 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research、Mountain Research and Development、Environmental Management,同时也是国内《旅游学刊》等著名刊物审稿人。
程励在诸多国际会议,在包括International Conference on Tourism(希腊)、International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development(英国)等重要会议中担任学术委员(Scientific Committee),已经连续六届在战略管理国际会议(International Conference on Strategic Management)的旅游、环境及休闲分会中担任组织人,并两次受邀在国际学术会议上做主旨演讲。
A Brave and True Heart is the Most Admirable Thing on Earth.
Academic VitaProf. Dr. CHENG, LiDepartment of Tourism and Landscape Studies, Sichuan University;
Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University—The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
Address:Department of Tourism and Landscape Studies
Sichuan University
Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064
P.R. China.
Email: chengli@scu.edu.cn; chenglibox@163.com
Tel(Office): +86
ACADEMIC POSITIONSEditor-in-Chief, International Journal of Tourism Anthropology
Visiting Scholar, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, Canada (2010- 2011)
Visiting Professor, Purdue Tourism & Hospitality Research Center, College of Health & Human Sciences, Purdue University, USA (October 2010)
Department of Economics, University of Barcelona, Spain (September 2013)
Honour Visiting Professor, Uva Wellassa University(UWU), Sri Lanka (August 2015)
Committee Member, Tourism Geography Committee, The Geographical Society of China (GSC)
Director, International Center for Interdisciplinary Culture Heritage & Tourism Research(SCU-UWU)
PROFESSIONAL INTERESTSSustainable Tourism; Tourism Anthropology; Heritage Tourism; Smart Tourism; Adventure Tourism; Rural Tourism; Travel and Immigration; Tourism and Health; Tourism Economics; Cultural Industry; Dark Tourism; Ecotourism; Research Methodology
MONOGRAPHCHENG Li, LUO Pian. Mountain-Based Adventure Tourism and the Adventure’s Decision-Making Process. Beijing: Science Press, 2016.
CHENG Li. Research on Stakeholders Harmonious Development in Ecotourism Frangible Areas. Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2008.
CHENG Li and JIN Pei. Creativity: When East Meets West (Edited by Sing Lau, Anna N N Hui and Grace Y C Ng). Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 2004. (226 Pages) Translation from English to Chinese. SichuanPeople'sPress, 2016
SELECTED PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONSJournal Papers:CHENG Li, LU Youhai, LI Dengli, JIANG Xiaoting. An Empirical Study on Culinary Tourism Destination Brand Personality and Its Impact in the Context of Confucian Culture[J].Tourism Tribune,2018,33(1):25-41(Chinese Paper)
Ruwan Ranasinghe, CHENG Li. Tourism-induced mobilities and transformation of indigenous cultures: where is the Vedda community in Sri Lanka heading to?[J]. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2018,16(5):521-538. DOI:10.1080/ **.2017.** (Corresponding Author)
Ruwan Ranasinghe, CHENG Li. Reflections from Elephant to Lion: the critical impact factors on Indian tourist's loyalty to Sri Lanka. International Journal of Leisure & Tourism Marketing, 2017,5(2)1:43 – 162
CHENG Li, ZHANG Tonghao, FU Yeung. Urban Residents' Cognition of Haze-fog Weather and Its Impact on Their Urban Tourism Destination Choice[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2015, 30(10):37-47(Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, ZHANG Tonghao, LIAO Xiaoping. Internal Mechanism Research on Disabled People's Travel Decision-making: Based on the Theory of Learned Helplessness and Negotiation Theory[J]. Tourism Science, 2015,29(6):15-33(Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li. The Post-crisis Research of Heritage Tourism Based on the Impact of Unconventional Emergencies[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2012, 27(6):3-4(Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li. Public Reaction to Large-Scale Projects in Chinese Heritage Sites and Its Impact on Decision-Making: Research Framework, Technological Path, and Prospects. International Journal of Services Technology and Managemen,2011, 15(1/2): 147-160;
CHENG Li and WANG Tingzhi. Analysis on the Future Policy Tendency of Ecotourism Management Based on the Appropriation of Benefits in Western China[J]. Society & Natural Resources, 2010, 23(2): 128-145;
CHENG Li. The Effect of Public Participation on Resource Exploitation in Heritage Sites and National Parks: Case Study of Western China[J]. Int. J. of Services Technology and Management, 2010,13(3/4): 263-280;
JIANG Ke, CHENG Li, LI Shiming, YANG Zhaihui. Cultural Impact & Regeneration to Tourist City after Unconventional Emergencies[J]. Management World, 2009(12): 7-10 (Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, LI We, and LI Shengzhi. Research on the Minority-oriented Model of Tourism Resources Exploitation in China's Nature Reserve[J]. Human Geography, 2007, 22(2):53-57 (Chinese Paper)
ZHOU Bingqi, CHENG Li. Research on the Ethnologic Music Heritage and Protection in the Tibetan & Yi Corridor[J]. Social Sciences in Yunnan, 2007, 2:109-112(Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, and LI Shiming. Research on Scenic River Protection in Western China[J]. The Chinese Journal of Management, 2006, 3(2): 204-210(Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, LI Shiming. Exploitation and Management of Resources in Scenic Spots under the Public Pressure[J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2005, 22(2): 56-63 (Chinese Paper)
Conference Presentations, Papers & Book Chapters:CHENG Li. Research on the space production of tourism community in China Beautiful Village —Grounded theory study in Qingganshu Village. The 7th Sino-European Tourism Forum and 12th international Conference on Tourism Development and Trend for Commission of Tourism Geography, Geographical Society of China, July 6 to 8, 2018, Lingbo City, China.(Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. Why we need a new storytelling of mainland cultural and heritage destination for Taiwan youth? Based on social representation structure theory research. International Research Symposium. January 19-20, 2017. Badulla City, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. (Keynote Speech)
CHENG Li. The Strategy of Beautiful Village and the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in China: Based on the Study of Villagers’ Perceptions. The 3rd International Conference of Agricultural Sciences-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, December 8th, 2016, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.(Presentation)
LI Yang, CHENG Li. Female Employees’ Dignity at Work in Recreation Industry: An Empirical Study of Female Foot Therapists in Changsha City[C]. Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Strategic Management, Sichuan University Press, 2016
CHENG Li. Exploratory Study on the Tourist Psychological and Behavioral Impact Model in Tourist Cities of Major Disaster Areas: A Case Study of Dujiangyan City after the Wenchuan Earthquake[C]. Tourism Landscapes and Tourism Marginal Areas,China Tourism Press, 2014
CHENG Li, HUANG Li, CHEN Chen. Government Decision-making in Public Participation Behavior: Based on Role-playing and Simulation Research in the Perspective of Heritage Resources Development[C]. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Strategic Management. (pp.285-301), Sichuan University Press, 2011
FANF Jia,WU Chengzhao,Geoffrey Wall, Cheng Li . Comparison of Urban Residents’ Uses and Perceptions of Parks in Canada and China[C]. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Strategic Management(pp. 221-226), Sichuan University Press, 2011
CHENG Li and CHAO Yan. The Strategy of Governmental Public Relation and Marketing for the Destination Crisis[C]. Chengdu plain and Longmen Mountain: Environment, Sustainable development and Rebuilt after emergencies--Tourism Geography & Tourism Resource Development( Six Volume)(pp. 219-224), China Forestry Press, 2009 (Book Chapters, Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, LI Shengzhi, TIAN Feng, and Gan Lu. A Dynamic Game Analysis on Property Right Management of Ecotourism Resource in China[C]. Proceedings of the Tourism and New Asia International Conference(pp. 51-60), Peking, China, 2006
CHENG Li. River, Scenery and Dam: Research on River Development & Protection Model of Developed Country and Region. Scientific Valley Development(pp.307-323), Huaxia Press 2005(Book Chapters, Chinese Paper)
CHENG Li, and LI Shiming. Research on Management Innovation of Resources in Scenic Spots of Western China Base on the Public Opinion Pressure. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute's 2004 Annual Meeting(pp. 4641-4646).Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2004
SELECTED RESEARCH GRANTSCHENG Li. (2018). Research on Holistic Tourism System Evolution, Industry Integration and Value Sharing. Awarded a grant from National Social Science Fund of China.
CHENG Li. (2018). Research on Rural Culture Restoration Mechanism and the Tourism Industry Development Model Based on Nostalgick Memory. Awarded a grant from Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, 2018.
CHENG Li. (2018). Industries’ Synergy, Value Sharing and Community Sustainable Livelihood of Holistic Tourism. Awarded a grant from Sichuan University.
CHENG Li. (2017). The New Route of Holistic Tourism Development in Sichuan Province: System Evolution, Industries’ Convergence and Value Sharing. Awarded a grant of Social Science Planning Major Bidding Project from Sichuan Province.
WEI Ke, CHENG Li. (2017). Study on the Space Culture and Significance of Traditional Streets in Sichuan and Chongqing. Awarded a grant from National Social Science Foundation of China.
CHENG Li. (2016). Frontier in Tourism Anthropology, Awarded a grant from Sichuan University.
HU Ang, CHENG Li. (2015) A Comparative Study of the Spatial Patterns and Cultural Implications of Historical & Cultural Villages and Towns in Tibetan Areas. Awarded a grant from National Social Science Foundation of China.
CHENG Li. (2014). Frontier in Tourism Anthropology, Awarded a grant from Sichuan University.
CHENG Li. (2013). The Disabled Tourism Motivation and behavior Research: Based on the Social Conflict Theory. Awarded a grant of social science research from the Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base: Sichuan Tourism Development Center.
CHENG Li. (2012). The Destination Cognition and Intention of Heritage Tourist after the Unconventional Emergencies. Awarded a grant of cultivating fund for Science and Technology Leading Scholar, Sichuan Province.
CHENG Li. (2011). Outstanding Youth Foundation, Sichuan University.
CHENG Li. (2010). Research on the Tourism City’s Industrial construction and Development after Earthquake: A Case study of Dujiangyan City. Awarded a grant from the Science and Technology Project of Sichuan Province.
CHENG Li. (2009). Public Reaction and Its Influence upon the Decision-making Behavior of Resource Exploitation at Heritage Areas. Awarded a grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China.
CHENG Li. (2009). Development model of Small Towns in Chengdu City. Awarded a grant from the State Capital Committee of Chengdu.
ZHOU Bingqi and CHENG Li. (2008). Wenchuan Folk Music Heritage Protection and inheriting after Disaster. Awarded a grant of social science research from the Sichuan Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base: Folk Culture Research Center.
CHENG Li. (2008). The Influence of the Giant Panda Image on the Economic Contribution of Tourism and Related Industries - Evidence from Sichuan Province, P. R. China. Awarded a grant from Global Opportunities Fund, United Kingdom.
CHENG Li. (2007). Research on Tourism Harmonious Development in Natural Heritage: Case Study of Sichuan Panda Habitats. Awarded a grant of social science research from the Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base: Sichuan Tourism Development Center.
CHENG Li. (2007). Tourism Harmonious Development in Sichuan Tibetan Area. Awarded a grant of Philosophy & Social Science Planning Project from the Government of Sichuan Province.
CHENG Li. (2007). Tourism Development and its Harmonious system in Tibet. Awarded a sub-project grant from the Humanities & Social Sciences Key Base of the Ministry of Education of P. R China.
CHENG Li. (2007). Research on Stakeholders Harmonious Development in Ecotourism Frangible Areas. Awarded a grant from Sichuan University 2th Philosophy & Social Science Publishing Fund.
SHI Yingping, CHENG Li. (2004). Research on the Tourism Information Development of Sichuan Province. Awarded a research grant from the Sichuan Tourism Bureau.
WANG Tingzhi, Shi Yingping and CHENG Li. (2002). Tibet Ngari Education Development Plan. Awarded a research grant from the Economy and Trade Committee of Tibet.
SERVICE Journal Reviewer
Tourism Management. (SSCI)
Annals of Tourism Research. (SSCI)
Current Issues in Tourism. (SSCI)
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. (SSCI)
Society & Natural Resources. (SSCI)
Environmental Management (SCI)
Mountain Research and Development(SCI)
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. (SSCI)
Int. J. of Services Technology and Management. (EI)
Int. J. of Environmental Technology and Management. (EI)
Tourism Tribune.(CSSCI)
Foundation Reviewer
National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Science and Technology Publishing Foundation of China
National Post-Doctoral Foundation of China
Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province
Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province
Academic Conference Reviewer
Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute of USA.
The International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development.
International Conference on Strategic Management
Conference Service
Scientific Committee. International Conference on Tourism(2011,2018)
Vice Secretary-general, International Conference on Strategic Management(2011,2013,2014,2016;2017)
Track Co-chair, the 6th International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development, University of Sussex(2008)
TEACHING & SUPERVISING WORK Undergraduate Courses Taught
Tourism and Leisure Research Methodology, Leisure Culture, Tourism Management Information System, Tourism Geography, Tourism Policy, Ecotourism.
Graduate Courses Taught
Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Research Methodology.
SUPERVISING WORK (2006 Sep. --2018 Jul.)
Sixty-nine graduate students (Including Ph.D. & Master students)
Two visiting scholars (Including International Fulbright Scholar & Domestic)
ACADEMIC AWARDTeaching Achievement Award (Third prize), Report “The Construction and Practice of the Cultivating System of Top-notch Innovative Talents in Tourism Management Major of Research-oriented Universities”, Award from Sichuan Province, 2017.
Outstanding Tourism Academic Award (Second Prize), China National Tourism Bureau, 2013.
Social Science Award (Third prize), Sichuan Province, 2010.
Outstanding Bachelor Thesis Supervisor Award (Third prize), Sichuan University (2010, 2012, 2017).
China New Rural Development Award, Sichuan University (2007,2008).
Outstanding Scientific Research and Teaching Contribution Award, Tourism School of Sichuan University(2007,2017)
INTEREST & HOBBYOutdoor Exploration and Hiking.
Outdoor Swimming at the Four Seasons.
PERSONAL MOTTOA Brave and True Heart is the Most Admirable Thing on Earth.


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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04
  • 四川大学旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘俊
    刘俊行政职务:系主任职称:教授、博士生导师系所:旅游与景观学系联系方式:liujun_igsnrr@126.com个人简介刘俊,四川大学旅游学院教授,博士生导师。2018年入选四川大学校百人计划,2008年毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,获博士学位。2014年起在四 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04
  • 四川大学旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-唐柳
    唐柳行政职务:职称:教授,硕士生导师系所:联系方式:个人简介唐柳,男,1973年2月生,四川南充人,四川大学博士、清华大学博士后,教授,硕士生导师。现任四川大学工程设计研究院院长、党委书记。研究方向:旅游规划、区域经济、公共政策。作为科研第一负责人,长期从事区域发展、公共政策、工程建设基础研究、发展 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04
  • 四川大学旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李志勇
    李志勇行政职务:副院长职称:教授、博士生导师系所:旅游与景观学系联系方式:@qq.com;sculzy@scu.edu.cn四川大学旅游学院教授、博士生导师。现任四川大学旅游学院副院长、四川大学旅游管理专业负责人。兼任中国管理科学学会旅游管理专业委员会副主任委员、中国旅游协会会展教育联合会会副会长、 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04
  • 四川大学旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-熊澄宇
    熊澄宇行政职务:职称:讲席教授系所:会展与休闲学系联系方式:熊澄宇,美国杨百翰大学博士,四川大学讲席教授,清华大学责任教授,上海交大访问讲席教授,深圳大学鹏城****,欧洲科学院外籍院士,中央政治局集体学习主讲专家,国家社科基金重大项目首席科学家,专业方向为跨学科战略研究。主持创建清华大学传播系、参 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04
  • 四川大学旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吴春涛
    吴春涛行政职务:职称:教授,硕士生导师系所:旅游与景观学系联系方式:chuntao@scu.edu.cn吴春涛职称:教授,硕士生导师系所:旅游与景观学系联系方式:chuntao@scu.edu.cn职业经历1995-1999年大通国际运输有限公司成都公司项目经理1999-2001年泰国安祺航空公司成 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04